
AMERICA AFRICA THE WEST INDIES WEST VIRGINIAN EDUCATOR LAUDED African Prince Oxford THE RHODES Graduate Tells Experiences SCHOLARSHIP ISSUE NEW ORLEANS, Sep. Prince that they had followed their beliefs Local Journal Comments that Jamaica Bermuda Misled Conference of white Pearls JAMAICA Mr. Hector Joseph Master of they carry on their shelves (for thowe elry and Precious Stones.
Negro Citizens get Small Portion of PubKaba Rega, African, evangelist and from generation to generation and lic Funds for Baldwin Purpose lecturer, well known for his activi that it would take years of patient ties in educational and charitable work to convert them to Christianity.
circles in the interest of his race is In relating interesting events conThe following editorial appears in was so manoeuvred that this was inJACKSON, Miss. Sep. Among very great disadvantage in her at delivering addresses throughout the cerning his father kingdom, Prince the candithe scholarly paper presented be tempt to teach the tool subjects. Scuth.
Rega stated that the tribe is located the Port of Spain Gazette of July terpreted to mean that dates must come from Jamaica or fore the 26th annual session of the The amounts appropriated for cur Prince Rega is a native of Unyoro, about 500 miles inland from the 14: National Association of Teachers in rent expenses determine to a large British East Africa, on the east bank coast and the only white men who It would be very interesting Bermuda and these two colonies have Colored Schools held in Jackson extent the degree of efficiency that of the River Nile between Abyssinia ever visited there are British traders know, but we imagine a silence as ever since enjoyed that privilege.
recently was a discussion of The may be reached in the conduct of and Egypt: He is the youngest son who hold a concession from the Enof the tomb will envelop the subject Last year the trustees appeared to Division and Expenditure of Public class room exercis. In modern of King Aziam Kaba Rega, who rules glish government for exclusive tradSchool Funds in Several States education there is certain cquipment over a kingdom of about 35, 000 ing rights with the Unyoros. Continu. what are the opinions of our fellow tave awakned to the fact that they were uncosciously doing the rest of resWhere Separate Schools for White necessary as an aid to the teacher in people under protection of the ing he said salt is one of the most citizens of the British Empire and Negro Children Are Maintained. putting over instruction to the pupil. British Empire. While he was a precious articles of trade, there being ident in the island of Jamaica upon the British grave injustice, the the latest news to hand with regard and it was proposed to cancel the ar by Sanders, now executive The Negro teacher without such small boy, Prince Roga was brought none available except from from Africa by an English trader. English. As there is no form of to the opening once again of the rangements and substitute the entire steretary of the association, who is equipment as maps, globes and apWest Indies for Jamaica and Bermualso director of Negro education in Japatus for instruction in science. He received his education in England, money in use, he has seen a be, pack Rhodes Scholarships to German comda as the ambit of the award. WhethWest Virginia, with headquarters at library and reference, materials, can graduating from Oxford. He became age of salt traded for ivory, diaa Christian and returned to Africa monds, or like articles worth a thous. petitors. We are not privileged to not possibly be as effective in her many Germans er or no it was at once realised that Charleston, work another as the teacher in some of the islands to the south of to convert his father, the king and and dollars. Prince Rega, while mak know exactly how In making his report of a surschool who has such apparatus. If the tribe, all of whom are Mahom. ing addresses throughout the country, may be living in Jamaica; but one is Jamaica. we will not be so invidious vey in this field, Mr. Sanders said: the medans.
is soliciting funds for Coosan Island strongly tempted to wish that we compare the percentage of ap.
as to mention names would easily Even though a number of the states propiations for current items, it will He came near to losing his life on Industrial and Orphan Home which first winner of one of these prizes be able to wrest the prize from Ja separate schools according to race be seen that the white child has a this mission, however, the king tel he founded several years ago in South in that island may be a candidate maica, and that therefore in effect groups, only a very few of them very great advantage over the Negroling him that in view of the fact Carolina.
