
PAGE THREE JAMAICA World News Cricketers Sail for New York CALL AT THE Brit. Jobless Resist Emigration Lures Panama Hardware CATHEDRAL PLAZA Holt And Headley To Play ments with the Bermudas touring For Jamaica In New Jericket team, York Against Bermuda All West Indian cricket fans in Team New York and adjoining States of the Union will be migrating to StarKINGSTON, JA. Joseph Kenneth Bight Park the playground on Holt and George Headley two of which all the games avill be contestibe indomitable three s to be con led, and where it is expected the bats tended with in Jamaica cricket his ben from this island (though not tory wiled on the Ceiba. July strictly speaking representing Ja31, for New Yorw City, where for main, but Jamaica will live the better part of August they wil up to the reputation on which the play for the Jamaica Now decision to have extended the invite York team) in that Club engage to them was well founded.
Free Passage And Guaranteed Employment on Arrival No Temptation To England Youth To Leave Home AND SEE THE FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS MEN WHO WILL COME CHOCOLATE AND FORWARD FOR THE CANDY FACTORY COMING ELECTION ESTABLISHED OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Also the Fine Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
land wants to say at home. The boys and girls who leave school after learning how restless Britons Boved the seven seas and painted the map of the world in British colours have no hankering to venture to their country oversea dom nions. Not even if wages are low a Come and work so scarce that a joj seems as rare as an inheritance.
Such is the conclusion re uctantly voiced by authorities trying to solve the unemployment problem by persuading young Englishmen to emigrate. Even ocean passage offered on the instalment plan, with preembarkation training and employ.
ment guaranteed on arrival fails to stimulate the enthusiasm of young men and women, Says Colonel Manning, director of migration and settlement for the Commonwealth of Australia. Careers in Australia are ready for 118 English men each rip every month.
It is dirficult to get eighty to go. We have places for 270 English girls every month. Barely 100 can be persuaded to leave England. We are equipped to take 1, 500 young men from 19 to 25 years of age and train them here free of charge for the employment we can guarantee them when they arrive in Australia but the number of applications has been distressingly small.
Low fares to Canada are advertised daily in the English newspapers: 50 dollars for the emigrant who wants to go on his own. still lower rates for farm and household workers, and free passages for boys, aged 14 to 19. Yet the results have not been spectacular.
Directors of migration and settlement generally blame the parents of young men and women for part of tnis lack of interest in an overseas career.
In one part of Great Britain emigration seems to be on the increase.
That is in South Wales, where depression in the coal trade and poperty among the miners have been acute enough to force many to accept what may seem to them a desperate way out of their difficulties.
Between 800 and 1, 000 emigrants a nionth are being recruited there by the Canadian Government.
NEURALGINA The following are the names of Th opening of the model sweet the gentlemen who have already de and chocolate factory of the Jamaica cided or contemplate to come for Confectionery Company at No. 113 ward to seek election at the coming Harbour Street, Kingston, took funeral elections for the Jamaica place July 29.
Legislative Council in January: The machinery is up to date and Kingston: Hon. Altamont Da is turning out very good articles and Costa. sitting member) Mr. the show window has attracted a Simpson great number of people. In one corSt. Andrew: Hon. George Seymour ner of the window is the machine Seymour (sitting member) Mr. Mar making the figure with a huge cus Garvey, Councillors Dil piece of caramel which is a wonderlou, Duval, Rev. Alderman ful device. At the front of the winE. McLaughlin.
Jdow is another machine operated by St. Thomas: Mr. Leslie Burke, Jan attendant dressed in white, which dir. Beckford, Mr. Ran. Jis also a marvel. The sweet is fed dan into it from a table; a small piece of St. Catherine: Hon. Cawley the caramel is cut off by the ma(ultting member. Messrs. chine and simultaneously a piece of wax paper is cut, in which the sweet Weeks, McNeil.
is wrapped, and dropped into a basClarendon: Hon. Smith, ket ready for the consumer. This sitting member. Mr. Hyde machine cuts and wraps 150 sweets Macaulay.
per minute with clock work action St. Ann: Hon. Wint (sitting and precision.
