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PRICE CENTS Benefit in West Indian Sugar Industry Expected Lord Oliver Made Com Labour War White Child Lord Amery Stresses Failure of missioner to Conference Looms In Causes Stir Conservative at Polls South Africa In OPENS AVENUE FOR RISE IN SUGAR DUE TO INEFFICIENCY OF ADVERTISING on the Daniel Cooper Cites Subject of RT: Rev. Dr. Porter Capetown, South Africa, Sept. 17. ELIZABETH CITY, Sept. 17 The bitter fight between white labor (By Negro mother of LONDON, Sept. 17. remarkable able speach was made by Lord Bliver goes to the British West Indies as Chairman of and the native workers in South Af an 18 month old baby, which looked Amery, who was Secretary of State for the Dominions in the Royal Commission which will inquire into the sugar situation, ria almost reached a physical clash like white, had to produce the birth the last Parliament, at a luncheon of the Incorporated Society of better choice could not have been made in the circumstance. at Durban this week when the Indus certificate, other documentary evid British Advertisers, in London, in which he laid stress on the He was Governor of Jamaica at a time when sugar, even more trial and Commercial Workers Union, ence and the photograph of the baby failure of the advertising department of the Conservative Party.
than it is today, was a staple crop of the island, and even from. labor organization of native Afrie father, in order to prove that the ans, defied the Durban authorities in child was hers last Tuesday morning. am sugar planter viewpoint he was a successful Governor.
a member of a political He pointed out that advertising is holding a meeting. The city officials All of this was necessary because firm. he said, which fuiled to get the essential lubricant of the whole He served more than one term of alive to day, and three of these now and magistrate published orders somebody reported to the authorities a renewal of a contract for supply scheme of production of Empire office there, besides having as Col live out of the colony. The sugar in prohibiting the meeting to be held that a Negro woman was keeping a ing the Government of this couny, goods, and that each man must work onial Secretary administered the gov dustry was then spending over 650. The white workers and colonists white baby and claimed it as her own The materials we offered to supply with his neighbour for the further ernment for a somewhat lengthy000 in the colony, as against cocoa thirestered to take the law into their child. The baby was sent for, look were of the very best, but am not onee of that ideal.
period ebfore he was appointed to 269. 000, and asphalt 50. 000, but the own bands to prevent native gather ed over, and decided to be white, but so sure that the advertising depart We must work together. he conthe substantiye post.
operation of foreign bounties had ings. Warrants for the union leaders when the frantic mother appeared ment was quite what it should have ciuded, and get a common British He has been in Trinidad once, and brought the estates to a parlous conhave been issued. mobile police the scene with the necessary been. We did not advertise as ef trade interest.
that was whert he was there for dition. Sugar has worried on some force was sent from Zululand to evidence it was found on close serut fectively as we might have done.
Great amusement was caused by some time Secretary of the Royal how or other since; and there is hop: Durban fearing the outbreak of riots. iny that the child possessed distinct Mr. Amery spoke with unusual the speech of Mr. Thomas Bell, chairCommifsion of. 1897. At that time that the Royal Commission will find the union is led by Africans who Negro characteristics about carnestness when he said that they man of the society, in which he afbe held Merkship in the Colonial a way to give it the support that it were educated in England and we wouth.
had pointed out how well they had firmed that it would do no harm for office.
is threatened with the loss of to day, have been close students of the white and of stabilising that support. But mon invasion of Africa and of the fulfilled what he described as ast the political parties to join the So.
Thirty four witnesses were called aid will not be given by any Lobor labor problem. The whites are pour season catalogue.
ciety of Advertisers.
