
PAGE SEVEN Crack Writer Gives Facts on New Dialogue Citizenship. Alien or Domicile With an even greater reserve of Strength DUNLOP FORT FORT or JC velikwa Jazz has become the piece de resist band, and it didn come from the To The Editor of The Workman. CITIZENSHIP AND DOMICILE ance in the musical diet of the radio aristocratie quarter of the city either, Panama City, The law of nations, which in this listener. We are not in a position to but from the shanties, the dram Mr. Editor: regard is supplemented by the Muniknow exactly whether it is a pala shops and the brothels.
With another milestone cipal law of most civilized states, as in the table dish to all those who must list The New Orleans Item ran an arcribes to each individual legal states history of this paper it bids well to en and like it or turn off the set. ticle by one of its reporters claiming or conditions. One of these grows giving its readers such matter as In these days when the majority the origin of jazz for a group of Newill instruct and at the same time which he is a citizen or subject; it out of his allegiance to the state of of programs include jazz it would groes who played in the streets of guide them in their conduct and manners thus bringing to themselves birth or naturalization, and constiis acquired, as has been noted, by seem that jazz was the wine of mus. New Orleans in 1895, playing blues ie that stimulates every musical under the name apreciative comment. There are many tutes his political status, the other of Stale Bread features not readily understood by is based upon the well known prineltaste. At any rate, if it disagrees Spasm band.
residents of this city and especially ple of law that the validity of an act with some they certainly suffer in There is aiso another story spun parents and for this purpose our is determined by the law of the proud silence for we have heard no around the Dolly Sisters that credits first attempt will be to define be state, or locality, in which it occurs The Dunlop Tyre of Special construction intro squawks of agony from any one suf them with bringing jazz back from tween Citizen, Alien and Domicile.
or takes place, that is, by the law fering from jazz indigestion in many Cuba with them to Broadway at the duced for the motorist who uses his car for long CITIZEN: citizen or subject of the individuals residence, or doseasons.
close of the war. It was their theory spells on bad roads, or in other ways involving may therefore be defined as an in mieile. This relation constitutes dividual member of the body politic, the civil or legal status of such an We assume, therefore, that any that jazz has been rite in Cuba and particularly arduous service conditions. owing it the duty of allegiance and individual at International Law. It cne who suffers in silence is a philo Haiti for hundreds of years among support; and he is entitled to its pro may therefore be said that the posophie soul, and would be interested the natives.
VERY STRONG VERY DURABLE tection as to prson and property. litical or national status of an inin the lively debate being carried on Places With Negro VERY EFFICIENT This term Citizen and Subject is the dividual is determined by his citizenbetween readers of this newspaper All this testimony seems to place same in International Law, the only ship, a quality which is itself deter through the medium of letters to the the responsibility squarely with the difference rests in the form of Gov. mined by his birth or naturale editor on the subject, Did the Ne. Negro for the invention of the muernment e. Republican and Mon tion; his civil or legal status which archial. The gro Originate Jazz? At the present sical idiom that has snared the civilcivil and political is quite independent of his nationalrights of an individual in the state ity or allegiance, depends upon his writing, in our opinion purely as in ized world. In any research that of which he is a citizen are determin domicile, which may be defined as nocent bystanders, the bout is a draw even pretends to consider the firsted its constitution and laws; with the place in which he has voluntarily of with both sides showing great recu hand evidence of observers the out that state, his rights are deter established himself for purpose perative power.
So long as thread of jazz goes back to the Ne mined by the legislature. The right residence or business.
the individual remains in the state Dizzy Mystery of suffrage is strictly Municipal in gro of the southern United States.
his birth or naturalization, his This subject, like everything else The one point that is usually lost or withheld, by a state in accordloo the character, and is a privilege granted, same; the moment however, that he citizenship and domicile remain the connected with jazz, seems to be a in the shuffle of evidence is that the coloured ance with its constitution and laws.
dark and dizzy mystery. The chief characteristie Negro jazz was the modation In addition to the rights and privi: leaves the state of his allegiance and difficulty in arriving anywhere in blues. which reached its most comon the passes into the territory of a leges of citizens of a particular such a discussion is the confusing plete refinement in Handy ado The famous state to which their allegiance is due, foreign state, either as a traveller or for residential purposes, he becomes use of the term jazz. The word jazz St. Louis Blues and Beale Street wall Dunlop Tyre they, occupy well defined status today covers multitude of musical Blues. The blues became a senof Standard which is supposed to be recognized separate. His citizenship, unless he sins, according to the academicians, sation a little less than a decade ago Your Dealer by the states into whose territory becomes naturalized in the new state, Construction remains unaltered. His domielle, on will be glad they may come as travellers or 30 and they have used the term to de when the American public was stoiethe other hand, changes with each to show you is, of course, journers. In their capacity as citi change of residence or business lockscribe every type of popular dance ally resigned to ragtime, that jerky, thio latest Dunlop pro still available.
they be zens of Sovereign states tion, and the validity of his acts and music. Much of the so called jazz mechanical hurdy gurdy music.
duction come entitled, while thus travelling business transactions, it, at any subtoday is not even distantly related to The blues with its long insinuor journing abroad, to certain sequent time, their legality be drawn the old free for all, catch as catch ating rhythms and languid meanderDUNLOP RUBBER rights and privileges which are de into question, is determined by the ing melodies was musical manna. It termined as to their nature and ex COMPANY LTD. can variety of a decade ago.
law of the state in which the acts tent, by the rules of International took place.
