
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEP. 14, 1929 PAGE SEVEN GERMAN MYSTERY SHIP TALKING PICTURE WITH NEGRO CAST Crew Blame Captain for Croubles and Refuse to Sail with Him Makes Big Hit in Prominent Theatres in United States BOATSWAIN RELATES STARTLING TALE SOON TO BE STAGED AT CECILIA THEATRE HERE IN VENEZUELAN RAID For the Extra Strain FORT DUNLOP Negro See the coloured medallion on the side wall PORT OF SPAIN, Aug. 20. The ammunition is dangers us cargo, but (By Richard Watts Jnr. in the New BEAUTIFUL ACTING.
York Herald Tribune. crew of the German mystery ship, the captain promised us double wages Nevertheless, when combined with Falke, which arrived here on Wed and 500 marks extra as bonus when What must certainly be one of the its beauties of acting and produemost distinguished and exciting motion, the story is not without its nesday morning from Grenada after the trip was over.
tion pictures ever made arrived at major virtues. As directed by Mr.
it had been reported to be concern He added: There is no danger the Embassy Theatre last night Vidor and played by its brillant cast ed in the Venezuelan uprising of boys, as soon as you arrive people when Mr. King Vidor much herald Hallelujah manages to achieve this week, are displeased with their will come for the freight and they ed all Negro photoplay, Hallelujah. much of the ironic comment on the had its premiere there. The enthu bitter alliance between religion and captain.
will be very glad for it.
siasm of the moment, which a sedate sex that France succeeded in getThey say that he is to blame for VENEZUELAN FLAG HOISTED reviewer should guard against care ting into Thais. while retaining their present position and they Before leaving the harbour of fully, might suggest that all caution the pictorial achievements of the new Dunlop with more will not sail under his ordera, Gdingen 22 men boarded the ship be impulsively tossed aside and the Lilient Porgy. The chief differgreater reserve of strength the drama categorically described as the ences discernable at the moment are They set sail from Hamburg, ther as passengers. When we were nearthe famouis Dunlop Tyre of most distinctive American screen that the irony is far more kindls home port in Germany, under sealed ing the end of the English Channel wou Standard Construction, which work since Greed. were it not for than the great Frenchman crders and did not know the nature they hoisted the Venezuelan flag on ar unfortunate anti climax. The final ever have countenanced and that the of their mission, they state.
the masthead and dressed themselves you know so well. This new seene are pictorially excellent, but pictorial qualities retain a sort of startling tale of orders given by in uniform.
member of the Dunlop family they cause a hitherto brillant drama niet realism that makss Porgy We did not krow their names then te effort to sag into frailty.
has been introduced to meet per the captain to the crew at the muzIcok like a mere theatrieal spectae e.
Such a momentary defeet, howIt might be advisable, as a pleca zles of loaded revolvers is told by the but since arriving in Port of Spain ticularly hard service conditions should enese no one to overe faithful reporting, to deseribe in boatswain.
we have diseovered that the leader It is the choice of the car OWDER le the definite fa that Hallelu some detail the scenes of CREW REFUSE TO SAIL was General Delgado.
who habitually uses bud roade stre of the great motion pie revival, of the life of the country PORT OF SPAIN, Aug. 16. We They then swore the oath of aland involves his tyres in more tuer, a wait to be compared, with side of the abysmal swamp land, of unashamed enthusiasm, to will not sail from Port of Spain un legiance to the flag.
such a the natural gayety of a black and than ordinary strains foreign classic as the mighty Potem tan cabaret in its real environment, der Captain Zippitt. Either give us One day, I, the boatswain, saw the kin. It is poetry, drama and of the wild srdness of a death lamenanother master or allow us to take Captain standing in the dining room PICTORIAL MAGNIFICENCE, tation. Here, however, it must be passage in another ship for home. holding in his left hand the Venezuecombined in one stalwart whole, and enough to say that all of these senThus has Karl Gietz, boatswain of lan flag while the right pointed upthe result is something that consti sitively portrayed episodes succeed, the German mystery ship, Falke, now wards with his two middle fingers tutes a definite contribution to the among other things, in suggest ng local striving for artistic expres. PRESENCE OF THE NEGRO RACE that the in the harbour, voiced the feelings of outstretched. loaded carbine hung sion. It is the talking picture made the crew, from his shoulder, a sword at his side into a distinctive American dramatie is one of the greatest aesthetie blessThe statement reproduced below while he spoke before General De!
