
THE WEST INDIES AMERICA AFRICA JAMAICA Happy Motherhood LACTOGEN LACTOGEN BRITISH GUIANA have taught him to be deceitful in desatory was brought before Great War of Races continuous rather then magistrate Slave Trade giving. m almost inclined to pray charged with beating his wife. When Seen as Imminent for a spiritual earthquake to shake in Africa asked for an explanation of his cruel some horse sense into Christendom, ty, he replied, White men beat their Rev. Bernett Haines he declared.
Thunderstorm Hits Montego Bay Says Oppression of Col The natives can always be won wives, why not I? It is a shamelu! Puts Blome on President of Republic ored Will Priog it On and led, he said in conclusion, but fact that the magistrate had to anWesleyan Church Above all Bright Prospects for they can be driven. They learn swer that question by telling the ofFrom Times. Blackman, Sept. quickly, and too frequently they learn fender that as long as he was black Receives Onslaught of Local Fruit in war of the races which will things that we are not proud of. Dur. he had no right to act like the white Investigation of alleged conditions of Terrific Storm slavery in Liberia, is to be made by dwarf all the other conflicts of his ing my stay in the tropies a negro man.
Europe an international commission, the tory was declared to be imminent by state department announced last Sa the Rev. Bennett Haines, who MINISTER RENDERED ILL turday. The commission will be ap There is a great market in the blamed the foreign missions for inpointed by the Liberian government.
It was reported in Kingston yes. United Kingdom and on the conti stilling in the colored races the most It will consist of one Liberian, one nent for all the fruit that Jamaica barbaric characteristics of our own American and one other member to terday says the Mail of the 10th inst can produce. was the enthusiastic civilization, in his sermon at St.
be selected by the League of Na.
that a severe thunderstorm, accomstatement of Mr. Lauriaton Nunes, Peter Episcopal Parish House, 1511 tions.
panied by heavy rains, struck Mon of this city, on his return from Westehester avenue, yesterday mornWhen an official request is receiv.
tego Bay around noon on Sunday England yesterday on the Elders and ing. If we continue to oppress and and did damage to the Wesleyan Fyffe steamer Camito.
exploit the natives as we are doing ed from the Liberian government reChurch in that town. Glass windows garding the appointment, the AmeriHe thought the field for the Ja now, nothing can save us from the can government will be glad to cowere shattered and the electric cur. maica Direet Line as big as they horrors of another great war he rent was disorganized.
could supply and they need not have sid. The colored races will pay us operate, it was stated orally at the It is further reported that the min any fear of competition in England in our own coin; that which we sow state department. In the announce as they could take care of all the shall we also reap.
ment made by the state department ister who was conducting the midIn his farewell appearance at St.
THE HE MOTHER who is able to give her baby bananas the island was in a position the world slavery was not used, the the benefits of maternal nursing realises day service at the time suffered from term applied being forced labour to ship. Indeed, he thought the out. Peter the Rev. Bennett Haines took the onslaught of the elements and look rather rosy for bananas but not as his subject the new Negro film, to the full the joys of happy motherncod.
conditions. The text of the anLACTOGEN is recommended for use to suppleas a consequence the service had to noucement is as follows: so with pine apples as they did not Hallelujah, which he discussed in the light of his own experiences ment mother milk in cases where the supply be brought to close earlier than carry very well.
is deficient, its great similarity to this in LIBERIA ANSWERS usual. The minister, after he had among the natives during his three Another point which Mr. Nanes years in the tropies. The composition and digestibility rendering it telegram received from the unselfleft the pulpit and repaired to the emphasised was that good deal of conscious sincerity particularly suitable for the purpose.
American legation at Monrovia gov.
of the native vestry for the sake of recovering, fruit shipped at the outports in Hght blacks as portrayed in the film is ernment has officially requested that was visited by one of his congrega To further policies for the devel closest to the true Christian spirit, the department make publie an.
tion who, while in the act of render caused the fruit on ripening to go he declared, and contrasts sharply RESEMBLES nouncement that the Liberian govern ing him first aid, also became ill, bad with the hypocrisy of the more soHUMAN MILK ment is appointing an international the illness being, it is said due to There was a great demand for phisticated whites, commission to investigate alleged LACTOGEN contains the natural constituents the individual having previously been small fruit such as six and seven The Negro will ultimately take of luman milk in the right proportions; and, forced labour conditions in Liberia, struck by lighting it is to be hoped hands many of which were rejected his place in the march of civilizawhat is important, that nothing foreign to the commission to be composed of one that the incidents mentioned will not here on account of size.
tion, he continued. He is dependhuman milk is present.
