
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1929, PAGE FIVE MATTERS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Where Mothers Fail Beauty Hints Greetings Girls, Greeting to Our Best Recipes faithfully observe, cannot he said to trouble while the little one are grow ter such meetings Filling.
teaspoon are taken in Gra Reid Discusses White Women to keep Denver Negro status Sun Tan Complexion This is the age of expression.
In the first place, example is the BY MRS. LOUIS ST. HILL Renewed activity on the part of the The fad of white women to be The old days, when children were strongest power for drawing youth Negro citizens of Denver, must be brown by applying sun tan face pow. expected to be seen and not heard. in the right direction.
forthcoming if living conditions and der will continue when the snow or bolt, figuratively speaking, into a The child that hears quarreling working opportunities are to be en flies with the cosmeticians facing a mouse hole at father approach, are between parents very naturally be joyed by the Negro race.
Lar aganist women over 35 years of gine, comes quarrelsome, while the child Boys and Gilrs. The history of the disease shows director of the department of re complexion. The 10th annual con cpenly tell mother they will do as This is the opinion of Ira Reid, age possessing the sun tan brown They call dad old man. and brought up in a peaceful atmosphere had promised unless vaccinated, will contract it.
that all those who are exposed to it, search of the National Urban league vention of the National Association they like. In short, since the war.
can easily be made ashamed to break the harmony by tantrums.
give some It is especially fatal to young peo writing it Opportunity. a journal of Cosmetician and Hir Artists freedom has developed into license Keep Your Promises.
cf Negro life.
which recently met in Chicago re where many children are concerned.
Mothers who never break their hints concern ple. It is said that one attack makes Reid made a survey on conditions ported that American women went one immune to asecond attack, Left How to worrect this is a problem.
words, who will ever go out of their ing beauty, and hope so. existing in Denver. He sums up his in for cosmetics last year with a de All sane mothers wish to see their way to keep a promise to a small that includes be Symptons. The period of incuba report. termination that made the entire sum young folks grow up bright and tears child are more likely to have their tion is from ten to fourteen days. It There is a woeful lack of social spent by both men and women for less, able to take their places in a children grow up truthful than those auty of face, comes on with a chilly rise of tempe consciousness among the Negro pop tobacco, candy and the movies inci world that calls for initiative and accustomed to treat small dishonours skin, hair form rature to 103 degress of 104 Fahranulation. As a group it is too inar. dental. The women used 000 pounds courage.
of powder, enough lipstick to reach According to the trouble taken, and everything Leit prostration. Loss of appetite, This means foresight and trouble, results may be expected. Opportunities to elect representa from Chicago to Los Angeles via San two things that thousands of other vomiting, insomnia, restlessness, purporting the headsche, pains in the lower part of tives to the municipal legislative Francisco.
Figured out in pounds wise good mothers will not take.
It is as foolish for mothers is exreto.
the back, rapid pulsation, and many body have been lost because of petty Women used in 1928, 52, 500 tons of They feed and clothe their children pect good and elever children to de differences. Segregation has been cleansing cream, 26. 250 tons of skin and see to their schooling, but any For instance, we may meet friends other indications. Fever lasts, somevelop trouble fought spasmodically and half heart lotion, 19, 109 tons of complexion soap. thing like real discipline at home is as it would be for a gardener to exin the streets or in the homes, and a times, for eight days.
pect harvest from neglect.
conversation my arise; it would be The drug store will not refuse sel peber School conditions in which they come to me to fundation cream, 6, 760 things likuma profess have tons of bath powder If a gardener wants flowers, he nice for each one, when separating, ling carbolic acid or any other disin: changed because they were not chal of rouge.
Moulding the Citizen. must till his ground, and take pains Now, a family without a code of to plant good seeds. If mothers want to be able to say, Well, it was good fectant which will help to keep around lenged.
to have been there we have all bene the home sanitary. But thinking a There is a church for every discipline, which the children will good children they must take loss 412 fited from the contact. But alas, too bout s statement in last SunNegroes in Denver, the survey shows.
gften we are nore the better off af day Panama American, we are Last year 1, 043 Negroes between the prone to take off our hants to him. age of seven and twenty were attendHawaiian Cream Pie.
useful and desirable citizens.