owing allegiance to the country of this meant depriving Jamaica and keep separate statistics on expendi child. For instance, in Alabama the our late enemies, if only for the tures for capital outlay and current enrollment of white children is 63 sake of hearing what will be raised Bermuda of their easily held monoexpense such as equipment, supplies per cent of the total enrollment THE PROOFREADER TALKS Graceful And there in the way of technical objec poly of the awards we cannot say: and janitor service. Commenting and the appropriation for current Unusual Jewelry tions to his enjoying the fruits of his but even if that be so is was surely further, Mr. Sanders said: The exper cent of the total. In items is dishonest and dishonourable thing penditures for buildings indicate Delaware the enrollment success. Certainly it can hardly be Persons who desire to acquire or that Negro citizens receive a small children is 83 per cent of the tota! to retain a literary style which will expected that a colony which, at the. to do to come to the intercolonial recent Intercolonial Conference sue Conference with a glid falsehood, and portion of public funds for building and the expenditures for current meet the approval of the discrimnatceeded in jealously keeping to itself tale that the action of the Rhodes enlist thoughtless sympathy by the purposes. This condition exists in items is 91 per cent. In Florida the ing, need to remember that there are practically every state. In current enrollment of white children is 79 per many expressions or uses of words and Bermuda the opportunity of winTrustees was an attempt to deprive improvements Negro schools are far cent of the total while the expendi which, while more or less passable ning these annual prizes will view Jamaica and Bermuda of their right behind. Expenditures for this pur ture for current items in 94 per cent and common, are avoided by careful with great satisfaction the decision to a chance for the scholarships. Of pose range from to per cent of In Georgia the enrollment of white writers.
the total amount spent on both white children is 66 per cent of the total The expressions are not always to re open them to Germans; and not course the glibness and boldness of and Negro schools for maps, globes, and the expenditure for current ambiguous nor grammatically wrong; even the whole hearted approval by the misrepresentation affords no jusfurnishings and other items that go items is 99 per cent, indicating that often they can be classed as merely the Prince of Wales will, we suspect tification, and very little excuse, for into the school room or building. practically no expenditures for cur faulty, We take a great deal of make this act of signal friendship to the readiness with which the members These figures show that the Negro rent expendes in Negro schools are One of these expressions is the of the Conference permitted themselteacher is forced to either provide made in Georgia.
use of the word e for whether pride in having our stock of wards a sister nation acceptable in her own equipment or else be at a ves to be stampeded into joining heart (Continued on Page 7) in such phrases as these: jewelry represent all that is the eyes of a certain small coterie do not know if he will come. or not only newest and best. of Jamaicans. The news of the deci and soul in the generous effort to wonder if he knows.
but that also is different sion regarding German students also prevent an alleged injustice to two Admittedly, there is some author. from the common run. Every raises we suggest the question of the sister colonies. The incident merely speaks better by far for the hearts ity for this use. Some dictionaries jewel loving woman should possibility of its not being even yet give it a qualified approval. It should visit our store and revel in too late to undo the grievous wrong than for the brains of some of the he borne in mind, however, that die the glorious display of Jew. that was delegates who espoused the Jamaican done us last January stores in that cause. But the fact remains that had through Jamaican and Bermudan the Conference not began befooled who them) many misrepresentations in this matter.
trums and concoctions that the drug.
Laws FULLER What was at that time not realised by the apparent sincerity of the case gists would hesitate to use in their own families.
122 Central Ave.
by the members of the International presented to them, there is a good chance that by now we in Trinidad Conference by whom the subject was Discussing the matter, the latest as well as our neighbours in BarbaSon of the Soil who Holds High Position edition of the Standard dictionary discussed was that the proposal from dos and Demerara might be the Rhodes Scholarship trustees snys in part: in British Guiana VEGA.
which created all the stir was not to ARMING OUR YOUTH The use of if for whether is properly condemned, except in poetical deprive Jamaica and Bermuda of intellectually for the fray in an enL. STREET BELOW MOTEL BOLIVAR JAMAICA. The Hon. Hector five and a half months. He has and colloquial language, for the obtheir right to compete for these deavour to win the prize of a Rhodes HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Josephs, Attorney General of come to Jamaica to join Mrs. Josephs vious reason that when there is prizes, but merely to remedy the scholarship. That we have been deBritish Guiana arrived in Jamaica (his wife) and family, and will be common word meaning precisely a WORK DONE IN HOUR nomalous advantage they enjoyed of ceived into casting away our chance yesterday morning on the Elders and proceeding to England in a few weeks certain thing, a word meaning preSERVICE GUARANTEED may, of course prove a hard dificul.
