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be On the Negotiations for these FINLEY WILSON RE ELECTED ELKS HEAD Islands Loom up Again Greatest Convention Ever Witness Jamaica May Have Symphony Concert at Says these British Possessions are in Negro History Potential Threats Against State Lottery Excelsior Next Sunday Atlantic City witnessed the marked the publice opening of the the New Jersey greatest convention in Negro grand lodge at Panam Canal MATTER TO BE BROUGHT NEGRO SPIRITUAL HEAV. History, when Finley Wil avenue school with Attorney Lodde Nutter, local lawyer, presiding.
UP IN LEGISLATIVE EN TO BE FEATURED son received the key to the city Governor Morgan Larson spoke at WASHINGTON, Sep. 10 must not forget that Great BriCOUNCIL from Mayor Ruffu, and 30, 000 this session, as well as Mayor RufSwapping islands has become a tain still controls a vast deal of SYMPHONY CONCERT Elks gathered in monstrous pa fu, Enoch Johnson, Finley Wilpleasant avocation with politi territory in this hemisphere. It son, the grand exalted ruler, and The third quarterly concert of the rade.
His Excellency the Governor has cians and editorial writers who, has British Honduras in Central caused a letter to be sent to the Panama Symphony Orchestra and its So crowded was Atlantic City many other lodge officials.
Tuesday morning at 30 o clock from time to time, discuss the America. It has British Guiana Council of the Kingston and St. An. Concert Party begins at o clock at the Excelsior Theatre this Sunday that as many as seventeen per the grand lodge sessions were forexpediency of a deal whereby in South America. In the West drew Corporation in reply to the resolution which was recently passed afternoon.
sons slept in one room. From un mally opened at the Senior High the United States would cancel Indies group of islands it has by that body urging the government Director Jayes said, when inter derneath the boardwalk lusty will be held at the high school every school.
Au grand lodge sessions the French war debt in exchange Bermudas, the Bahamas, Barba to establish a State lottery here. viewed by a representative of the snore were heard and many spent morning during the week, beginning for title to the French West In dos, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos In the reply the acting Colonial Workman yesterday that, All of my the night in autos, and without at the same hour.
the dies Islands.
Ielands, Trinidad and Tobago, Secretary points out that His Excel men are tuned to a pitch to hold The national oratorical contest Now comes an editorial writer the Cayman Islands, the Leeward leney had given the matter his full attention of everyone who attends the collars, ties or shoes.
Caspar Holstein the noted will be staged at the high school.
of the Phoenix (Arizona) Gazette Islands, and the Windward is consideration but was unable to coun concert tomorrow, and there is no Six contestants have qualified for have as crowd literary figure who opposed Wil the finals. William Harvey of tenance the idea of a State lottery question about our with the novel proposal that lands. And off the coast of South in the island.
ed a house as we have always had. son could muster only 264 votes Philadelphia, Catherine Wiseman of the United States enter a trade America it has the Falkland Is. This put an end to the idea so The program opens with a compliwith Great Britain by which Bri land Georgia.
far as the Corporation are concern mentary march and is soon followed as against Wilsons 750, and Cas Detroit, Evelyn Hill of Columbia, tain will add the Philippines to and Georgia.
ed; but we understand that one or by von Suppe Light Calvary par friends, are said to have Dotie Mae Brodgeforth of two elected members have decided to overture a bright and urging work yet the Little Napoleon of Boston, Mase, and Elmer House of Athens, Ala. Seaton Manning of its Oriental possessions in ex All those possessions repres bring up the question at the comin itself.
Elkdom ran straight to Grand St. Louis, Mo. are the contestants change for the grant of British ent potential threats against the ing session of the Legislative Coun. Another outstanding item is The Exalted Ruler again.
Hondurag and the British West Panama Canal.
who will compete for 6, 000 in All lie within eil and probably the Governor will iPresent Age to be recited by ATLANTIC CITY, Sep. scholarships. Col. John Marshall Indies to the United States. our natural economic sphere. then take the opportunity of explain Alfonso Ferreira the well known Seventy five thousand Elks have re and Hueston, head the board and Basing his ideas on the agita. Some of them are rich in natur. ing why he is unable to agree to a (Continued on Page 8)
gistered in the various hotels here of education of the lodge.
tion of middle western agricul al resources, and Britain, because State lottery.
since Sunday morning. This figure Two big social events will turists that the Philippines be not well situated in relation to BARBADOS SOCIETY PUR is only temporary according to the staged by the official committee, the cut adrift, the anonymous writer them, is doing little or nothing ATTORNEY CARRINGconvention headquarters, as delegates big benefit concert and reception on said: To put the matter bluntly, to develop them.
CHASE NEW BUILDING are pouring into the city by train the Garden pier on Wednesday night TON AT WASHINOTON and motor.
the Philippines are no asset to ABOUT EQUAL TERRITORY and the official ball on Thursday The political angle looms as the night at the auditorium.
the American farmer, but a dis Note, also, the further coinciAnother proof of the usefulnes of all engrossing factor, Casper Hol Garden pier the Lighthouse lodge tinct liability.
dence: The Washington Tribune of the the insular societies is established stein, the New York candidate for band, directed and trained for the POTENTIAL THREATY The British territories just 30th ulto. publishes the following of by the Barbados Society of Colon Grand Exalted Ruler, claiming 800 past several weeks by Lieutenant If the movement to drop the enumerated here embody, in all, our Lawyer Carrington who visited when it purchased a wooden struc. of the 1, 100 voting delegates, while Timm Brymm, one of the famous Philippines develops to any 115, 019 square miles.
