p. 8


PAGE EIGBT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1929. Federation. Horseracing at Causes Controversy Juan Franco Hollywood Club Debate Tonight Races! Races! Races. a AT JUAN FRANÇO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 1929 GOOD RACES FEATURE EVENT Billy Dennis. Chiquilla Kitty Gill First Race Starts at p.
ADMISSION. Including Program. 90. 100 NEW IRONS FUR OLE IRONS 50 Trade in Allowed on (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
Arrangements have been satisfacAND WORK FOR THAT END sent off and a disinterested crowd Lority completed for the debate to ins, howeves, dues lut muan that saw Dad, oldtimer, runaway bi head this evening by the memany West Indian statesman should with the race.
vers of the Hollywood Social and swallow federation, with horns, Royal Eagle and Pauline ran Literary club at their hall, No. 7, hoofs and tail, without enquiry or dead heat according to the decision 22nd street, Chorrillo.
without demur, Federation has many of the finish judge, but there were The interesting subject that will pilails, and can impose may evils quite a large number of the fans be delended and opposed is Should Pauline finish ahead of ve the lederuey. For leis reason we who sav Women Have Equal Right With believe that the Jamaica Gieaner is Royal Eagle. It was a good race all Men? Mr. England, is champion oing goou service in setting out the the way.
for the affirmative together with evils to be guarded against. In short Resolute had an easy victory in his able supporters Misses Johnthe Gleaner is filling the role of the last race.
ston, Newton, Hayman and The Devil Advocate, and unfortunately jockeys welcomed back to Carrington. For the opposition, who is doing so with great bitterness. Their midst Jockey Quiroga, are a group of young men who beBut the other sections of the Westfigured prominently in races here lieve that man must have rights outIndian press, anxious to combat the when the sport was at its height. Chombo Gordo side of the realm of women folk an views of the Gleaner should not go He is still at home in the saddle and they hope to prove that they are down to abuse that journai; or mea succeeded in stearing two mounts to right. Messrs. Barnabas, Ossure bitterness with bitterness. victory borne, Nurse, Samuels, and Our complaint against the Gleaner TOMORROW PROGRAM Dorwell have chosen this diffi25c 10 its role of Devil Advocate, is ealt task. They may win, but it is that it is not only prepared to urge FIRST RACE FURLONGS curtain that the ladies will look on its own advocacy with extreme bit Annie Laurie.
them with blood in their eyes.
115 terness and persistence, but is equal. Silver Spray.
The gentleman who will have the ly determined that no other view Ramona. 112 more difficult task that of deshall even be examined. It is as May. 122 ciding the issue are: Cox, Murthough a sinner were afraid to read SECOND RACE FURLONGS reli and Harewood. The Chairthe scriptures, or any pious book, Rippling Water. 105 man for the occasion will be Mr.
jest he be converted to righteous. Infimo Yearwood, director of the club.
ness. At least that is how we take Amapola. 114 After the judges have given their the threat of the Gleaner that rapo. 115 decision in the debate issue, the club West Indian conferences are to lead Don Simon. 120 will, as peace offering, serve reto the conversion of Jamaica to THIRD RACE FURLONGS freshments, and dancing will be intederation then conferences must La Nena. 108 dulged in until the band plays Home cease forth with. This is a viciou Cantones. 115 Sweet Home.
beresy. The Gleaner undoubtedly Dad. 126 It is understood that the members has the right to its own present FOURTH RACE FURLONGS of the club are now rehearsing for view point. But it assuredly can Excuse Me. 110 mock trial which they hope to hardly claim to exclude all evidence Pauline. 100 stage at a very early date.
to the contrary, While the New Royal Eagle. 126 CENTS Daily Chronicle welcomes FIFTH RACE FURLONGS every vidence of West Indian conscious. Palo Loco. 126 Church Services ness, as exemplified by this con Lena. 124 troversy over West Indian Federa Miss Jill. 124 AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH tion, we do reprecate this intense Honey Dew. 118 St. Paul Church, Panama, bitterness on a common issue, which agrimita. 114 12th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ought to be approached from the Cococha. 110 ANY OLD OR BROKEN IRON (Rev. Nightengale, standpoint of the interest of the Tunney. 108 Rector)
Billy Dennis. 126 30 a. Holy Communion. The Convinced as we are of the erRector.
Chombo Gordo. 115 ronous standpoint of the Jamaica 10. 15 a. Matins. Mr. AtGleaner on this intensely interesting Chiquilla. 105 well, Lay Reader.
subject we are yet of the opinion Kitty Gill. LIMITED TO 1000 CUSTOMERS and 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist that our contemporary believes that SEVENTHY RACE FURLONGS Sermon. The Rector.
it is champloning the best interest Cartagena. 126 if you do not have Get Your New Electric Iron Marcela Prelude. Largo Handel.
of the Premier island of the Carib 120 Resolutel.
Electricity Introit. Psalm 119. Vs. 89) In bean. It is equally a matter of re 120 For Ironing Lighting Acternum, Domine. 120 pret to note that the Gleaner does, Kitty Gill You can have it Installed not think that the wider interest of Hymns (A. and 307, 322, 555, Bolsheviki. 117 To Day Cantones the Caribbean is worthy of any noPostlude. Aria. Handel. 105 Four Months Time EIGHTH RACE FURLONGS 00 pm. Church School. Mr.
tice. Nevertheless, we do contend Payments Jackie. Cragwell, Supt.
that a bitterly hostile attitude to the. 120 Allowed on New whole of Jamaica, the Gleaner inelud Colombia 122 Customers 30 Choral Evensong and Cía PANAMENA DE FUERZA LUZ Sermon. 119 ed, is not the correct attitude for the Mayara.
