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PRICE CENTS Prince of Wales HORSERACING AT JUAN Federation of FASHIONABLE WEDDING Walcott Dethroned laspects Brewery FRANCO TRACK SUNDAY Causes Controversy By Tommy White AT WESLEY CHURCH.
and LAUW necen at.
SO Fo: US some form or the Prince went to the brewery, these two winners might have won TO KEEP RECORDS OF RAINBOW CLUB DULY buren, played many beautiful selee sighting than he displayed, and some Brews Strong Ale Where Tommy Had Walcott PuzJLIS Grandfather Brewea Poor Program Last Sunday ruuviusou Allu tu rroni rirst koundIn 1902 Prince Spent Busy Wue To Several Scratches. Daily Chronicie Laments Bitterness Which Has Invad AS Lame Dune Jour rogrande Pleases raas Six Hours in Burton Ponies Will Run Again ed The Issues In Jamaica And Adds That Every West cu ant blony weuten at 110 Who were in Good Mood Indian Patriot Should Hope For That Fruition.
Tomorrow Ledige udung LUNDU, Aug 10. cory reThere was a very crowa For quite some time the Jamaica, in Jamaica; and it is to be regretted! we weuung wuk Dulce salut podiel aga win the rice The fight card, a very good one de hand last bunday vt Wales revenu unspecteu me bas indeed, did no, handicap the Spor Mail and the Daily Gleaner jour. that this bitterness has become in evening was un Le Bult Ring to witness the Bewery at Burn on iren, of Kings out at Juan Franco, fois published at Kingston, Jamaica, ftcased, rather seu baltie bewen Tommy than the reverse. Un aus have locked horns over the question since then other papers in the Camuseu made a specii Drew ut ex contrary to expectation there was a and Joe Waicuit, uue once dos ou West ura strong al. twenty seven years fairly good sized crowd in Indian Federation. The ribbean have been drawn in, and the song was perom u pye Rev.
tarashiig he revion. After the stail is for Jamaica joining the other savjeet is being flayed at all angles. Waue at the wa. eyan church, cived from White, there is nothing ago te Princes grunur, ing tendance. But they were in a veritish West Indian Islands, while All that is to the good. The Very Me peace age galo fight fans to idonze concerning kuwaru VII, visiteu we same prew bad mood. There were many wie Gleaner does not see any reason worst things that can happen to any ery and made its ww rew o wie scratches that the events became far Relatives and friends us the con m save that he took the severe The Prince mocored to the Hen from interesting. coupled to the why Jamaica should join the other issue or any person is to be ignored. cumg parties.
Funnut without whimpering 2010nies don Airdrome and svepped into an poor starting, for Capt. Zuwhose geographical situaBut we are frankly with the West sue bride was given away by Mr. Undoubtedly he tried to fight back them too far distant Indian Federalista. Just now con places ammy plane which an hour later lueta could not get the ponies off in th:1 yphaeus Chambers.
but Tommy was invisible to the idol made a perfect landing on the Bass good order. After the second rae. rom the island of Jamaica. Be that measure is ever to be brought about Arriving at the church, the bridal cor his swings went wi. most al meadow at Burton on Trent, he refused to officiate at the start wit may, the controversy has aroushours the streets of the town had been ing post and Mr. Wooddrufi, ed the interest of the West Indian does not concern us at this writing party was met wy a page and six le tue and the only thing that llower girls. The page carried What colonies are to be grouped toTommy gave him time to do was to islands concerned, and we publish Imed with thousands of girls from owner and trainer filled the cup and the following from the New Daily Kether, and what not, does not now weuutuul cushion on whien rested think out the best way of getting shops, factories and the brewery made good. The crowd cerainly had Chronicle. under the caption The arise. When the time comes for ac. he wedding ring, while the flower away from the battering he receivFlags and decorations covered every good cause for complaint for they Baris setrewed flowers in their pathod. But he could not stop Tommy house and a great streamer swung were investors in the Pari Mutuels! West Indian Horizon. which we are tion, will be time enough to debate and acted train those phases.
bearers. Miss biows to the body, head and face sure will be read with interest.
in the breeze over the brewery on which did a good business.
