
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD ST. LUCIA The National City Bank Of New York HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York Total Assets more than wo Thousand Million Dollars Cy.
SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus bun The National Tity Bauk of New York the BRITISH GUIANA Winter Cruises vice und St. Mary Cologo Cader for West Indies memorial which takes the form new LU LAS Successful Students in Examinations Memorial to War Dead Unveiled Handicraft And College The First Eight List First Eight To Be Provided that they satisfy the conwronze Tabiel Erected To Awarded College Exhibi ditions, College Exhibitions will be viticers And men Whe tion Provided They Satisfy awarded to the first eight candidates went vown At Coroner in Condition un the above list.
No candidates from a Private Great War The following is the pass list of School reached the qualifying level IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY the Trinidad Board of Education ex so that no Exhibition will be awarded uminations held in June:for Private Schools under Regulation ST. LUCIA, Aug. (Exchange) College Exhibitions 203 Instore very large crowd and re1. Berenice lyvoll Grant, Govt. Handicraft Exhibitions resentative gathering consisting of Girls Intermediate; Enrique (a) Boys:the leading gentlemen and ladies of Thoruhill, San Fernando Boys Malcolm Gerald Davis, Qualco the Colony, ex Service officers and Clement Elmore Davis, Nelson Edric Connor, Mayaro ren and relatives of those who fell, Street Boys Henry Moulton Govt. Clermonte Rogers, Success War Memorial in memory of two Collymore, Princess Town Wesleyan; Cosme Morris, Richmond officers and 34 men of the 5 Ena Constantine Pedro, St. Joseph Street Basdeo Maharagh, Legiment and 26 stokers who went Girls George Wattley, Nel Arouca Boys Charles Clar down with Goodhope at CoroStreet Boys Arthurence Roberts, Govt. Boys Intermenel, men from St. Lucia, who lost William Wellington, Conan Dolly, Richmond Street ;ciate; their lives in the Great War, wa.
and Elma Barbara Dookhie, San Richmond Street Harrison unveiled by His Honour DoorHernando Cyril Carlton Dol Park, Sangre Grande Gut, Ty, Administrator, yesterday.
ly, Richmond Street 10 Ellis The First Two Clarke, Belmont Boys Provided they satisfy the condiArriving outside the Carnegie PANAMA COLON Intermediate; 11 Wilfred Henry, tions Board of Education Handicraft Library at 30 His Honour Govt. Boys Intermediate; and Clyde Exhibitions will be awarded to the 33 CENTRAL AVE.
FRONT STREET AT 7th was received with the Royal Salute Namsoo, San Fernando 13 first two candidates on the above while the National Anthem was Claudine Ruth Roach, Govt. Girls list.
played. After inspection of Intermediate; 14 Philip Newallo, The next two candidates in order Guard of Honour supplied by the Nelson Street Boys 15 Cecil merit are eligible for the Trade McCartney, Govt. Boys Inter Bursaries awarded by the Board of Corps, he entered the building where mediate; 16 Gilbert Martin Roberts, Industrial Training, woseph Boys 17 Marjorie (b) Girls:of a bronze tablet was erected.
Colony Bid for Federation. Buury, Govt. Girls Interme Enid Flanaghan, Quarry Street The Last Post diate; Paul Ramsden, San Fernan Swedish. American Line Ilon. Augier MeVane, Electdo Boys 19 John Audley Bes This was the only girl candidate Influential Colonists Meet saioguards for the local interests of Plans Four Cruises to Wested Member of the Council, delivered son, Richmond Street 20 Ruby who reached pass standard and, pro And Decide To Establish the constituent colonies.
Indies an apt and appropriate speech in Sanderson, Mucurapo Indian vided she satisfies the conditions, Association With Far The Provisional Committee which Bemory of the fallen heroes. At the 21 Ralph Amora, Government Inter the Handicraft Exhibition for Girls has been appoints to carry out these Reaching Aims EW YOkk, Aug. 10. close of Mr. McVane speech the mediato.
will be awarded to her.
cbjects include eleven memuers of the Lunkbeck, direcek of the Last Post was wounded and added to GEORGETOWN, practicali egislative Council.
swedista American Line in the unive ile impressiveness of the silence RESTORATION OF ST.
