
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1929 Students Feted by Club oo THE WORKMAN (Continued from Page 1)
The Royal Bank of Canada 20 Dr. Leo Pink Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No. 72. Luyu tun extended Degree CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 pune Club to the Vistors, and Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Aneon CZ pressed the appreciation of the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION wers to the representa. ives o.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada the University a. id the Iriends of the ONE YEAR. 40 Cy. for their co operation and as SIX MONTHS istance during the school year.
THREE. 60 PANAMA COLON aur, acolm Nurse. Trinidad)
ONE MONTH. 50 Junior Law Santa Ann Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets Student, delivered the Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matprincipal address of the evening. He ters of public interest invited.
expressed the hope that every West indian student who had the opporWe do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Total Assets in Excess of 954. 543. 384. 99 unity of acquiring University training in the would see to The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS that the thousands af ambitious 1sut penniless boys at home were als THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1929.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including given a chaance. This, he said, could en ly be achieved by starting a camthe following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank paign to arouse public opinion AN OBJECT LESSON is in a position to render the best possible service.
hroughout the West Indies, especially among the poor and middle classes who are financially unable We reau with avunuant price and whole hearteu Antigua Dominica Montserrat te give their children higher educa pleasure mr. Hector connor article in the Tribune Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts tion abroad.
Mr. Nurse speech met with a of August ein unuer the capuon racing issues.
Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia The articie, Invenueu morm the public as to tremendous ovation and much the reason wny mr. connors organisation was not sen British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique favourable comment among the stua representative to the conference of the Universal NeIdents.
Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
gro Improvement Association which is being held at Progressive People Kingston, Jamaica, also gives a review of what his Mr. West spoke highly of the branch of the association has done, is doing and intends West Indians. He said that they were to do.
among the most progressive and It is this splendid achievement, success, advanceTHE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST outstanding intellectual elements in ment and expansion that we are proud of and which the student body. He stated that has given us so much pleasure, and we feel justified in PAID ON DEPOSITS their scholastic record was high and pointing to and singling out Mr. Connor and his organthat the relationship between Ameriisation as an object lesson to West Indians in the Recan and foreign students was healthy public of Panama. General Banking Business Transacted.
and mutual. They respected each Of course, there are few if any who do not know of Mother and in that spirit co operated the legal battles that this gentleman fought and won to make Howard a great internationere he was able to break away from the parent body of ad centre for students in America.
the in New York. His struggles didn even School Promotion Mr. West expressed the hope that end there, for repeatedly his enemies launched actions anore and more West Indian students and did their best to handicap him by publishing all (Continued from Page 1)
would come to Howard University.
kinds of frivolous articles in the local newspapers.
Teasure the success of the children. Mr. Joseph, President of the These enemies did not see with him. They wanted to be Surgeon Dentist always under the direction of the parent body, but Mr.
The very lengthy and interesting South American Club, also addressed programme which we publish here. the audience bringing greetings Connor saw the disadvantages under which the divisions and chapters of the laboured. There was 23 Central Avenue Panama City. with, was exceedingly well enjoyed from his organisation to the graand the children were loudly ap duating West Indians and members no good to accrue to the Negroes on the Isthmus by Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, plauded for the excellent manner in of the Caribbean Club, holding on to the parent body. Fortunately for Mr.
which they executed their numbers.
Several other musical features Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Connor, he found a few who were dissatisfied with the THE PROGRAMME were rendered after which refresh actions of the parent body and they joined with him, ment was served and the function Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Opening Song 1148 thus ably assisted, Mr. Connor took the initiative and Prayer By Pastor.
brought to a close by singing the made of an anthem singing group of men and women, Introductory Alma Mater of the University.
Remarks By (as he so truly styled the branches of the now Supt.
List of Graduates in existence) a commercial business enterprise that has proved profitable and satisfactory to the shareholders. Chairman Opening Address. The following is a list of some of It was in the latter part of the year 1925 that the ARTURO PERIGAULT Reading of the 1st Psalm By the West Indians who received the division of which Mr. Connor was president broke away Fiton Brewster. degree: Cyril Ollivierre THE TAILOR from the parent body, and he and his co workers imRecitation The Bible Doris (Trinidad.
