
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD British Guiana The National City Bank Against Purchase of Residences for Trade Depression Trinidad Officials Of New York in Demerara HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, Na York Business Places to Total Assets more than Iwo Thousand Million be Closed Dollars Cy.
is houses for otficials, a representa eachers of Trinidad SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service to West Indian Residents of thé lsthmus BO The Port of Spain Gazette of a they give them. don respect any recent date published the following: undertaking of the Government beIn connection with the report made cause they depart from them in these columns of the purchase of Jeasily.
cae official house from the money voted by the Finance Committee for tive of this paper sought an intervier yesterday morning with Hon.
Capt. Cipriani, elected member for Port of Spain, and President of Says the Trinidad Guardian of a the Trinidad Workingmen Associa recent date a pension scheme for tion.
elementary teachers of Trinidad and Captain Cipriani is determined that Tobago has been approved by the the matter will not remain dormant. Secretary of State for the Colonjes memorial is being despatched to and it will be embodied in a BN to the Labour Party and Secretary of be introduced in the Legislative State for the Colonies protesting Council during the Extraordinary Against the action of the Government session which begins in October.
io parchasing the house in question This scheme will confer numerous without the sanction of the Finance benefits on the members of the teachCommittee, thus going back upon the ling profession which they have never undertaking given by the Govern njoyed previously, The general principle of this Bill What do you propose to do in the has been the subject of representamatter! queried our man. tion by the Elementary Teachers What propose to do answered Union for a number of years. Their the Captasin, is to take the matter proposals, however, have not been up with the Labour Party and the accepted in their entirety.
Secretary of States for the Colonies, The representation that teachers as President of the Trinidad Work should be recognised as Civil Seringhen Association. memorial vants has not been gived effect to and Bulele places to be closed GEORGETOWN, British Guians, Paly 24th Messrs. Sprostos, Ltd. av announced that owing to serious depression of trade in the Upper Espequebo and Potaro Rivers, they will Jelove down on 30 September next, the Wismar Rockstone Railway serwie Rockstone Tunatumari Launch service, Tumatumari Potaro Launch service, Wismar Mallali (Demerara River. Launch Service. This will leave the Potaro Gold and Diamond reldo without rail or steamer com muntention. Keleteur Palle is in that distret.
The National Tity Bank of New York PANAMA 33 CENTRAL AVE.
COLON FRONT STREET AT St. Vincent Boy Attacked by JAMIACA Sensational Turn Shark Expected in Post being forwarded by the mail to it therefore becomes necessary to Canada West Indian Liner Take Away Office Scandale Sad Accident off St. Vincent Large Cargo from Jamaica STREET NEURALGINA Willard Clocks the Secretary of State and the La draft a Bill laying down the new bour Party dealing with the whole pension rights of teachers.
The Gleader of the 17th instays: situation and taking up the position At present teachers are only enProw reports to bead it is likely and accident pecurred at Canonthat instead of spending the money titled to half their salary as pension The Cleaner of the 17th inst states of bananas, 87, 000 stomo were taken that sebentional ten of vente tas laland off St. Vincent on the 26th in the purchasing of houses, the whereas Civil Servants are entitled that the Canadian National stemmer Kingston and 14, 000 Port Mor canoption with the recent Post olultime when 14 year old bay named working people feel that it might to three quarters, but it is under the Lady Somers sailed from Kingsfico defaleations is likely to docwr Bertrand De Roché was attacked and at well be spent in improving the rot stood that the present allowance will within the best fortnight, it certain severly bitten by a shark, says a St.
ten barrackyard conditions in Port be increased under the Bin. Lon on the Night of the 16th for 700 bags of coconuts, 200 bap of due to hand prove true Vincent exchange. It appears that cf Spain. If any expenditure has (Continued on Page 1)
Montreal, via the outports, Nassau coffee, 20 porcheors of rum, 100 One of the defaulters, whom it to the boy was endeavouring to colleet to be made the taxpayers feel that and Bermuda, taking mails, pasfirst consideration should be made bags of pimento, 250 bags of cocoa wid was able to leave the island for some fish in seine about 100 yards sengers and a good cargo of Jafrom the shore when a shark suddenly southero republie with which there for the working classes.
polzed him by the right leg and dragJ. VEGA. maica products for the Canadian and several small items for private no extradition treaty with the ged him under the surface. The flesh MOPB IN BROTHER ELECTIVES markets.
individuals in Montreal, Bermuda md colony, evidently with a desire to gave way and the boy was set free. W! you take action jointly with DELON BOTEL BOLIVAD the other electives? he was asked.
The cargo includes: 71, 000 stema Nassan.
travel, or to be in touch with certain As he floated sereaming on the sur Of course that is a matter to HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED fuce several persons rushed to his sid which cannot make an answer off WORK DONE IN HOUR and it was found that there was a hund without consulting them. was SERVICE GUARANTEED huge rent in his thigh about 18 inchHs reply. My position is clear, GIVE ME TRIAL es in cireumference, exposing the su going to oppose it in the Finance boe Committee and in open Council, and STREET PANAMA The unfortunate boy was given think can safely say that the first aid on shore and then sent to other Electives are going to join me Carriacou in siling boat for a in opposing the expenditure, and it surgal treatment. On arriving at they are willing to take joint action Union Beland however, the men were to make representation in England, told that the Doctor was not in the undertake that it will be pleasing district and the boy, in Inteng agony, Should be in every office to immediately soothe any to the Trinidad Workingmen Aswas taken back to St. Vincent. There soelation. The claim of the working neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, he was admitted into the Colonial classes is a strong one in view of the Hospital and is considered to be in tarts published by the Medical Ofdangerous condition.
ficer of Health before he left.
VENTILATION IN COUNCIL friends in this teland, has taken up Do you believe that the matter residence to another section of the can be ventilated in the Legislative Continent which is in close touch Council again?
Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and with Jamaica, and certain correspond Undoubtedly. repiled Capt. Cience of hie, it is reported, has been priani. There was an undertaking reduce the fever of children.
coming through the local post office.
given by the Government, and alJust what steps have been taken though the Government may say it to communicato certain instructions was an undertaking given in the SUITABLE FOR LIBRARY to the Consular service in the ReFinance Committee which is a conSTUDY OR DESK public and not onown, but it is unfidential committee and that nothing There be a sie of me and derstood that some move has been said there should come out to the gance reminiscent of Colonial Days public. don subacribe to that at about Will Type Rondo Clodia Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, made with view to having the offieer brought back to the island, am a member of the public, that appeal to people of con probably with a view to giving ovieketed by the people, and it is my These clocks are Mile grade denes batone the Commission appointduty to let the people know what is reliable, while the cat are of the ed by His Becellency the Governor happening.
best craftsmanship to equire into the oceat defaler How do you view the action of Also a new 10000 the Government? enquired our re line clocka that More presentative your every requirement in the view the setion of the Governor office at AT THE ment to say the least of it as very precipitate. said the Member for AMERICAN PHARMACY Port of Spain. don think from the undertaking given they have any 183 CENTRAL AV right to enter into what is a definito JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor purchase of property without going Buel to the Finance Committee. The BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Papama.
No7 Government give undertakings and ADVERTISERS AND GET depart from them jut a casily VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
Calldonla Road NEURALGINA NEURALGINA For sale both Wholesale and Retail FULLER 1. Kirton Modern Tailor

    EnglandSpainWorking Class

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