WEDDING BELLS IN step towards the bringing about of Sales, has announced that the which prevailed.
PAUL CATHEDRAL THE SOUTH a Federated West Indies has just TWO MEN DROWNED kumpany big, tomuur, Alex williant been taken here.
BOAT CAPSIZES IN. otor mer kungshoim will be op speech, unveiled the memorial, which After seventeen years of painsGay gowns were seen at St. Clem At a meeting of influential coloRAPIDS ruled in series of four West luwas draped with Union Jacko. Immetaking work, the colossal task of ent Church, Naparima, near San nists held in the Town Hall it was cies cruises out of New York dur atery after the unveiling, the Reranking St. Paul Cathedral safe is ernando, on Saturday, July 13, unanimously decided to establish an News reached Georgetown recent. the coming winter.
Iveille was sounded.
at last approaching completion, saya when Miss Agatha Carter, daughter Association whose chief aims will be: ly of a drowning accident in the The Kungsholm made two West! Wreaths were then laid by His the Trinidad Guardian. It entered of Mrs. Annie Mason of Ne Plus To further policies for the deMazaruni River, the vietims being Indian cruises last season, shortly Honour in the name of the inhabit.
upon its final stage in July, when Ultra, was married to Mr. Egbertvelopment of the natural resources Adolphus Lupe, about 28 years and after her entry into service, anu tants of the Colony. Mr. Peter, the replacement of the huge organ Fitzroy, to its old position beneath the dome Sealey of the same district.
son of Mr. and Mrs. British Guiana with the earliest George Sampson, about 20 years. It proved so popular with tourists that American Consular Agent and Mr.
despatch consistent with security; is stated that the men were employed the company lost little time in inLeonard DeVaux, Acting French begun The bride wore a dress of white To secure a form of Governas labourers on the timber grant of reasing this winter cruises to Ponsular Agent in the names of the According to Canon Alexander, of rudium silk and georgette de bois, a ment in which resident colonists who Messrs. Lionel Alieyne and Frederick four. Many inquiries have been re Alies, Mr. Cadet, Deputy St. Paul s, the Cathedral was ex wreath of orange blossom and had are acquainted with local condition Norville. On their way to work, ecived at this early date. Chairman of the Castries Town pected to be fully restored to its her veil and trail of flowered net. Would have an effective share in the while crossing the Karria rapids in The first cruise will start from Board for the people of Castries normal conditions by June, 1930. Her shoes were of silver brocade, administration of the Colony; the Mazaruni River, their boat cap. New York on December 21, the second by relatives of some of the fall.
Towards the end of that month and she carried a bouquet of arti3. To promote and co operate with sized and they were drowned. ond on January 11, the third on len, whose names are engraved on great thanksgiving service will be reial flowers.
other similar institutions in the February 1, and the fourth on Feb. the tablet.
held, which it is hoped the King will West Indies in bringing about the Bridesmaids DEVELOPMENT IN ruary 22. The first cruise will be Th Gaiety Band WAS in aty be able to attend.
To enhance the attraction there ederation of British Guiana and the the Apart from the organ, says were eight bridesmaids, all in blue West Indies as a Dominion with due LOCAL TIMBER TRADE of sixteen days, while the other, tendance. After the ceremony will be of 17 days. The itinerary in coneral public in large numbers Canon Alexander, the principal georgette, while the chief brideswork which remains to be completed maids, Miss Doris Carter (the bride The Daily Chronicle is in a posi cludes calls at Kingston, Cartagena, passed by and viewed the memorial is the refacing of the columns wusster) and Miss Julia Sealey (the tion to announce that negotiations culon, Havana and Nassau. Liberal porting the dome and the recarving bridegroom sister) wore charming made necessary by the renovators Messrs. Sprostons woodworking mil slowed for sightseeing.