Washington and spent a few ture at 5th and 6th Street, Colon. his opponent, Finley Wilson, the musicians of the late World war, strength, why wouldn it be a The Barbados Society of Colon present incumbent, claims a like will render a short concert prior to The Philippines embody, in days in that big capitol in connection the reception in the main ballroom.
good idea for the American gove all, 114, 000 square miles.
with vacation tour which he is at has town so fast in numbers and number.
in financial status that it Every Northside rooming house is PAULINE AT LA BOCA ernment to consider making a States, just as the Philippines are Attorney Carrington, of necessary to make a move to accomo packed to capacity and it is predicttrade with Great Britain? We (Continued on page 4)
Ancon, Canal Zone, Panama, was a date the many members.
ed that it will he the greatest con The Operetta Pauline which porvisitor here from Saturday to Wed held recently that much money could It was argued at a special meeting vention in the history of the order.
trays a group of villagers having a nesday. He is on a four months vaSunday memorial services were pirnie in a prairie, is soon to be stagcation, having left early July for be saved if the society purchased its conducted at the Asbury ed at the La Boca Clubhouse, by the Cuba, Bermuda, The Azores, then to own quarters It was also argued Church, with the grand chaplain, the Brown Red Troupe. The troupe Vigo, Caruna and Santander, Spain. that because of the awakened spirit Rev. George. Avant, delivering the is preparing this fine play under the Santander is the samer home of King of our whole community, the Barba eulogy.
direction of Mr. Brown of La Alpronso and is reported to be a very dos Society of Colon desires to be in Monday afterndon at o clock Boca.
line by doing something tangible to PRESIDENT KING PROMPTLY DE then visited La Pallice, France, LivTo this effect the members empoNIES EXISTENCE OF SLAVERY erpol and London, England and landed in New York Friday, August 23rd wered Messrs Perey Seales, Allan from the Berengaria. He is now in Seartlebury, Geo. Harris and NathaCyrus, Joseph Goodridge, Randolph Cases Causes Alarm New York and will sail for one of niel Jones, the directors of the socieWASHINGTON, Aug. 29. lored.
the West Indies Islands next week. ty, to make the purchase. An effort will be made Charged of the existence of shockMr. Carrington finished law to have a colored American appointing conditions of forced labor and alHoward in 1915.
CHAIRMAN OF WESLEYAN ED TO DATE ed to the proposed international leged slavery in Liberia have been commission to investigate forced widespread for years. The political INCESSANT RAIN WASHES METHODISTS labor conditions in Liberia, which opponents of the native government Twenty new of smallpox The Government has made possible will be appointed by the Liberian have made numerous sweeping chargOUT MUSICALE On Visit To The Isthmus have been recorded last Thursday in a house to house vaccination by the Government, it is understood here.
the city. These cases raised the aappropiation of 30. 000. The move es of deplorable conditions there, services The commission will be composed which have been partially substanin connection with Methodismorik enemout to the amazing number of 92 began last Friday when shipment of three members, one Liberian, one tiated by private investigators.
Owing to incessant rain the Music. Isthmus will begin tomorrow, at the although it is said that the Hygiene of serum arrived from It was discovered that six additionAmerican recommended by the UnitThe subject has been brought up at St. Peter Church, La Boca, last subject of Missions will be the top since a couple of lone cases were ing. Thus raising the total to 98 ale which was to have been rendered Panama Wesleyan Church when the Departments of the city and the Cat nal Zone have been al cases had developed Friday morned States government and a third to be recommended by the League of several times at Geneva and the aid Wednesday night. was postponed till ic of the day.
of the League of Nations has been when, it is hoped, Jupiter Pluvius Rev. John Curry will preside at the Wednesday night, the 18th inst. The chairman of the district, the discovered in June.
Nations, according to the present One of the causes responsible for The Secretary of public instruction, sought.
plan announced by the Liberian gov.
will give us a chance to put our meeting to be held in the church on the sudden rise in number is said to Jeptha Duncan has ordered all ernment to the State Department The matter was recently reopened program through without a hitch Wednesday next 18th Instent. Other be the fact that persons finding grammar schools close, with the view recently by Thomas Faulkner, an Ameri and eliminate the anxiety of all con notable speakers on of preventing the plague from spread this cerned.
can born, naturalized. Liberian, who will be the very Rev. Hasley Werlein themselves having sumptoms of or ing among the schools where chill.
Ever since the announcement of carried a protest to the State DepartD. Ph. Dean of St. Lukes, Cathedral, afflicted with the plague have delay. dren gather in large numbers.
It was reported late last night the proposed commission speculation ment and requested an official in proposed an international commission Union Church, the Rev. Ander the hospital the Rev. Marshall of the Balboa ed in reporting to the Health Depart.
presenting themselves at that the situation bids fair to being has been rite among colored leaders vestigation. His story of the deplor which will investigate the conditions. son and the Revs. Wade and controlled soon.
and politicians as to whether the An able conditions among the natives has It has become necessary, therefore, of doctors and nurses making houseNo names of colored citizens have Cousins of the Panama Circuit merican member recommended for attracted a great deal of attention yet been proposed to the State De of Methodism.
to urge every person, recognizing to house vaccinations, and with other doctors membership on the commission to in both in this country and in Europe. Fartment to date, it is claimed. special program by the Choir such symptoms or the contamination and nurses. rounding up vestigation conditions in the little President King promptly denied several are reported to be aspiring will complete an interesting evening of the plague to report immediately isolated cases where ever they are to the hospitals or Health Depart known to be, it is expected that comin the history of Missions and on beNegro Republie will be white or co the existence of alleged slavery and te membership on the commission.
plete control will soon be effected, half of Methodism.
Colored American on Commission to Liberia. Increase in Small Pox ONE HUNDRED CASES RECORDat Cases very vigilant cases.
Occasion With four gange

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