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a of in THE WORKMAN 17th ANNIVERSARY. AUG. 1929 TRIAL whether there were jealousy and un several wounds. You hardly need requited love as motive. It is always Medical evidence to prove that the On Saturday Night August relevant to put in evidence jealousy woman died from the wounds receiv17th at Liberty Hall 21st Street and unrequired love, and facts on ed. have also to remind you to con Proposal For Its Restoration a most impressive Mock Court which they rests as showing motive sider the statement of all the witnes.
in homicide. Such feelings many be ses carefully and in conclusion to inwas held, the matter in question was a murder proved either by the declaration of form you that if you have any reaFrom an the accused, or by facts and circum sonable coust you should give the early hour spectators could be seen gathered around the Court stances that show the relation bew. benefit of it to the accused. You teen the accused and deceased, and must consider the evidence as Room, some unable to procure the person the cause of such free. whole and must bear in mind the scats only awaiting their time lings, ete. ete.
seriousness of your decision.
to get a clance at the accused, Basis for personal identification, After a lapse of about 35 minutes and to hear the deliberations, ex Exculpatory defenses, The burden of during which the jury were in session amination, the charge to the Jury and the final decision reached proof, The rule as deduced from the decision was finally acreed upon At precisely p. the Judge direct and circumstancial authorities, The distinction between that the accused was guilty.
Hon. McLean entered, after he fourther went on to show. The as follows: evidence. Those constituing the Court are taking his seat the Marshall Mr. prisoner is charged with the murder Mr. McLean, Chief Justice; Mr.
100 Moore called the Court to of a woman who has been referred Myers, Prosecuting Attorney: order. The Jury being selected to as his fiancee on May 26th, the Mr. Dacres, Asst Prosecuting Attorwere challenged in a most rigor point you have to make up in your ney; Mr. Toppin, Attorney for ous manner by both prosecution minds is and defense after which the Judo fortunate womiin has been murder ney for defense; Mr. More, Marwhether the un defense; Mr. Smith, Asst. Attorge enquired of the Clerk of the ed or not. In this connection you shall; Mr. Lawrence, Clerk of KING HOUSE, SPANISH TOWN Court the business of the night.
Public opinion in Jamaica appears of Jamaica repaired on His Majesty she writes: wish Lord would The accused was then conducted have to take the evidence as a whole. Court; Mr. Adams, Asst. Clerk think you are satisfied that the Court; Jurors: Mrs. Aird; Mrs.
to be at last awakening to the desir birthday for the King Ball, where wash his hands, and use a nail brush, to the court room under strong body was ability of restoring the old King such state and decorum was observ. for the black edges of his nails make guard. The necessary formalities pieces of garments and with several Anderson, Stewart, Franco, found wearing certain Taylor; Mrs.
House in Spanish Town, which was ed that the announcement of it in ne sick. He has, besides, an extra being come through, the charge wounds about her body. These facts Thomas, Heagley, White, Alkins. Mesers to a great extent destroyed by fire the Royal Gazette contained the ordinary propensity to dip his fin was then read to the Accused taken in conjunction would satisfy Rouse, Clay, and on the night of October 9th, 1926. warninggers into every dish.
who declared his innocence by Of that stately building once re No Gentlemen can possibly Rumours have been current in Ja his attorneys.
you that the woman had been mur. Rouse, Clay; and garded as the noblest and best edi be admitted in boots, or otherwise maica to the effect that many aets fice dered. The doctors examination dis. Clarke.
of the kind either in North improperly dressed.
The prosecution then outlined his of vandalism have been committed America or in any of the British Colonies in the West Indies. little same under which Lady Nugent, the and stories are told of stonework Apart from its portico the very against the building since the fire, ed and sworn in, a most rigid examicase after which witnesses were call. closes that on the woman body were more than the shell now remains delightful diarist, was received by removed to make a rock garden and nation was now conducted after which The handsome facade, however, with Lord Balearres and some members so forth. But such depredations it Defence motioned for aequital, this dignified columns of Portland of the Council and Assembly on her they were ever made have now ceas, motion was overruled by the Judge Dr. Leo Pink stone and pavement of white marble has withstood the fire and its re first arrival in 1801 the chief ar ed. and had best be forgotten lest and the case proceeded Evidence for pair would restore the architectural chitectural feature of the house was Surgeon Dentist balance of the Square on which it its great saloon. This was the Hall they should serve by giving rise to defense was then called sworn stands, whose north side is graced of Audience depicted by Wickstead recriminations to confuse the issue, and examined in a similar manner.
and what one would like to see the attorney showing the conected by the open temple and colonnade in his painting which now adorns 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
enclosing the elder Bacon statue of the meeting room of the West India would be the Government and peo links in their evedence and the weakple of Jamaica united in a desire ness of the prosecution. The proseGeorge Brydges Rodney, the saviour Committee to which it was present and determination to save one of the cution in a most able manner argued Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, of the West Indies in 1782. ed in 1927 by Miss Caroline Nias in Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works King House was designed by memory of her mother, Lady Nias island historie monuments whilst the guilt of the accosed. The defense there is yet time.