Sancho (Trinidad. Manderson. Jones (Montserrat. Walter mediately started to put to the test the reforms they had introduced, and Mr. Connor informs us that to say Winter (Antigua. Georges (Vir15 STREET EAST Recitation Upward Bound Melda Burnett.
xin Islands. Charles, the results obtained have justified our action is to state HOUSE NO. Sayers and Reginald Payne of Bria great truth in an extremely inadequate manner. Song. Praise ye the Lord tish Guiana also received the Today, after three years of commercial activities, he Choir, degree.
this local concern has under its control in money and Combination Recitation What values some 50, 000. The Colon Bakeries and Groceries we give, not what we get By Mis formerly students of St. Mary and Messrs. Olivierre and Sancho were Corp. is being successfully operated under Mr. Con ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY Ruby de Souza and Others.
Queen nor management. They hold a very high percentage TO FACILITATE OUR CUSTOMERS Royal College, Trinidad, 10. Duet By Misses Qweudolyn of the bakery business in Colon, and, what is very imrespectively.
Siascoil and Tull.
portant, is the fact that employment is found for 45 OUR REDUCTION SALE ON COLLARS Among other Trinidad students at 11. Recitation Some persons with a monthly payroll of 1, 500. They also conWILL CONTINUE TILL murmur Howard are: Memirs. Luke, wiven the skies are clear. By Miss Senior Medical student, Mortrol Colon largest private school, whose benefit to AUGUST 15TH.
Clara Barker.
the rising people can hardly be estimated. Mr Connor CHEAPER THAN EVER 12. Recitation. The Disappointed Julian Blanche, Sennette and riek, and Cecil Marques, Juniors; says.
Mr. Connor, as we understand him, is not an enemy COME IN EARLY.
Miss. By Miss Jones.
Basso, Sophomore Medical Students.
13. Song The King Praise of Mr. Garvey nor the Universal Negro Improvement Messrs. Evans By The Choir.
Butcher, Austin Association, but rather an enemy of the unprincipled The Cosmopolitan House Husbands, La Forest, Steward 14. Recitation. Jacob Ladder people into whose hands the association had fallen, and 31 Calidonia Road.
and Donowa pre medical students By Miss Sobers.
whose schemes of blood sucking he refused to counR. McALMON Prop.
15. Recitation Youth By El er was formerly a druggist in PortYin the College of Science. Mr. Butchtenance. Undoubtedly the association has been handiKKKKKKKKKK. ton Brewster.
capped by quite a large number of Negroes whose only of Spain, and Mr. Husbands As16. Recitation Whatever is, is sistant Master at the Piccadilly aim, as we have already remarked, was to enrich thembest Miss Burnice Austin.
selves at the expense of the masses. School.
ADVERTISE We are particularly glad that Mr. Connor has not 17. Collection Organ Recital. Mr. Hamil Jorsling is studying in 18. Duet By Misses Green and the School of Education, and Mr.
denounced Mr. Garvey. We did not expect him to; and Barker.
had he done so, we would be writing in quite another Malcolm Nurse is reading for the tone. He knows that Garveyism was the stepping stone 19. Promotion Exercises.
LL. degree in the College of Law.
Certificates and Pins distributed, The Univerity close for the sumto his success, and it would be ingratitude of the vilest, Republic of Panama.
magnitude were he to bite the hand that lifted him up.
Broad minded men and women who are members Song by the Choir Guard the Bible mer vacation on June on which day We state without fear of contradiction that Mr. parent body, should also be proud of Mr. Connor, for of the operating under the charter of the well.
degrees were conferred upon gra20, Connor and his corporation has done what no Negro his success is a credit to Garveyism. It demonstrates bess our School By School.
Sunday School Ode God, duation students by the President of group on the Isthmus has been able to do, although they that Negroes can co operate, and are able to successfulthe University, Dr. Robinson.
have made many attempts. The causes for their failures ly conduct big business.
21. Song The Lord is my shepwe do not want to discuss, they are too well known.
hurd By the Choir.
26. Closing RemarksBy The But we do want to point out that Mr. Connor success chapters here to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Connor. Sunday School.
It would be a splendid thing were the divisions and 22. Representative of Chorrillo Chairman.
is the result of competent management, honesty and They should be doing something for the betterment of whole hearted interest in the advancement of his pec the members and the advancement of the Race. Truly 27. Closing Song 291 Saviour 23. Address By Bro. Taylor. Again to thy dear Name we raise ple. To this we add the co operation of the directors and Anthem singing, speeches and prayer meetings wont we make it By Miss Sobers.
24. Recitattion This life is what officers, all of whom have proved that Negroes can be help us to hold up our heads amon, the other nations and successful competitors in the eommercial life of the and peoples of the world.
25. Address By General SuperinBUY FROM THE WORKMAN tendent.


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