23 ings possessed by this striving land.
was signed by himself and members gado. could not understaand the The famous Dunlop With the expression of such hasty Certainly the quiet portrayal of its of the crew and handed to the Con words, but the meaning of the cere.
Tyre of Standard enthusiasm, it is probably time to simple drama, which moves from a Construction to of sul for Germany yesterday, mony was apparent.
five a reason or two for the depart total lack of plot that manages to couns, ell available mental cheering. Perhaps the chief be even more dramatic than its story We the crew of the Falke The Captain said afterwards cause is the conviction that here is telling casually and surely into unsay here that all that follows is the am a Venezuelan admiral now; you one DUNLOP almost the first time in the audible ostentatious tragedy, results in RUBBER true story of all that has happened. toys are fools if you don stick to COMPANY LID. Thotoplay when all the potentialities of the proudest of photoplays. several oeof the form, from dialogue At o clock in the evening of me. He asked us on At this point it is hardly necessary and museal effect to pictorial Tuesday, July 9, we left Hamburg, casions if we would not make our excellence, to say that the acting is excellent.
are merged into a drama that is de There should be space, however, to Germany, with Danzig on the Bal living in Venezuela but the prospect finitely American and definitely lackadd that Miss Nina Mae McKinney, tie as our destination.
did not please us as we have our ing in any trace of theatrical imita who must certainly be one of the We did not reach Danzig but stop homes in Germany.
tion. It traces a simple and believ most beautiful women now at large, able story of Negro life and until shows that there is nothing in this ped at Gdingen, a port about 30 mi PREPARATION FOR WAR the unfornate final sequences, les before Danzig. We went along He made us elean rifles for soven law of averages by giving a perfect never seems obtrusive or incredible performance as the Southern Thais, side and waited for cargo.
days. Whenever we walked on deck It is as a symphony of the Negro and that Daniel Haynes is brilOn July 17 this freight arrived we were followed by Venezuelan of in the South, rather than as liant as the gorgeous voiced evangelstraightforward narrative, that Hal ist. The rest of the cast is, without and was loaded on board by Polish ficers with loaded revolvers, lelujah will be remembered. The exception, excellent, too.
dock hands.
Two days before reaching Cumana story is of a young Negro; who is NOT YOUR BUSINESS we were made to put about 34 boxes lured into a crooked crap game, un For Sale at Leading Garage After we discovered that the car. of 45 rifles each with ammunition on intentionally shoots his brother and. Hallelujah is a screen drama, by go was composed of weapons and the after deck. E. ESCOFFERY. Distributor as a penance, becomes a wandering King Vidor, directed by Mr. Vidor ammunition we asked the captain evangelist. It is is the climax of the and presented by Metro Goldwyn On the evening before reaching narrative when in revival meeting with the following cast: what was happening as we were not Cumana, the Captain called me on he makes as his chief convert the Zake, Daniel Haynes; Chick, Nina in war time. He replied That is It was a hours run from Cumana.
to the bridge and ordered me girl who had been the cause of his Mae McKinney: Hot Shot, William not your business, all of the car. mount a machine gun on the fore. desolate part of the coast and there AMMUNITION JETTISONED downfall. Such an account is en Fountaine; Parson, Harry Gray; go is quite all right as the Customs castle head.
were uo houses on it.
