
PAGE SEVEN Slave Trade in Aboard Carare (Continued from Page 2)
ed conditions at the state depart BY PILGRIM WILKINS ment. am, thank God, not an immoder Mr. Faulkner charges that the Liate sleeper, am accustomed to berian government enforces 19 practising the old adage of Early to tem of virtual slavery upon natives bed, early to rise therefore day by from the hinterland. sum equal to 50 is paid for each native who way as we progress on our long voy age back to Panama on rising and is shipped out of the country and ac going to bed. am, with much nter cording to Mr. Faulkner, the presi est acquainting myself further with dent of Liberia, Charles King the facts responsble for th: trouble and other high Liberian government which has been brought about officials share in the money which and far from cured in the Salvation comes from this source.
Army; which is bound to be reactive FAULKNER EXPLAINS it ingratitude, hypocrisy, anarchy There is not an outright sale of (Bolshevism then) and open revolt natives, Mr. Faulkner explains. The deserve their deserts.
money is paid to a shipping agent as am not a Salvationist from the a labour agency fee. The agent re point of view of the Salvation Army, tains one pound sterling or about but no one who has become acquaint 87 for each native sent out of the ed with the great work created and country. The remaining nine pound performed until now by the Booth sterling, says Mr. Faulkner, is desocially the late Bramwell Bo3 h, vided among President King and two need be ashamed of association with other Liberian government officials that work. But what am glad veneer of regularity, according about is that, not being under any to reports, has been given to the Iligation to the usurped authority practice by arrangements permitting of the Salvation Army regime in the patives to regain their liberty England and North America of to through savings from nominal earn day, am free to make what combeen in exposiFor the Extra Strain!
FORT DUNLOP new Dunlop with an even greater reserve of strength than the famous Dunlop Tyre of Standard Construction, which you know so well. This new member of the Dunlop family has been introduced to meet par ticularly hard service conditions It is the choice of the car owner who habitually uses bad roads and involves his tyres in more than ordinary strains, From Rags to Russians in Disgust Riches came Kid Over Whites Chocolate Tiflis, Republic of Georgia, Soviet Straining at the barrier and rarin Russia. Lovett Fort Whiteman, for to go was Eligio Sardinas, otherwise merly member of the Communist known as Kid Chocolate, the poor, and Socialist parties in the United Havana newsboy of five years ago States, who recently was a candidate today the greatest fisaic moneyfor the office of treasurer of New mark of his Race.
York state, is a member of the faculty of the First Mosew university, Eligio, sure to get the tremendous attached to the department of ethnolum of 50. 000 or orer for his efogy. The Chicago Defende: says forts, was rarin to add another good that Mr. Fort Whiteman is a gradTrg ran to his list of victims in Aluate of McGill university, Canada, Singer, the young New Yorker, who and was a resident of Chicago while only a few years ago was happy to working on the labor movement in make a measly weekly salary at his the Midwest section of the United jewelry trade.
States Many yains of thig romance have The American in a recent letter written, but it is doubtful if states: am traveling over the enthere has ever been one to parallel tire. Soviet republic on an inspection the story of Eligio Sardinas and how tour. After leaving Baku, Republie be ame a boxer. One can help of Adjerbaijan. have been in Tifl but give credit to the shrewdness and for more than a week. This is one the kind heart of the Kid manager, of the beauty spots of the world. Tt Luis Gutierrez, then sports editor of is a worm, semitropical country and La Noche, in Havana.
everywhere are gorgeous mountaine.
Five years ago Chocolate donned delegation of white business his first boxing gloves, and it was mon, with their wives, have been through Gutierrez, whose peper at stepping at a hotol. They were that time was conducting an amateur rotten for and everybody seemed distourney, that the kid, who weighed gusted with them. They put their but 52 pounds, got his ring start. feet on the furniture, spit on the Taking him under his wing after his floor, and the native guests thought first showing, Gutierrez steadied Eli them most uncultured persons when gio and taught him many tricks of they witnessed the American the trade, but most of them came men licking postage stamps.
naturally to the Cuban. The first of August was a gree.
When the Kid was ready he was day of demonstration in all the ocunentered in the professionals in Ha tries of Europe who were participants Then, last year, after mop in the World war, known here as the ping up everyone pitted against imperialist war. The greatest mass him. Gutierrez decided to bring the demonstrations took place in Russia.
Ind to this country fighting his first bout at Mitchel field, for which he There is only one Negro in Tiflis received 40. Chocolate that night and he is chief of the fire departflattened Eddle Enos in three rounds, ment. He is a young fellow and much appreciated by all the citizens.