Some of us may be as vulgar as If we could we would help such in the public schools.
we possibly can, using epithets that Sonny Boy to get sanitation and Since 1924 the deaths among NeOne third cup fat, cup flour, 18 make others blush, or that are un hygiene in the many disease holes groen in Denver have been greater teaspoon salt, tablespoons cold Shoes Bob Florence Mills called for and unsuitable for society. put into effect. But as the old wo: than the births.
LanSrige We may carry on in such a manner man said: Mix the flour and salt Cut in the as to make others disagreeable and Wuffidu? when you can do bet.
fut with a knife. Slowly add the protest our behavior. This may tar seh nu mattas.
Etiquette water until a stiff dough forms. Roll cause us a snub or cause our actions Gloria out to fit into a deep pie pan. Bake Let use menthol and camphor to be discountenanced by our friends, in a Is it the best form to use the minutes. Add the filling, moderate oven for fifteen yet we may be so dumb as not to freely in our disinfectants and help ourselves the best we can to keep the initials on cards or invi.
recognize the change in our friends.
Alec Bebe We may continue such actions epidemie from our surroundings until tations. the gods see fit to make a decent No, as the well bred person Two thirds cup sugar, cup flour, throughout our lives, never realizknows enough to acknowledge corre tablespoons lemon juice, 18 teai cup grated pineapple, cup water, ing that we are shunned, or, never world to live in.
Let us be more practical along the spondence without being asked to do spoon salt, egg yolks, permitting ourselves the opportunity to learn from being in contact with lines of hygeine and sanitation. Don forget to hold your handkerchiefs to butter.
others. Are radishes taken with the Mix the flour and sugar. Add the Bad fingers or the fork?
We are all grown up boys and your nose when sneezing or coughDach pineapple water and lemon With the fingers, just as olives Cook in a double boiler, stirring freHar entre Sur juice.
girls, and knowing those of us who ing. Don spit on the sidewalks as Meltes Paris were fortunate enough to have been it is injurious in many ways: it may result in one getting a back or leg Is it all right for a man to touch Add the rest of the ingredients. Cook quently, until very thick and creamy.
surroundings brought up the adverse conditions under which broken or it may cause serious trous his hat when greeting a woman acle to expectant mothers.
for two minutes. Pour into a pie shell quaintance. we are compelled to live, just beand cover with meringue.
QUESTIONS db cause we do not regulate our own No; it is unmannerly and lazy.
Pine Apple Wally Word Det wages we should make it our busiQues: What American president Meringue.
ness to assist the young ones here, was in office six months only?
Three egg whites, tablespoons Mark war you. My attention sugar.
because they surely need the social Ques: What age makes an Ameriwas recently arrested by an article Beat the egg whites until light.
acn eligible for the presidency of in one of the most recent issues of Add the sugar and beat until creamy.
SMALL POX The the New York American which por. Roughly pile on top the filling and Now, lets go to the case of our ex Ques: Who is the only president PM Teret Samir isting epidemic. Smallpoxid a di whose likeness appears on an Ameri trayed the horrifying spectacle of bake for twelve minutes inling sand young bride witnessing the death oven.
sease that has existed from remotest can coin?
of her husband by drowning at the antiquity. It was brought into MexQues: Which is the president of the hands of his friends all through stupico in 1520, by the Spanish soldiers, who remained a bachelor. id humor. And incidentally this br.
Fried squashes. Ques: By whom is the presidential ings back to my mind the old saying treated most successfully in this and it carried off three and one hall The summer squashes can be million persons.
cath administered?
fun death to In 1649 the Indians of North Ame Now Girls, these questions are to me.
manner. Peel and slice them as When you want a fascinating hair dress, get a Workman and pick your style rica were decimated by its ravages be answered by you only. The girl The story in a nutshell is as fol crumbs and dry in deep hot fat, turnfor egg plant. Dip in egg and breadSince the introduction of vaccination, who gives the correct answere, will lows: In some states in the Uniteding the slices just once. Drain on from any of the above captivating colored girls Then go to be declared the winner in next week States there is the custom of what smallpox has lost the terror that was MRS. ST. HILL BEAUTY PARLOUR attached to it a hundred years ago. iesne in this column, and she may is known as brown paper. Garnish with parsley teauses Smallpox ir one of most call, any night thereafter, at my ad bridegroom as soon, as possible at ment substitute.
initiating the young sprigs and serve. They may act as 122 ANCON AVENUE malignant of the contageous diseases. dress.
ter his marriage. This initiation is known as the Chivari. The friends and have it done of the bridegroom visit his home at OBITUARY the presence of his wife or take him away from his bride and either administer him a fine little beating in Advertise The sad death of Mrs. Dorothy the presence of his wife or takes him Jordan of King William Street St.
