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PRICE CENTS ISLANDS NOT RIPE Sale of Kingston LibWest Indians Stranded HORSERACING AT JUAN Information in Cennection in Venezuela FOR FEDERATION FRANCO TRACK SUNDAY with Registration of Aliens eriy fail ianus tomorrow races Brain in than. 122 OI Being Rehearsed 110. 110 90 120 118 108 and to Cruereu ny et Justice u Lritish Vice Consul at CaReial apex Days 15 Jamaica Supreme court racas Advises Government six Good Races With Thirty ATAUDU weep UCURE 10 bausty Dent of Trinidad One Horses Competing Alepu va Make up Program sitting all chambers yesterday SUPPLIED BRITISH COSULATE IN LETTER The British Consul at Caracas, Ve.
le 110W Las Honour the Chiel justice FROM GOVERNOR OF PANAMA The following is the Program for incian card the summons taken out on ezuela, has intimated to the Governat Juan Franco want o Trinidad that applications Track. There are recent issue Denajt of the plaint the case BRITISH VICE. CONSULATE deration of the Panama Govern. or financial asistance are continu vhich thirty one horses will compete, авлаа. Иракса е six races u the Denarara Dynronicle G. Marks vs. the Universal Panama, August 20th. 1929. ment.
ally being made to the Consulate by Westman rederation, aquesta negro improvement Association Sir: am, natives of the British West Indies ood account of themselves at Juan many of these ponies have given a tion that has been on the tapis tortor the sale of Liberty Hall, anany generations, but wh. ch only premises at No. 16 Ang Sueer, am enclosing herewith, transSir who arrive at Caracas in search ofranco at the past meetings while Within the past few years has is belonging to the defendan orga the Governor of the Province of lation of a letter received from Your obedient Servant, cmployment without sufficent means thers have shown promise of spring suured a more practical torm HUMBER.
uzation, of supporting themselves until they ever it uid in those long past days ag surprises at any meet. Fans anama in reply to my inquiry Mr. Cargill of the firm Vice Consul. obtain work.
When the issues were more or less hould therefore keep their eyes Lelugged The British Consul advises that pen and don be found napping suar prejudices, is the subject Dunn appeared in support of the Trcted with the registration of Translation of letter dated Au the labour market for men in Ca when favorites which they may have petiy intrigues and los Messrs. Cargill, Cargill and for authentic information conAliens.
very arresting arucie from the summons, but the detendant was gust 14th. 1929, from the Govpen or Dr. Louis Meikie, author and Anrepresented The Governor letter is self fernor of the Province of Panama racas is restricted, specially for been backing for the past few meets, those who have not an adequate uddenly woke up and romp home student of West Indian economics, to the British Vice Consul Addressing the Chiei Justice explanatory but would call par knowledge of the Spanish language. rith big odds to wagers. And who who has on various Occasions with at Panama Port of Spain Gazette.
in recent years contributed interest. Cargill said the application, ular attention to the fact that he only nows tomorrow may bet a big Palo ing unu tuvugu pravoking uruieres was to sell No. 70 King Street. ce of 00 for the recordal in Complying with the request oco day. Watch the Program.
to the literary edumns of the Dauy The application was made under tie Civil Register, a twenty cent contained in your letter of the Prince of Wall Street FIRST RACE FURLONGS TOMORROW PROGRAM Chronicle on matters of local and section 001 of the Civil West Indian interesi, Dr. mlekie is Procedure Code. He was sug heet of stamped paper for the 1st, instant, am pleased to supRamona.
a profound student of West Indian gesting that the expense ertificates given to the Regis pily the information desired conWaterman.
110 economics, he also possesses a virite enquiries prior to sale be done tant, and the cost of the photo nected with Registration of All Dampwing.
pel and an engaging style, so when he writes upon these questions away with. As a matter of fact, aphs. mention this to cofret iens in the Registro de Vecin existing idea that there are dad.