Loretta Bowen, sister of the bride, with his gloved hands for the twelve THE WEST INDIAN HORIZON At the present moment the atti was chief bride maid and was which was printed, Good health to Chombo Gordo had a gift handed in rounds of the fight.
our Prince.
him when he met Chiquilla. Neither! From files to hand by the incom fade of the New Daily Chronicle is close attention to the bride.
Walcott was badly beaten, but he ing mail it would seem that the issue that federation, in The whole town roared a welcome the horse or the jockey seemed in a After the ceremony, the coupl. wasn all in at the end of the last to the Prince, who was wearing a mood to interfere with of West Indian Federation is taking other, for some or all of the West and guestts motored to Red Tank round. In this round, he came back Chombo bowler hat and black lounge suit Gordo. He didn have to run to win, on the proportion of a red hot con. Indies, is a consummation devoutly where the reception was held at the and gave White blow for blow. He troversy when he was driven down the main Don Simon of the same stable as among our neighbours to be wished for. We believe that home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallac, was strong at the start but weakenstreet. The Prince insisted that the Chombo Gordo, also ran a very good! When we last had occasion to refer every West Indian patriót should brother in law and sister of the led toward the end of the round and to the subject, we lamented the bit bope for that fruition.
hood of the automobile remain down race and paying the biggest pool of briot. delightful time was spent received more punishment as a final terness which had invaded the issues despite the rain.
the afternoon 21. 50 for each win (Continued on Page 8) and the newly weds were the reci adieu from Tommy.
Following lunch in the town hall ticket. Mr. Mercado owner of pient of many good wishes Waleott didn satisfy his follow31. Dottin, organist of the ers. They expected much better where among the crowd of cheering another race in which he had Lena ALIEN WORKERS INAUGURATED sions and especially Mendelssohn were even doubtful as to whether he workmen were many elderly men entered, but the three horses, the Wedding March to the playing of was really other two being Dad and Ocurrencia, fighting or just gave (Continued on Page 5)
were kept so long at the post with Complete Information of Mrs.
which Delivers the bridal party left the himself Stephens up to take a disgraceful chureh.
several false starts that the mare Alien Employees Of Inaugural Address Young beating kot tired of it all and ran away, Among the distinguished guests at Kid Shadow of Colon treated the And Panama Canal To Be Ladies Render Programme the church were: Mr. and Mrs. Hol fans to some excellent boxing, in his completely circling the tract ere she Compiled Of Songs And Music was stopped. Before Mr. Mercado ioway of Red Tank, Mr. and Mrs. jencounter with Sailor Cole of Coco protest was heard the horses were Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Hanan, and Solo. The kid had Cole down on the The establishment and mainten Quite a bevy of young ladies were Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Continued on Page Continued on Page 5)
Celebration of Annual Exance of a complete personal record present at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
ercises for Students Who ST. PAUL CHURCH CHOIR rise of all alien employees of the Stephens last Tuesday evening for the purpose of inaugurating the new SCHOOL PROMOTION DAY The Week News Receive Degrees Panama Railroad and the Panama formed Rainbow Club, which is to FESTIVAL Canal was called in a circular ad be social in all its activities. Mrs.
PROGRAMME In Brief Quite a large number of West Indressed by the Governor of the Pan Stephens delivered the inaugural dian students Howard University, Festival ast Wednesday ama Canal and the Panama Railroad address, in which she pointed out Students of Christian Mis Ocurrences were recently entertained by Evening Appreciated By Company to heads of all depart. the usefulness of the club the found sion Sunday School Receives And Events the Caribbean Club, the largest Very Large Gathering of ments and divisions.
ers had in mind and she voiced the Certificates And Buttons Day By Day of People, colonial students organisation at the Music Lovers As a basis for these records, hope that the club would succeed in Places And Things For Good Work University, at the celebration of anpersonal record sheet is to be sub providing recreation for the young Unless the Panama police locate nual exercises for West Indian stuSt. Paul Church in this city was mitted by each alien silver em women of the community. She assur Promotion Day exercises in con he Italian who robbed Mile Landents who received dogrees.
the scene of a very large gathering poyee now carried on the rolls, and ed the members that she would do nection with the Christian Mission itch, Serbian mining prospector, the The function was held on the lof music lovers last Wednesday eve similar forms will be required from everything possible to assist in mak Sunday school were held last Sunday atter will be in an awful plight, campus of the college of Liberal uing. The occasion being the celebra those employed hereafter. The forming the Rainbow Club attractive. In afternoon, and there was a very ince his friend disappeared last Arts.
