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Marcus Garvey Return Wife Nags; Hubby To Abelish British Four Thousand Souls to Wanted Assembled to Take Part Takes Poison Naval Base in vuk Dabuers.
atau OL masculme bukue Look. was place.
Wants Body Given to Uni Suggested By Charles versity For Practice of Webster of Wales EPHRAIM SEEKS DePRIEST Students University MUST ACQUIRE LANDED HELP PROPERTY Because his wife nagged him, Press message says: CONFERENCE HELD RECENTLY IN CITY HALL Richard Berg, attempted suicide by The relinquishing of Britain naval COME LET US REASON TOGETHER, TO LAUNCH FIGHT taking poison. As the physicians at bases in the West Indies is suggestSAYS GILKEY Charity Hospital were working on ed by Charles Webster, Professor him. Berg drew a note out of his of International Politics at the Uni. An enthusiastic but orderly crowd Wakene spira u their people pocket which stated that be Univer. versity of Wales in a contribution to of over 4, 000 persons from Panama shuu. ed Through the recommendations of vations. According to legal experts his body be given to Tulane Univerthe current issue of The Nation.
Colon and along the Canal Zone Robert Ephraim, youthful presi this pardon should have restored sity for practice for the student. The He argues that such a move would towns assembled at Roosevelt Park woln Live chiuren, in a cutanding dent of the in Chicago, Garvey to his original status in this note was signed. Yours fearlessly, advance greatly a better Anglo Ame in this city on Monday last, Labor eavy tonea voice.
Hon. Oscar De Priest, Congressman country, but for some unknown reas. Richard Berg. Later Berg decided, rican understanding, and that Day and demonstrated that they luuk Justice Has No from the first district, and Hon. on he was speedily sent to New Or when his wife and six children visitpresent time is particularly appro have at last caught on to the spirit Prejudice quality for The LavJames Breen, first assittant cor leans and from that point deported ed him, that he did not wish to die piate for action.
of organizing for the purpose of ob Bized Man Negroes Learn Or poration counsel and ward commitjust yet. However, the chances are was an undesirable citizen.
taining a higher wage and better liv. terish. No Man With An Inadeteeman of the 14th ward, have pledthat he will ing conditions.
quate wage is free. Who Is An ged themselves to lead Robert, Ephraim has been reapin a moveMORE CO OPERATIVE SPIR Accoridng to the program issued Allen Where Labor Is Concerned.
to bring pointed by Garvey as President of IT NEEDED, DECLARES Mareus Garvey, President General the Chicago branch for another years Musicale at St. Peter Church by the Canal Zone Employees Fresident Whyte made Good banner. indorsement of PROFESSOR KIRKPATRICK Association who got up the demon she continued, look, The Workman of the back to this the membership. The appointment stration the procession left the park Is Worthy Of His Hire We Buy country NEW YORK. There is no immediately after the arrival of the High Price American Goods But Do conference was held recently in came by telegram and was met with Interesting Program To Be scientific proof to show that the city hall esperient. tumultuous applause. Mr. Ephraim Rendered This Wednesday morning train from Colon and march We Get Even Wages. Is That between had already by the Negro is different from any et up the Tivoli Road through Ancon Fair?
Breen and Epharaim, where it other race. declared Prof. Wil Avenue, by way of the Balboa Road Led by President Whyte, Vice Pres.
definitely decided to launch a fight sociation as a delegate to the international convention to be held at Church Choir, a real treat in the Under the auspices of St. Peter liam Kirkpatrick of the on to the Jamaica Prado at La Boca ident Hunter and Recording Secin this direction.
Garvey was convicted some time Kingston, Jamaica, and was recently form of a Musicale will be given this faculty of Columbia university where the celebration was to take retary King, the procession left the II.
in an address before the annual park at 11. 30 and moved on to La ago for using the Government mails indorsed by a delegation from symposium on Race Relations Long before the arrival of the Boca along the route already mention to defraud and sentenced to five linois, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebras. next Wednesday night at o clock, in the United States, here last train droves of people from all parts ed. Inspector of Police Phillips, years in the Atlanta Penitentiary ka as the American representative The program will consist of anthems, to argue the case of the Race before solos, duets, quartets and quintets where he served two years and of the city could be seen wending traffic Inspector Crosscut and a staff also several beautiful selections from The race problem. he said, months before President Coolidge the League of Nations at Geneva, the great masters. Among those who their way to the park which was of three mounted policemen directed is world wide, and there is packed by the time the procession the traffic along the route without granted him a pardon without reser. Switzerland, in September, are slated to render musical collec need of a more co operative got under way.
a hitch and their courteous manner tions are Miss Myrtle Iona Barnes spirit among the races the world Three special coaches attached to was highly appreciated by the large Muleare, Miss Doris Rodney, Miss over. He made a plea for the regular train brought over Vice gathering?
ARMY ALIENS EMPLOYEES MEMBERS OF A. Straughn and Mrs. Mulcáre, and two greater tolerance and a bet President Hunter of the Cristobal The day was an ideal one for the young violinists Mrs. Muleare will ter understanding of problems District, Messrs Morgan, demonstration; King Sol shone in all ASSOCIATION KINGSTON DIVISION also inspire the audience with two or affecting the races.
Peid and a large number of members his glory; the heat was intense and three solos.
from the terminal cities and along the march was slow but this did the line.
lessen the enthusiasm of the demonnot Nominates and Elects Of Paid Fitting Tribute to The procession was now formed strators and recalled to the memory ficers For 1929 30 Tern Leader in Enthusiastic four abreast, the banners distributed of many old timers the days when Meeting by King, Recording Secretary, the Gatun Locks were under construcBY BAGASSE the band struck up the Panamanian tion.
