
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEP. 14, 1929 THE WEST INDIES AMERICA AFRICA JAMAICA Negro Protests Brings Desired Results Attempt at Segregation in Department available to day, but late wat night TRAGIC DEATH OF stances are were were vears.
mean Graceful And South Africa Unusual Jewelry Fateful Election Pearls (DAILY MAIL)
The complete results of the South RETIRED SOLICITOR African be Store Quickly Anulled the South African Party, led by General Smuts, had made such little Body Buried at Sea in Accordance progress that is seemed impossible WASHINGTON, Sep. 10. by outraged shoppers with various for them to secure majority against with Wishes After several customers had return representative citizens.
the Nationalists, under General HertMrs. Eva Board, the wife of Dr. zos, and that section of the Labour (From our Correspondent. lowered at twilight in the presence We take a great deal of od purchases and a committee had is still allied to General Hertzog.
PORT. Richmond Hill of a number went pride in having our stock of protested to the management, signs Board, had just made several Party, under Colonel Crewell, which designating separate public conven purchase in the store when informed It is one of the troubles of South one of the suburbo of Porto Antonio cut in boats to play their last tribute jewelry represent all that is iences for white persons and color of the offensive sign. Unwilling to Africa that just at time when was the scene of an awful tragedy to the deceased.
not only newest and best, to be solved on Monday night last when Mr. Syd The body was sewed up in canvas but that also is different ed persons were removed from the believe that the new store would in grave problems have new retail department store of Se augurate any such dastardly policy, party Government appears to be ney Jaquet a retired solicitor of this and covered with a large quantity from the common run. Every The existence of ars, Roebuck and Company, of Chica. Mrs. Board said that she went up three parties has so complicated the breaking down.
town, aged 75 years came to his of wreaths and conveyed to the jewel loving woman should go, which opened here last Wednes stairs to see for herself.
situation that legislation of of an endeath under very mysterious circum wharf of Messrs Johnston and visit our store and revel in day morning.
The toilets are located on the sec lightened character has become ex.
023 Company where a big crowd had the glorious display of JewA committee called on Alvin ond floor. The signs had been care traordinarily difficult.
There Around o clock on Monday af gathered.
Several of the leading elry and Precious Stones.
Dodd, eastern manager of Sears, fully lettered in gold on the maho further, old racial differences to agternoon last Mr. Jaquet went to his gentlemen in the community FULLER Roebuck and Company, Thursday gany doors, of rooms adjacent to gravate the wark of administration.
summer house about five chains from present maluding practising solicimorning and protested against the those marked For White Men. re bout six million natives, who are inSuth Africa has a population of his residence with his gun, a long tors.
122 Central Ave.
use of such signs in Washington. spectively.
cret ing rapidly. Ile white poru!
distance rifle and about an hour or squad of regular policemen was Thomas Clarke acted as spokes.
As a protest against this humilia tion ie only about 1, 500, 000 divi. later Hubert McDonald his ser in attendance as also the water poman for the committee which vant heard the sound of a gun in Heo staff ander Corporal Buekcomposed of Pinkett, secretary Board immediately returned to the slowly Was tion of their colored patrons, Mrs almost evenly between English and Boer, and is increasing extremely that vicinity. As it was the custom nor.
of the local branch of the National counter at which she had made her of the deceased to go shooting in The Nationalist Government under Mr. Jacquet lived a very quiet life Association for the Advancement of purchases and told the clerk that she General Hertzog with its Labour althat locality in the afternoon, Me at Richmond Hill, about a mile from Bayne Colored People: Mr. Clarke, reprewas returning the goods. The lies has shown a distinct desire to Donald paid no notice to the sound, the town, and his visits to the town senting the Equal Rights League; Dr. clerk sought the manager.
weaken the ties which bind South but at some time around p. the very seldom during recent Custom Tailor George Richardson, president of When he came, Mrs. Board quietly dopted a flag in which the Union of Africa to the British Empire. It acook Alice Williams said she wantWithin the last week or so the Federated Civic Association; 0000 stated her reason for returning the Jack is almost effa sed. It reduced ed Mr. Jaquet to get some money. he appeared much demented, and he Bruce, vice president of the local goods. The manager colored deeply in 1925 the preference given to BriShe went to the summer house and visited the twon three times with in No 22 Stroot branch of the National Association found him sitting on his bench with the past few days previous to his Guachapali for the Advancement of Colored but made no comment. Her money tish goods; more recently it concludhis rifle at his feet and a quantity death.
People; Rev. George Parker, of the store, chagrinned to note that awas refunded and Mrs. Board left ed with Germany a treaty by which Panama de it gave that country what was virtof blood oozing from his throat, and the Baptist Ministers Alliance; ually a preference as against Great mong the hundreds of colored pahis hat a few feet from him. To all Dudley and Rev. Wallace, of Britain.
there appearances the bullet which took Electric Lights in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion trons pouring into the store were several race leaders who did Party and of the Government in ofThe triumph of the Nationalist his life was self inflicted and it tore the Suburbs Church; Robert Nelson, West his throat wide passing through his Death of Prominent Hamilton and LuValle.
not feel the matter keenly enough to fice would probably accentuate these withhold their trade.
tendencies, General Hertzog, the head, and through the celling of the Mr. Dodd agreed to the removal Leward Island It is claimed that these women Prime Minister, appears to JAMAICA, Sep. The installahouse, making a clean cut of the of the signs and said that no speboard where it passed. The cook call tion of electric lights in the Newton Figure cial effort will be made by the store were well aware of the policy adopt very well but to be unable to resist ed toward colored patrons and of the He has fought the election mainly pressure from inside his own party.
ed out to MeDonald who informed Square district has been completed management to enforce the use of the police of the occurrence.
