
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEP. 7, 1929, PAGE FIVE Beauty Hints MATTERS OF TEREST TO WOMEN BY MRS. LOUIS ST. HILL TROTT The Cleaner Perfect Facial Cleaning We all know about using cream to cleans the face with and are familiar with the truth that cream is better than water as a cleanser, but now we have something new under the sun, it is the facial rinse. You know how clothing is improved by rinsing and in that same degree, the Tace is more perfectly eleaned if we use the second application of cream in order to clear away all bits of cream that has been soiled in the first application or washing. To in.
sure the very best results we now Biust use the cold cream twice as a cleanser, first the washing and next the rinsing Vou ll need less butter ETIQUETTE When passing a plate for a second helping, is it correct to leave the knife and fork on the plate? Yes Under no circumstances should used silver be placed on the table cover. Is it impolite for a man to read his paper at breakfast? No. When callers arrive in succession, which should leave first! The first to arrive.
Army Aliens (Continued from page Greetings! Girls, Greetings!
DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON PHONE453 PANAMA STEAM PRESSING have be take it, is Introduction Week. And 15 STREET ome a journa yet, a little advice today, would not DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA list since last be too bad!
you saw me; BEAUTY IS FORTUNE Beauty of skin and hair constitute and, to boot, a fortune that our people should a columnist; strive to attain. Both men and women come a jouma could greatly profit by beauty of And whether skin and hair, and yet there seem you laugh or to get little attention among women as well as among men; and at times ery, it is quite often too. ve noticed that job, and am even the tender skin and hair of chil.
a worker.
dren are allowed to go their own have become a journalist since way.
last you saw me, and, to boot, a col What woman does not know that umnist! And whether you laugh or en unsightly skin is a great handicap?
cry, it is a job, and am a worker. What man does not know that unI have been asked to do my level kempt hair is a disgrace to the best along the lines of beauty etc. owner? Both man and woman know That right If you are St. Charles for this section. And as am not the value of beautiful skin and loveEvaporated Milk. Ius creamy richness, very beautiful myself, may not be ly hair. These are as great an asdistributed in avery drop, gives the foods in much of a position to do so, but set, from a business stand point as cooked with it, a luacions, creamy smooth along my professional line shall they are, from a social standpoint.
ness delightful to the taste do my best to interest those persons An unsightly skin may blight the who are interested this column. prospects of a happy life. It may Of course, my many years of social have been the cause for many women contact with them ought to have fur growing to old age among very handnished me with some knowledge a. some and congenial men and yet bout our women and their tastes, never succeeding in getting married. SOON as milk Right through the know that women love to have the Consequently this column seems meal, from the apbest of everything even at great fittingly captioned and, is much stand, the large but petizing soup to the cost, and am not going to hurry to needed; but it is going to be verv ice cream, coffee give them something that they don hard on terfat globules start me, am, therefore, and cake, you can rising to the top to want, so let us make our starting soliciting your valuable assistance, point in the next issue, as this week, so let me hear form you.
form the cream. In delight your family making St. Charles and your guests Evaporated Milk, with a new, smooth, Men Love Good Cooks about 61 of water cooked with butter, is removed and all creamyflavor if you the cream is re.
use St. Charles In this world you can be taught when we have mastered the full tained. By a special Evaporated Milk.
almost anything except just those extent of her curriculum. The really process, the fat gloWrite to NESTLÉ S, things which are necessary to the important things in the health and bules are broken Box 803, Panang happiness and welfare of the Every happiness of the individual are ignorup into small parts City or Box 300 day. You may even be taught these ed in favour of that glorious muddle which remain evenColon for the booklet things though they are not popular Delicious Dishes Using o! surface subjects, are sneered at and you may called a surface knowledge which knowledge which ly distributed in the Evaporated Milk run the risk of being looked upon is called a first class education. If milk so that there is which will be gladby cream in every drop.
sent to you.
