
PAGE THREE Interesting Jottings Another Midland Ghost Story (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
cu cu o give us We take an Orange apart (Continued from page My friends, my foes, my country. was gilts used to caray their na The answer which Lord Lyttelton men, dpi Sum Another week is here again; gave is said to have been. hope not saca was bu problem is producAnd now, wield my facile pen, soon, not in two months. Why he should have fixed upon this period To all and sundry who re my ken!
Lue appearance mango Dake time is not at all clear. The lovely That rhymes nicely, doesn it?
ang again, have discovered tha.
lady replied Yes, in three days, and Whether you say so or not, know all this tune mean in ne old days)
you will depart at the hour of you think so. You people can fool there was au this variety of beautitwelve The vision then quickly fadme anymore know you and. u seks, coaceased from my view, on ed away, leaving the awakened sleepknow that most of the time, you do acount of the gevishy long skirts er in a state of great amazement, not say as you feel. Now, am not they used to wdar never saw what that way took the examination should have seen, either when the And now for the sequel to this to qualify as a hypocrite the same wind blew or when it didn Believe strange happening. Lord Lyttelton as some of you did. failed. That me, the day will never come when did not himself attach much importis the reason why my words regist shall cease to regret having been ance to the matter. He attended at er my thoughts on any matter, the born in the days of long skirts!
the House of Lords, where he is said same as a Cash Register registers But to shorten a long story, this to have made two brilliant speeches the amount wrung up. It become con is what remember. remember at that time. He maintained his vinced that it pays to be a hypocrite, that had a row with one of my good spirits until it was nearing the ll take the examination again, and girls, the same as the fellows of toend of the third day, when he seemmay be this time ll make the grade! day have. It was just to show her ed to become very much depressed.
that my interestedness was genuine.
The experience had been related to But say! last week there was Girls are funny people. If you do not a number of friends, and noticing his condition and changed demeanour riot in silver city. When the Work make a little row with them now and they tried to improve matters by the nian was read, the people, especially then, they swear that you are not the girls, they became excited over interested in them, but in some expedient of putting the clocks for ward a period of ten minutes. Thus the word that Cespedes Burks used other girl. So here is the story of the fatal hour of twelve came and as the head line for his column. They my row with that girl in verse: rushed from house to house, dictionI had a girl named Amy Lee, passed, as the peer thought, and he thereupon remarked, This mysters She was a girl of pedigree; ary in hand, making comparisons, ious lady is not a true prophetess, And turning leats. Some had a John. One day, called on her to see find. want to sleep. He accordingson s, some Webster s, abridged if she with me did still agree.
ly lay down, and it is said that when and unabridged. They It was when came back from sea, the hour of twelve actually arrived searched in vain. They couldn find all robust, strong, and full of glee; he was already dead. It is also relatthat word. At the end of the tasked that about the time he passed a fruitless task they came to the She simply said, don bother me, away Lord Lyttelton appeared to.
ecnclusion that the word was a moSand fly da bite me pon me knee. friend at Dartford Mills. Exchange. dern, Isthmian word of recent origin To make Orange Crush we actually take apart the juiceI answered saying Amy Lee. that when Johnson and Webster, richest tree ripened oranges picked in the wintertime and those fellows occupied this grass, Why with me do you disagree?
that word had not yet suggested it.
Is it because your pedigree, when they are finest flavored and recombine them into Some how, with mine does not agree?
Vocation Music self to human thought, and therethis most delicious of beverages.
fore had be absent from the recorded collection of words. One of Oh no! she said, that cannot be.
We squeeze out all the sun rich juice. Extract all the About the age of sixteen a boy bethem dissented from the majority only want a chance to see zestful flavor of their peel. Capture all the healthful gins usually to think, as opposed to finding and found that the word was If what da bite me pon me knee, vitamins and mineral salts of the pulp.
larking about with fancies, of what bad word, because it was left out bug, or Sand fly, or dog flea!
he is going to be. He decides to of the dictionary. Still another disThen, we add with expert care a taste of sugar. a dash profess something senter said she had come to the con remember again the incident of of pure food color. a jot of citrus acid for tang. and He thinks that when he has decidclusion that the word was allright, Country girl and her friend osparkling water to make this cooling whole fruit hevered, that will settle the matter, and and that the meaning of it was mine. in the days of my youth. They that he will then be a statesman. CESPEDES. age containing everything that makes oranges so delihad a falling out; but friend o mine or a shoe black, or whatever he deOh! what a boy is Cespedes, was somewhat insistent. The girl cious. Orange Crush is pure and wholesome as Calicides on. There is no means of provHe is a corker, if you please!
