
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEP. 14, 1929 INTERESTING ENTERTAINING INSTRUCTIVE WEST INDIANS MAKING HISTORY Edited By LEACOCK ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION Evans Jessamy One of UNDERWOOD Panama Capable Builders Hand off our Naval Bases Sunday Aug 4th a erect that Dr. Fairweather is ARTURO PERIGAULT (Continued from Page 3)
TYPEWRITER CLUB the imagination of Augur and his friends. Castries has long since profitable and growing business in been scrapped, English Harbour and Says West Indians Should Pool the Isthmian Undertaking Co. and its dockyard are in ruins, and Port it is interesting to note that Messrs Royal has been reduced to something Resources and Get Together Daniel Straghn, Richards Hum less than a cadre.
phreys, George Shephard, Henry Why, then, all this fuss. Perhaps Spencer, John Bartholomew, George Augur was thinking of Bermuda ORGANIZER OF ISTHMIAN UNDERTAKING CO. Toppin, Andrew Fearweather and which lies nearly 1, 000 miles to the Richard Wilkinson were the first north west of the Caribbean Sea.
persons to to buy shares in the company That colony is certainly a naval base, few years hence when some in pardising his character and ability and crown his farsighted and valu but it is, and has been, for years telligent young West Indian shali because the people were liable to able efforts.
Our Club Started maintained as such not as a threat have viewed with vision and thought brand him as another selfish and Mr. Jessmy came to Panama in to the United States, but solely for the grave economie struggle of our traitorous character as others who August 1905, went to work for the the protection of our trade routes beWest Indian community and have had gone before. C, extending the Machine shop tween North America and the West presented a book, recording step by Notwithstanding, he pitted his That job finished he was called to step our condition and progress, he character and ability against ramp build the Hotel Pennsylvania in 1906. Indies and the Argentine and Brazil, Uuderwood must include in that book, Mr. Evars eit skepticism. He was warned that He then worked on special type is expanding rapidly. Most of the 00 per week Jessamy of Panama City. the people would not respond to his houses for the famous Col. Gorras South American trade Mr. Jessamy has the unique dis move. His closest friends thought and Governor Blackburn in 1907. In close to, if not actually through the must pass. Portable) 50 tinction of being the organizer of he was wasting time, and he vowed 1908 09 he built the Balboa Brewery, one of our most sound and progres that he would not again mention his then went to the Exposition Grounds lands, and this must be protected of West Indian sive enterprises: The Isthmian Un. proposition to anyone until he had and erected the Educational building cruisers based, as now, on Bermuda.
Join now and win a Typowriter. Soloot a dertaking Company comple his plans and was ready there. Following this closely, he numbor botore they aro all takon up Early in the year 1919 Mr. Jessamy to offer his character and ability as constructed the Panama Hospital It is a mistake to suppose that pondered the meagre industrial con a guarantee to prospective collabor. eld structure) in 1915, and Ita naval bases in a particular ares are dition of our community. Day and ators.
1916 he constructed the Bible house in intended as a theat against Naval OFFICINA MODERNA night he studied in an effort to hit He chose a number of men whom at Cristobal. 1917 found him powers who may have territory in ing the Union Club. Then he went tion. They are established as area.
That is not their funeJ. Salas Co. Panama. Lda.
to work with the Army and Navy means of and was with them maintaining vessels used from 1918 to in protecting commerce on the trade COLON, PANAMA, P.
The most outstanding job con ing raids on the territories of the routes in the area and of preventP. BOX 257 BOX structed by Mr. Jessamy on the Isth country concerned by an enemy which PHONE 687 PHONE 800 mus of Panama is the Santo Tomas needs not necessarily have any terriHospital. Starting to build that monumental institution during tory at all in that part of the world.
exPresident Porras administration, Mr. in the Western Atlantic, her armed Though Germany had no territory Jessamy labored incessantly from merchant cruisers and boats were 1920 to 1924 when his work there nevertheless a serious menace in that was finished. He also erected the area during the late war. ConseCarcel Modelo and is witty enough quently Bermuda was of great import war.
to have kept away from the spacious ance for refitting ships at the West.
PHYSICIAN lockup quarters until today.
ern end of the trade routes in the It needs no stretching of imagina North Atlantic. Experience has tion to realize the skill and techni shown that the retention of BermuHAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO cal ability put into the Santo Tomas da as a naval base is essential for No. K STREET Hospital to construct is as it is to the protection of British Commerce day. And Mr. Jessamy cherishes even when the United States PANAMA CITY happy memories of the valuable in neutral or our ally, as was the case formation he acquired during the during the war.
construction of that institution, under the supervision of Wright a naval harbour and dockyard is not The development of Singapore as and Little who were the archichi regarded as a manace by Japan who tects.