tion of the first Choir Festival of used is similar to that used for goldciosing she stressed the point that it good attendance of parents, teachers Sunday morning with 530 all the The club is over forty years old the Parish. That the programme of employees.
the club is to progress then every and members of the church with money the Serbian had. They had and combines about two hundred vocal and instrumental solos and The supply of forms is being sent member must take keen interest in their friends.
been staying at the Hotel Central, colonial students from various Westduets provided a very enjoyable to all foremen and field tiemkeepers (Continued on Page 8) The opening remarks were made the Serbian paying all expenses.
Indian islands South and Central evening was the opinion expressed and they are charged with the reby Mr. Brewster, general superin They left and went to the mountains America as well as East and West on all sides.
sponsibility of procuring complete WESLEYAN CHOIR tendent of the school, in the course in the vicinity of Chepo, where LanAfrican colonies.
To the Rev. Nighengale, information from each employee TO BE VESTED of which he introduced Elder citch was told of excellent mining The entertainment was arranged Rector of the Church, who train concerned.
Burke, superintendent of the Mis prospects. Everything had worked by the managing committee of the led the choir and Mr. Smith, the Gold roll foremen and others hav Very soon the Panama Wesleyan sion, who occupied the Chair for the well until Sunday morning when the Club, and was presided over by Mr. prganist, must the credit be given Continued on Page 8) Church choir will be attired in cac afternoon.
Serbian woke up to find that his Ivan Lloyd (Jamaica. Senior for the excellent rendition of a very sucks and surplices, as definite ar Certificates awarded to friend has disappeared and taken all Medical Student, President of the elaborate programme in which they, ETUDE SOCIAL CLUB rangements have been made to that those who reached the 75 percen, the money he had.
Club. It was attended by a large and too, took active part. The Rev. gen MEETS TONIGHT end.
and buttons to others having les representative gathering of students tleman rendered the vocal solo en It will be remembered that the than 75 percent. In many instances George Greaves, Barbadian, is beand friends, including Dr. Weis titled am Pilgrim. while Mr. The regular meeting of the Etude Novel Conversazione held some the children had averaged the max ing held by the Judge of the Superwan, one of the founders of Smith contributed The Wayside Social and Musical Club will be held time ago in Geddes hall was for the imum 100 percent. The advancement ior court for the killing of five yearthe Club, and Mr. West, Chapel. a beautiful instrumental at the residence of Mrs. Chandler, purpose of obtaining funds for the of the Sunday School children and od Leslie George Chisholm, who Deacon of Men of the University. number.
Reservoir Road, Ancon, tonight com purchase of the necessary materials. the marks earned was arrived at by was run over on Sunday afternoon Visitors Welcomed Among the compositions rendered mencing at 30 o clock. Members But much difficulty was experienced questionannaires on Biblical sub by a truck driven by Greaves. The The function opened with a violin were: Break Forth Into Joy by who have not been reached by a cir in getting materials of suitable fjects.
boy died on his way to Gorgas Hogsolo by Mr. Carroll (Jamaica) Ju Simper; Send Out The Light by ular relative to the importance of quality until very recently.
Mr. Moseley, superintendent of pital. The accident occurred at about nior Dental Student, followed by a Chas. Gounod; Fling Wide The this meeting are hereby intimated The new Vesper which adds much this Sunday School, was highly com 12. 30 o elock on Ancon Avenu seng rendered by Mr. Johnson, Gate by Stainer, and Hallalujah that a new secretary will be eleced solemn dignity to the church services Lended for his untiring efforts in where the victim lived along with (Jamaica. accompanied on the piano by Handel.
o fill the vacancy created by the re will very conveniently be fitted in connection with the school, and to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mose: by Mr. Austin Husbands (Trinidad. Miss Adina Straughn ably assist. signation of Miss Markland, the with the new choir vestments. said kim, it was said, was due to a great Chisholm. Continued on Page Continued on page 4)
former secretary.
Mr. Dottin, organist of the church. Continued from page Continued on Page 7)
West Indian Students Feted by Club were


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