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Theo SP R S VIBRATIONS hands sons of may a th Daniel Cooper Cites MISSIONARY MEETING Clubs to Move for body. The move was initiated by the Yorkshire council and every senior (Continued from Page 1)
Bigger Wicket and junior league in Yorkshire has BY ROBERTS altar. Mary and Jesus after weeks AT PANAMA WESLEYAN allied itself to the new federation.
of travelling arrived at the METHODIST CHURCH (By WILLOW. in the Daily Mail One of the objects of the York Three Mounts in Egypt safely.
While it is not our intention 10 Moral, if it is in the Workman, it Messengers were sent out One of the most interesting Misshire Cricket Federation is: To take of August 15. start anything, we cannot help but must he right.
to guide sionary meetings under the Auspices Joseph and Elizabeth into Egypt.
such action as may be necessary remark the very amorous turn of Let us forsake the lighter vein, of the Jamaica District of Methodism Coming events usually cast their Princes shall come out of Egypt; took place on Wednesday last 18th shadows before, even in the world of the facile and truculent pen of the for the time being, and venture into Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her Instant in the Panama Wesleyan cricket. In the autumn the question all cricket clubs throughout from time to time to protect the inGold Coast Scribe.
terests and promote the welfare of the realms of philosophy, and that is a big word, upon this matter of gamChurch when special representatives the Right here the writer should like For the past two weeks, friend bling while it is regretable, cireum to ask the reader a question We know from Panama and the Canal Zone of whether the higher and wider wieElijah, has been surprising us, by his stances alter cases and a desperate that Christ and John the Baptist did preceedings of the evening.
were invited to take part in the ket is to remain and the present law county And another one of much significance is: To watch the intersudden swerve to things of the right disease requires a desperate remedyi come out princes of Egypt; however, be permanently changed by the young men on trains, eating at his but, why should the finger of scorn as the three mounts, the home of the ter of the Balboa Baptist Ch. the They were the Rev. Alfred Carpen. has to be tackled and settled. ests of club ericket and cricketers, if and when proposals are made in board, then waiting away with the be pointed at our people, as though greatest secret order of all time, are The experiments carried out by girl of his choice, love the girls they were the only ones in the comno longer in Egypt, where are they? Cathedral, the Rev. Hartzell of the very Rev. Dean Werlein of St. Luke the first class country clubs are said, any quarter for the alteration of the and the girls love me. etc. etc. munity who take chances, while the laws or implements of the game, and This passage of the scriptures is not Sea wall Methodist Church.
what is it all about Lija. Like practice of gambling in any form in the main, to have proved satisfacto take action thereon as may appear understood people, intelligent peoThe Rev. Currey special reptory. So whether the higher and Nelson must say, England expects should not be championed in any com ple, are taking it to mean that The desirable.
resentative of Methodism every man to do his duty. so if the munity where this world goods are of misraim (Egyptians) shall to the wider wicket will be continued or rush over there is too great for you equitably distributed, equitable dis be accepted everywhere like hall West Indies who had recently arrivOne other object is also of importscrapped will be a matter of high to handle, why, just send for me, and tribution will obtain only in Utopia, and that the sons of Cush (Ethiopied from Jamaica, presided as chairance and shows what is in the wind will be willing to be found dead, The hope of gain, or the fallary of ans) will give the worldushoobad hent: man of the evening. The service was policy for the to decide.
in the north of England. It is this: if necessary, on the field of battle, getting something for nothing, is a ing. If the colored people are to opened by the Rev. Cousins of But the real problem is in regard To co operate with any similar asincidentally, am willing to bring deep rooted and almost ineradicable come into their own, they must know the Color Vesleyan Church, and the to the schools and club cricket. Club sociations throughout over my delegation, consisting of characteriste of the Human Race, if the truth. Princes have been coming Rev. RE. Wade Superintendent cricket opinion throughout England England for the formation of naMessrs Stewart and Cespedes then to add impetus to the longing out of Egypt over 1500 years ago.
of the Panama Circuit read the Mis has already been definitely hostile to tional Federation with corresponding Burke, do not hesitate to tell us if of a backward and financially incom Christ and John were amoung them sionary report for the year, you need our help.
petent people, their betters (sie) are the revival is on, and we shall hear the application of the changes to The Revs. Dean Werlein, Carpenobjects.
seen to indulge in these selfsame In fact, rood deal of the land of Mizraim ter and Hartzell spoke of the im their section of the game.
Thus the main object is to form It is with the greatest pleasure upon them, upon a people who are nia. the land vices, should contumely be heaped (Egypt) and Ethiopia (now Abyssi portance of missionary work and the club cricket bodies and leagues have into one federation all existing club Cush. Ethiopia is need for more capable and efficient already given their views, asserting ericket associations and leagues in that we announce the admission of markedly imitative. really stretching out her hands her men in the missionary field. Their ads that such changes would be eminent England so that in the event of any Mr. Dingwall, LL. to practice law before the Courts sons abroad are Hamites and those dress were well thought of and left ly prejudicial whatever benefits they at home are called themselves se a great impression on the audience.
move towards of the Canal Zone. With Mr. Dinga change in cricket confer from the first class And further, since the chief form mites. Ethiopia, the days are at The musical portion of the service wall admission, our community has of dissipation in this connection is hand and the sons of Cush, Canaan playing law the whole weight of Engwas rendered by the Choir of the county standpoint.
one more gentleman of distinction, nothing but a pooling of resources, and Mizraim shall fight to fulfill Church with Mrs. Olga King lish club cricket opinion will be and to whom they can point with pride, where the possibility of gainful re prophecy! This war is sure to come, Mrs. Dopis Reece contributing vocal known that in the north of England in deadly opposition.
