p. 8


SPORTS The VIBRATIONS BY ROBERTS Dr. Leo Pink Surgeon Dentist 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment 0000000000000000 DOOGOOO 004 0000000000 It is a source of much gratifica sely. Among the delectable items tion to me to announce that last which the better halt was able to Saturday effusions were not indited obtain from her are some good old in vain, am hereby extending my Jamaica Ball Chocolate, likewise thanks to Mr. Stewart (Jolly) Skelion and thyme, the latter two itand Mr. Clan McKenzie, for the ems combining as we write to wher very helpful hint that columnists the appetite by the delicious aroma should not use the plural form, which assails our nose from the boilThanks old tops; keep coming. ing cauldron, am prepared to RO on record as favouring more and The Holiday has past and gone, it faster vacations to Jamaica.
was a gala affair. record breaking crowd went over to Colon on the Excursion, it was a very inspiring that we announce the Nuptials of Mr.
It is with considerable pleasure sight to see the many hundreds of McDonald Jones. This redoutable hard toilers in holiday attire, bent Demo, has at last fallen captive to for the time on pleasure, these days the fair blandisgments of the Charmare like mile posts in the lives of ing and beautiful Miss Nora Oates, our people, when for a day at least than whom there is none more charm they can be carefree, Man of course, ing.
being a gregarious animal, it is but natural that we should pool together know that they are going to have lots will not wish them good luck, to enjoy the common weal as we of it, God Bless them.
share the common woe.
But Say Donnie, that was a rath recurvy trick to play on all of the The Panama Canal Silver Employ. Brother Demos. not one was presces had a record breaking demon ent! well, here is wishing you lots stration orderly, quiet and respect and lots of Junior Donalds.
ful, several distinguished visitors were present, least of which, was not the Aeting Governor, all these have Last week our selections while not been given big hands by the various working 100 still clicked in a numreviewers, however, none has given ber of instances, however, we are a hand to the great mass. who was going to make up to you this week mainly responsible for the whole af the errors if any that occured.
fair. We invoke the blessing of To morrow at Juan Franco, the heryer upon the Association and horses listed below, should click in pray that Wisdom and understand the order named, don be ashamed ing may be vouchsafed to its leade to write and tell in this column if you ers. For as Abe. Lincoln once said find them God must love the common people, 1st. Race for he made so many of them.
Waterman; Sun Drop.
TO OUR CUSTOMERS Our long delayed Shipment of America finest Hosiery has just Arrived. They are in a large Variety of Shades and Styles.
CALL EARLY The Cosmopolitan House 31 Calidonia Road. McALMON. Prop.
Fifth Test Match WILLS TRAINING Ends in a Draw FOR COMEBACK?
LONDON, September South HE SAYS Africa challenge to English cricket, which showed its most dangerous strength in the drawn fifth and con m going to fight again. emphacluding test match at the Kennington tically declared Harry Wills, 36Oval today, has been turned back. year old Brown Panther, in an inThe Springboks, however, though terview in Billy Grupp Harlem gym they lost the rubber, came out of the a few days ago with a prominent five game series with three credit writer.
able draws Johnny Dundee and are suffering By scoring 492 for eight wickets from the same ailment. the former and declaring in the first innings tostevedore continued, wiping the pers.
day, they put the greatest score piration from his brow. We don ever compiled by. South African know what to do with ourselves out team against England. In addition, of this racket. Guess ll stick to Deane, the South African capit as long as my health is good.
tain, and Taylor, the veteran, Wills was busy jumping, streching, made a new record for a fourth pulling and tugging as of old when wicket stand in Anlgo African match approached by the scribe. When es 214 which displaces the 143 questioned about Godfrey, Harry exmade by Nourse and White at Durb pressed the opinion that the Leiperan in 1910.
ville pug was not in a class with the If the visitors pounded the English great colored clouters of his time.
crack bowlers as they have rarely Wills still believes, however, that been treated before, the great Eng. he is one the ablest colored menances lish batsmen rose brillantly in the alive today, emergency to save their side from a In his opinion, the colored super single inning defeat. First Hobbs and greaty of the ring ranked in the folSutcliffe and then Suteliffe and Ham lowing order: Langford, Jack Johnmond played in confident style to son, Jeanette, McVey, Battling Jim make a draw possible. Suteliffe scor Jonhson, Jeff Clark and Jack Thomped two centuries in this game, while son.
