
PAGE SEVEN New Ray Marvel BARBADOS For a New and Continued from Page 3)
For the Extra Strain FORT DUNLOP ontal the postco con la red vet of the life (Continued tom age. Continued from Page 2)
ian scientist to whom we owe thitle was promptly followed by memdiseovery, in an interview publishealbers of the crew, and boats wer: in Tit Bits. Where the ordinary lowered but a high tide swept him ray shows only dark patches on beyond all assistance and the body the lungs, the stereoscope ray re tras not been recovered.
venis the depth of the cavities, which worrell was a few years ago one of is the most important thing in this the leading jockeys of the West malignant disease.
Indies. He leaves a widow and two Dickens as a Reporter children.
SIR FURNESS ON In a speech at the Newspaper LEAVE Ihress Fund dinner in May, 1865, at which he presided, Dickens gave the BARBADOS, July 19. His Hon following account of the reportorialSir Robert Furness, Kt, Chief career: ustice of Barbados, sailed for Eng went into the gallery of the land on six months leave yesterday.
House of Commons as a Parliamen. During his absence His Honour Mr.
tary reporter when was a boy, and ustice Jackman will act as left it can bardly Holieve the Chief Justice, and Mr. Frank Reece inexorable truth night thirty years will act as Judge of the Assistant PRO. have pursued the calling Court of Appeal.
of a reporter under circumstance of which many of my brethren here HEALTH WEEK IN can form no adequate conception. BARBADOS have often transcribed for the printer from my shorthand notes, On the 25th ult. Health West ogar.
health pon a Orange Crush konby new producing or Makers of West Indian History we have beac. in Betled to carefully consider the tiaims of men and women in the various colonies to a place on the list, and we have ourselves been surprised to find how long a list it We were, however more surprised when we went into faets and found how distinguished some of these persons have been in their a chievements, and yet a large numher of them are hardly known even in the island where they lived and worked and died. West Indians have a past, a past which they can be well proud of for 30 young people; but more important yet it is that they have a future, a future which has the possibilities of great things; it is time therefore that we be roused to a sense of pride in our history and consciousness of Anettle rationality and all its ideals. We are conscious that the leaders among us are to a great extent still feeling their way, to a certain extent but we want everything done to so their voice is comparatively weak; fally awaken that voice that nothing will be strong enough to suppress it.
Our best thinkers have set an ideal before them and they are examining and re surveying the past to set what noble elements it contains, so as to fase them with the present and bring to birth a new and better West Indies. The founding of a West PAN AMERICAN Indian Day will help considerable in ORANGE CRUSH hastening the Day.
COMPANY new Dunlop with an er greater reserve of strength the the famous Dunlop Type Standard Construction, which you know so well. Th member of the Dunlop from has been introduced to meet per ticularly hard service condition.
It is the choice of the art OWN who habitually was bed roede and involves his tyros in more the strictest accuracy was recuired, was a procession through the nit: and a mistake in which would have lof Bridgetown and the suburbe hrad been to a young man severely com led by a band of musie, to Quee on palm Parkwhere See the in Thoreco coloured medallion than ordinary strong my hand, by the light out on dark meneda. The the convertibles restes com on the side wall The fou. De Tye ol Construction lantern, in a post chaise and four, Robrtson, Lady Robertson, and the galloping through a wild country, Lord Bishop of Barbados, Rt. Rev.
and through the dead of night, at Dr. Bentley, associated them the then surprising rate of fifteen selves with the proceedings.
miles an hour. The very last time Sir Wm. and Lady Robertson presid. was at Exeter, strolled into the Jed at two public meeting dari castle yard there to identify, for the the week. Her Ladyship offieitir amusement of a friend, the spot on at one which was held under which once took as we used to suspices of the Women Welfa call it, an election speech of Lord League.
John Russell at the Devon contest, in the midst of a lively fight main ion.
tained by all the vagabonds in that Dickens report sent of division of the country, and under arm Exeter on Friday night and such a pelting rain, that remember rinted in the first edition Saturday two good natured colleagues, who torning great record for those chanced to be at leisure, held ames no train, no telegraph, the pocket handkerchief over my note reports being forward by gallorLook, after the manner of a state is expresses. By Van Noorden nopy, in an ecclesiastical proces. The Bookman.
WAS WIL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required SOLD IN DRUG STORES ARTURO PERIGAULT THE TAILOR For Sale at Leading Garage E. ESCOFFERY. Distributor FLYNCH Custom Tailor 15 STREET EAST HOUSE NO. Advertise in the Workman It will Paid.
English American Styles NO. CALIDONIA BRITISH CONSULATE NOTICE 909000 Information is required by the British Vice Consul at Panama, that would lead to the whereabouts of Geraldine Alleyne who left Port of Spain, Trinidad, for Panama and who has not been heard of for many ears.
GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR FOR Making Good Clothes House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali Panama City Panamanian Youth Drowns in Pool and Cleaning Clothes Good Romaine Organ Repairer Omphroy Auto Supply Repair Shop Muller Building CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 See.
No 42 Calidonia Road REID Ricardo Chambonnet, a Panamnnian youth accidently lost his life in the Loceria River Wednesday last.
While enjoying a ride in a swing which was streched across the pool, the rope gave way, and he fell into the water. party of friends who accompanied him to this recreative spot, very soon ran to his rescue, but, to their great astonishment, when he was pulled out of the water, he was found to be unconscious.
was inmediately aken to the Santo Tomas Hospital where the physicians disedvered that he was dead as a result of drowning.
Ricardo was only 23 years old and had recently graduated from the Commercial School at the National Institute.
Benjamin Barnett Son No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23rd Street Chorrillo Drink Salada Tes the best for the Tropias


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