
PAGE SEVEN Britain Talks to Australia by Wireless With an even greater reserve of Strength FORT DUNLOP Contains the juice on 2H!
range Crush ers.
FORT Constabulary Liddelow, Yeates.
South. Small, Constantine, Med. Christian, Howard, St.
LONDON, July 29. The great Em. friends are not so modest. Their Stanmore Hosqin.
pire feat of carrying on 13, 000 broadcasting stations picked up the miles wireless telephone talk be British transmission of the Abbey Queen Royal College. Hobtween Australia and Someset was re service and the chairman of the Nason, McGregor, Knowles.
vealed in a speech by Mr. tional Broadcasting Company re.
St. Mary College Wilcox.
Kellaway in London.
Reived numerous congratulatory mes. It means. he declared, that Images on the broadcast.
TUNAPUNA CUP COMPETITION perial telephony services can be ACROSS THE WORLD tablished as soon as the authorition On that same day a number of STANMORE EMERGE AS give permission.
Australians in Sydney carried WINNERS Mr. Kellaway who is deputy prov elephone conversation with Bridge eanor of Cables and Wireless, Ltd. water, Somerset, in England. That In the final round of the above and a former secretary to the De conversation was relayed through competition Stanmore met Bapartment of Overseas Trade and Canada, across the Atlantic and Pa; Fostmaster General, said that in the site Ocean and the continent The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro partneris here from Sunday at the Tuner development and improvement of North America Recreation ground. atter luced for the motorist who uses his car for long batting first scored 71 runs. Stanall forms of communication this There has not been so far as country had made the greatest con know a single reference in the Prenspells on bad roads, or in other ways involvins more replied with 83. Occupying the tributions and was still doing so.
to this acbievement, yet it is one of particularly arduous service conditions. crease for a second time Barataria TOO MUCH MODESTY the most interesting in the whole nade 126 for and declared leaving VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE Stanmore to make 116 in the space But our suspicion of publieity had story of the developing of communieations.
VERY EFFICIENT of two hours. Going to the wiskets become such an obsession that the It means that Imperial telephony shortly after o cloek Stanmore lost world was allowed to believe that services can be established as soon wickets for 53 runs at five minutes all the great advances in commun. as the authorities give the necessary to time when the captain of Baratacations were being made by foreignpermission.
ria finding his efforts fruitless gave Had an American organization ac.
up the sponge leaving Stanmore the Mr. Kellaway continued: complished anything at all compar.
winners of the cup for three years We have given an example of our able the Press of the whole world in succession. The match was very British passion for hiding our light would have told their readers all interesting, and was witnessed by a under bushel. How many people about it.
Ivery large crowd. For Barataria Kelin this rountry, let alone how many We prefer to do great things by les the lawansingh made 21 and 26, Carew foreigners, knew that on that day stealth and let the other nations coloured 11, and Ben Sealy 81. Bowling for one of the most sensational achieve get the credit for them, but submit modation Stanmore, De Souza took wickments in the history of communica that it is possible to carry our na ou the ets for 17 runs, Armstrong for tions was accomplished by British tional modesty too far. Advertise Ado The famous 22, and for 45, Jackman for 8, enterprise and invention. ment is the secret of success in busi wana Thanks to this the Thanksgiving ness.
Dunlop Tyre Agard for 14, and Williams of Standard for 18.
PAN AMERICAN Service in Westminster Abbey, wae Gront Britain is in keen competiYou Dople will be pad Construction For Stanmore: Armstrong con ORANGE CRUDN heard throughout Canada, Austration with America for international show you lia and the United States of Amerl trade. How can we hope to succeed is, of course, tributed 26, Cumberbatch 20 and QUAY thio lacast ca. More than 26, Jackman 12, Worrell 10, 100, 000, 000 people on this struggle in the face of what Dunlop pro still available.
and Agard 16 not out Barataria had the opportunity of hearing that wounts to a conspiracy of silence bowled Ben Sealy for 31, and for service but have not seen a. word regard to our achievements. DUNLOP RUBBER 12, Baghan for and for 14.
of acknowledgment, let alone of con Admit there is something fine COMPANY LTD. The photograph of the team together gratulation on an event which was about our national reticence but with the cup was taken just before unique in the history of telegraphie when that national reticence means Broches drowote the match, and photos can be had Custom Tailor and telephonie communication. that foreigners get both the glory from Mr. Moore, Secretary of coco Why has this achievement been nd the business, think it is hign Stanmore No 22 Stroot hushed up as though it were some bime we took a leat out of the book thing of no account? Our American of our competitors.
Gunohapali Tuy From the Worloman Adver Panama de ieers and Got Value For Your ARTURO PERIGAULT For Sale at Leading Garage Money.
THE TAILOR E. ESCOFFERY. Distributor FLYNCH 16 STREET EAST HOUSE NO. Custom Tailor Advertise in the Workman It will Pay English American Style: NO. CALIDONIA ductos Bayno JINTERCOLONIAL CRICKET CALL AT THE (Continued from Page 2)
TRINIDAD PREPARING FOR SEPTEMBER Panama Hardware GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali Panama City CATHEDRAL PLAZA AND SEE THE FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS RS Romaine Organ Repairer OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Also the Fine Selection of The Selection Committee have selected the following players to praetise at the Queen Park Oval Practice started on Tuesday, the 6th August, with the view to the selection of the team to represent Trinidad in the Intercolonial Cricket Tourneinent to be played in Demerara in October next.
Formal invitations will be issued by the Honorary Secretary of the Queen Park Cricket Club to the players who have been selected appear hereunder.
In the case of members of the Queent Park no invitations are necessary.
It is proposed to play the first trial mateh on Saturday, 10th and Sunday, 11th August The teams for this match will not include any of the players from South. Queen Park Betancourt, Wiles, Birkett, Ellis Achong Merry, Grant, Dr. Jagassar.
Shannon St. Hill, St.
HM, Pascall, Praser, Ben Sonlay, Eligon.
Excelsior Peter, Agard.
Maple Roach, Waddell, Hunte, Daniel, Aleong.
Omphroy Auto Supply Ropair Shop Muller Building CALIDONIA PANAMA Telephone 280 No 42 Calidonia Road ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.
Benjamin Barnett Son BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23rd Street Chorrillo


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