Enthusiastic members of the parent National Anthem and the procession Arriving at the Jamaica Prado The Alien Employees Association of the Army. Panama Canal body of the and was under way. Then the people be where a spacious stand was erected Department which came into being residing in Panama paid fitting for the honoured guests and speak tribute to their gan to express themselves freely.
Leader, the about year ago when organized by We are united we are united. ers, President Whyte and his lieutenHon. Marcus Garvey at the PriMr. Cespedes Burke on which occacried a woman voice. West Indian ents found the Aeting Governor of sion he received plaudits editorially vate Academy 25 street Calidonia on labor on the Zone is up big the Panama Canal Col? and from one of the local dailies has been Sunday last.
Quite a large gathering of memmaking apparently slow but creditnow what West labor employees, already in waiting. The bers and well wishers of the great Report from African Republic able progress.
of Panama City.
procession circled the stand three movement were in attendance.
Like all other associations of labor times and then lined up in front the Men, women and children freely The meeting began with the singand Gold Coast it has been facing its timely difti ing of the opening hymn From expressed their delight to witness (Continued on page 6)
culties in impressing itself upon the entire working force of colored work Greenlands Iey Mountains.
The religious part of the Program LONDON, Sep. Special Cor. schemes, and the building of excel ers of the Army on the Canal Zone, was then conducted by Dr. respondence. If were still a CRISTOBAL SILVER RICH CAFE PROPRIATOR nevertheless it is slowly, stadily for. Barton acting Chairman, who after young man, with my way to make in dent King explained to me, now that lent roads, are now possible, Presiging its way on its onward march bar wards sang a Solo to the accompani the world, should unhesitatingly go CLUBHOUSE border problems and the hostility LEAVING to progress in the realms of its orgament of Miss Drayton on the organ Mies out to Africa. was the statement of the people of the hinterland are nization activities.
which was well received. The Presi made to me by Dr. Taylor, vice Inmediately after the announce dent General message in the front principal of Truskegee Instite, Ala, of the Firestone interests, who questions of the past. The activities Furnished Accommodation WASHINGTON, Sep. ment was made that the employees page of the Negro World of August the great Negro educational center For Excursionists John Graves son of Joseph on the Pacific end of the Canal were 27 was read by the Acting Secretary founded by Booker Washington. He have already developed about 55, 000 Labor Day Graves, late proprietor of Graves of the million acres assigned to them, making an effort to organize them Mr. Greely, and was received with has just arrived in London after a Cafe, left his entire estate to his selves and ultimately the entire work much enthusiasm.
visit to Liberia and the Gold Coast. have stimulated a number of the LiExcursionists who availed them mother, Mrs. Mianie Graves, acing force, the energetic and thought An inspirnig address was then de He received a special invitation from berian people to plant rubber also, ful workers on the Atlantic end indi livered by Mr. Jeffers. The the president of Liberia, to give the and the is also agricultural deve selves of the opportunity to journey cording to his will which is on file the singing of the Negro republic the benefit of his exlopment in other directions.
cated their willingness to get to next item was over to Colon on Monday last Sep. for probate.
tember 2nd Labor Day found diThe estate of John Graves is exgether also. This shortly resulted in Hymn. Oh Africa Awake. Another perience and advice concerning the versious at that end in a variety of peeted to be a considerable sum.
the establishment of the Atlantie encouraging address was then de foundation of a Liberian Tuskegee. Young man: When bought a will consist mainly of his share in Side Distric of the Association with livered by Mr. Dunn.
for which a sum of 75, 000 was motoreycle from you a few ways.
the the estate of his father who died At the Cristobal Clubhouse The The address of the evening Mr. Neilson as the Chairman.
was recently left by the late Miss Olivia ago you said it anything broke with general acting Secretary Mr. Ernest April 20, 1928, without having made Ever since its incipiency. nifer delivered by Mr. Greely his subject Phelps astoke, if the well known in six months you would supply a Robertson provided a holiday dance, will.
been was The family whose members new part free.
securing the services of Mr. Samuel The heirs of Joseph Graves are his in the association and its possibilities gro. in Panama. The speaker have supported 90 any schemes for by the thoughtful silver workers of kept his hearers spell bound for over Negro progress.
Saleeman: Certainly, sir. What Gooding as director of the Round widow, who is also the administrathe Army who are sufficiently intel half an hour on the various points can have the pleasure of supply er Orchstra who furnished tantali trix of his estate; his late son. John. The international development of ing you with. zing music for the occasion. two grand children, Bernice Robinligent as to able to appreciate the of the subject, and in closing, among Liberia is proceeding fast. said Dr.
te that better working condition other things, stated that we are will. Taylor. There are larger appropri front teeth.
Young man: Well, want four This effort was met with a heartly son, aged 16 years, and Sterling response, for even those who could Robinson, aged 14 years, children of an da higher valuation may ations for schools. not or did not care to dance enjoyed decreased daughter. Two other only through intelligent representa blemished leaders as from 1917 one and the late Mr. James Sibley, tion, which carries the automatic im white individual came here and roll the American who is the educationResolve that the Economie the beautiful strains of Sam combi children by a former marriage, Annie nation.
Baker and Addie Connor, have turned plication of recognition on basis of ed us over 800. 000 and since that, al advisor of the government, whose Problem is the Greatest Bar The Secretary and Professor Good up and are seeking shares in his force of numbers.
ed and failed; but, if we can only get tragic death has just ocurred, had rier TO the ADVANCEMENT ing intend to make a variety of interContinued on Page beduo ponupuoy. Continued on Page 5)
their complete confidence. These of the Colored People tainments during the present month.
Liberia Going Forward Fast Tuskegee Vice Principal Brings Good things caid an influential amounts the Moon Crnkey Inspector of Silver Star It


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