Dr. Douglas Fraser, the manager, Manchester: Hon. Nash (sit hopes to be soon turning out a comting beraber. plete ling high grade chocolates in St. Elizabeth: Hon. Sang fancy and plain boxes suitable for sler (atting member. Messrs. presents, besides a full line of all Tomlinson, Binns, Sinclair. kinds of sweets.
Westmoreland: Hon. Evans. sitting member. Mr. Latham.
St. Jamos: Hon. Lightbody. sitting member. Mr. Gabay, Mr. Lowe. Continued From Page 2)
Potrland: Messrs. Abendano, E. Allan, Scott, Rev. ISLAND SCHOLARSHIPV, Petgrave, Mr. Harper Watson. ship. Yesterday Mr. McVane chalHanover: Hon. and Rev. Dr. lenged the Member either to with Velteh (sitting member. Rey. draw the statement or resign his Mesuan.
sent, as he himself would do, and St. Mary: Mr Vernon, Mr. face the olectors of the Northern Westmorland.
District. Mr. Williams reiterated his statement but did not accept the challenge.
GIRL IS INSTANTLY KILLED BY, TRUCK In the Suplementary Votes which were passed by the Council, provisioon was made for the salary and MONTEGO BAY, July 29. mo travelling allowance from 1st Autor collision, fatal in ste results, oc sunt to the end of the year of a curred on Barnett Street at 45 Miscroscopist attached to the Medimn. on Saturday when truck driven cal Department which is making an by Mr. Lauriston Preston of SomerJeffort to combat the prevalence of 20 ton went over the body of Mercello worm diseases in the Colony. DurAnderson, 18 years old, froga Salt ing last year worm diseases ranked or Hm.
first in the list of diseases causing The truck was proceeding from death.
Montego Bay and approaching the Sinclair Bakery the girl was cross AUSTRALIA AGAINST lug the street. She got in contact EMPIRE FREE TRADE with the front left fender of the machine, the left back wheel pass SYDNEY, Australia, Aug. 15, ing over the abdomen. Death was Free trade within the Empire would Instantaneous.
be disastrous to Australia since it The driver was arrested by Con must involve the abandonment of stable Joseph Benjamin Gooden on the present substantial production charge of manslaughter. He was to Australia manufacturers which subsequently bailed in the sum of must get competition from Great 450.
Britain, declared the report of the ST. LUCIA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
10 NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, CANADA PACT MILESTONE ON ROAD OF EMPIRE PROGRESS.
For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor MONTREAL, Aug. 15. The Canada West Indies agreement of 1926 may justly be regarded as one of the milestones on the road along which lies the progress of the Empire, declared a message addressed to the Canadian people by Hon.
Charles Dundas, acting Governor of the Bahamas, and brought here by Major Hugh Bell, agent for the Development Board of the Bahamas, who recently arrived in Montreal from Nassau, to commence tour of Canada from Halifax to Winnipeg. In his message, the Acting Governor expressed the hope that the new service of the Canadian National Steamships lines will Panama.
a BAPTISTE create a lively traffic between CanTHE ARTISTIC Prime Minister tariff committee recently made public. No party in DENTIST HOWELL Australia would dare to accept Dr. Fairweather abandonment of the present protee.
House No. 912 La Boca tion, the report asserted, nor would Canal Zone PHYSICIAN Australian products benefit because OPPOSITE RESTAURANT removal of the British preference would only affect wheat and barley PHONE 1941. BALBOA HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO products.
Specialises in all Branches of No. K STREET House Rent Receipt Boolesta BparDentistry PANAMA CITY ish and English for sale of the ALL WORK GUARANTEED Workman Reintery.
RESIDENCB588 TAILOR ada and the West Indies and be an effective instrument for achieving the aims of the agreement of 1926.
Najor Bell is touring Canada in the interests of Canada Bahamas touris!
trade and commercial relations. Continued on page 6)
Drink Salada Tea the best for the Tropias House M Street Panama,


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