NEGROES ON THE ik the Thilised Tobago section of the Government for long in the form in ing into Africa, taking the most But, he went on when we eame If the Conservative Party. he Commission labors and only six are SCREEN which it is given at present.
to our new season catalogue. am said had enly asked our advice they menial jobs away from the natives.
not sure that either in profusion of would not have made their great The minister of justice stated that the authorities were prepared for any LOS ANGELES, Cal. Sept. illustrations or attractiveness of get: blunder of issuing their slogan of up it quite vied with the catalogues Safety First. The psychology of emergency, and issued a warning to 17. By Whith tеn which were so lavishly distributed the British people does not run on Europeans that if they take the law colored men and seven colored from other quarters.
those lines.
into their own hands they would be women along with a cast of For the moment we have not se If they had used the far more indealt with as severaly as the law percured the contract. Of course, it may spiring war cry of Take the risk.
nearly a hundred whites, a new The feeling among the whiten is tense. The Eurortens ar film is being made by Laskey so happen that when the customer the Briton would have rallied to the angered because they allege the called, Behind the Makeup. The gets or does not get, his delivery he cause, and have bought a ticket no may in the course of time reconsider matter whether he backed a winner SUPREME ZAIN OF DHARANA, INC. anthorities are wenk in dealing with setting is a showboat anchorthe natives and their labor moveed at New Orleans for its rol the matter. At any rate, we have to or no.
admit that it is very possible to learn He said that newspaper advertising licking performance.
During the reign of the Pharoahs she was the selected mother of the ments.
something of lasting value in the proved invaluable, and the more sueof Egypt, the people in those days coming Christ, Mary was pleased and world of politics from the world of cessful a newspaper was the better were ever on the lookout for the she spoke those beautiful words, now it was for the advertisers overcoming son. There were sever called the magnificat the hymn MUSICALE AT ST. PETER MONSTER MASS MEETING advertising.
al chains making then, which of Mary, Luke 46 55th, the wonderCHURCH TOMORROW today do bind the old kings of Egypt ful hymn so well known to all Christo Christ (members of the tian church goers. Inc, do why this bond or oneness VOTED HUGE AT DIVISION NO. 17 The time was near and Christ was becomes more binding every day. coming to teach the world how to SUCCESS This longing to have amoung men love God, in spirit and in truth. Mary this appointed man of God, who was and Joseph were making the trip into The Musicale rendered at St.
to bring ngace to the korld, and to the city of Bethlehem, not to pray Peter Church, La Boca, last WedTomorrow evening, at 30 end the bitter wars between the chilthere will be a monster mass meetdren of Ham; among the sons only but to get out of the land and nesday night was a pronounced sucTO PLACE BIG LOAF ON MARKET MONDAY of Shem, Ham and of those, a new race Master of the Jewish Sabbedrin, one members and friends turned out in and escape into Egypt. Hillel, cess. The weather was ideal, and ing at Division 17, St. so announed Secretary Hutchinson. The secwhich was coming into its own. No ular program will be preceded by a doubt, Isaiah had this young race in of the greatest Jews of his day, was large numbers.
religious ceremony, the Sermon being Mr. Bruno, one of our most pro Street. Bridgetown Barbados.
mind when he did the works of the inst instructed to care for Mary, Joseph Everybody was pleased with the Mr. Bruno, when asked how he preached by Rev. Ode. President gressive business men, when interrendition of every item on the proLord. This rące was neither yellow, and the coming Messiah. Hillel was Lindo, will preside.
viewed by a representative of THE thinks the publie will take to his black, brownt nor red; We shall have a secret member of the Order of the gram. It is hard to refrain from The program is appended: WORKMAN and questioned about bread, said: do not think that way much to say on the growth of this Three Mounts (The order of making special mention of Miss LiliReligious ceremony.
his variety store and the new bread, about the public and the goods am a rediscovery of that mighty race; therefore, let us get Dharans is an Jones, Mrs. Constance Rose and said: offering. think about what the Program back to the prophets. All prophets men belong. However he had to de Mrs. Caroline Estwick, for the un Even the large variety of books, public wants, then decide upon what have had their say on the coming pend upon Caspar (the black wise questionably fine manner in which Reading of Weekly Message, Hutchinson.
magazines, newspapers, stationery price the public is able or willing to their. Solos Messiah. Isaiah, the oldest and man) to prepare a caravan to take they rendered Address Mrs. Stewart, earry in stock, have not satisfied my pay for that particular goods, then greatest of them all, not only told of Mary and Christ into Egypt. Caspar by Misses Doris Campbell and May!
ambition as a young business man. It go about getting the best of that Christs coming but he also mention also being a member of the order of Thomas also deserves special men. Recitation. Master Glaize.
seems to me that we are not grow goods for the price will ask and ed the son of God coming out of the Three Mounts along with two tion.
