
THE WEST INDIES AMERICA AFRICA BARBADOS Notes and Comments an some Pearls JAMAICA Race Workers Holding Own in Oppression or no Oppression Black will Eventually take Baltimore Hotels Civil Servants His Rightful Place Given Warning Number of Employees in Leading Hotelries Here In The resolutions passed, and mani.
creased During Last Five Years festo issued by the 17th Annual Con Under the above caption the Week tions a bit. The poor and middle vention of the African National Conly Herald of the 24th says: class people have not yet got away lo tbviously to Preserve the That race help in five of the six courteous, noras responsible as gress, the Convention of the Council One of the wonders of the world from the idea that these Societies Moralty and Well Being leading hotels of the city are stand those of a low years ago. of Chiefs, the Convention of the is the prolificness of the Barbadian, are exclusively for big folk. At the Of Officers ing high in the favor of their various About 100 at the Peak of Business Women section of the African Nathe soil is fertile but hardly more General Exhibition that feeling is managements, is evident from the fertile than in surrounding colonies being overcome, and it will have to The Mail of recent date says: The number employed here, said tional Congres, and the Conference results of a recent canvass says the the manager, remains about the same of the African Medical Men and Her yet the population of Barbados jy be overcome bit by bit by the HorThe following circular issued by Afromerican.
roughly three times that of the most ticultural Society before the Exhibi the acting Colonial Secretary, which from year to year. There are about bilists, all of which met under the Contrary to the trend in many tion is the full success that it depopulous colony of the same size in one hundred at the peak of business. suspices of the African National Con was received by the heads of the eastern cities, there has been the West Indies. What is the reason serves to be. The Secretary Mr. various Government Departments in When the grill room at this house gress at Bloemfontein from the 29th increase rather than a loss in emfor it? The only answer that can be Chase is an enthusiastic young man Kingston yesterday, created was changed last April to a coffee March to the 18th April, are ample ployment in this field in Baltimore adduced is flying fish and sea egg who knows his way about. All the amount of comment, if not concern, during the last five years.
room, and the waiters were replaced proof of the hardships and oppresIt is remarked by observant people members must continue together to among officers lower down the ladby white girls from the lunch count sion suffered by the Black man in. total of approximately 450 men that the birth rate after a plentiful compel others to come in It will be er, the colored waiters were tranfer South Africa der.
and women make their living at the red upstairs.
For the past 17 years the Congress flying fish season, like the last, is a valuable work in the social educaIt is, however, generally coneeded Howard, the Southern, the Belvedere, always high and we have no doubt tion of Barbados. Life will be bright that the aim of the Government, in the Rennert and the Emerson hotels, Two new men were dropped, it is has endeavored to educate publie that it sen eggs could be sold a penny er and more varied when in Exhib issuing the circular is obviously to said, but the number employed re opinion on matters affecting AfrieLord Baltimore this sort all classes of people mains about normal. piece like years ago the same thing tions ans and presented the case of the would happen.
feel they have lot and part in it. So preserve the morality and well being Only one of the big houses the of Civil Servants.
Colored girls are not employed at Black man to Parliament, but with the Society must not be discouraged.
Lord Baltimore, the newest of the the lunch counter, nor in the coffee little or no success. Colour prejudice THE CIRCULAR city hostelries is at present withThis year attempt has its distinct Most Barbadians like sea eggs and Heads of Departments are inform out race help. Two bootblacks are room, said Mr. Schwimmer, because seems to have obliterated the sense skilled ones are very hard to find.
of justice and fair play of the white few will resist the temptation to buy value. Next year it the same spirit them out of season. The institution is evinced we believe better will be ed that in future the bankruptcy of stationed in one of the basement public officer caused by signing or shops; but, according to the time hotel help need not be taken seriousThe seeming drift toward white man of this country.
of a close season is therefore necesdone.
We hardly recovered from the rude sary. We remember some years ago paragraph in last week Herald accepting ncommodatione bilder on keeper. they are employed by an out ly, thinks Mr. Schwimmer. Those shock caused by the native bills of promissory will be regarded as the supply of sen eers diminished referred to an order by a Liverpool culpable improvidence under Gen side firm. These two and one other now employing whites will soon swing General Hertzog when his mischievsadly due to the all the year round magistrate to the Police to hand eral Order No. 40 thus involving sus. youth, who is said to be personal the other way, because hotel patrons ous Kaffir Manifesto came looming depredations of sea egg fishers. Re over eleven bottles of whisky to pension without prospect of rein employee of the manager, Mr. Busick, prefer the service of colored help. over the political horizon like a demcently the regulations have been tight man who had found them. In Bar statement.
are the only rece men in the buildWhite Chefs on from hell, and set the country ened principally by warning through bados it is generally believed that ing The above warning is based on On the other hand, he thought, into a racial turmoil.
the newspapers that it is illegal to the finder of an article has no claim General Order 40 of the Civil Serv120 at Hotel Rennert that white chefs are preferable, beJust as General Hertzog is detertake sea eggs out of season and also to it at all and it is the practice for ice regulations which reads thus: The hotel Rennert, oldest in the cause the so called colored chef is mined that South Africa shall be a We understand by putting out pla the police to hold such articles for white man country are we de If any public officer is arrested city, employs the largest number, most often just an ordinary cook cards, near the sea egg districts. We a certain period and then sell them. s, or adjudicated, bankrupt, or according to the manager, Mr. Lake, termined that the Black man shall can egree with Just Jottings in But the Liverpool magistrate says enters into a composition with his two thirds of the help are race memget his full rights, in spite of all the he Advocate that the Government that by a Court of Appeal decisión creditors under the Bankruptcy Act. bers.