As soon as we cleared the harbour tirely incomplete, but it does sug. Mammy, Fannie Belle DeKnight; declaration is in good order. asked, Captain are we a wat As soon as we dropped anchora the Captain ordered us to throw the rest how lacking in theatrical com Spunk, Everett McGarrity: Missy Rose, Victoria Spivey.
On July 19, two of the ship own ship or a merchantman. bout 15 lighters holding in all about remainder of the cargo overboard. plexities the drama is.
ers arrived and in answer to our He barked, out you obey my or 500 men came alongside and received We threw overboard in all about queries replied in similar terms. We ders, never mind what is happening, rifles and ammunition which were 1, 000 rifles and 1, 500 boxes of amwere also told that we must ship the GUARDIA go and do your work.
given them from the pile on deck by munition. We sailed for Grenada cargo to a port in South America of Four men stood behind me with the Venezuelan officers on board.
where General Delgado son landed Juan de la Guardia Paredes which we were not told the name. loaded revolvers and had to do it.
About 130 to 150 of them came and came eventually to Trinidad.
Contral Avenuo 22.
We were still unwilling to sail as We stopped at a port about aboard under orders from General Kar Geitz, boatswain, was born Delgado and the rest returned ashore.
WE SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF CANDY BOTH EUROPEAN General Delgado commanded the on February 24, 1880. at Belgard, AND AMERICAN. CIGARS, PI ES, CIGARETTES, Captain to feed them and he Germany. He comes of a seafaring gave TOBACCO, BISCUITS, SMOKER ACCESSORIES family and went to sea at the age of orders to the cook to do so.
MURATTIS, DRAPKINS GOLD FLAKE, PARTAGAS, Next morning we reached Cumana Port of Spain and remained for Four years later he passed in at GRBYS, SARONY.
and the Captain ordered us to row FRENCH NOUGAT them ashore with all their arms and few days with his ship. When he ammunition. We refused and he was 20, he worked as boatswain in Wholesale Wholesale threatened to shoot us on the spot.
the German five masted sehooner, Retail Retai!
Potosi. He served during the EuroOne of us hid in the fire hole. NEXT TO THE PHONE 526 escaped as told him that being pean War in merchantmen in the ALCALDE OFFICE.
has suffered shipwreck PANAMUS boatswain, could not leave the ship Baltic and from a floating mine once and on the and see the finest Assortment of rocks another time.
He drove the ship as near ashore as he could risk until it was about The Falke, he says is owned by. 200 yards distance from the bridge Felix. Premzlau and Co. of Hamburg, ashore.
She is registered at Altona, Harburg, Five minutes later, we heard heavy and can make in her present condiMODERN TAILOR shooting and bullets whistled around. tion about 18 knots cruising speed.
Selection of The Captain cruised to and fro a will leave. said the Captain, House 40 bout the harbour. About 20 minutes when the authorities give me perafter the first boat came off from mission to do so. In the meantime 3rd November Street the shore but the Captain would not am trying to pick up a cargo to Guachapai Panama City JUST RECEIVED stop to pick it up.
take across to reduce my expenses. told him, Captain if you do not it takes eight days to repair my Come in and Inspect the Stock stop the ship, will drop the anch engines and so my engineer is doing or. do not know if he heard but that now. After twenty days cruisbefore Purchasing Elsewhere he stopped and picked it up. We ing, adjustments, have to be made to waited for the others and they return all marine engines.
ed in groups. The last boat had a Custom Tailor man wounded in his arm, while the BRANCH STORE third officer was missing. We waited English American Styles 125 Central Avenue a bit but the bullets flew around so House Rent Receipt Books in Spanfast that the Captain on the mate ish and English for sale at the NO. CALIDONIA suggestion raised anchor and we Workman Printery.
to a CALL AT THE Panama Hardware CATHEDRAL PLAZA unattended. could not GEO. BISHOP LOCKS of every description also the Finest ARTIZAN TOOLS FLYNCH


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