One of the earliest, contributions was a relief to the ear and the mind Law.
to the theory of the Negro origin and it had an emotional effect, someImanches throughout the World was given by Jim Europe, the fam thing that ragtime could not even JAMAICA stage. The old veterans are beginous Negro wartime army band leader, suggest.
ning to show signs of wear, and the in an interview immediately after his Four Four Rhythm young uns take their places have return from France in 1918.
The jazz of today, however, is a not yet fully developed. Material in The writer quoted Europe in the fusion of ragtime, jazz and cultivat(Continued from Page 2) abundance is there, but if the truth statement that jazz originated with ed continental orchestration. The a band of four pieces, including an typical jazz played by the modern many of the present day young bowinstrument made out of chinaberry juzz bands is no nearer the original to co operate, with the efforts now lers make up their mind to fight like tree, about fifteen years ago in New Negro jazz than the original jazz on foot in bordering countries.
Orleans. That would place the or was to ragtime.
Mr. Robinson, Sales Manager Criffith for the right to a position igin of jazz among the Louisiana More than anything else the Neof Messrs. Sutton Brown Ltd. and in front. Every youngeter seems to Negroes between the years of 1900 gro contributed a feeling for primi his brother. Mr. Robinson want to represent the island during end 1905.
tive four four rhythm to American (Jr. a ileensed aviator of New York his second season and if he is not Heard Jazz in 1895 dance music. Like every other race are interested in the movement and selected be howis that he is discrimiFred Stone, of stage and aviation in this country the Negro has contriarrangements are on foot to obtain rated against. The secret of succes fame, tells of a diminutive Negro he buted his bit to American folk song from the Government the necessary in cricket is hard work, and there heard playing the first real jazz that and dance music. No race can claim permission for the bringing of the was never a time when there were first plane to the island.
hetter prospects before young crickfell upon his ears back in 1896, also the sole right to the title of the in New Orleans.
creators of American jazz. Gay In the World Pookot If everything goes well, it is hoped eters. Any young man could reprer.
Henry Osgood in his veritable Stevens, in the New York Times.
to have the first plane here early in ent the island if he showed that he and high In the World eneyelopaedia of jazz. So This Is January next year. The detalls of could field and how few will take the Lateem.
We believe that somethe scheme are being kept very quiet, trouble.
Jazz. explains: Testimony from various sides all point to New Orle Drink Salada Tea the best for but the plans are well under way. where in the junior ranks there are It is believed that in that in the potential Constantines but they do ans as the birthplace of the jazz the Troplas MISTELI. THE JEWELER tourist season tours across the island not try. In the same way there are ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY would prove very attractive to our youngeters who can bowl a decent visitors.
length or play a straight but, they QUALITY GUARANTEED want only application. But they are BARBADOS not prepared to work hard enough, and so there is nobody to take Notes Comments place of Challenor, Tarilton, Ince, Griffith and Francis. The only hope (Continued from page is that as we will be playing on the next month are being widely dis Turf in British Guiana and we CATHEDRAL PLAZA The apparition of the priest which On Thursday, November 26, 1779, it cussed and not always with enthu ought to do better than on matting has caused so much stir at the Holy siam. Cricket is in a transition in Trinidad.
is recorded that he came down to Cross Priory, Leicester, adds yet breakfast looking sale and disturbanother weird experience to the list ed. He told his nieces, the Mises and see the finest Assortment of of Midland ghost stories, says the Amphlett, who were accompanied by Birmingham Weekly Post. One of a companion, Mrs. Flood, that he LOCKS the most extraordinary of these nar. had had an extraordinary vision the ratives, which is of comparatively night before, which, although he did modern date, and the particulars of not consider it a serious omen, yet of every description also the inest whic do not appear to be so rell had nevertheless made a great im known as some of the other local ac pression on him. He stated that he Selection of counts of the occult, is that associated had been awakened in the middle of House 40 with the Lyttelton family. It was a 3rd November Street ARTIZAN TOOKS prediction of death and Mr. the night by a noise which wounded Middleton, in his account of the matlike the fluttering of Wings in his Guachapali Panama City ter some years ago, declared that all room, and on listening more closely JUST RECEIVED the circunstances had been authen sound of footsteps coming slowly tohe could hear quite distinctly the ticated by the head of the family, Lord Cobham. It is a remarkable wards his bed.
He at once set up story of happenings in rather propie and was amazed to see before him conditions in London, and one could the form of beautiful woman in almost wish that it had occured in white, who had a small hird perehed FLYNCH the more pleturesque setting Which on her wrist.
the family residence at Hagley Fall Dumbfounded, he struggled for Custom Tailor might have provided words with which to address the apBRANCH STORE Lord Lyttelton, we are told, was a parition, but before he could recover man of careless and profligate lite. himself the woman spoke in slow, de English American Styles 125 Central Avenue and the warning that be was about to liberate tones, told him to prepare die came to him whilst he was resid for death, for he was about to die NO. CALIDONIA ing at a house in Hill Street, London. Conthued on Page 3)
Moving to Form For Sale at Leading Garage E. ESCOFFERY. Distributor other West Indian islands and also be told, the will seems lacking. How 250 YOMEGA WATCHES OMEGA CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Another Midland Ghost Story GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere


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