as a crank if you indulge in them. the war has taught us nothing else, child is encouraged to learn the it has taught us how utterly stupid piano, and some succeed after hours and ignorant the majority of us were and years of hated drudgery in play in the knowledge of those things ing that instrument very badly, but without a knowledge of which life to be taught how to cook a dinner were slightly more than that most economically is looked upon as rather dangerous state of affairs which ad. and more of a pastime than consists in a little knowledge of EVAPORATED a necessary item of every woman things that don very much matter knowledge. In the same way man and a most supreme ignorance of the can be pushed through all the com things which do. This insistent, and plicated labyrinth of advanced mathe boring, and endless conversation amaties, and yet be left in complete bout food which is the one conversaignorance regarding the science of tional topic of to day, and has taken health. As for marriage and parent the place of Heaven, the weather, hood, it is left to the superb chaos cur neighbours shortcomings, and the which belongs to the policy of Wait war, is but the tragic result of miland Find Out with tragical results lions of women who can eat, but ef both the welfare of the state and can cook, being faced by an immethe happiness of the individual. These diate future which not only insista HEALTH COUNTS simple things are supposed to be that they should cook well, but bo do no silly actions, GET YOUR taught by Nature, but, like so many artists in the kitchen.
As tossing tins around: of Nature lessons, one is usually From Second Book of Silent Friends. These belong to dust bins JOB PRINTING DONE too old to profit by her teaching by Richard King.
Or buried in the ground AT THE Health is free and boundless, Workman Printery Just for you to take: Keep the house and yards clean QUICK AND NEAT WORK DONE This for health doth make ST.
ST. CHARL EVAMIRATE MILK There Cream in every Drop When recently interviewed the founder of the association stated that while he was not wholly satisfied with the present numerical strengthof the association as it is the desire that every silver employee of the Army be organized he left that were making fairly commendable progress. We have not been doing very much tooting of horn said the organizer. but we are alive and well.
Nomination and election of officers for 1909 30 term At a meeting of the Association held at the Baptist Schoolroom, PAnama City, on Saturday night last, nomination and election of officers were held pursuant to notices served op its members, and the following is list of its executive constituents result of the said election: Mr. Cespedes Burke, President.
Mr. William Creid, Vice President.
Mr. Anderson, General Secretary Mr. Renni, Assistant Secretary. Cowes, Treasurer.
Mr. Bernard; Mr. Lightburn; Mr. Headley very lively interest was displayed throughout the course of this meet ing and it was singularly encourag.
ing to note the keen spirit of rivalry and satisfaction that was wrought; all officers including trustees were voted for by private ballot. dramatic climax was accelerated when for the office of President the Association Messrs Burke And Creid the two principal nominees for this office were declared a tie vote The astute Chairman, Mr. Renni desiring to take upon himself the onus of choosing the president which was his parliamentary right as chairmap to cast the deciding vote, rose, and in an air of semi confusion sald Gentlemen, thete has been a tie for the office of President, and as do not desire to cast the deciding vote, must request that a re ballot be taken for that office. This was carried through and the second count resulted in Mr. Burke winning by a lerge majority Formal inauguration of the of ficers is scheduled for September 21st, 1929. ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN JOIN NOW FLYNCH Custom Tailor Dirt and dust together, Hide twixt box and tin, Turn them, sweep, and move them Let the sunlight in.
When Health Week is over Do not go to sleep; Be always clean and tidy Ever vigil keep CLUB IS STARTING SOON English American Styles NO. CALIDONIA Ktngston GAS STOVES (Continued from Page 1)
honest leaders, we can make our buying power felt in 48 hours.
The singing of the Hymn 17 followed with Prayer an dthe National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Members and well wishers of the organization are cordially invited to the meeting on Sunday the 8th inst.
Which begins at 30 sharp.
REFRIGERATORS Rent Receipt Books in Spania and English for sale at the Wortman Printery.
Rich Cafe GUARDIA Juan de la Guardia Paredes Central Avonuo 22.
FRENCH NOUGAT Wholesale Wholesale Retail Retail NEXT TO THE PHONE 526 ALCALDE OFFICE PANAMA Only 50 per Samuel Russell Tho Tailor (Contiued from Page 1)
By his will, John bequeathed his share in his father estate to his mother.
Joseph Graves left the furniture and fixtures in his cafe and considerable real estate. His estate has conservatively estimated to be worth not less than 25, 000. Debts against the state are given as approximately 10, 000 Number Per Week ASK FOR DETAILS AT OUR STORES OR FROM ANY EMPLOYEE Cía PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ PANAMA AT YOUR SERVICE 24th STREET Guachapali Panama COLON


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