BY: CESPEDES BURKE out to some convenient place where Mitchael Barbados, took place In the Workman KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK they can decide upon.
they do to him the most stupid things Wednesday 11th Instant at her residence 24th Street Guschapalt after a It Will Pay may. concede that the answer by Mugwumps Ecleties, What was decided upon in the case long and painful, illness, having Fellow the king to the questions of the of this unfortunate bridgroom was reached her 71st year. Deceased in members of our venerable order of old man was prolific with wisdom, te throw him from the pier into the her early years was connected to the the has been. brothers and sisters of the high collars, low necks and and it is regrettable that there are water, and while he held out the be Bethel Wesleyan Church.
and enemies, not many more of our young and old coming hand for help and his wife folks who would take kindly to the raved, the crowd forgetting all about position, she endeared herself to all Of a peaceful and considerate disladies and gentlemen: we the man in the water (who by the with whom she came in contact and For some unknown reasons, during wisdom of the suggestion that the course of the current week my have only one mouth so that we mayway could not swim. centered their her passing away was the cause of thoughts have seriously lingered on not talk too much about the things attention upon the bride who realis much anxiety and regret.
we see and hear.
ed that her husband was drowning the fable of the man who is said to Some times we are almost persuad fast, and as the panic of the occasion in the Herrera Cemetery where the Her mortal remains were interred have travelled several miles to a far off country to see a certain wise king id to believe that some people have touched her the young woman yelled, Rev. Wade of the Panama in order that he night find out why several mouths judging from the the crowd cheered to their satisfac Wesleyan Church performed the last way they chatter particularly about tion while in the water the innocent funeral rites.
it is that we have two ears, two eyes mouth.
other people affaire. chatter husband was passing into another She. a. it was too late. Of course celebrated Where starting and that We have two ears so that we and newsmongers are invariably liars there was no intent to kill. The ob rica, Mrs. Moses Thomas, also three may hear everything, two eyes 30 de luxe therefore friends, beware.
ject as they say is morely to let the daugthers Mrs. Green, Miss lighting efficiency in that we may see everything, but only newly married man begin to feel that Amina Jordan and Miss Helen Jordan, also a son and three Grandehil concerned, you can one mouth so that we may not talk But so long ago under the rays of marriage life is a hard and serious dren Ethelbe rt, Linda and Ulett.
too much about the things we see ECLETICISM in the Star and Her affair. Nevertheless the man is dead. The community joins in extending travel blithely on with out fear of trouble if their sympathy to the beresved fami must admit that had been ask ald, advanced the suggestion of an dead; as dead as a door mann.
annual shorthand typewriting Now ye Bella Vista sea guers and night ly, It competitions.
ed the said questions there WAS thought others who have he sems chivari hatt your battery is an have been many other replies that that by this time the voices it, you are admonished to have a EXIDB name known might have suggested themselves to of approval or otherwise would have care many of your foolhardy tricks GET YOUR THE LONG LIFE me under the occasion: For instance, been heard from the enthusiasts of in the water are fun to you alright, to motoring millions.
BATTERY might have advanced the irreligious the art. particularly the phontetic but some mother beloved son night Job Printing idea that we have two eyes so that teachers. We shall be tickled Jama be passing oft into another world.
Distributors for Pe DONB AT THE we may stare boldly into the tantalis ican pink to hear from you on the PANAZONB GARAGE COMPANY, Panama City ing eyes of the sweet little lassie. subject as it seems to be a matter Workman Drink Salade Tes the best for THB BLBCTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphie, at al, but only one mouth so that we that should warrant more than passmay not eat too much. Be that as it ing internet, the Tropica Printery MUGWUMPISMS on short skirts, friends Buy With Confidence Exide ndoneserable would have it, the box as we would say in common. part worden And Whis friends only realize Graham in the United States of Amesage in response told him Exide a


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