recognises that its establishment is should say here also. he said, essential to enable our ships to meet that received very valuable in and deal with any potential enemy formation at St. Lucia, under the seeking to destroy our trade. Why THE TAILOR British architects and engineers, then should the United States regard when worked as foreman in the defensive measures adopted to proPublic Workers Department there. teet our trade passing by and through 15 STREET WEST Mr. Jessamy has also worked for the Caribbean, a menace to the Pathe Grebien Martinz Co. and has nama Canal. HOUSE NO. recently constructed the Masonic Is it not a sufficent gesture of Temple at Balboa, the constructors goodwill on the part of Great Briupon a profitable enterprise that he would approach first, and then and engineers being, Wright, Haw tain that our valuable island of Tricould afford to launch out into busis raise money to finance his project. buildings during 1926 to 1929.
would appeal to West Indians who he began a house to house canvas to Jaen Guardia. For this company he nidad with its oil wells and smooth partially constructed 16 different water should be, it is to day, unness. He eventually hit upon the In the beginning the results were fortified, though God forbid that we burying of the dead.
NEURALGINA discouraging but as he puts it: It immediate supervision you worked at mount a gun upon it if the needs of asked Mr. Jessamy: Under whose should commit ourselves never to He was now sure that he had the resolved that there was going to idea of a profitable enterprise, but be an Isthmian Undertaking Comthe Masonic Temple at Balboa. our trade were to demand it?
he was still short of a scheme by pany, established by. est Indian ca Under the immediate supervision So long as commerce is sea borne, Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any which could interest a sufficenting to work it into being. It was plans and who is architect for the ers retain potential naval bases. Our of Mr. Meade Bolton who drew the for just so long must all naval Pownumber of persons to finance the en pital, and Evans Jessamey was go Panama Canal and Mr. Haw.
neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
The West Indian community had the past and not give a thought to nonsense to continue thinking about far sighted forefathers And suppose. continued, you enough to acquire for us most of the been fooled and robbed were not fortunate enough to escape focal points on the trade routes existNEURALGINA leaders and they were now cautious people should look to, and the past meted out to colored men, never power have not changed, and it over by selfish and undependable peopfetare the future is what any the rough and silly treatment that is ing in their time. Principles of sea to the point of indifference. But should furnish the rule and guide of mind how intelligent and cultured would be insensate folly to part with Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches such an industrial condition could the future.
and reduce the fever of children any point of our territory which they are. not be allowed to go on for ever, in Eventually a business was launchfact, something had to be done and ed and Evans Jessamg was its pres been fortunate enough to have met indirectly weaken our Empire trade. Thank my stars. he replied, ve could possibly be used directly and done at once.
ident. His first group of officers just the oppposite. My Supervisors NEURALGINA Mr. Jessamy realized that any were: Jas. Richards, vice presi have been all of them trained men man who undertook then to launch a dent; Sam Greaves, secretary: business scheme, was putting him Isaacs, treasurer; and the West In. Very rarely do such white men give his officers in the first term. Messes Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart and men of intelligence and culture.
was also its president. He had as selt in an awkard position was jeo dian community now boasts of a offense to a colored man just because he is colored, and have noth Sam Greaves, secretary; the late For sale both Wholesale and Retail ing but the highest praise for those Wilkinson, financial secretary: Adolphus Crichlow, treasurer.
with whom have worked.
It will be remembered that No.
Mr. Jessamy was very proud that AT THB he terminated the Masonic Temple much asistance to carpenters, but 2129 started nicely and promised to time months. The building is now Severs soon came along and its AMERICAN PHARMACY undergoing the finishing touches. He also prized very much the congratu prospects were blighted and it evenJAVIER MORAN, Proprietor lations from architect Bolton for the tually was killed.
efficient service he gave there. Do you think that West Indians Mr. Evans Jessamy is known as here are incapable of taking good Panama: one of the most capable builders om advice, as ws suggested by one of writers last the Isthmus of Panama, but as will our prominent local In the World Pocket be observed from the interview, he week? questioned.
and high in the World has not only contributed much to the One is very nonsensical to think e building craft of our progressive West Indians in Panama hopeless.
He married in 1907, lost Lateem. Small interest in the industrial and econo with honest leaders West Indians are Panama, he also maintains a deep felt in 1919 as feel today: that ramanian.
a very promising son, Evans Jessamy DENTIST mic affairs of our community, and capable of doing anything done by jr, who died in 1928. He has a very in fraternal circles he is known as a any other people. If West Indians devoted wife and two lovely daughMASONIC TEMRLE MISTELI. THE JEWELER Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm prominent mason. He still gives ac would pool their resources and get ters of 12 and 18 years or age. We. 30 to 30 PM ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY tive service to the Isthmian Undertak together and launch more enterpris wish him continued success and Sundays, by Special Appoinment QUALITY GUARANTEED ing Co. and has another noteworthyes, it would not be long before they progress.
Masonic Temple ilth St, achievement to his credit.
would be very proud of their condiDrink Salada Tes the best for O, Box 787, CRISTOBAL He organized the Carpenters tion.
Union, No. 2129, in March, 1919, and PHONE: Opricy 1664 Mr. Jessamy is a naturalised Pathe Tropios were wise over and SIR OMEGA WATCHES 10 OMEGA


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