Craskell the Engineer of the Island, The saloon was an apartment of after a lenghty deliberation making Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment during the administration of Lieut. noble proportions with Two adorned ladies whe visiting 000 och 50000000000 Governor Sir Henry Moore (1759 busts of philosophers and poets, Spanish Town recently were asked references to decisions of learned cupy it was William Henry Lyttel Long the historian the idea of 80. We 1782) and the first Governor to oc which being in bronze suggested to by their black chauffeur: Is it true Jurors and the opinions as handed are going to rebuild King down in similar cases rested their ton. Thereafter it was the residence many Negroe Cabeceros, exalted to House. arguments. rebuttal then ensued of many Governors and Lieut. Gov this honourable dietinction for some Well, we hope to. one of the after which the charge was given to ernors, including the Earl of Effing. peculiar services rendered to the ladies replied, we are trying to; the Jurors as follows: ham, the Earl of Balcarres, Lieut. country. On its walls, too, were but you will have to give us your Ladies and Gentlemen General George Nugent, whose wife wandsome gilt girandoles to carry sixpences. Will you do this. left in Lady Nugent Journal Jury it is now my outy to direct Oh! yes, Lady. replied the chauf your attention to the Law and facts graphic descriptions of the routs and candles by which it was illuminballs and ceremonies held in it, the nted. At the north end was a min. feur, a true son of Jamaica. We into which you have to inquire. The Duke of Manchester, the Earl of strels gallery, where a band played all help. So much person askus the wilful Remore, the Earl of Mulgrave, the on festive occasions. Galleries flank when drive to Spanish Town it prisoner is indicted for Marquis of Sligo. the Earl of Elgin ed the room on the west side, one we are going to rebuild and we are Murder of Emilina Piper age 19 years. The law with regard to the AND and the ill fated Governor Eyre secured by an elegant entrelas of eshamed to see it so.
Many lovers of Jamaica will share crime in this case under circunstanpageant of notable men! Cundall in figured ironwork. at the south end evidence Historic Jamaica tells us that the three folding doors opened into a his view and will rejoice to learn cial evidence or positive committee has must be brought out in the arguamounted to nearly 430, 000 currency, cit used to meet and above this was ben formed in the island to raise ments by both Prosecution and decost of building and furnishing it spacious apartment where the Coun that an influential Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages or 221, 428 sterling. It was not until a banqueting room.
funds for the restoration of old fenste. In this case the evidence 1870 that its glory departed, when Lady Nugnet found her apart. king House. One hopes that its efSummary of Contents: during the tends to show that Wareham administration of Sir ments spacious but very dirty. ow forts will be successful and that the History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years John Peter Grant the seat of gov ing no doubt to the uncleanly habits sympathy and assistance of the Gov. over Jealous of Miss Piper on acFull Particulars of 1900 Tour, cernment was transferred to King of the Governor ston.
from whom her ernment of Jamaica may be secured count of her consistent familiarity husband took over the administra by them. West India Committee with other men. This trial proceded Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, It was to this house that the elite tion of the colony, for a little later Circular.
upon the theory that the crime was Magnificent Records of the 1928 Tou, committed. The circumstance of the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua crime as detailed in the evidence for Players the Government strongly tends ORDER BOOKS prove the theory that Wareham did Valuable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and SECRETARY commit the crime. The evidence for Interesting defense shows that Wareham was AND TREASURER PHYSICIAN Price 50cts.
not seen in the vicinity at the time the crime was committed, and that FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY he was mixed in social gatherings at HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Secure yours now there will be great rush ON SALE the time as charged.
for thom, No. K STREET MURDER DEFINED: Murder at At the Workman PANAMA CITY common law is the unlawful killing Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Printer of any human being with malice Panama forethought.
Let us consider were of the STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 WAS to Dr. Fairweather


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