was of tremendous proportions, so fornia sunshine; more tempting than the fruit itself. ing whether his decision was right or Whene er read his ardent pleas, much so, they called her three inwrong; because, if he turns out a They make me squeeze my eyes and cne. Friend o mine was called Drink it always for cool lingering refreshment these failure, he merely disappears and we sneeze! Amen. Harrigan because he was very thirsty days. Here howdo not know or ask what his profesfond of the song by that name, and sion was; and if a success, we not The older become, the more re break out, Harrigan met Threewas always singing it. After the uncommonly say that he would have member things. Sometimes, when made a fine general, or lawyer, or divine, or anything else that he turnam confronted with the perplexing In One and was trying to talk things over.
problems that present themselves ed his hand to, because what he with such righteous regularity, Three In One would not be resueceded on was more character than Harrigan skill.
simply try to remember the days of conciled, 80, she gave my youth, the boys of my youth, this one, The boy lives on and may be hapand the girls of my youth. remem Man, let me lone, don bother me, py in his procession, though in some ber the girls especially, because girls You finger favor Chimpanzee; cases he wishes afterwards he had of all times have more interest at sack you, but you still insis decided differently. In these he mye tached to them than anything else, To fasten pon me like a tix; of himself, or perhaps others say it don care what anyone says to the You put me in a bloomin fix, of him, that he has missed his vocacontrary. For instance, look show the You mouth lip look like two and six!
tion; he ought to have beens.
But how was he to know at sixteen what his vocation was. The fact is, he couldn know. What a man is fitted for, what he can really do, it takes time for him to find out.
Among these boys there is a small number who say themselves mean to be a musician. Or perhaps they say nothing, but do what Hande did in his garret, or the analog ous thing: and we have just read that Jehudi Menuhin demanded, a Violin at three and possossed one at 4, with a chit from Alfred Einstein Starting Sept. 19th E when he was twelve, to say that it had not been thrown away. It or merely orange flarored drinks. CRUSUY usually escapes their notice, however, Abore all, never confuse any other Orange Crush that Musie is not a profession.
orange drink with Orange CrushOrange Crush contains the juice You cannot go into it as you can JOIN TODAY into the Army with a reasonable prospect of dying at least a majorgeneral. It is merely a collection of men and women drawn by inclinations and pledged by conscience to AVENIDA PERU make life less drab, for themselves and if they can, for others. For the Panama 2060 TELEPHONES Colon 480 privilege of doing this they are sometimes allowed enough to live upon (without a wife, or a motor car, or a seaside holiday. sometimes not. Fox Strangways, in The Obseryer.
Per Number a Week Fellow Workers and sixty five dollars per month reasonably low. If the silver entGAS STOVES to the silver employee for doing ployee organizes, he has a chance the actual work appears to be BTC (Continued from Page 6)
to get some adjustment which Small of little or no use to hin the out of all proportion to reason silver employee should organize, Cía PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ and equity. So also is 13 per will reduce this disparity to DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE PANAMA AT YOUR SERVICE so when he speaks, he does so hour to the Machinist, and 30c. reasonable ratio. IN UNITY COLON Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm collectively, and his voice is per hour to his helper. The dis THREE IS STRENGTH. This. 30 to 30 pm heard parity is too great, and for which is an axiom. The platform of Masonic Templo iith St. THE PANAMA CANAL we can see no justification, real this Association is HIGHER Sundays, by Special Appoinment VALUATION. Every silver em O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL WEST INDIAN EMPLOYEES or imaginary.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 ASSOCIATION is ready to the ployee should support this platen We do not argue that roll every West Indian employee wages paid to the gold employee form by joining the Association of the Panama Canal on the sil is too high that is not our busi and help to work.
ver roll. Many are members now.
If you have a Prescription to For the cause that lacks assistance.
All should be. This invitation is ness, nor any part of it. But we And the wrongs that need resistance: be made to take it to the 15 STREETWEST National Pharmacy, Santa Ana to that end. Two hundred and do say that wages of the silver For the future in the distance, Plaza, where you will get cours HOUSE NO. fifty dollars per month to the employee who works side by side And the good that we night do. By ELIJAH HUNTER) teous and obliging service.
gold employee for supervision, with the gold employee is unOrange Crush how.
DO NOT DELAY CLUB here Pan American Orange Crush Co. Exposition Grounds)


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