
the STETSON HATS are was exPACKARD SHOES of Buy With Confidence Exide Negroes Protest Brigi (By ELIJAH HUNTER. Continued from page 57 Rooseveit boulevard, Philadelpl Friends and Countrymen: am That is tardy at the plough!
happy man these days. am happy, red not because live in a palace, sur My wife was completely carried The following reply, signed by rounded by maids and pages, nor away with this poetic impasse. She sing Rosenwald, vice president of with gorgeous and expemeve fur straightway kissed the girl saying: company, assures the Capital Ne niture have to keep Service of the immediate discontERE long as live. Not beca for as peace be unto thee. Thy smartness have has stood thee in good stead.
uance of this practice.
become possessed of the emoluments The letter reads: that come of the drawing of the first prize of the National Lottery, or fellow named Trixy who tried Once upon a time there was Sears, Roebuck and Co. with any such thing, but rather am Executive Offices oduehappy, firstly, because the Silver make Daisy believe that she was all its ALSO the world to him that he could see Philadelphia, Pa.
Employees Association of which have the honor to be a live member no other but she that it was imposcast sible for him to see anything to adis making progress, and secondly, mire in any other girl, and things Capital News Service.
THE FINEST SELECTION hieve Attention Robert Pelham, because have discovered that the of that sort. This fellow was full girls love me. find that am a of hypocrisy, but like all other hypo2001 Eleventh Street Northwest. and drawing card with them, and so Gentleman: crits, he had beaten himself comgetsing merrily as go along: Your telegram to Mr. Julining love the girls, and the girls pletely at the end of the game.
the During his regime of false preRosenwald has been referred love me.
Jffertenses, he had gained the affection me on account of Mr. Rosenwal Wow! But wait till tell you. of another girl whose name obsence from Chicago.
went to a party the other night. Caroline. He arranged the meeting Indis Now, have adopted the practise of place for each girl at a respectable AND At the time that our Washin oud taking my chief girl that is, the distance from each other, in order ton store was built, it was the one who wears the ring at my of to get away with it. But he was that separate washroom faciliti pense, along with me. This do in minus one thought. It never occur.
for colored people and white peace.
irgy order that there might be no misun red to him that Daisy had a friend.
ple would he most acceptable pleca derstanding. The girls, you know, But she did. And this friend told members of BOTH races. The fe in both old and new, are very jealous, Daisy all obout it, and she, like every cilities in all washrooms are idolegro and unless you do things openly, 50 sensible girl would, was quite set they can see, there is likely to be for him. He used to tell Caroline the tical, no differentiation beluntry.
SHOE made TO SELECT FROM quite a lot of misunderstandings. Be same things he told Daisy, and beand sides, some of the girls now a day, cause of the postings Daisy friend We will investigate very carnent. truth is the gate) they don have gave her, she was worked up to a fully the information contain men very much conscience. As soon as high pitch. She suppressed her they find out that a fellow has fal feelings however, as much as she LA MASCOTA in your telegram, and if we to be that in no other place is this presenlen for them, they want to take you could, only showing a little indifferaway altogether from your chiefence mixed with anxiety. MULLER Prop tice being followed, we will treed, girl. That is not quite right. Every. One evening, this fellow showed ng mediately discontinue it took body should get a little, as the old up at Daisy s, and straightway CENTRAL AVENUE 37 Please accept my thanks ACE saying goes.
greeted her like this: Washington store.
lessKnowing these circumstances, My heart incline, my love divine, Pleose accept my thinks fdand.
took the chief with me to a party All day and night for thee pine; bringing this matter to our at its the other night (as said before. At My life, my thought, my joys are thine, tention.
ma this party, met a girl who had fal. From now until my days decline!
is their bearing on the protection of Very truly yours, to len for me at a previous party. She Gosh! What a hypocrite? But our trade routes to which reference LESSING ROSENWALD, tory is a smart girl. As soon as she saw me, she asked me for my wife. When ience was exhausted. Her anxiety dewatch. Daisy waxed warm. Her pat will now be made.
unVice president.