It may not, perhaps, be generally brought to bear either in favour or and who will be an incentive to our turn, if high is not improbable, and and those are going to be very bloody solos.
young men and young women, to since the funds are put to good and days. However the spirit of Christ The closing courtisies were made in Yorkshire a county federation has tions on behalf of cricket clubs are leagues are actively federating, and understand that similar federafight seeming disadvantages, so that commendable use, and since the dis shall guide the minds of those chosen by the Rev. Wade who com.
they may make their mark, and carve parity of salaries on an average is to be the users of the words of address and interest in the cause of been organised consisting of some being organised in other counties an imperishable impression which not Missions. 000 clubs certainly shall stand out as a beacon Hight to not commensurate to the general high Justice and the swords of merey.
powerful prices which are uhid necessary to the with objects similar to those of the help the weary struggler on the way.
maintenance of a decent existence, Yorkshire County Federation. It is That Mr. Dingwall ambition and it is but natural, that as human bequite evident, therefore that the real energies have thus for been success ings, endowed with emotions and full is a source of much gratification hopes, with expectations of better backbone of cricket the clubs of to us, let us hope that the career things to come, which expectations, England are in no mood to allow of which now stands before him, may are from time to time renewed and any cricket law changes unless and be crowned with brillant laurels of refed by the happy achievement of until they have been brought into ofJudicial that, as a some fellow associate, it is but natficial consultation and given opportuyounger man, he struggled faithfully ural that they should follow the exon the field to overcome nity of considering whether such physical competition, 80 that his ample set them by those withom FOR proposals would be of real advantage the struggles in the mental realms, be they have been taught from or disadvantage to their own section crowned often with success, and it cradle, are invariably right.
It is the hope of a better existence, of the game.
perehance at times the judicial nod, The are faced with difbe not forthcoming that be will feel of a cultural existence when possible, that is the driving urge, which comthat he has struggled manfully, al.
ficulties. They have to see that the ways remembering that the true hall mits our people to the course that AND FLANNELS first class game is made popular mark of the thoroughbred, is in being they have chosen, people who behind with the publie; what may be satisable to smile just as happily when their unassuming exteriors, harbor ALSO factory for this section of cricket losing as when winning, Success and as noble ambitions, as tender sentimore power to you, Attorney.
ments, as generous natures and as may, however, prove wholly detreWe are indebted to Mr. George Top in some instances, more. Before point fine feelings as any other group, and mental to the schools and clubs. It pin, genial Epicurean and master THE FINEST SELECTION has been suggested that the better impersonator for the following: Why ing the finger of scorn therefore, way out of the trouble would be to is a shoemaker like a preacher? cast out the mote they is in thipe make the higher and wider wicket Ans. Because he works for the wel own eye, try to think of these people fare of the so (u) les of men. To as fellow creatured, put away that merely applicable to first class crikwhich now propound another. Why singular feeling, which arouses the et, leaving the old law as it now exis a shoesmaker like a Doctor? Ans. wonder of the world, which is the dolor ists for schools and the clubs.
Because he practices the he (a) apparent and real antipathy which eling art. Joke, Joke!
one group of labourers entertain for a fellow group, which works beside AND Musicale at St. Peter them, who while calling for more pay Well, well, last Sunday, it you had in one voice, reduces the wages of Church latt played my selections, you could not their maids in the next, when have escaped winning 30. 00 no how, can see these real manifestations of (Continued from Page 1) had a horse in every race, and good intentions, when we can honestthose who scoffed at me Saturday ly feel and know that we can live individually handed her the laurel of night, least of which was not Mr. from the wages received for honest the evening.
Ivan Grace, were only too willing to and conscientious toil, when we can Packard In conclusion it may not be out of SHOE set them up on Sunday night, but not comfortably house our loved ones in TO SELECT FROM crder to once again thank all who this baby, was too puffed up with decency and respect, then there will helped to make the Musicale the huge pride to drink with any set of guys he no cause to gamble or no cause to success it certainly was.
who cannot pick a winner in every waste our substance, if there is any race, so bought my own, more fool to waste, for then we shall be able LA that MASCOTA and wasted my substance to make deposits in the institutions in riotous socks, if you hear a loud established for this purpose, so that MULLER Prop If you have a Prescription to be made uptake it to the noise around my usual haunts, do not the wheels of industry may go forbe surprised, it is these self same ward with accelerated speed; until 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 National Pharmacy, Santa Ana socks, and bet you will pay more then, we must take a chance, until Plaza, where you will get courattention to what say after this then, we must depend upon the gods teous and obliging service.


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