oppressive, laws that are passed to might well remove the restriction of in 1853 the finder of lost goods is be will be liable to suspension from These 120 employees include the Graceful And keep us down. Some members of the a close season as we greatly fear entitled to retain them against all duty and salary, and if so suspend chef and all cooks and kitchen help, Parliament within forty years. What that in that case there would soon be parties except the rightful owner. ed, will not be reinstated unless, af head waiter and all assistands, all Unusual Jewelry supporters that if things go on at an entire lack of sea eggs. If they This does geems reasonable. If a ter examination of the facts of the bellboys, elevator operators, and this rate Black men will be sitting are gathered out of season there will gold watch for example is found in case and of the schedule prepared by most of the maids. Race help has in Parliment within forty years.
soon be no season at all.
the street the finder should hand it the Court it shall appear that his been used here during the entire What shall we be doing all that time over to the police in trust for the difficulties have been occasioned by history of the hotel.
we would like to keow? There is no The Horticultural Exhibition was rightful owner. If however that unavoidable misfortune and not by The Howard and the Southern earthly, nor even heavenly reason excellent in quality and deserved a owner cannot be found the right of extravagance or culpable improvi rank next in the number of different why the black man should not sit in better attendance. There was not as the Police to sell the watch and pay dence, or unless the case shall be departments in which race members Parliament to day and oppression or characterized by previous circumgreat a number of exhibits from the the money to the Treasury ought to are employed. Waiters, bellmen, and no oppression, we shall not be very stances of extennation.
small householder as might have be disputed. The Liverpool case is doormen comprise the largest greup long now before we take our right been desired. And the Society very sure to have an echo in Barbados one at the latter house.
ful places in the Home of Assembly, Southern Changed Policy We take a great deal of BEWARE. Negro World.
commendably wants to see every lov of these days.
Moving to form er of plant life high and low taking The prospects of the Barbados The Southern is one of the hotels pride in having our stock of ar netive part in the shows. It is how. Cricket Team visiting British Guiana Air Transport Co. which began with all white help. But jewelry represent all that is kitchen econever necessary to consider social con. Continued on in this Island about seven years ago, a change was not only newest and best, and knows nothing made in bellmen and waiters. but that also is different omy. They are all right says the tre from the common run. Every About sixty waite. are employed We understand that a proposal is asurer, Mr. Pink. If they were not, jewel loving woman should in the dining rooms oi the Emerson, on foot to form a company to be we would not employ them.
visit our store and revel in and many extra men work every day called Jamaica Airways Ltd. the Neither white nor colored waiters the glorious display of Jew. during the banquet season. Race idea being to establish an airplane of today are as satisfactory as were elry and Precious Stones.
replaced here several service between Jamalea, North, the old type of men. observed Mr.
years ago by whites.
South and Central America, and the Schwimmer, manager of the Howard.
FULLER Manager Quinn, of the Belvedere. Continued on Page 1)
is emphatie in his praise of his sixty They are not as respectful, as 122 Central Ave.
waiters and one captain.
According to the Port Spain Gazet railway goods trucks last year total We have employed them te it is officially announced that the led 166. 732 tons which represented for about twelve years, and they are very revenue of the Trinidad Government 44, 174, tons more than those in 1927 satisfactory. There are also two kitRailway and Steamer Services for General merchandise from Port ofchen helpers employed here.
1928 was 156, 861 or 201 more Spain carried be the same sources than The chief objection to headwaitin the previous years, showed an increase of 4, 962 tons and 7, 601 than estiers is that they cannot speak the dif over 1920.
ferent languages which headwaitmated for There was, however, a The value of imports during the Of New York er here often comes in contact with. net work loss of 10. 884 compared past year (exclusive of transhipment)
concluded Mr. Quinn.
with a low of 12, 450 in 1927. amounted to 5, 279, 685 being 196, For the past year while there was 664 more than those of the previous HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York substantial increase in the quanti year (exclusive of transhipments) reties of the principal products export ported to be general, and not being Total Assets more than Two Thousand Million ed from the colony (particularly pe due to higher prices, shows that it troleum, oil and sagar) there was a is entirely due to an increase in Dollars Cy.
decline in value due to lower prices. quantities. The exports exceeded Custom Tailor In the case of asphalt exports, less the imports by 1, 406, 920.
was shipped than in any year since No 22 Stroot 1922 of the colony total exports dur.
Guaohapali ing 1928, 58. 64 per cent went Panama de foreign markets; and only of sugar, Kirton rum petroleum did Empire countries purchase 50 per cent of the colony production. The then acting Col Modern Tailor lector of Customs (Mr. Littleto West Indian Residents of the Isthmus VEGA.
page) in his Administration report No 57 PELOR BOTELDUTA regrets that the colony is almost enCalidonia Road HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED tirely dependent upon foreign markets for the disposal of its cocoa WORK DONE IN HOUR which, with a value of 1, 651, 179 SERVICE GUARANTEED ranks second only to oil in importPANAMA COLON House Rent Receipt Books in SpanGIVE ME TRIAL inh and English for sale at the 33 CENTRAL AVE.
AT FRONT STREET STREET PANAMA Cane carried to the factories by Werkman Printery.
page TRINIDAD cooks were Trinidad Notes The National City Bank more Bayne to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service The National City Bank of New York anco


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