
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1929. APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE miles The Case of Joseph Duhaney. 60 cked up particular cause the step.
TROTT The Cleaner be settled overnight, presume, and we would hear no more of the following phrases. here is a duplication of effort, a weaken THE WORKMAN ing of our front, and an obvious lack Unity. All very precious 1926 prayers that have produced good work at Rio Bajo and She: IL you kiss me Again d around our city, but which should have been substituted by new cream. Contiued from Page 1)
prayers since the middle of 1928.
Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 To the contrary, our hot and sweaty boys think that politics He: Well, say something. for his head. Fortunately, Duhaney CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
She: Don interrupt me. m observed this, and dodged it, the misare like musical notation which can be crammed on five parallel Box 74, Panama P. Box 1102, Ancon CZ screaming. Temple Owl.
sile striking the boarding up of the ines and four spaces, and the whole fundamental layout is finishhouse. The crowd then ran up the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ed. Our boys are like that: not original; and they go the whole writer got married. Several street, and Duhaney ran after them.
ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
length of their stomachs to empty nothing. When they get hold months later an old friend dropped Duhaney states that he, at this time, SIX MONTHS. 20 of a pet idea they squeeze the life out of it by continuous kneading, in. Tell me frankly, he asked, picked a missile and threw it into THREE then they grab it by its hind part and drag it all over the country. how do you like married life by the crowd, not intending to hurt any ONE MONTH. 20 this time?
boy, but in order to seare Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all mat If this shows anything, it shows a sad lack of original think It exciting, the writer admit them away. Through. misfortune, ters of public interest invited.
ing for which our community pays, and pays dearly at that; but ted, but gosh, it so darned real the missile struck Antonio Richards one day this same community is going to call a half on such non istie. College Humor.
above his temple, and knocked him We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
sense, and when it bellows woa! m going to get a horse laugh cut. Mrs. Duhaney, on being informed of the occurence went immediateThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS with the end of its echo dying away in the Congo.
Disconsolate and Inebriated Studly to the boy residence and gave li the Confederation of Organization scheme wants to get ent: No, ma am, have another in all possible assistance, even going my pocket. Wisconsin Octopus.
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1929. anywhere with its plans, its officers had better let nobody hurry in the Ambulance with the boy to them to death. They had better go slowly but surely, rememberthe Colon Hospital when it was fear How much does it cost to runed that the boy was seriously hurt.
ing all the time that they have a big task in trying to cement, for your new car?
This the story which culminated in Preacher Urges Halt in Oppression united action, the Barbadian, Jamaica, St. Lucian, Demerarian. Can say yet, but it cost me the 100. 00 fine already stated.
of Granadian, Trinidadian, Dominican, Haitian and a dozen others.
pes twenty five dollars to leave it strand.
Now, a great deal of unneccessary GREAT PHILOSOPHERS ing still today. Cornell Widow, heat has been exhibited in conneetion with this occurrence. This beThese islanders were scattered to be disconnected and made We make no apology for reproducing the reproducing the THE POETS CORNER those who became hot following article from the Chicago Defender it being so pregnant weak, all over the West Indies, South, Central and North Ameri Happy the man, and happy he alone, are not reasonable enough to adopt with facts concerning the race: ca for over 300 years. They develop their own habits, tastes and He who can call to day his own; the correct attitude in the cireumcustoms. Some never dreamed of ever having a common cause He who, secure within, can say.
stance. Herein is exemplified the Negro civilization will claim a place in world affairs, but to fight, with their dark skinned brothers three or four thousand whether its pattern will be good or bad depends to a great extent To morrow, do thy worst, for have very ancient saying, trouble in the miles away. Their newspapers, which should have been fighting liv to day. Dryden.
bush, the spider brings it home.
upon the life and precept of the white race, stated Rev.
BY ELLEN FRANCIS GILBERT Duhaney was in his home. These two Bennett Haines, formerly of St. Paul church. Knightsbridge, to link the doings and thoughts of the different islands together found thy footprints. God, today, girls whom we have mentioned beLondon, England, recently in a sermon at St. Peter Westchester for one common cause and to develop the spirit of real freedom, Down where the herons stop and fore, on account of incorrect conduct Square church (white. Declaring that our race has a rare capa taught them how to commit crime but never how to offset it stray in drawing an undesirable crowd to Beside a shining waterway; this house every night, attracted city for unselfish friendship of the sort that is not affected by how to organize a dancing club but never how to organize an these smaller boys and girls to this circumstances nor conditions upon possessions or stations in life, agricultural institution how to organize a benevolent society And in the forest, still and dim. place, creating a nuissance, and causRev. Bennett Haines pointed out that responsibility for setting but never how to invest the money pooled, into business enter Up where the trees are tall and slim, ing Duhaney to get into trouble as standards of life rests particularly upon church people. Failure prises; in short, these different islanders were taught to pin their heard the echo of Thy hymn; a result of being irritated by the of white civilization to realize its responsibility, he warned, will faith on milk and honey in Paradise and hasten death so as to fierce conduct of this boy who stoncertainly bring retribution for its error.
have a precious time from the gong of the last rites until paradise And in a meadow, laid like gems ed him, because he remonstrated with Between the green and grassy stems, him and others about the nuissance war of the races which will dwarf all the other conflicts of is reached. Then with God and the Angels, all who didn store say Thy golden garments hems. they had created by congregating on history was declared imminent by Rev. Bennett Haines, who up, a red cent would rejoice everlastingly, but all intelligent men blamed the foreign missions for instilling in the dark races the economists, financiers, capitalists and the thrifty men would So, God, know that Thou art near.