The latest exponent of the down one The committee which visited th opposite, she embraced her and kiss cloquence. She sneered at this rascal citizens of that country do not un1 showed her my wife sitting just veloped into an expression of poetic on the knee policy towards the nited States a policy which the local management and protesteary ed her. She did this to avoid misun with contemptuous mockery: were Thomas Clarke, reprdent.
derstanding. Then she turned to me You lying, frenzied poreupine, derstand is one Augur. described and waxed eloquent in verse senting the Equal Rights Leagu, to by the New York Times as a dislike you think don know Caroline; this: who acted as spokesman; Dr. Georg ney.
She foll of prickles like a pine, tinguished London journalist. Save the Papa, you re so dignified, the mark! In the Fortnightly ReH. Richardson, the Civic Federation Yet, in her clutches you recline; Kiss me till you re satisfied: view for July this pundit suggests Your trieks, and hers, both your eyes West Hamilton, the Sentinel; this Let your love be verified, blin the neutralisation of our Naval LaValle, the Tribune; Robert Afect And my feelings gratified; And now, your intrigues decline. bases in the Caribbean as a step toNelson, the Eagle and the Elks Chais, Then shall be glorified, Wuss! Trixy got the blow, and he wards the organisation of permanent Where starting and vil Liberties Commission; BruebrilAnd possessed with endless pride! didn know! Perhaps, when Trixy peace between this country and the United States.
and Pinkett, the cgelThen papa, overcome with ecstasy, recovers, he will find out what all George Parker, the Raptia bout straightway answered saying: This suggestion is said to have atsensible men know and observe, viz. Yes mi daughter, kiss me now, concerned, you can in Washministers; Rev. Wallace and Tho my wife might make a row; that the double game is a woman tracted considerable interest in ve at. lighting efficiency is travel blithely on with Dudley, the Zior If she does ll make a vow, prerogative that when men try it, ington, and the New York World. they are committing a trespass and clares that it is in accordance with giving the proposal its blessing, deChurch.
out fear of trouble if And beseech her while bow, every trespasser is liable to be per the principle of the undefended frontIdor Not to butt me like a cow secuted!
wyn your battery is an ier which has been tested for over a hundred years between Canada and EXIDB pame known the United States. It will at once THE LONG LIFE to motoring millions be apparent to readers of The BATTERY BAPTISTE Navy that that is not a fair com ht; parison. The understanding about Distributors for Panama THE ARTISTIC ssy the 3, 000 miles of frontier is a biPANAZONB GARAGB COMPANY, Panama City.
lateral one. In the case of the Carib THB RLBGTRIC STORAGE, BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia, bean, on the other hand, we are to TAILOR scrap our phantom the term is used advisedly naval bases, whilst the United States is to retain her existHouse The West Indies not for Sale it Street ing bases, for is not to be expected that she would scrap the elaboPanama, R, rate fortifications at Cristobal and DO NOT DELAY The following atricle by the Sections to belong to other nations. Balboa which protect the Panama retary to the West India Committee the inhabitants of the islands gen Canal or would undertake never to THE LIST FOR appears in the August number of erally have no wish whatever to be mount gun at Key West or on Cu The Navy. the official organ of come citizens of the United Stateslebra Island, which guard the exits the Navy League.
and much less nondeseripts the to the Caribbean Sea, or put a warLooks Like He has no In the year 1848 there was estab fate, it is said, of many of the res ship in at Guantanamo in Cuba, IS FILLING UP RAPIDLY lished in Alabama a body called the idents in the Virgin Islands of the whose harbour is specifically reserv Lone Star Lengue. which aimed at Country ed for the use by the Treaty of A, securing the extension of the instiThe Prince of Wales was cheered Paris.
