p. 8


Big Fight Sept. 1st Membejs of Defunct was Races! Races. Races!
AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 1929 GOOD RACES FEATURE EVENT Billy Dennis Chiquilla Kitty Gill. Chombo Gordo First Race Starts at p.
ADMISSION. Including Program. 25c Dr. Leo Pink 126 Marcela seves NOSKSS 30, Cantones FOR SALE CHEAP Death of (Continued from Page 1)
HARRY WILLS TO MEET (Continued from Page 1)
TOMMY WHITE Chapter 14 on Saturday night last the death of a loving wife and kind One of the best fight cards ever owe their success to this Club nother. few of its members are now in The funeral cortege left the Her.
presented at the bull ring for over the improving themselves ick Morgue at nine o clock on Thurs a decade will be offered by promoter educationally, and they always man day morning for St. Paul Church Sol on Sunday September ist when tuin a warm apot in their hearts for where the Rev.
Mulcare of fans from all parts of the Isthmus the dissolved Club and its individual, Saint Peter Church La Boca perwill have the opportunity of enjoy Imembers. formed the burial rites replacing the ing a real fistie programme.
Rev. Nightengale who Harry Wills and Tommy White will meet in a 12 round bout.
If you have a Prescription to disposed.
be made up take it to the After the services in the Church, Kid Shadow and Me Clean will go National Pharmacy, Santa Ana the cortege proceeded to the Herre6 rounds. Kid Salgado and Kia Plaza, where you will get cour. Cemetry where the body was Salmon will be seen in four rounds. teous and obliging service.
Kid Quintero and Alfaro will figure in four round tussel.
An afternoon of clean up to date nossos sport is instore for all who embrace the opportunity of going out to the Bull Bing Surgeon Dentist Horseracing at 23 Central Avenue Panama City. P. Contiued from Page 1) Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, THIRD RACE FURLONGS Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Bolsheviki 120 office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Kitty Gill.
114 Cartagena 110 105 FOURTH RACE FURLONGS Diez y Seis.
120 Rippling Water.
116 Don Simon Colombia. 108 Zapo.
Pistol. 104. 102 FIFTH RACE FURLONGS 126 Honey Dew AND. 118 (Lagrimita. 107 Jackie 106 106 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Mayara. 100 SIXTH RACE FURLONGS Summary of Contents: Billy Dennis.
126 Chiquilla History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years. 120 Chombo Gordo Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Kitty GM. 100 Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Jamaica GoverPhotographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players ment to Raise Valuable. Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Big Loan Interesting Price: 50cts.
JAMAICA. In accordance with the provisions of Sec. of Law 20 of 1903, the Parochial Loans Law Secure yours now there will be great rush 1903, the Government propose to for them.
Traise a loan of 25, 083 for the pur.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN pose of carrying out the following Panama 112 Good Assortment of. 107 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Infimo.
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Cococha.
Photo Albums ScrapAlbums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 118 works.
72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD For the purchase of Trench Pon in St. Andrew for a cemetery, 413, 000; for the construction and reconstruction of concrete water tables, drains and crossinga, Montego Bay. 2, 100.
In order to provide for water supplies in the dry distrites of St. Ann.
a sum of 3, 637 has been provided and 3, 575 for completing the Dornock water supply of Trelawny.
Book Binding!
PANAMA CITY 5549S SSSSSSSSS CHURCH SERVICES Why throw away your old, but no sum of 13, 000 is set down to del doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET el.
JAVILLO FILL AND CORNER fray the cost of rebuilding the FalSt. Peters Church mouth Court House.
Choir The cost to reconstruct and tar NOTICES FOR THE 13TH. SUN 11 a. Preacher Supplied. certain streets on Titchfield Hin, DAY AFTER TRINITY p. Sunday School, Miss Port Antonio, is estimated at 1900, TO HOLD COLOSSAL St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca Harrison will open and close.
and this expenditure will be met from MUSICALE Matins and address, 11, a. 15 Teacher Phillips Preach the above loan.
Mr. Palmer, Lay Reader The mode of repayment is based The numerous friends of St.
Church School, 3, NEW PROVIDENCE on annual contributions to the sinkPeter By The Sea, La Boca, will, Choral Evensong and sermon, 7, 80 11 a. Pastor ing fund by the Parochial Boards we take it, be pleased to hear that p. Sunday School.
oncerned such contributions to be a colossal Musicale will be rendered MULCARE, 15 The Pastor.
a charge against the Rond Fund Genin the above named Church under the Rector.
eral Fund of the parish, or water auspices of its large vested Choir on St. Barthoomew s, Las Cascadas rates as the case may be.
NEW HOPE hte evening of Wednesday the 11th St. Simon Gamboa.
of next month.
11 a. Deacon Tomlinson PreachMatins and address, Church School If you have a Prescription to The program will include solos, lend Confirmation Class, at the usduets, quartets, quintets and be made up take it to the soul Jaal time by the Catechists. p. m, Sunday School.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana stirring instrumental selections from MULCARE, teous and obliging service some of the great masters.
Priest in Charge.
Seventh Days Plaza, where you will get cour Because they are aware they will PANAMA BAPTIST CHURCH get the inspiration of their lives, SUNRISE PRAYER MEETING BUY FROM THE WORKMAN scores of lovers of music are secur(Continued from Page 1) ADVERTISERS AND GET ing their admission tickets. This kind sumed deliver the goods without a Maynard and Mollyneau, while VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
of appreciation on the part of our hitch. the negative will be sponsored by worthy friends is injecting quite a Remember that just two weeks Messrs Greene and Hunter.
House Rent Receipt Books in Spanlot of pep into our zealous promo hence and you ll get the sacred mus lively time is anticipated and ish and English for sale at the ters, who will, it may be safely as ical treat we promine!
the public is cordially invited.
Workman Printery.
Opposite Hotel Central Phone 749 Panama,


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