In and was tried out on Wednesday existence of the offensive signs. No on two issues race prejudice and separate rest rooms.
quick time detective Sgt. Irving, night. Press despatch records the death others have been located to date who the native question and thus his Bgt. Green, Corporal Yesterday the work of intsalling at Montserrat on 28th August last took Mrs. Board stand and return methods bore no good for South Af.
Cleghorn and others were on the electric lights in the Rollington Pen of Mr. John Badcock Chambers, No. Segregation raised its the matter to the news papers and tion is of the first importance for WASHINGTON, Sep. 10. ed their purchases. They reported rica, The handling of the native quesscene. The police took charge of district including Waterloo Road, tary Public, and well known figure hydra head here Wednesday at the were content to leave it to Julius the body and a post mortem exami Jackson Road and Dunoon Road was the world. It looks as though in throughout the Leward Islands. The opening of the new retail depart. Rosenwald, the principal stockholder South Africa the very situation which nation was performed yesterday by commenced.
Dr. Leigh Evans, acting It is expected that the work will deceased was a keen cricket enthu ment store of Sears Roebuek and in the company, who is well loved for occurred seventy years ago in the THE FUNBRAL be completed within the course of siast and often accompanied the is. Company, located on Bladensburgh his fairness and philanthropy among Southern Confederacv of the United road, two blocks north of Fifteenth Negroes.
States were recurring. The dominatIn accordance with his wishes he a few days. The improvements men lands team as official scorer in the and streets Northwest ing party, the Boers, with their Lawas buried at sea, his body having tioned will prove a great boon to the Leward Islands Cup Cricket CompetiOn Thursday a committee of the bour auxiliaries, believe sincerely in been taken about three miles out districts which for a long time have tions. Mr. Chambers was 61 years of oldest inhabitants, colored custom rious civic and fraternal organizaFor the first time in the memory heads and representatives of the va the bondage of the native.
north of the right House and there been crying out for light.
South African statesmen of larger old.
ers of department stores were warn tions visited the management of the experience and wider ont look, such ed by glarnig gold letters of a fla store. They were assured by Alvin as General Smuts. realise that what grant discriminatory practice and Dodd, the eastern representative sible, and that a native population the Boer extremists seek is impos.
GET YOUR were directed to separate toilets and of the company, and Daly, the which is growing much faster than rest rooms, boldly marked For Color local manager, that the signs would the whites cannot indefinitely be Job Printing ed Women and For Colored Men. be removed.
held down or treated as superior LAWYERS MUST DONE AT THE respectively.
This promise, however, was not is what looms largest on the horicattle. This Irrepresible conflict Workman storm of protest swept the city, kept, and signs were still in evidence zon.
within an hour after the opening, at closing time Saturday.
Printery and stores of complaints were filed The Capital News Service imme diately upon confirmation of the nuAdvice by Trinidad Commissioner merous complaints received from the women, sent the following telegraph COMPENSATION CLAIMS ic communication to Mr. Julius Rosenwald in Chicago: Mr. Julios Rosenwald, An appeal to lawyers to exercise a At first one was inclined to view Sears, Roebusck and Company, little more care in the preparation things lightly, but the Ordinance Chiengo, LL of their claims was made on Saturwas old and these matters could not day by Mr. Van Buren Com be treated as they used to be.
Of New York We fmd that the local Soare missioner, Workmen Compensation.
Roebuck plant, opened here WedIt was made when a claim which No Neglect Suggested nesday, segregates colored paUr. Milne described as iniquitHe was not saying that there had trons in rest and wash rooms. No ous was presented by Nathaniel been any neglect in preparing this satisaction from local management.
Alexander for the sum of 138 claim. Mistakes would be made, but No local concern has ever taken against the Waterloo Estates Ltd. in Total Assets more than Two Thousand Million he did not think these claims were this step. Do you sanction this respect of wages due to him during al ways prepared as they should be.
Dollars Cy.
policy. Please advise by wire.
the period he was unable to work Mr. Castillo appeared for the ROBERT PELRAM.
Smaller Sum Allowed applicant. Weekly Guardian. Director. On going into the figurea, the Capital News Service.
Commissioner desided that the sum to which the applicant was entitled In the absence of Mr. Rosenwald was 28. 87.
from Chicago, the telegram was for.
Alleged Iniquitous Chims warded to the executive offices 4640 Mr. Milne described the claim as Kirton Iniquitous and asked the Commission(Continued on Page 3)
er to mark his disapproval of such claims by not awarding the appliModern Tailor cant conta.
The Commissioner while agreeing to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus VEGA.
that the sum claimed was out of all No 57 STREET BELOR, HOTEL POLIVAR proportion to that which was allowed thought the applicant was entitled Calidonla Road MATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED to costs up to the filing of the claim.
WORK DONE IN HOUR More Care Necessary SERVICE GUARANTEED Dealing with the claim itself the Comissioner stated that these House, Rent Receipt Books in Spar.
PANAMA COLON GIVE ME TRIAL claims must be prepared with great ish and English for sale at the 33 CENTRAL AVE.
AT FRONT STREET er care and more particularity than KSTRELT PANAMA in the past.
Werkeman Printery.
TRINIDAD BE CAREFUL The National City Bank HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service The National Tity Bank of New York


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