
Mrs. Bundy Remembers Promise UNDERWOOD to Ball Boy TYPEWRITER CLUB BASSAN Stores 70. 74 Central Ave. We Have Just received a Large Shipment of America Finest Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN BOYS AND GIRLS toidu LONDON, Jwy, Twentyfive years ago, when Miss May Sutton won the women tennis championship at Wimbledon, she was so delighted with the service of ballbey named Wiggins that she said, The next time come here will give you a new racquet with my sign Jature it.
But Miss Sutton married, be came Mrs. Bundy and went back to Amer!
ica. She returned to Wimbledon only a fortnight ago with the American team, and the world knows the (story of her dramatic comeback.
As was leaving the courts tonight she purchased a paper from nuwsboy then studied his face. believe your name is Wiggins. she said. That right, missus. replied the man in broad cockney accent. Then owe you a racquet. maid Mrs. Bundy And right away she returned to her dressing room, procured a rae quet, wrote her name there on and presented it to her delighted friend of a quarter of a century ago.
Our Club Started Sunday Aug 4th Uuderwood 00 per week (Portable) 50 IN LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES Our Prices defy competition Join now and win a Typowritor. Soloot a numbor boforo thoy are all takon up YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OFFICINA MODERNA Salas Co. Panama. Lda.
COLON, EP. BOX 287 PHONB 587 PANAMA, BOX PHONE 800 Small Samuel Russell NEXT JAMBOREE TO BE HELD IN DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE BORINQUEN Fabrica de Cigarros OMEGA WATCHES Office Hours: n) to 12 pm. 30 pm to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointmen Masonic Temple ilth St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Calldonia No 44 Garcia ARROWE PARK, England, ThursThe Tailor day. An invitation for the next 24th STREET World Jamboree for boy scouts to be held in the United States in 1993 was Guachapall extended yesterday by Mortimer Panama Schiff, presiding at the Fifth Inter00000000000. scco national Conference. The date coincides with the World Fair to be Drink Salada Tes the best for held in Chicago.
the Tropica The invitation was referred to the International Committee. The veteran Chief Scout Baden Powell at a private luncheon conferred the gift of a Silver Wolf on Dan Bread, form er American Scout Leader and Mr.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 In the World Pookat and high in the World Latoom.
MISTELI. THE JEWELER ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY QUALITY QUARANTEED LA MASCOTA HE IS BRICK HEADQUARTERS FOR Wiring, Supplies and Repairs ENGLISH TWEEDS AND FLANNELS PALSO. THE FINEST SELECTION The Diadem Jewelry Store Only Good Quality for STETSON HATS If this is a slang, it is really cloud ial slang. And yot, how few know Wire for us and We ll Wire for You its origin or its primitive signiticance. Truly, it is heroie thing NIMBLEY Co.
to say of a man, to call him brick.
The word, so used, if not, twisted Electricians and Dealers from its original intent, implies all that is brave, patriotie and loyal.
Plutarch, in his life of Agesilaus, Telephone 1059 King of Sparta, gives us the origin of the quaint and familiar expresP. Box 747 Ancon CZ aion. On a certain oecasion an am No. Street Fanama bassador from Epirus, on a diplomatic mission, was shown by the King over his capital. The ambassador knew that, though only nominally a King of Sparta, ho was yet a ruler of Greece, and he looked to see massive walls rearing aloft their 79 Central Av nue embattled towers for the defence of the chief towns; but he found nothing of the kind. He marvelled much Your Money at this, and spoke of it to the King.
OTTO HAACK. Pr Sire. he said, have visited thost of thy principal towns, and find no walls reared for defence. Why is this? Indeed, Sir Ambassador. New Ray eplied Agesilaus, thou canst net have looked carefully. Come with me Marvel to morrow morning, and will show you the walls of Sparta. On the London scientist has introduced Custom Tailor following morning the King led his ato Britain new ray which guest out upon the plains, where his nables a surgeon to see his patient No 22 Stroot army was drawn up in full battle interior in the round. and not flat array, and pointing proudly to the as hitherto.
Guaohapali serried host, he mid: Thero, sir, This new instrument, the stereos Panama de thou beholdest the walls of Spartopie ray, will obviate risks ten thousand men, and every mm. alicate operations. Much of the brick.
read of the surgeon knife will paes, because there need no longer be a chance that the knife will cut a rgetion too deeply. Under the stereo House Rent Receipt Reoke in Spancope the surgeon knows to within ish and English for slot the he smallest fraction of an inch how eep he has to cut, knowledge Modern Tailor Workmas Printery.
which was denied him previously. We shall use the apparatus No 57 reat deal for cases of tuberculosis Drink Salada Tea the best fot Calidonia Road Ksays Mr. Moir, the electricthe Tropla (Continued on Page 1)
37 Central Avenue. Kirton


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