Fyffes steamer Carare from Trini time to spend the remainder of his cisely another thing should not be THE SOLE COMPETITORS ty to get over in the struggle to get dad.
used for it without some special vacation.
GIVE ME TRIAL the matter re considered. But we seground.
from the The intention of riously and earnestly urge Mr. Josephd is a well known Ja Mr. Josephs is in the picture of STREET PANAMA So, when the proofreader meets upon Trustees was that one Rhodes Schol all who have West Indian maican who was called to the Bar at health, and when he was geen yes.
this splecism in matter already set arship should be awarded every two education at the heart Lincoln Inn in April, 1896, and was terday by a representative of strive admitted to the Jamaica Bar in Noy Jamaica Mail he stated that he in type, he is called upon to decide years to the West Indies for competi with all their power to secure the ask tion amongst students from that see re consideration of this question and ember of the same year. He prnetis was pleased to be in Jamaica once whether considering all the circum the author he shall ed as a Barrister at Law in this more. He said that in Trinidad he stances including the sensibilities of change.
tion of the Empire, in some way it in view particularly of the decision island for a number of years, and met the Hon. Barton, late of the trustees to recognise no dist held the position of Assistant to the Collector General of Jamaica, but tinctions of race in the world wide Attorney General for some time. He who is now acting as Collector of award of these scholarships we is a LL. Canab) Customs of Trinidad. Mr. Barton is ought to represent that we London. of Jamaica, and enjoying good health, and has pleaswere of British Guiana.
grossly misled, that we ant recollections of the time he spent were ignorant. culpably so, perhaps. and that It is interesting to recall that to. in Jamaica.
we were careless of our birth right wards the end of 1908 when the The reporter enquired of Mr.
as citizens of the Empire, when we famous Insurance trials were pro Josephs regarding Sir Anthony DeOf New York ceeding at Mandeville, Mr. Henry Froitas, who was formerly Senior joined in Jamaica unjustificable eam Dickens, K, an eminent Counsel Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court paign against the attempt of the from England, referred to Mr. Hector of Jamaica, but who is now Chief HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York trustees to confer the blessing of Josephs as an ornament to the Ja Justice of British Guiana, from Departicipation in the Rhodes Scholarmaica Bar, and since that time hecember 1926, and Mr. Josephs replied ships upon us; but that now we know has lived up to the reputation. that the learned Chief Justice is in Total Assets more than Two Thousand Million the truth, we plead for a re consider In December, 1920 whilst holding good health, and always remembers, ation of the matter and for the the position of Assistant to the At with pleasure, and happy recolleogrant to us of our rightful place as Dollars Cy.
torney General, he was appointed by tions the years he spent in this sharers in the opportunity along the Secretary of State for the col colony.
with all West Indians, to win whenonies to act as Attorney General of British. Guiana said the Hon.
ever we can, these valuable and British Guiana in the place of Dr. Hector Josephs, possesses some of world renowned scholarships. afterwards Sir) Nunan, who was the finest timber forests in the then doing Reparations work as a world, on Crown lands, and at the result of the Great War. Mr. Josephs present time the Government of the left British Guiana in April, 1923, colony has under consideration apand came back to Jamaica in January plications by several individuals for 1924, having had leave of absence.
rights for timber lands.
25 When the position of Attorney General was vacant in 1925, Mr.
Hector Josephs was appointed in to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus April of that year to the substantive office, but owing to the exigencies of the Judical service in Jamaica, Kirton Mr. Josephs having to act as a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court (as he had previously acted) he was Modern Tailor not able to leave this island, to take PANAMA COLON up the position in British Guiana, until October of 1925. He has thereNo 57 33 CENTRAL AVE.
NON S11117T fore, been Attorney General of British Guiana for nearly four years, Calidonia Road and is now on leave of absence for a being to for a The National City Bank SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies Years of Service Bayne Custom Tailor The National Tity Bank of New York No 22 Stroot Guaohapali Panama do House Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.


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