
THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 PAGE SEVEN Congratulations We Want Constantine The Cry of Trinidad Compliments of Amador Theatre 24 CENTRAL AVE.
to 11 SEE OUR USED CARS By BISHOP To the Editor of the Workman: Dear Sir, Upon request feel delighted in offering in tew brief words my sincere congratulations to Jour indefatigable efforts through the 17 years of service to humanity The Trinidad Bowling With to searening a test, becomes almost which marks the Anniversary Constantine Is Formidfarcical. Constantine, Francis and of your contemporaneous Weekly. able Says Sport Nebiett are players whom we wan.
Seventeen years of unrlenting ser The Trinidad bowling with Constanvice with the only conscious hope of tine is formidable; runs made against THE COMING TEST sacrificing and doing good for your Griffith and Francis would count for fellowmen have evinced the amiablelot. Neblett, judging from what ness of character untrammelled in Martin Is Irreplacable And was said of him in England, has a the face of great opposition and al From What Is Heard lot of cricket in him which needs most complete annihilation.
Scott Also.
development The great trouble in mastermind buoyed with the car Intercolonial cricket, sthe weak resolution to seek the obliteration of In view of the proposed visit of ness of the change bowling. If a the dark veil of superstition and is the team to these colonies batsman maters the opening bowl.
norance from the eyes of the mass at the end of the year, and the forth els, he usually can look forward to and to educate them to a higher coming Tournament in September: a fine time smiting the other second standard of knowledge and self pro Sports Weekly reviews the situa raters about. All this goes to show tion, has been the cumulative force tion of the West Indies thus: that it is to the team that in dispelling these evils and culti But now that our season is pret. we must look to see exactly how we vating the mind to a higher stage of ty well settled one way or the other stand. We expect that the culture and refinement.
we have to look at Intercolonial will send a good team. They seem to Service to humanity is that Chris cricket, and indeed we are not lopk realise that the West Indies in the tian feeling and sympathy that ing so much at Intercolonial crick West Indies is not the West Indies Retuates those who become benefac. et as at the coming tour of the in England. The narrow shave from tors of a cause and the promotion through the spectacles of the a crushing defeat which Chhorpe of that brotherhood of love and fel tournament. Let us say at once team had in Demerara. Jamaica lowship under which your efforts are what our opinion of West Indies batting againt visiting teams, all categorized cricket and its present position is, will make them send as good a team Another mile stone is covered in We did badly enough in 1928. But as possible.
the great future before your en there is no reason to hope that we FROM OUR SIDE deavours, leaving behind the historie shell do better in 1982. The English Now wha will done from this past to take care of itself. The past team will be as strong in 1932 as it side? will we see Trinidad, for inwith its pleasant reminiscences, so was in 1928. Suteliffe, Hammond, ance, playing the two 3to speak, though some may vary or Chapman, Jardine, Larwood, Tate, day matches doomed to incaston bo disinclined in renumerating by ex. Duckworth and all of them will be fore they begin? There is no wicket pression their candid opinion of ser there as fit as nails after seasons of here to be made umplayable. Is it vice rendered through the medium cricket, a stern trial against the Aus worth while to ask cricketers to come of this paper, will react upon the tralians who will visit England next brain registering the approval of the year and many Test trials and Gen. all these miles to play matches which herculean task in championing the tlemen vs Players. But we see will not be finished. Draw. Draw.
no rights of the people uncompromis reason to expect that our players Draw. Trinidad. Barbados, British, ingly. In commemorating this 17th will be much the better except for Guiana, Jamaica, Draw, Draw, Draw.
Anniversary of your paper we look the experience gained in the That will do for England. But it back with pride upon the rapid de visit. As long as professionals do wouldn do here. We have too few velopment of its influence for good not play in Intercolonial cricket, niatches. Rather than play two matto mankind, and the concommitant then our Intercolonial cricket never (Continued on Page 8)
stream of goodwill following the course in the way of progress and permanent success.
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