tutions, power, influence and com to the echo in Barbados on 25th From the Press which Augur merce of the United Stataes over the March, 1920, when he stated empha proposal has received, it might be JOIN TODAY MAY HAVE TO SPEND whole of the western hemisphere, tically, The King subjects are not supposed that Great Britain had a REST OF HIS LIFE and the islands of the Atlantic and for sale!
chain of fortresses bristling with AT SEA Pacific Oceans. You have probably heard. he guns, and naval bases, in the CaribThe league having failed to accom said that it was suggested the bean, with warships waiting in well The Club Will plish its grandiose purpose has long other day that the British Empire defended harbours to pounce on th BELGRADE, Sep. 13. stream of since ceased to exist. Judging, how Inight pay off some of its war debt Panama Canal! In actual fact nothirg correspondence has been flowing betever, from the irresponsable re ly selling part of the West Indies! could be farther from the truth. In ween the Belgrade Foreign Office marks attributed to certain politicians What an idea!
the eighteenth century we had a and journalists who periodically and the American Consulate to deterApart from sentiment, there are This Month naval base at Castries in St. Lucia counsel us to hand over our treasur other cogent reasons why the British which, thanks to the foresight and mine the nationality of Dragomir ed West Indian colonies to the Unit West Indies must remain under the persistence of Rodney, we captured Nikoliteh, of Serbian descent but ed States, or to abandon our imagin Union Jack. Canada having no tro from the French whom he was conseborn and reared in Detroit. Far from ary naval bases in the Caribbean, it pical territory of her own, naturally quently able to defeat in the Battle would appear to have competing for Mr. Nikoliteh, both a few dis regards those colonies as her prin of the Saints on the glorious 12th countries disclaim him possibly beciples.
cipal British source of supply of April, 1782, thus securing to us for the tropical produce, and also as an excause he was deported from all time, let us hope, For foreign subjects to suggest tropi West Inour handing over British United States for bootlegging.
en impertinence. For Britons to do producte market for her flour, dairy dian possessions. We had, too, the territory is fish and many manufacturhistoric Port Royal the extremity Per Number a Week Mr. Nikolitch, who claims that the so is the height of folly since this ed articles. Pursuant to trade of the Palisadoes, that strip of sand bootlegging charge was unjustified, leads journalists and others across agreement with the British West. which encloses the harbour of KingsGAS STOVES plaintively elects for American the herring bit to believe that Indies signed at Ottawa on 6th pond ton, Jamaica.
July We had, moreover, such a policy is being seriously con 1926, and as earnest of her determi English Harbour, Antigua, to which REFRIGERATORS sopposed to Serbian nationality.
sidered which it is The American Consulate is in BTC It has to be admitted that econotion to secure the development of our ships were wont to repair for her trade with the Caribbean col protection during the quandary what to do with Nikoliteh.
mically the British West Indian is onies, she recently placed five 11, 000 months and where according to Cía PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Yugoslavia maintains that he is not might be better off under the ton passenger, fruit and cargo steam tradition several vessels of Nelson its subject. Nikoliteh would like to PANAMA AT YOUR SERVICE United States owing to her fiscal sys ers on West Indian routes, and it is fleet put in for repairs during the COLON use this as a lever to return to Det tem being in some respects more en inconceivable that she would stand memorable pursuit of Villeneuve to roit, but it the American authori lightened than our own; but West aside and a British group of tro the West Indies and back, just beIndians know too much about the pical islands which she is nursing to fore the Battle of Traflagar. But ties remain adamant he may spend treatment of their countrymen in prosperity alienated.
what is the position to day! These the rest of his life crossing and rethe Land of the Free to desire any Another forceful reason why we naval bases exist as such solely in Advertise in the Workman It will Pay crossing the Atlantic. Continued on page 6)
change, and in spite of all tempte must retain the British West Indies by Exide ina Hands off Our Naval Bases CLUB Probably Start Only 50 our not, who hurricane lands see a.


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