
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEP. 14, 1929 PAGE FIVE Seeing Things or BY: LEACOCK Beauty Hints Greetings Girls, Greeting never We take an Orange na us It sems to me that we look for too much when we expect that in BY MRS. LOUIS ST. HILL countries where different people live there should not be ocasional disputes, quarrels or bickerings; for, how long since one self and family have become capable of shutting the backdoor against ocjonal die Truly this columnist job seems to Mea today adore the girl who is putes, quarrels or bickeringa? Man.
be the life of a dog. After hard plain, intelligent and becoming. tongue loosened to the extent of inkind is not so perfect is civilised; day work telligent conversation gives the ownand it even he were so civilised, it was well to stifle that latitude of am compelleder the command with which she compels her boy admirer to listen to his civilization that would prevent him to let alone heart desire, and so long as he is from cutting loose on evil tendencies caught listening, he can be urged to and matters that block the progress resting and sign on the Proposal Line; then, a of a higher civilization.
go searching plain girl will want most plain and If we ever try to shut out an Ochsbeautiful things, and why a becoming sional dispute, quarrel or bickering, my brains for smile and captivating eyes all adsomebody is going to land on the ded together will surely bring dump soon.
something to things right home to her bosom. So, But no one will deny that there way under Be girls, be plain and intelligent and should be sufficient ground left, aftry td make your admirer beter our disputes, quarrels or bickerauty Hints.
lieve that your tongue is tied.
ings upon which reason can play And what is more, the Editor told look as cross as they possibly There are other girls who try to around and settle matters amicably, can To leave no ground for possible me that must say something of while others try to give to themsettlement between ourselves into interest to men as well as women, make it possible for some stranger for, he said, letters have reached his selves a double chin when they really do not have such. Of course, everyto walk into the affairs which we office, saying that the one fault of body knows that the first thing to do alone want to settle. For instapce: the women writers is to try to beauwith a cross dog is to muzzle him speaker at the contify all women to the exclusion of and tie him at some corner in the vention, held in Jamaica last month. all men.
backyard. It is another way of saygot the idea maybe from our disAs a matter of fact, don thinking. She is salt. So if you want putes that West Indians are hoodthere was intended the amount of to be considered Salt, continue to be winked so drastically in Panama, selfishness which is implied by the that the Government and its laws protest of those letters. rather Then comes the frowns which give made it hard for us to purchase think that since man had fooled him girls the many lines about their forelands, etc.
self into believing in superiority heads, making them look so old and Where the speaker got his idea over women, we thought that he finished that every boy thinks of don know, but hope that be will would become superior enough to To make Orange Crush we actually take apart the Juiceget rid of it. Panama politicians and compile his own beauty hints to make them as he thinks of his mama.
You see, frowns make men and richest tree ripened oranges picked in the wintertime laws have not swooned down so far, himself handsome. But since he has women lose much: the women lose seen fit to apologize for his superior. their beauty and the men lose the when they are finest flavored and recombine them into therefore let as hope for the better, ity complex, women, or rather this not the worst. Tongue and teeth hava opportunity of a probable approach, this most delicious of beverages.
words, they say, but the tongue ever column is gracious enough to offer for in the absence of a pleasant exWe squeeze out all the sun rich juice. Extract all the remains betwixt the teeth. m glad, him a helping hand.
pression of face there is lacking that potent factor which causes a girl to zestful flavor of their peel. Capture all the healthful however, that Mr. Watson of the Labor Association in Jamaica refuted vitamins and mineral salts of the pulp.
the idea of that speaker. You can alTo be beautiful needs a whole lot throw a welcoming glance.