Taken along carefully, Gutierrez held the Kid back in most of his The man is a member of the party, starts, but when the fans of New and speaks Russian very well, but York were apprised of the fictie abil. not the native Georgian language.
ity of this newcomer, who incidental. He is not from the United States, but from Africa.
ly, was first tabbled as a great by the Daily Mirror, he became one of the greatest box office attractions hereabouts. As a result, the once not been credited to him is his 10poor kid of Havana earned for him round draw with Joe Scalfaro at the self and Gutierrez approximately garden last winter. victory over 100, 000 during that short year. Singer should result in Chocolate aeChocolote is yet unbeaten, and the cumulating over 500, 000 in the only battle in which victory has ring. Chicago Defender.
See the coloured medallion small. it is said, and the charge tortion of the anarchy to overthrow them on the side wall a WOtual peonage.
Vana The famous Dunlop Tyre of Standard Construction of outs, still available DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LTD. hochowa their return to their former life so Army Regime in the United King high that they have remained in vir dom just about the time in human history when civil and religious strife had become epidemie or contagiou The Firestone Rubber Company, in the Americas.
which began extensive cultivation of rubber in Liberia three years go, ia There is no gainsaying the fact that Madame Evangeline Booth was in no way involved in the forced lathe direct instrument or channel lo bour situation in that republic, it is stated here The Firestone Con the revolt of the Salvation Army.
having had time to indoctrinate her.
pany pays native workers on a scale which has done much to raise their self into the spirit of revolutionizm standard of living.
nicknamed Republicanism wh. ch very characteristic of the atmosphere LAKS LIKE influencing most people on the auth The Firestone Company has leased side of the Mason and Dickson from the Liberian government 100, against things and persons Beftish 000 acres of land for an elabora e This is the type of American Bol.
plantation for raising rubber, plan ning to produce ultimately 260, 00) shevism which had reveled again and murdered General Bramweli tons a year.
Booth, a dose of whose medicine (The Liberia was founded in 1822, when Bolshevies) they should be made to a settlement was made at Monrov: take in their own measure.
by freedom from the United States The foregoing states calamity is with the assistance of American co!
a vivid picture of how things appear onization societies. It was declare in the Salvation Army Headquarters a free and independent republic on in London at present. The writer July 26, 1847. Its constitution is modeled on that of the United States. Head quarters and took the pains to had the pleasure of visiting the said Electors must be of African blood inquire into the conditions as they and owners of land. The government obtain therein London, not known rests with a president elected for or understood as well outside by four years, a senate of eight elected those who have not had the opportufor six years, and a house of repre nity of visiting England and knowsentatives of fifteen, elected for four ing things as they really do exist.
It is this better knowledge of the facts of the case. The magnitude of the great institution and the mental Drink Salada Tea the best for picture of the scape of vision of the the Tropics great mind who actually created For Sale at Leading Garage E. ESCOFFERY. Distributor 10 TI OMEGA OMEGA WATCHES Benjamin Barnett Son POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23r Street Chorrillo In the World Pocket and high in the World Esteem.
CALL AT THE Panama Hardware QUALITY GUARANTEED CATHEDRAL PLAZA and see the finest Assortment of LOCKS of every description also the Finest Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED MISTELI. THE JEWELER ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR what is more than a mere institution, Booth and Salvation Army being House 40 rather, one which we might desig synonymous terms are at the pres3rd November Street nate a great social government orent time as good as ignored in the Commonwealth and one making work of the administration in the Guachapall Panama City for the moral, spiritual, civil, indus Army, trial, economic, and educational upTo be consistent, Mrs. Booth the lift of fallen or down trodden humanwife of the late General is as it were ity. In short the Salyation Army exiled from what doing in the Govis after all a great and magnificenternment of the army at present.
organization and too good for the Their eldest son, Mr. Herbert Booth chronicles of its history to be stain. at the present time caight be likened ed with motives and facts of the unto a prisoner in a tower. He oeeubasis of schism, revolution, and murpies a room as his office in the der; for General Bramwell Booth back upper regions of the Salvation setually died the death of a martyr. Army Headquarters in London which English American Styles What is the medicine that the extends from 101 107 Queen VictoNO. CALIDONIA usurpers of the regime of the Salva ria Street, London, a little world in tion Army should get? Let us see! itself going some six stories high, Excepting Miss Evangeline Booth of including the basement. This is the the United States of America, she international Headquarters. Then vation Army has existed.
arrived in book form in a volume being at the head of the Salvation there is the social department of the Army work in that country, and a work in another part of London with know what am talking about now have in my possession bearing nother to whom the name of Booth the other numerous auxiliaries in the and if it be true the old saying that the title of THE BETRAYAL OF BRAMWELL BOOTH.
was Tucked or Tuckered on, the great plan and prospect of accom Seeing is believing have seen and (Continued in next issue. real Booths of the Salvation Army plishing the work for which the Sal. believe and my conclusions thus far FLYNCH Custom Tailor Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue

    AnarchismBolshevismCommunismEnglandImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSovietWorkers MovementWorld War

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