
PAGE THREE Deaf Can Hear Attempt to Kill And Dumb Talk Boxing in England Wonderful Devices Of Sci British Boxing Board of ence Which Overcome Control Throw Bomshell Shortcomings Of Nature Among Promoters CALL AT THE Negro Educator Receives Award for Serving Race Panama Hardware BAGPIPE APPARATUS SCHEME FOR ALIENS HOWARD UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT SON OF FORMER SLAVE GETS SPINGARN MEDAL CATHEDRAL PLAZA AND SEE THE FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Also the Fine Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue SPECIAL TO THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR CLEAVLAND, For bringing Tare and diverse gifts to the field of education and for his inspirational eadership Dr. Mordecai Johnson first Negro president of Howard University, government. endowed Riegro institution in Washington was awarded the Spingarn medal at the final session of twentieth annual conference of the National As cciation for the Advencement of Colored People.
The award is made annually to the person selected as having done most for the advancement of the Negro twee during the year. Dr. Johnson, youthful looking, intently serius, was presented the medal by Dr. Charles Thwing, president emeritus of Western Reserve University, Cleveand Dr. Johnson father was a lave in the South before the Civil War and preacher of the Gospel. The un starting as a poor boy, has beome one of the noted Negro ducators of the country, Dr. Thwing, in presenting the medal recalled his aequaintance with Oliver Otis Howard, founder of Hosvard University. He referred to al. Howard strong desire to found an institution of learning that would stand as a monument to the Negro Tace.
He said Dr. Johnson was a man of rare and diverse gifts. His education has been rich, diverse and distinctly formative. His work at Howard has attracted the attention of thinking men of all races. It was with considerable trepidation that went to Howard as the first Negro president, Dr. Jolac said. This medal is the first podtive indication that have received hat am making progress.
IT WILL PAY YOU LOS ANGELES, Cali, August 16. LONDON, August 15. The British The deal can new bear and the oxing Board of Control threw a dumb can speak. Those who have omshell that threatens to have a lost control of their vocal cords, beerious effect on professional pugilcause of paralysis or other causes, fam.
can now Speak with the aid olu If announced that, in future, alien modern science.
oxers, managers and trainers will This statement, and a demonstra ot be allowed to land in this country tion of the electrical marvels that nless they are in possession of a ruke it possible, have been made ermit from the Ministry of Labour, Lus Angeles, California, by Mr. Ser and also a license from the board.
grus Grace, the assistant Vicepre. Permits will not be issued by the sident of the Bell Telephone sabora linistry except in consultation with tories. He is an electrical engineer he board. says the statement, and of love, Lou Decl usuced with general, a permit will not be grant the Bell mboratories for thirty years. unless the alien is duly licensed HOW IT IS DONE Through a man made larynx anuy the board as a reputable person o engage in boxing contests in this a mechanical lung, merely by shap ountry.
ing the words with their lips, the This departure has caused the dumb are given back their lips, the restest consternation to promoters, speech. And by means of an electrot only in London, but in the prov.
rical vibratory apparatus, impulses received in the finger tips allow thinees as well. It is their claim that oxing cannot be conducted in Great deaf to hear. Mr. Grace has explain ritain if it is to be restricted to ed.
home talent, and the complaint is The talking device, vaguely remins nade that the board has succumbed cent of a bagpipe, is a bellows afo the demands of a few managers.
fair with a mouthpiece, Mr. Grace If this goes through. stated one pumped up the bellows, placed the london promoter, most of us can mouthpiece in his mouth, and formet ready to close our premises ed Hello, how are you? with his For years we have had dificulty in lips. The sentence came forth clear rranging matches which attract and distinct though resembling the prge gatherings, and if we are now first efforts at yoice reproduction be denied the services of Contin on phonograph records.
ental boxers for it is chiefly again A special sending and receiving ap hem that the action is aimed wound until they are meaningiess all be out of business before paratus that serambles sight and he end of this year.