Bubbling Waterman.
which when handied by authors of the enquiries had already been (And Will Again be Staged innie Laurie ther expenses connected with (a) Aliens must present them less facility of language and engag held The certificate of title in by Melodrama Co. SECOND RACE FURLONGS ing personality, would have been un espect of the premises had been de registration. There are no seives at the Alcaldia of their Palo Loco.
interesting, he invests them with before the Court when the chargther legitimate expenses involv strict for purposes of registra The Prince of Wall Street one Don Simon.
118 peculiar interest that absorbs the atjing order was made and the right tion. Milton Garvey dramatic produca Loma.
114 tention of the reader. To put it in other words, he converts plain statisoi the mortgagee was protected. The information is conveyed (b) No document of any sortions which was staged here some apo.
tical prose into the language of poeThe Chief Justice: Yes, am. you in the hope that you may needed.
ime ago and made a favorable im nfimo. c) Aliens must furnish the try. ware that there is a mortgage. rive it publicity in the interest pression on theatre goers of the May 102 British subjects in Panama, Ollowing dates: Now, so far as West Indian Fed. Continued on Page 5)
100 eration is concerned, the Daily Sut it should be borne in mind Neme in full; place of birth Isthmus, will be restaged as soon ilver Spray. rehearsals which have just been Continued on Page 8)
Chronicle is strongly committed to PANAMA CAPITAL TO hat some changes nn the above town, province etc. civil sta: tarted are completed.
bringing this issue to succesful frui.
tion. We believe that until and un 1AVE OUTING LABOR equirements may be made as us; profession or occupation: consequence of representations Residence (street and house Mr. Garvey plays are appreciat. DEATH OF MRS. VIDA (Continued on page 4)
DAY on the subject under the consiContinued on Page 8) wherever they are shown, while it may not be necessary ALLAMBY PANAMA ENVOY TO Arrangements for a grand outing cake any argument concerning their CUBA AND MEXICO y members of the Panama Capital nerits, it is known that as a local After Painful Illness LastRETURNS Society on Labor Day, have been laywright, he has done exceedingcompleted and much enthusiasm in ng one Month in Hospital y well.
the affair is at In answer to a call by the Pres connection with Mr. Victor Moore and Miss Etta We regret to record the death of ident of the Republic, Don Guiller present prevailing.
Ddwards will play the leading roles Mr. Vida llamby which sad event Tickets are now on sale and can mo Andreve, Panama envoy extran the Prince of Wall Street which ook place on Thursday last at the ordinary and minister plenipotentiary be had from members of the organiPROTEST AGAINST SUSPENSION OF ISLAND will be featured at all of the color anama Hospital where she had to Cuba and Mexico arrived here on SCHOLARSHIP ed Clubhouses on the Isthmus and een confined over a period of one Busses will leave Muller Build Monday last at Cristobal aboard the Isewhere.
month, after undergoing United Fruit Company In connection with news despatch testing against the measure and acSteamer ing at a, m, with Mr. Wood There will be in addition a series crious operation. Pastores.
Orchestra accompanying. received here and published in tion of the Legislative Council. one act plays which will be It had been known that Mrs. Alhe TRIBUNE and other English As the Bill in question has al hown in the form of reviews Minister Andreve journeyed to local newspapers relative to amby illness was of a very delicate to the ready passed its third reading, it! ugment the programmes whenever nature, but she rallied somewhat by the Foreign of ter the operation and her many fice for the purpose.