gówns of salmon coloured radium Now Suspended will be acquired by the General Coractivity. This is always a slow pro silk and silver shoes to match.
cess, but we are now working to a poration Ltd. of British Guiana of Hope of Improvement in The bride was given away by her The Diamond Industry which Ravenor is one of more or less definite programme, brother, Mr. Irwin Carter, and had Bill Read For Third Time which provides for everything being Master Kenneth Fook as page. Mr: the principals. The deal is regarded And Passed In Legislative as a very important one in the tim. Mr. Tom. diamond buyer. Council Mr. Williams Reready by next June.
George Sealey, the bridegroom ber trade and it is expected that op. Who returned to the colony by the Iuses Challenge To Resign The task of reassembling the oruncle, was best man.
erations will be extended under the Inanda recently from England, gan in its former place will be has joined the staff of the Bartier formidable one and will occupy four new arrangement.
Company, Ltd. recently known as ST. LUCIA (By Mail) The Bill to months. When it is ready, however, throughout the War with older laThe Tarpon left the City for the United Diamond Fields of British suspend the Island Scholarship was the congregations will find a great bourers. In all the public has subBartica recently, taking a shipment Guiana Ltd. Mr. Tom, who had spent read a third time and passed, the Improvement in the organ tone, re scribed 2, 000, 000, and when the of heavy machinery to be used on several months in the colony and three Elected Members alone again sulting from its electrification.
final appeal was issued in 1925 for the grants of the General Corpora kad visited the Mazaruni diamond voting against it at the meeting of The work of renovating St. Paul 700, 000, the public responded tion Ltd. in the interior, fields has visited Amsterdam and the Legislative Couneil held July 16.
Cathedral was started in 1913, and readily that nearly twice that sum SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY Antwerp where he made himself The Member for the Northern Disthe first appeal for public donations was raised. In view of that there is STUDY OR DESK AQUATIC CLUB familiar with conditions in the dia tret gave notice that the Elected was issued in March the following every probability of surplus when There is an air of grace and cleriond markets. In an interview with Members would forward. protest year. The work was continued the work is finally completed. gance reminiscent of Colonial Days GEORGETOWN, The efla Daily Argosy representative Mr. against the Bill to the Secretary of about Willard Type Banjo Clock orts which the Georgtown Football Tom said he hoped to see an im Slate for the Colonien.
that appeal to people of culture.
Club have long been making to provement in the local diamond in The Honourable Geo. Wiliams, These clocks are high grade and erect a swimming bath and building dustry as there was no limit to the Nominated Member, refused, at the VEGA.
reliable, while the cases are of the to provide healthy amusement and amount of business that could be meeting of the Legislative Council, beat craftsmanship.
exercise for its members and their done. Daily Argosy. Kirton to resign his weat on challenge by STREET BELOW HOTEL BOLIVAR Also new assortment of other friends crystallised recently when he Honourable Member for the ine clocks that will surely meet the bath and buildings were forma!
Drink Salada Tes the best for NATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Northern District, Mr. Augier your every requirement in the home the Tropica WORK DONE IN HOUR Modern Tailor ly handed over to the members by MeVane. At the previous meeting of or office at SERVICE GUARANTEED the Swimming Bath Committe in he Council the Nominated Member If you have a Prescription to the presence of His Excellency the be made up take it to the ale in favour of, then against, the and stated that there were more peoGIVE ME TRIAL No 67 Officer. Administering the Govern National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Calldonia Road STREET PANAMA ment, Hon. Douglas Jones, teous and obliging service suspension of the Loland Scholar 122 CENTRAL AVR Plame, where you will get our Willard Clocks are at present on foot whereby stop overs at each port will be. Island Scholarship Seat 30 FULLER (Condor Page 3)


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