We also demonstrated. We shall put up a fight, and if SPEECH INVERTER pen defiance is needed. shall not It is known as the speech in esitate to produce it. There is, verter. Messages sent over this elieve, another meeting of the board device can only be decoded through Wednesday, and steps are now the use of the key frequency. being taken to ensure that the matThe device is attuned to the correct ter will be raised.
frequency and a meaningless jumble If the board had gone out with like Paicoopa Panza is spoken into he deliberate intention of killing the microphone. Fopeka Kansas oxing they could not have been comes out of the receiving end clear ore successful. shall oppose this ly and intelligibly. Sikkagdie uling, if no one else does.
returns as Chicago SMALL SUMS FOR FIGHTS It is understood that one of the complaints against alien boxers is Colonial Developmenthat they accept small amounts for Fund heir fights, and that a certain numer agree to contests in order to get o London to indulge in crime. This, PERSONNEL OF COMMITTEE AP. owever is hotly denied by the proPOINTED TO EXAMINE moters, and they, in any case, say hat this point is one for the police.
APPLICATIONS The board is also threatened with efiance by Mr. Jeft Dickson, of LONDON, August 3rd. The Colaris who on six occasions has been onial Secretary has appointed a Com efused a license as a promoter. He mittee of which Sir Basil Blackitt, as made plans to organise a tourna ment at the Albert Hall in Septemwell known financial expert is Chairer, but his proposed action is a man, to examine applications for mall detail compared with the indig sistance from the Colonial Develop ation aroused by the latest decision.
ment Fund in furtherance of schemes There is a strong probability that likely to assist agriculture and the board decides to ban all for industry in the Colonies and Protect ign boxers they do not favour cerorates and thereby promote ain promoters in the country will commerce with the United Kingdom. The reling of followers of boxing, as tage a series of fights to test the Committee, of which the other mem well as the legal aspect of the posibers are Sir John Eaglesome, Sirion.
Felix Polie, Messrs Ernest Bevin, Jackson and Alan Smith, has already had a preliminary meeting at which VEGA.
Mr. Thomas the Ministeris resp onsible for employment, and Lord STREET BELOW MOTEL BOLIVAR Passfield were present and the ColHATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED onial Secretary explained the objects WORK DONE IN HOUR for which the Committee was apSERVICE GUARANTEED pointed.
GIVE ME TRIAL BRITISH CONSULATE STREET PANAMA NOTICE The British Vice Consul at Panama would like to know of the where If you have a Prescription to abouts of Matilda McLaughly who be made uptake it to the left Jamaica in 1912, and is residing National Pharmacy, Santa Ana either in Panama or Colon and has Plaza, where you will get cour not been heard of since.
teous and obliging service.
LE NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA For a New and Brighter Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY The West Indian Critic and Review for August says: Some two years ago the member or St. Ann in the Jamaica Legislative Council introduced a Bill into he Council which sought to amend the Public Holiday LAW 80 as to favour with the president of the Council and a good many of the more advanced thinkers among memters on either side of the House but was unfortunately defeated by a small majority who judging from their arguments, did not appreciate the high ideals behind the motion.
About the same time the Hon. Marryshow of Grenada made similar move and urged that the day be a West Indian Day. We do not know just how far these efforts have materialised but we sincerely hope the gentlemen named have not given up the idea and that they have on he other hand been quietly work ng so as to get the co operation of he other colonies. After careful onsideration of the question we are that the 1st day of August now lept, up as Emancipation Day should be the day set apart as a West Indian Day, when the people of all these various colonies would, instead of thinkling about dark days of lavery think of the future development of the West Indies and glory in the achievements of the past. Wow any sane person can oppose such a movement we cannot understand, but jealousy and pettiness are reponsible for a good deal in this part of the world.
For the series of articles we Continued on Page JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN GET YOUR DENTIST HOWELL Job Printing House No. 912 La Boca DONB AT THE Canal Zone Workman OPPOSITE RESTAURANT PrinteryPHONE 1941. BALBOA 11ouse Rent Receipt Books in Spar Specialises in all Branches of ish and English for sale at the Dentistry Werkemas Printery.

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