
SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1929, NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS JAMIAC. ST. LUCIA The National City Bank Edelweis Fark Jamaica Scouts StepFwa Have Gay lime Of New York Sensation Compromise Which?
HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York Total Assets more than wo Thou sand Million Dollars Cy.
SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus The National Tity Bank of New Pork TRINIDAD Constantine Keeping Fit Something of the heightened feel JON VOGAGE TO JAMBOREE From The Voice of St. Lucia. ing of the majority of the members IN ENGLAND July of th A. and followers of Mr. Marcus Garvey due to the strain The present is a critical time for of the case just concluded can be The Gleaner of the lith uito says: the Colony.
a sensational incident judged by Mr. Hallet of the On Thursday the Legislative hich occurred last evening at Edel Jaeceived yesterday a postcard and a Council passed the Second Reading wes Park lettel from a couple of our Scout of the Suspensions of the Islands It appears that confidential docu who went over lu the Jamboree.
Scholarship Bill. The Elected Unofmients were discovered to be missing ficials protested eloquently, but The post card, which is dated July from Mr. Gatvey office and a rum zu, was written just as the boat was cloquence and reason do not affect our quickly spread among delegates entering Bristol Channel. The boys be Officials who vote in accordance and members of the that with the instructions of the Adminiswere then looking forward to an entrator.
a youth employed by Mr. Garveyyable time at Bristol as the weath The Numinated Unofficials was responsible for their disappearler was cool and there were no rainvoted against the interests of the Lace, and that this had some bearing Colony. They voted according to storms.
the decision of the Court as it their lights, which cast little lustre.
The letter is written from Bristol supplied the legal representatives of The suspension of the Island Scholarthe plaintiff in the case, Mr. o. and is dated July 26th. The writer Kaip strikes vitally the educational Marks, with very valuable informatates that the party had a wonderfuture of the Colony. remove ful crossing and experienced good tion.
What was a spur to ambition and Slender, as might have been the weather throughout. They participatPANAMA COLON thereby a means of inspiring the best grounds for this suspicion, the excite ed in all the sports and entertainin our youth. The suspension will 33 CENTRAL AVE.
ments on board, in the former of ment of the crowd was great and it FRONT STREET AT have an isimical reactionary effect alleged that the south accused of which Euston Soutar and Robbie ca our education beyond what tho. Burns carried off all the prizes, the removal of the documents had to 71. who counsel it imagine or perhaps seok refuge in a certain motor car in while in the latter Burns contrived a leare. In an attempt to save 500, which he was taken some distance fancy dress that earned for him Early Training Jor 600 we fear the Colony will lose and set at large.
special prize of a cigarette case from nore than that eventually. The same The incident was the topic of the Mr. Kieffer blundering policy that launches us Miss Irene Edwards, better known iusto debts is involving us further bs evening at Edelwes Park when the The Seouts were, met at Avento her friends in Trinidad as Agusta vertaxing, attacking education, and nigth session of the International mouth by a company of Scouts and was a pupil of the Woodbrook by munificent gratuitous allowanes Convention of the Negro Peoples of Ruvers from Bristol who helped school under Mr. Codrington, and and unwarranted increase to salaries.
the World was in process of assem whole lot in getting their baggage bly.
hrough the Customs.
ILeaves Ingland Midl ublicity to League Cricket than any was one of the leading sopranos in The trumpet note of progress is ener paper in the Country.
he Metropolitan Church. sounding with unmistakable clari.
At Bristol the whole pary had a THE SOUTH RICAN TEAM September Miss Edwards received her first throughout the West Indies to day, HON. HECTOR only time seeing all the sights and With respect the South African training the art of Song under thelut we must be forced to lag behla loing things.
JOSEPHS, Proposed Lectures In New York rieket Team, Constantine states he Rev. Dr. Mayhew who was instru the removal of a great incentiva The following is taken from the Learie Nicholas Constantine, the as not yet seen them in action but mental in getting her to the United sere would have been room for di The Hon. Hector Josephs, Bristol Evening News of July 22: rinidad and West Indies star pes to witness the 4th Test match states to pursue. special course ernees of opinion on the question Attorney General Boy Scouts from Jamaica were vander who is fulfilling his engage which began yesterday at Old Traf long those lines.
he Government proposed to speni of British Guiana, is on his way greeted by local Boy Scouts on land nent with the Nelson Club of Land, about forty miles from Nelson. The officers of the Association he money saved by the suspension to Jamaica on leave. He will go to ing at Avonmouth on their way for sashire, in English League Cricket, TO LECTURE IN AMERICA. ze: Mr. Marcel Broomes, President; for abolition of the Scholarship in England to spend the remainder of the Jamboree at Liverpool. An en keeping fit, and expects to leave Constantine further writes that and Mr. Owen Ellington, Secretary proving the condition of elemenihis leave in that country. The Hon. tertainment was arranged for them sagland about the middle of Sep rom England he proceeds to New ary education or in establishing an gentleman is timed to arrive at King at the Mansion House this after ember next at the close of the sea work, where he has just completed Re Grading Teachndustrial school or on some educaston within the next ten days. noon.
en, travelling to Trinidad via Newrrangements to deliver a few lective scheme. But there is no such York ures and give demonstrations on the ers Salaries intention. West Indian Federation In the course of a letter to our game of Cricket. drawing Dear. Instead of this col.
