
BY ST. CLAIR BAILEY In these days of intense competition in industrial and commercial fields, employers the world over are deeply concerned in the selection of employees to foi responsible positions, and many an applicant for a position has lost his big chance because he did not possess certain traits which would make him best suited for the position. Many a young man with a fair elementary education has set out upon a business career, determined to reach the top in a short time, yet the years slip by, and he finds himself occupying a position of mediocrity while others whom he thought less capable than himseli passed him on the road te success. Were one to ask those young men what seems to be the cause of advancement of the others, they would almost all attribute it o luck or pull. If they would only get wise to themselves they would find that apart from education there is something which must be acquired by every employee to make him valuable to his employer, and mark him as fit for advancement. There are certain traits which are indispensable in the make up of the kind of wien that employers are always looking for traits which are in themselves the hall mark of quality in a man. Of these traits, the three most essential are, initiative, integrity and intelligence. There are many others, such as adaptability, appearance, application, courtesy, promptness, derendability all of which are in a more or less degree adjunctive to the big three. These personality traits are every man display window, the medium through which he advertises himself. Initiative, the ability to properly do things within the scope of one employment with out waiting for a definite order so REMOVAL SALE to do, is one of the surest roads to demand of increase the supply are advancement ever pursued by any phases of business which depend to man. The average man on a new job, great extent upon intelligent acmay be a self starter, but he very tuon. Sound and workable ideas, both often is not a self winder. As soon as to advertising, selling, or manuas he masters the details of his work facturing, the faculty for smoothing 18. soon as he has made a good im out difficulties, the ability to arouse pression, as soon as he makes a few interest, are all products of intellacquaintances among his associates, gence.
his zeal diminishes, and a feeling of It is almost generally accepted security steals over him. He be that anyone possessing these primcomes satisfied with himself. He ary traits initiative, integrity, and has no suggestions to offer, no help intelligence can develop the other to give to any one, he is concerned traits in the measure as best suits only with his specific duties and his position; and as particular job Feven his interest in these becomes need particular training, other essuperficial; yet when somone else rential traits will be acquired with takes a step ahead of him he becomes the actual employment, without apnaurose, assumes more indifferent parent effort on the part of the attitude, and remains on the job as ployee to develop them. There may monument to a dead opportunity. Op be those who feel that inasmuch a portunity as often as not comes as they are comfortably placed a difficulty as an obstacle as position which they have filled for challenge. It is then that initiative years, they need not take the pains is needed. Having it you will be in or make the necessary effort to se the thick of the fray and the battle quire or develop these personality will be half won before you are traits since they will scarcely ever aware of the struggle. Integrity, he called upon to use them to good without which no man can attain the advantage in their present line of heights, is the ability to so conduct work. If they feel that they have oneself as to win the respect of one had their big chance, their oppor.
associates. Every man should be as tunity, they would be foolish indeed careful of small things as he is of to build up this reserve power. But great things. We are all controlled when we take a retrospective view to a certain extent by our habits, and of the happenings of the past de habits are but the fruits of our acts. ende, we cannot help but admit that We build up a reputation for hones we have indeed fallen on a great ty, for fair dealing, for uprightness, crisis. The old order is changing and by a simple and consistent observ what was excellent yesterday is meance of our obligations to others. diocre today; and as life seems to Many a man has prevented his ad be all todays, there should be no selfvancement by the failure to observe satisfaction, but a general striving liitle things, and very often by a towards self improvement. No one seemingly insignificant act a man can stand still on the ladder of sucmight ruin in one short minute the cess. He is either forced on and up, aspirations of a life time. Intelli or pushed down and out. Present gence, the sociological and psycho day conditions require the best there logical mentor, involves the ability is in a man; they call for minuteto use facts, to work out details and men. Whatever be your field of enarrive at solutions to business prob deavor, whatever be your occupation, lems. Business relations should not get wise to yourself and build up be other than cordial. Whatever the your reserve power, so that when commodity there must be demand your big chance comes you will be and supply. To properly create the able to scale the heights.
DOWLING 2 free onbile and purity of our foods such as meat HE MODERN WA.
IN our modern day of great cities dependent for food supplies coming from hundreds, even thousands of miles away, and with our knowledge that harmful bacteria lurk everythere, we must stop and think more about the vegetables, milk, etc.
2513 Amongst them, milk has been called, and rightly so, The Perfect Food. It is Nature Masterpiece. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most delicate of foods, easily contami.
nated, and difficul to keep fresh beyond a few hours, even with modern refrigeration.
Yet milk is required in practically every dish!
How can we be assured then of a pure, uni.
form and fresh supply of milk?
We know on highest scientific authority that food in sealed cans is safe and wholesome. St.
Charles Evaporated Milk comes to you in sterilized, sealed tins. It is simply the best selected cow milk, fresh and sweet, from which part of the water has been removed. Nothing has been added to it. It is the modern milk supply.
St. Charles Evaporated Milk is uniformly rich in cream and at the same time easy to digest because it is homogenized by this process the fat globules which are large and unevenly distributed in fresh milk, are broken down into small particles and evenly distributed throughout the evaporated milk.
Every cate which more than sixty years of experience has given us, is taken to safeguard the quality of St.
Charles Evaporated Milk. Eyery step in the proces le watched by experts, from the time the milk arrives from the farm until it is sealed in the tin. Even the large containers in which the fresh milk is brought daily to the condensery are sterilised at our exprase.
St. Charles Evaporated Milk is so rich that you can it in place of cream on cereals, for tea, coffee and cocos with sliced bananas, stewed fruits and for cooking For drinking you can dilute it with water to suit your own teate.
We would like to send you a booklet called Delicious Dishes Using Evaporated Milk. Write in for one. and, by the way, do not forget to save your St. Charles labels for valuable premiums given out by SENESTLÉ P. Box 803 PANAMA CITY or Box 300 COLON ST.


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