Anthem The Choir.
ing enough to grasp the value of the job of patronage is finished. In Egypt. Isaiah knew that was only others (names cannot be mentioned When Mrs. Mulcare, the organist Solo Beautiful words of Jesus. reading contemporary literature. Ob this way, my goods sell themselves.
the beginning of the Egyptian Re here) had everything in readiness for of the Church, appeared to render Mrs. Murray.
serving this and growing jealous of Money, it must be remembered, vivals the revival of the sons of Ham, escape. Do you remember when the her bracketed solos, there was a prois given in exchange for value reAddress Miss Henry.
the Atlantie side bakery which was which revival is now taking place three wise men were on their way to nounced determination on the faces organized and is now directed by ceived, and you can bet your life that throughout the civilized world. sce the babe Jesus, that king Herod of big and little, young and old to Solo Mr. John Daniels.
President Conner, decided to launch the public knows when it is getting About 10 it was a re demonstrate their appreciation of. common the great had asked them to Anthems. The Choir.
the full amount of value that is out in the bakery line also, since no to see maidens going into the turn and tell him about the child their favorite in the popular manner, Represen Antigua Society. one took the advantage to supply our deemed equivalent to its money; so churches to pray to God to allow the Messiash and how the wise, men despite the request the Rector had Quartet Miss Burker and others.
end with a good, cheap and fresh if our business men would keep this Ever coming son the Messiah, to passed another out of the city? The made in his opening address that view before their minds eye patronbread.
Saxaphone Solo Mrs. Jones come to their houses. Every maiden wise men were really wise, and all nothing of the kind should be indulg1 will give Panama and age would take care of itself.
wanted to Canal Zone communities a five cents to buy the mother of the Mes. haste was made. As soon as Gabriel od in after any rendition, however Address. Mr. Morrisson.
siah: Mary was no exception. She save the signal, Mary, Jesus, John, trong the temptation. And so af Address The Choir.
loaf of bread which cannot be beaten. NEWLY WEDS ENTERcame from a middle class family that Elizabeth, John mother, and Joseph ter each of her solos, the audience Solo Miss Henry.
on the Isthmus.
known for its vestal virgins; and the wise broke their moorings and applauded TAIN Address. Sinclair.
forded Mr. Bruno new bread will the woman fðik kept themselves pure the Jordan, but Elizabeth and Solo Mrs. Jones.
known as the City Bread and will until they were married. The church Joseph were overtaken by the road the singer in such an uprovious manner, that the Rector was compelbe prepared and baked by St. Clair Mr. and Mrs. Me Kindo entercarpenter, Joseph, loved Mary, and soldiers, who, not finding Jesus, re led to beckon them to desist, when Solo Miss Bryan.
they faced the world for the better turned to Elizabeth house and not they slowly and reluctemtly returnWilliams, the noted bread and pastry teinted quite a number of friends on days which here to come. When Ga finding the child there, in their mad ed to normal coolness. But ofter the Address Rep. Chapter 14. specialist. Mr. Williams is the man Sunday evening the 15th inst. at briel sluted Mary (the Sal Maria ness of their loss, they stabbed John function some of them surrounded Benediction The Chaplain.
who made Johnson deliet their residence, No. 14 Street San ious cakes during 1909, 10 and 11, Miguel. The couple has reery been Hail Mary used now by the Roman father, Zacharias to death at his her in the Church and personally and Closing Remarks Lindo, and as you will soon recall to me married. Mrs. Me Kindo was formerCatholic Church) and told her that (Continued on page Continued on Page 8)
mory, Johson is at Roebuckly Miss Daisy Wedders of Paraiso.
Popular Stationer. Book and News Dealer Monday men were be


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