Sditor, Constantine states, inter have been able to keep fit he PROPOSAL TO SAVE 48, 000 cny being prepared to play its part BABADOS BRITISH GUIANA ia that League Cricket in Lan: ads, and though not successful in a United West Indies it is being ashire does not get the support it might have been, yet have alUNION OPPOSES prepared for back meat the leserves from the Press, especially. ways been consoled by the idea of coming Union. The thought is not Jockey Worrell Association Formed se adds when it is remembered that What can be cured must be endur. The Weekly Guardian states that refreshing, It is repelling. We must hat class of Cricket develops the.
proposal to regrade the salaries of strive forward. It the wish of the Drowns Himself in Demerara to Fur ultimate County of Cricket. can He tenders his respects to all ep Siementary Teachers of Trinidad and people in this great issue cannot be ther Desirable Aim Nelson Leader is only weeklylins. Constantine is also keeping tit. Le Government, ssure you. he says that though the quiring friends and mentions that obago is under consideration by brought directly to the notice of the JUMPS OFF SCHOONER Secretary of State by the unanimous MIND UNBALANCED aper, it gives as much on mere The object of this proposal is to vote of the Unofficials, elected and despatch from Georgetown, offeeta saving of 28, 000 which it is nominated, then there should be BARBADOS. Jockey James Wor British Guiana, under date of July TRINIDAD GIRL IN SONG ontemplated will be used in supply petition to that Honourable Officer RECITAL rel 28 years whose death was record. 1, to the Trinidad Guardian states: ng apparatus for Schools.
of His Majesty Government.
ed in the Herald last Saturday comA practical step towards the bringThe scheme was considered at a The Hon. T. Augier MeVane was mitted suicide while insane.
ng about of a Federated West Ind!
GREAT FUTURE PREDICTED meeting of the Executive of the rightly resourceful when he referred He left Barbados on Friday 12th es has just been taken here.
On June 19, the International Arts Teachers Union yesterday and to the Administrator Table allow.
July on the schooner Manuatu At a meeting of influential colAssociation presented Miss Irene Ed. Ps unanimously decided to oppose lance at Thursday meeting a Capt Jones after the last Race meet sists held in the Town Hall it was wards, daughter of Mr. Edwards, uch a proposal.
Council. Perhaps that would be a ing, for British Guiana, where he unanimously decided to establshan constable of the Trinidad Consta At present a school with an attend itter subject for suspension than was to ride for Mr. Nelson Connon, Association whose chief aims will ulary, coloratura soprano, a nativence of 181 is graded us an te island Scholarship. At any rate Worrel was carrying with him Allen of Trinidad in a song recital which Class school and the Headteacher here ought to be some room for Pilgrim a groom and was apparently To further policies for the detas held at the New said as such. The suggestion is made compromise. The financial value of in the best health. But the day after elopment of the natural resources York City, it was Mie Edwards raise the minimum attendance of the Scholarship could be reduced and the ship siled he began to of British Guians with the earliest first appearance and she appeared grade schools to 250.
the benefit of its existence retained.
hibit signs of a deranged mind. He lespatch consistent with security.
nost pleasing and gracefui, her voice POSSIBLE LOSS This is an aspect of the case worthy complained that be could not sleep To secure a form of Government pleasant, and she uses it with fine The new proposal, if adopted, will of consideration.
and was afflicted with the hallucina which resident colonist who are liscrimination and judgment; she result in some teachers receiving tion that things were running guainted with local conditions ings with purity of slightly increased emoluments, but SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY around him and that the passengers could have an effective share in the GREAT ARTIST it will also bring about a reduction GRENADA STUDY OR DESK were trying to beat him with sticks, administration of the Colony.
The Association expects her to be in the case of others.
Every effort was made to calm To promote and co operate with! There is an air of grace and him, one of the passengers happen ther similar institutions in the West cance reminiscent of Colonial Daya ne of the world greatest artists. the view of the Union that MEMORIAL AGAINST RETURN OF GOVERNOR ed to be a nurse and she, along with ndies in bringing about the federa ubout Willard Type Benjo Clede fer songs were twelve in number the cases in which salaries will be and when she tendered her last the anced under this scheme will be Pilgrim, Capt Jones and others tried son of British Guiana and the West that appeals to people of culture.
These clocks are high grade upplause for the audience brought in the majority and therefore it is Elected members of the Grenade to keep him quiet until British ndies as a Dominion with due safeser back on the stage. She was a. inadvisable.
Legislative Council have prepared a Guiana was reached.
guards for the local interests of the reliable, while the cases are of the asted by Mr. Gertrude Mathews, Representations will be made by memorandum to be sent to the Secbest craftsmanship.
Monday evening 15th July he be onstituent Colonien.
Iramatic reader, who was most ex the Union in this matter on behalt retary of State for the Colonies com came uncontrollable, crying murder The Provisional Committee which Also new asortment of other ressive. The ball was crowded with of the teachers plaining that Sir Seton James, as and saying he wanted to go home as been appointed to carry out in. clocks that wil my noot Governor of the Windward Tands, and the next day while the schooner these objects include eleven mem your every requirement in the home many distinguished persons. Her ccompanist was Mr. Herbert Allen, was becalmed about two miles from ers of the Legislative Council. or office at one of the well known planists of If you have a Prescription to the light ship the now thoroughly inHarem, who gave splendid support. be made my take it to the sane man left his cabin with a knite tuy From the Workman AdverThe purpose of the Association is to National Pharmacy, Santa Ana in his hand and jumped overboard isers and Get Value For Your develop the musieal and dramatie teous and obliging service (Continued on Page 7)
122 CENTRAL AVR ability of youths.
Plass, where you will get cour the True Willard Clocks e: exmishandled the affairs of the island, and should not be sent back to his FULLER Drink Salade Tes the best for


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