This case demonstrates the fact most barbaric characteristic of the white civilization, be unmercifully towed to Hell and put in charge of Satan and And some glad day of some glad year that they were right who called atI may come home and find Thee WHITES TO REAP WHAT THEY SOW (Continued from Page 5)
tention to the other fact that parents and guardians should exercise proper If we continue to oppress and exploit the natives as we are supervision over their charge. If the doing now, nothing can save us from the horrors of another great RRRY parents and guardians of all these war, he said. The Colored races will pay us in our own coin; youngsters had exercised proper supthat which we sow shall we also reap.
DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON ervision over them, it would have Inevitably, he said, the Negro race will take its place in been impossible for them to have STEAM FRESSING PHONE453 PANAMA strayed so far away from home for civilization. The kind of place it will take will very largely depend upon us. Rightly or wrongly these people are learning such long periods every night. If 16 STREET DYEING from us. Just what are they learning? That is the rub. How We Dye To Live those who are responsible for the PANAMA correet behaviour of the two girls to hate? How to kill: How to get the best of others luy sharp who were the drawing cards of this practice; how to bully; how to acquire wealth regardless of unwelcome crowd on this and prevprinciple; to put pleasure before all things? How even socalled ious nights, Antonio Richards would not have been hurt, and Joseph DuChristians may bicker and squabble and deny the Prince of Peace?
haney would not have remained Alas, too often that is true.
jail until he was liberated on the There is the brighter side of the picture, the lesson of men payment of a 100. 00 fine. There.
like Livingstoone and Wilberforce, of missionaries who gave up are two vietims in this case. Antoall to live and die among them. The influence of Christian plantnio Richards the victim of his parers and teachers these will never die. But they are all too few.
ents negligence. The parents of the other boys and girls are also guilty The Bible declares that that which we sow, we shall also reap.
of the same offence for allowing Now nothing is more true than that. Nothing. Unless the white INCORPORATED 1869 their children to create a world can show something better than the horrors of history, it missance where they do not belong, and Jo will suffer ere long, retribution in kind. When the Colored races seph Duhaney is the victim of an unachieve their destiny they will practice what they have learned Head Office: Montreal, Canada fortunate circumstance forced upon from us.
him by the provocation he received at the hands Antonio Richards who WARNS AGAINST RACIAL CONFLICT stoned him. Surely, it should not It is not only for our own sakes that we need seek peace and PANAMA require the Police to make COLON ensure it, but for the security of the world future. The horror parents keep their children in order as much of the last great war would be as nothing, compared to a race Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets as is humanly possible. Surely, par ents should realise their war. Continue to oppress and exploit these people and nothing ity for the correct conduct and safe.
could prevent the future oppression of our posterity by the same ty of their children, and not turn token. You may be as placid and nonchalant as you like about it Trow, but God help you and your children children unless you get others in trouble, as was done in are awake to these facts. The writing is on the wall. Great thinkthe case under review. There is no ers see it and are ever warning us. When, oh when, shall we advocacy for the imprisionment of the heed?
children; but common sense dietates Stressing the need for missionary work, the speaker warned that they should not be allowed to With 900 Branches throughout the world, including roam wheresoever they will, making against sensational revival methods, declaring that such methods all kinds of contact, and exposing would tend to promote hysteria, buffoonery and sheer animalthe following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank themselves to divers dangers.
ism. He asserted that cold formality was not effective with is in a position to render the best possible service.
Allbeit, this case presents an opthe native races and that a stiffnecked sort of religion reached portunity for those concerned and few and tended to make that few rotten prigs.
those not concerned, to learn some useful lessons. People should profit Praising the dark races as having in large quantities the Antigua Dominica Manterrat by experience. We hope that Mr.
qualities of loyalty, generous love and forgiveness, quick symDahaney will never forget this un.
pathy and enthusiasmi, the preacher expressed the view that beBahamas Greenda St. Kitts fortunate experience of his, and that tween wild emotionalism on the one hand and stiff formalism on Barbados if Jamaica (2)
he ever has the misfortune to be St. Lucia the other, there is a sane workable basis of religious instruction again exposed to a like danger, he tending to make reasonable Christian men and women.
British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique will be able to hold himself fleet for a moment longer so that Guadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
he will avert the painful consequence which has befallen him in this SEEING THINGS case. We further hope that these two girls will find it distasteful to continue to use these hand rails as BY: LEACOCK HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST chains that they will conse to THE CENTRAL ORGANIZATION cause of the undesirable assembIf organizing a group of people were like organizing a 10lage of idle and lewd big boys PAID ON DEPOSITS cent store, our late, demented Central Organization would have nightly that if they do this, the smaller boys and girls will have no been breathing fresh air today and flattening out in an hour, reason to assemble on this step and suspect, all the race problems that have baffled Europe, America drink in the corruption which emanand Asia for long and smutty centuries.
ates from the crude conversations inOnes we had the Central Organization every problem would dulged in by themselves and the big (Continued on page 6)
The Royal Bank of Canada them lose Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 upon the community to BA and to rethe be General Banking Business Transacted.


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