Now give yourself a trial by getof carefulness along many lines.
ways trust a labor man to be on the in ting cross and looking Ther, va add with expert care a taste of sugar. a dash the mirror job for a better understanding, For instance, we see about of pure food color. a jot of citrus acid for tang. and hourly and daily many persons who Now think of some lovely and nice have spoiled their looks by trying to and pure thing and look pleasant, sparliling water to make this cooling whole fruit beverGinger Lilies wear a long face pouting lips and and you will see the difference.
age containing everything that makes oranges so deliWell, it looks like have to return Look out for me next week.
broadened mouths. when in reality cicus. Orange Crush is pure and wholesome as Calithanks for the admiration of Mass we were not born that way, but simpPerey Cole and Griffiths of ly developed such as a fad or other JOTTINGS fornia sunshine; more tempting than the fruit itself.
the Atlantic side and Burke of wine.
When two quarrel, both are in the Drink it always for cool lingering refreshment these our own Pacific side. To search my We have noticed that some of our wrong.
thirsty days. Here howmind think that once began to girls are almost dumbasit. were. Be not the first to quarrel get a faint presentiment that was How in the name of goodness do Nor the last to make up.
running a goodly number of miles THE ELF MAN they expect to get by the Married without tallow grease, and now it Line that way? No dumb man wants met a little elf man once comes, feel like asking our Sports dumb woman, because two dumb Down where the lilies blow, columnist, Mr. Roberts, to repersons make a solitary home, and asked him why he was so small so turn thanks for me. You see, he is who craves a solitary home in this small eloquent, and can return thanks so jazz age. And why he did not grow.
sweetly! But he is not in the office There are other girls whose tongues now, therefore, gentlemen: thank seem to be tied in their mouthe He slightly frowned, and with his you, and hope to hear from you again when they attempt to speak trying eye with Ginger Lilies like those or with what in known in the streets or to put something over it seems espe. He looked me through and through cially when in a group. m quite as big for me. he said, on the pastures as Stinking Missies.
Now what profit does this bring? As you are big for you.
Hypocritical Scribes wonder what has come over Sid that he ceased to swallow his reveal ing saliva and to hide his newspaper self now that it is clearly apparent that West Indians have made a move BY: CESPEDES BURKE to better their condition. Of course, his stand, he says is Service to the People. but did you observe last Sons and daughters of Ham, fel ties; and in the interest of presentweek that he sat in the slush of his low undesirables, members of the day journalism am constrained to selfishness and sweated himself to honourable members To oriental order of Ancient History, ask ye start a quarrel with, and euss lothe has been and the used to was. whither has thou flown. cal scribes just because they reported ladies and gentlemen: On page one, line thirteen and aMr. Gilkey advice as was call upon all ye that are interest: half we find the Atlantic side Portia given on Labor Day to West Indians ed in lodge and lodge secrets to as Mrs. Linda Smart Chubb, whose E E to whom he had been asked outstanding semble and listen carefully while literary qualities and speak?
confuse Orans. Crush teith pop CRUSUY tell the secrets which thou likest to journalistic expertness in the past or merely coflacored drinks.
Orange Crush Sid said in his editorial: UnfortuAbove all, neer ronftrse any other hear. But mind, ye brothers and arrested the attention of all focal nately, the community will not folorange drink with Orange Crush low Mr. Gilkey advice, as sound sisters, it is written in the laws of seribes. During the twenty fifth Orange Cruist. tains the juice and bromidic as it is, and our our noble order that thou shall not year and earlier part of the twentieth marks are not inspired by the hope, write, indite or cause to be written century she dominated as it were, any of these things which shall the field of local journalism and or fear, that the community will do herein set forth unto thine know. swayed the sceptre in the realm of any such thing, or by the thought ledge.
local femininity in things journalistthat it was not in Mr. Gilkey place Here we go. am the Pass Su ic. Her numerous encounters with AVENIDA PERU (Exposition Grounds)
to have given the advice but by the preme Grand Exalted Ruler of the the agnostic Gaskin and the fuss that has been made over it by automatic lodge which by this time easiness and calm with which she inColon 480 Panama 2060 TELEPHONES our hypocritical scribes.