Liberian, one American and one be attended by any serious results.
other member Mr. Nunes thought the shipping of ent on us for the nature of that reporter of this journal learned this grade of fruit would he of great place, because he derives his ethical The Liberian government furi her also that Creighton garage in the benefit to small settlers whose lands ideas from us. What have we taught KEEPS states its hope that the United States town of Montego Bay was another could not produce the bigger bunch him? We have taught him to hate, SWEET PURE and the League of Nations will each place damaged by the disturbed ele. steal and kill. We have taught him DURING THE agree upon the request of the Limette.
how to lie without being detected, HOTTEST WEATHER berian government to recommed a It rained in Montego Bay for about and to put pleasure above duty, and member to be appointed to the comLACTOGEN is produced where the cows feed five hours altogether on Sunday last.
to take pride in sharp practices. We in pasture all the year round, and consequently mission.
even the fresh milk from which it is produced It is understood that recently the his relations with his fellow men, contains more vitamines than cattle stall fed state department sent a strong note Jamaica Bids Fair and to make the acquisition of wealth during part of the year.
Ifluential Demerarians Make te the Liberian government on the his principal object in life. God.
to be World Great subject and that this led to the deYou can sample Bid For West Indies help you and your children if you cision for an investigation. The text do not awake to these facts.
Free of the note was not disclosed.
Federation Christians have no right to be comReports of slavery in Liberia have fortable in their devotions while Send for free sample and copy of Baby Book to been widespread for several year.
For the first time on Wednesday, GEORGETOWN, Aug. 30. there are millions of human being ships of the Canadian National RailPrivate investigators and native poway, were fuelled as they lay alongpractical step towards the bringing who have never heard the truth, he litical opponents of the government side the whart.
about of a Federated West Indies declared, adding that men all through at Monrovia have made sweeping has just been taken here.
the mission fields are constantly becharges of deplorable labour condiTrinidad Leaseholds have the contions through publications in this tact for the fueling with oil of the At a meeting of influential colon ing recalled because the churches at home do not support them. The moral country and in Europe.
ships of the line and they have had ists held in the Town Hall it was in Christ parable of the good SaThe NATURAL MILK Food DEMANDS CLEAN UP to go alongside the wharf at Hạr unanimously decided to establish an maritan, he said, is missued by nine The subject has been brought up MADE BY NESTLE bour Head to take fuel. On Wednes Association whose chief aims will be: out of ten persons, who see in the several times at Geneva and the aid day, however, they were fuelled 1o. To further policies for the devel story only the lesson of charity in BABY FOOD EXPERTS FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS.
of the League of Nations has been alongside the Jamaica Fruit and opment of the natural resources of stead of the deepest implication of sought. The United States governShipping Company Wharf, thus say British Guiana with the earliest dement is thought to have intervened ing a great deal of time. The oil spatch consistent with security.
with what is understood to have been barge, driven by power, which ar To secure a form of Governpractically a demand for a clean up rived for the company some wees ment in which resident colonists who and to have brought the situation to ago was used for the first time for are acquainted with local conditions a head after Thomas Faulkner, these ships. The Connector was would have an effective share in the an American born naturalized lying on one side of the wharf and administration of the Colony.
tizen of Liberian an defeated candithe Lady Somers was at the other To promote and co operate date for the Liberian presidency, reside and the barge went alongside with other similar institutions in the Of New York turned to the United States and barr each in turn and filled their bunkers West Indies in bringing about the (Continued on page The Lady Rodney and the Lady federation of British Guiana and the Somers each take about a thousand West Indies as a dominion with due tons of oil fuel, enough to take them safeguards for the local interebt of to Canada and back again while the the constituent colonies.
Total Assets more than Two Thousand Million Connector takes sufficient for the The Provisional Committee which run to Belize and back to Jamaica. has been appointed to carry out these In addition to the ships of the objects includes eleven members of Custom Tailor Canadian National Steamship. Trin the Legislative Council.
0000 idad Leaseholds are fuoling ships.
No 22 Stroot for the United Fruit Company and the Columbia Line.
Guachapali representative of the Gleaner in Panama de conversation with a shippnigman was told that in tow years Jamai00000 ca would be one of the most important fueling stations in the world. It Modern Tailor to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus was in the direct track of ships comJ. VEGA.
tentat ing from America and Europe to the No 57 STREET Panama Canal and if the he new canBELOW HOTEL BOLIVAR al was construeted through Nicaragua Calldonla Road RATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED It would mean that still more ships WORK DONE IN HOUR would be coming to this part of the PANAMA COLON SERVICE GUARANTEED world. All new ships were being equipped as oil burners and there House Rent Receipt Buoksia Span33 CENTRAL AVE.
AT FRONT STREET GIVE ME TRIAL was evidently a great future ahead inh and English for sale at the STREET PANAMA for Jamaica as a fueling port.
Workmas Printery, trobat fruitivert at yol ve91 Fuelling Station Lactogen va PACTOGEN The National City Bank HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York Bayne Dollars Cy.
SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service 00000000000 Kirton Shin The National Tity Bank of New York


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