Hold Meeting Suuday Legislature of the Island Scholar a cable immediately, and then forriends and acquaintances had high Arriving at the Panama Railroad ship, ratives of that British Colony, ward the resolution by mail.
copes of her recovery, but it Station at p. he was greeted residing in the Republic of Panamait is also proposed to send copies UP TO DATE HOSPITAL willed otherwise, and lately she by a large number of political lead Address by Myers and the Canal Zone, apprehensive of of Cable and Resolution to the Voice apsed into a state of unconscious ers and friends and a large concourse Gave Much Encour the danger of such a step to the of St. Lucia, and to the press of FOR PUERTO ARMUELLES less from which she never recoverof the public.
agement educational progress of their homethe other islands of the Windward land, called a meeting under the Group for publication. 100. 000 Institution Will Mrs. Allamby was the wife of Mr.
Another mass meeting was held auspices of the St. Lucian Benevolent COURT PARADISE CELEKingston and Friendly Societies of Panama Administrator and Legislature CasThe following is the cable sent. Meet Much Meeded awrence Allamby, Clerk in charge by the members of the the stock department of the Pan.
BRATES 59th ANNIVERSARY Division of the A, on Sun City and Colon, Viz: The St. Lucian Demand zone Garage for many years, and day last at their hall 25th Street Benevolent and Friendly Society of tries St. Lucia, St. Lucians in Republic Panama protest strongly Welfare he sympathy of the community goes Barton Panama, The St. Lucian Function Took Form of Cuachapali, with Dr.
Society and The United Friendly uspension Island Scholarship. stop) les will have the facility of a new he sad loss they have sustained by In the near future, Puerto Armue ut to him and his two children in presiding as Chairman.
Banquet Covers Laid Lucians No. 1, at Resolution to follow.
The principle address of the even Society for St.
and up to date hospital at a cost Continued on Page 8)
for 59 ng was delivered by Mr. Myers which a resolution was adopted proSt. Lucian Societies. 100, 000 according to an announwho gave much encouragement to ement recently made by officials of VENEZUELAN UPSTIR The 19th Anniversary Celebra he members of the Association DEFUNCT CLUB TO SEVEN DAYS ADVENT he United Fruit Company.
tions of Court Paradise No. 9292 Asking them to be true to their FORM LITERARY IST TO ENTER IN The new building which is very CARACAS, Tuesday. Venezuelan took the form of a Dinner at ause.
ASSOCIATION DEBATE nearly completed will have special ederal troops Sunday inflicted a the spacious hall of Morning Star Mr. Martin was also one of quipment which is being imported complete defeat on a large group Lodge 24th. Street Guachapali, the speakers of the evening. The Arrangements are being made by Members of the Seven Days Ad or the purpose. revolutionaries who attempted to on Saturday August 17th when cov. President General message was nembers of the defunct Democratic entist Church of this city will en competent staff of physicians ake the city of Cumanaw, fruit ers were laid for 59 gussts. At this end by acting Secretary Greely and Club (which at one time led in social age in a debate on Tuesday night id nurses will be employed at this rading port about 25 miles east of dinner a representative from each was received with much enthusiasm. affairs of this city) to organize a sext 27th inst. Againt the Metro ow institution which will be capable aracas.
of the Forester Courts the Many friends and well wishers of iterary Association for the benefit folitan Club, the subject of the even accommodating 100 patients.
General Emilio Fernandez, PresiIsthmus was present, as also wives he organization were present and its members and friends. ng will be: Resolved that true re The new institution will be at the ent of the States of Sucre was kilof the members of the Court.
Jenjoyed the evening programme, It is interesting to mention that igion has done more good for the isposal of the inhabitants of David, ed. Two leaders of the attacking The Committee on preparations There will be another meeting on many of the participants of the world than medicine. The affirmative oncepcion, and other nearby twons once were killed and all others nearly outshone itself in its efforts Sunday next at p. whem the mock trial which was staged at will be championed by Mesers where they will receive the courteous aptured except General Francisco (Continued on page 4)
publie is cordially invited. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8) ttention of the statt.
inares Alcantara.
St. Lucian Societies at Panama zation Very Panama City on a special railway Kingston Division stended Suspension by the St. Lucia was deemed expedient to despatch hey are put before the publice.
was on


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