Hammond just passed the three Though was at my best five South Africa, 492; England, 238 and years before solemnly believed figure mark. Innings scores were: nad chance with Dempsey in 1926. 264 for one wicket, aggregate, 522. explained Wills as he shook his head, Quickly Add 209 Runs probably thinking of the money and South Africa resumed the first in opportunity he missed.
nings left at 283 for five wickets. In two hours and a halt, by great cricket, 209 runs were added for three wickets when the innings was declararrears. Hobbs and Suteliffe opened ed closed. Ninety runs were got in their second innings on a wicket that the first hour. Cameron and Morkel appeared easy, though threatening fore Cameron was rather easily to become more difficult.
caught at mid on. Morkel continued Hobbs settled down at once and to attack the bowling stoutly, while played flawless cricket, much to the Owen Smith kept up his end. The delight of the 10, 000 spectators, many latter had hard luck when he chopped of whom were ardent oval fans and ball into his wicket.
warm supporters of the noted Surrey England had the balance of the cricketer, who was playing probably day for batting and was 234 runs in his last test match at home.
Wire for us and we ll Wire for You NIMBLEY Co.
Electricians and Dealers Wiring, Supplies and Repairs Telephone 1059 PO Box 747 No 8, Street Ancon Panama Church Services St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca Holy Communion, a. im. The Rector.
2nd. Race More often than not, our local Bubbling Water; Annie Laurie, scribes are wont to remark the lack Srd. Race of ethics among each other, there are times when this accusation absoluPalo Loco; Diez y Seis; Don Flotely groundless, but it is rentine.
surprising to me to see the conductor of a page 4th. Race after closing the matter and thereby Kitty Gill; Cartagena; Occureneliminating one of the contestants, cia.
accepting further material upon the 5th. Race same question, decidedly unethical Bolsheviki; Chiquilla; Bomba.
call it, oh well, such is life.
6th. Race Lagrimita; Jackie; Mayara.
Among the recent arrivals in our 7th. Race fair community is Mrs. Samuel DubAmapola; Pistol; Rippling Water.
erry, Mrs. Duberry has returned from a well spent six week vacation spent Match Race in the Isle of Springs. The lady is Pauline, you can sink the old bank looking like the fairest flower that roll on this.
ever bloomed, they can be no doubt Note: These races may may not be that she enjoyed her vacation immen run in the order named.
The Litany, Holy Communion, 10. 45, a. The Rector.
Church School, e, Mr.
Palmer, Lay Reader.
Choral Evensong and sermon, 30, Wednesday, 11th, Inst.
Grand Musicale under the auspices of the Church Choir, p.
Admission will be by ticket. MULCARE, Rector.
St. Bartholomew Las Cascadas St. Simon s, Gambos Matins, address, Church School, Confirmation Class, at the usual time by the Catechists. MULCARE, Priest in Charge. BASSAN Stores 70. 74 Central Ave.
We Have Just received a Large Shipment of America Finest Shoes FOR MEN AND WOMEN BOYS AND GIRLS BARBADOS SOCIETY TO HOLD MEETING Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET IN LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES Our Prices defy competition Members of the Barbados Society are hereby requested to attend their next business meeting next Wednesday night at the Panama Capital Hall beginning 30 Sharp.
This request is specially made to remind many of the new members who failed to turn out at the last meeting and as a consequence falled to hear the important transactions which concerned their interest.


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