you have identified as the Ancient variably demolished him. Her proI am sorry that Sid did elect to and charming mental say such woeful things about the adand Illustrious Order of the Sons fific pen and Daughters of Ancient History. opulence commended her to the readcommunity and seribes. But All persons who have at any time ing public as a writer of the first it is typically Sidney Young.
written in the local dailies and have rank. Ah! Joan de Arc, your France Ah! again, here is the grip. How has no hope or fear that our com for any reason ceased to write bo needs you. Mrs. Chubb, ten thousand writers furnish gas but what of erts the recondite depthologist, come ipso facto members of this ve neribers and general readers are call And want your freedom, in real about Editor Young PANAMA munity will follow Gilkoy com advice. In fact, he says that it circulation campaign? WILL NOT. Then why does ho edit nerable order.
the you forth from your journalistie ras without some sparks.
By St. Peter, by St. Paul, girls and academic style to exume a linguistie TRIBUNE Allright. have told you all about slumber.
it. Now here is the prip. Yes Glide fast ye finger, and ye search. boya or none at all. We were tickled verbiage, to wit: The multi sesqui we ought by this to learn to support and publish a newspaper to odville our colored enterprises and unques that community? Is it to give that you ve got it just hold the band this ing eye: Ah! Line sixty two and chocolate blonde to find that Madam pedalinistie, euphuistic gentleman way, see? Very well. Here is the five eighths: MORRICE OF MOR. St. Hill the beauty specialist had be is now vibrating under VIBRA tionably his campaign should be one community BAD or UNSOUND adHere is the RISISMS. Ah, Bro. Morrice, is the come a journalist of the frst mag TIONS. But wonder if he did not thousand per cent supported. There vice, or is it because he is stilly?
distress sign. And last but not la literary spirit frozen within yon nitude since last we saw her, gracing mean Cabalistic Vibrations. can fore ye tight wadders, you are call. Maybe it is only because there is least is the Countersign to ventet where cerobe, you counter. You Home forth sir, the resurrection these columns (as we would say in conceive Mr. Roberts falling down ed upon to dig down and roll out for money in it? What inspires him to ugle sounds.
the conventional style) with her lu on his adjectives to that extent as the subscriptions. And between you be a leader or to assist in represent(Continued on Page 8)
are admonished for your souls sake Line one hundred and fortyfour minous pulchritude and her illumi that he findest not adjectives suf and that gentleman standing behind your favorite booster. to keep sacred and inviolable all of itus: the SPARKLET. nating BEAUTY HINTS. am more ficiently and righteously descriptive. you who is Last but not least, it is is with in ly and delicatly used words, with such the foregoing and whenever you meet logist, and incidentally my blood convinced now than ever that friend This so Vibrations does not seem describable pride that remind you a charming simplicity Close your fellow member do not hesitate to relative. Truly it is an old Leacock is a go get her. Mrs. natural as being the creation of a eyes my little rosebud. insist that advance for recognition.
saying and more worthy to be receiy. St. Hill, advance for recognition. multi sesqui genius. But there is al of Mr. Alfonzo Ferriera the meRecently, in coing over the theored that Absence makes the heart Here is the pass word. Here is the ways consolation followe re going dalist, mixologiste poolt la mente, bote: Mr. Ferriera exceled his revient tiet It grip. served with ever hear the timely of our records, my fonder.
rary self that time defy him to tention was specially attracted to now, therefore come forth. Hum! Now folks, excuse my dust. now INTERESTING JOTTINGS and ing of his The Day When You ll Forget Me so well metered. Composed of write something elso even half the following distinguished literary July, August and September; furth propose to make an observation of thats going to be a rare and more a number of well chosen, appropriate good.
personages and journalistie celebri er back quite remember. Other my erudite friend Mr. Nat. Rob ish dish prognosticate.
Orange Crush TO MUGWUMPISMS how.
here to re.
Pan American Orange Crush Co.
vice, our com


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