Installations PANAMA.
AT YOUR SERVICE Prelude. Sarabande. Handel, COLON remainder of the West Indian Press 110 Hymns (A. and 294; 214, 650.
to adopt. If the Gleaner uses as its Diez y Seis. 112 Don Simon. 110 Psalm. 72 (Chant Jacobs)
principal plank the impossibility of Magnificat. Barnby.
association for any section of the Nune Dimittis. Wesley.
the West Indies, does it further that RAINBOW CLUB DULY TO KEEP RECORDC. PROGRAMME MEETING Offertory association for any gection of the Anthem: Sun of My (Continued from Page 1)
PROVES INTERESTING West Indian press to declare that!
WELL ATTENDED Soul. Dunstan.
Postlude. March. Kirchner.
Jamaica and all things Jamaican has its affairs and be regular in a. Continued from Page 1)
been historically against the re tendance at meetings.
ing supervision over silver em Songs of yesterday was the sub Members of the Universal Negre ST. ALBAN CHURCH, mainder of the West Indies. We very entertaining programme oployees are being requested to give jet of last Wednesday programme Improvement Association and their PARAISO, think not.
songs and music was rendered by such employees assistance in filling for the Wesleyan Christian Endea. Yriends turned out in large numbers (The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
Our policy is to appeal vourers of this city. similar prothe young ladies to the enjoyment of out their forms if needed. If neces gamme was arranged by the society at the meeting of the Kingston Div.
FOR MUTUAL GOODWILL 11. 00 Matins and Address the gathering. Among the contr.
from every section of the West In Lutors were: Miss Scarlett, Miss ployee to take the form to his home interest and pleasure that the mem evening.
sory they may also permit the em ist year, and it was due to the keen sion which was held last Sunday 00 Church School and Con dian press to each other. We know Cole, the Misses and Niles overnight in order to facilitate its Ifirmation Instruction.
to the bitter cost of British Guiana Miss Stephens, Miss Stephens completion. An extra copy may be prompted the officers to repeat the livered a very interesting address, Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
slers evinced at that meet. ng, which As eustomary, Dr. Barton de 30 Evensong and Address, what uncontrolled factional strife and Miss Myers.
furnished any employee who de programme at this time.
has cost this colony! Let the ques The meeting was a complete su sires to retain it for his own use.
taking for his discourse the words tion of federation be frankly faced cess and the members of the club Despite the fact that the songs of of the first verse of the fifteenth and not enmeshed in factional strife. are enthusiastic as to its success. complete in future, roll keepers will pleasurable rhymth which appeals to The programme of the conference (The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
In order to maintain such records today are more catchy and of very chapter of Genesis.
MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS SABANAS Let every angle be examined. Dis Undoubtedly it has started out with be required to submit monthly re very many people, there is, undoubt. at Kingston, Jamaica, was the subwances per se, must not be regarded all that goes to making a social club ports to the Executive Office show edly a still larger number who hap eet for a very interesting talk by Mr sermon. 30 a. Holy Eucharist and as final arbiters in the matter. a success accomplished young la ing all changes in silver personnel. Iback to the songs of past days, be. Greely, the aeting secretary. As per 00 Church School and ConWhen California entered the Union dies, musicians, and first class en No complete records of silver em cause of their of the United States the distance, tertainers. There shouldn be a dull ployees have heretofore been kept, reaching depth of human interest. ly message from the Negro Worla. 30 Evensong and Address.
pathos and heart custom he read Mr. Garvey week irmation Instruction.
or the length of travel, was not moment at the club meetings greater than between Jamaica and but there has been an inserasing de one can still appreciate them in this Mr. Dunn and Mrs. Pherson Richards, Catechist.
Trinidad. But it is always desirable mand for such information as will mad Jazz age. The singing of these were among the interesting speakers for us to say, at all times, that the PASTMASTERS TO he assembled for use in connection songs takes one back to many hap. for the evening.
continental destiny of British GuiMEET TOMORROW with the many questions concerning Miss Draten, the newly appointed Sunrise Prayer Meeting ilver personnel matters which conana may help it out of any federaAmong the contributors was Mr. organist for the division, rendered tion. Maybe, fuller examination will There will be a special meeting of stantly arise.
11. 00 a. Deacon Julius, Prenchprove us wrong; a proof that we the St. John Pastmasters Grand felly Love Old Sweet Song. The ady is certainly a pleasing addition 00 Sunday School.
would hail with joy, perhaps, as we Christian Encampment tomorrow al House Rent Receipt Books in Span. Rev. Wade, operated the t, the Division. 15 Deacon Phillips, Preachhave so often stated, Jamaica may ternobn, beginning at 80 o clock.
ish and English for sale at the magie lantern throwing many of the The meeting for tomorrow evening.
feel the same way; but that is no The officers desire to impress the Workman Printery. oid songs on the screen and followed commences at o clock, to which the New Providence reason for refusing to examine the members as to the importance of them with very interesting talks. public is cordially invited.
11. 00 a. Supplied.
question, as we are prepared to do their presence. The meeting will be Buy From the Workman AdverThe singing of the Mixpah 00 Sunday School.
without prejudice, and even with a held at the Loyal Progress Lodge tisers and Get Value For Your brought a very interesting and en Drink Salada Tea the best for 15 Deacon Whittaker, desire to further the splendid ideal. hall.
joyable meeting to a close.
the Tropica reacher.
Hotpoint or Universal Iron. 90 TO DAY The Sale Will soon end py days,


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