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Agi ESTABLISHED The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS, PUBLISHED. EVERY SATURDAY P R S VIBRATIONS have with 108 115 110 100 110 106 126 110 116 90 In cided could be Marcela THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1929.
My Isthm on th La Paral at On play be gi The a ne world Mr.
came Big Demonstration Mechanics Unveil Mammoth Excursion Big Racing Pro(Continued from Page Continued from Page to Colon gram Tomorrow BY ROBERTS rights which should be sought and although the St. John Past Masters guarded by themselves.
conclave and Grand Christian encamp What promises to be the greatest The following is the program of For some time past, Colon has oe Cuitected and are now called the Pul KEEPING TOO FAR ment No. 10 has not been heralding pilgrimage to Colon yet made, will eight interesting races which will be cupied a unique position, as for a grims Frogress It is obvious them, said the its activities, it has done and is still be the monster Excursion pulled off run off at Juan Franco race track to West Indian industry iy concerned, The Gathering of Chieftains. writer, that West Indians What is wrong with our leaders. too far from We have kept ouselves some remarkable work in the frater by Court Pacifie No. 5761, the Atlantic side, morrow. The card predicts a day of the privileges to which nal and social spheres. on November 4th. Panama Ingone into business, Houses Why is it, that every effort which we are entitled by the constitution of Representatives from kindred So dependence Day. Tickets are now on eral classy sports; and don you for: have been built by them. Stores sue we make is is apparently doomed to fail Panama. wonder, therefore, it cieties from all parts of the Isthmus sale and can be had from any memget it boys the events are all well cessfully operated, ambitious young ure, where does the cause lie? is it Major Alfredo Aleman would honor were present and brought the good ber of the committee, those interest matched and there is sure going to men upon a shoe string, have taken that we are more backward tha: my people of the Guachapali, San Mi wishes of their order. The unveiling ed may see Bob Atherly, House No. be some hard guessing at picking the plunge and succeeded, all these other people of our own group can guel, Calidonia and Central districts, of the dispensation was performed by 1059, La Boca, Get your tickets winners. Let all be there tomorrow things were a source of wonder and it be that we are not adaptable to by telling them at a mass meeting, the Misses Gibson and Howell, and early and avoid the rush.
and enjoy a good afternoon of sport.
surprise to the Pacific side, which the forward march of progress? of his friendly spirit and cordial dis the reading was done by Bro.
The program follows: a stolidness that was almost should the climate be blamed? or is position to them?
Green, Grand Secretary of the Order.
WEDDING BELLS 1st. Race Furlongs phlegmatie continued to plod upon it that our leaders are to set in shall be please to do so, he special choir composed of Messrs Darien the old daily grind, never venturing having their own pet theories and said, have already done so to the Green, Dottin, Cook, beyond the radius of employees, ideas put over?
Dampwing Chorrillo district. And now, em Parris, Davis Mesdames JackThe sacred edifice of St. Paul was Ruerfano those, who by a fortunate act of It cannot be that we man and Ford, the Misses Louise the scene of a very charming and Davy Lee providence had happened to be domi backward than any other group of power yourself and Mr. Milton Gar2nd Race. Furlongs ciled at Colon, commenced to assum cur own people, this is proven by the vey and any others whom you might Gill, Hand Forsthye rendered ap quiet wedding on Tuesday evening last, when Miss Sealey and Mr. Annie Laurie airs, that were haughty and distaste fact, that many who have resided in mention, to get together your peo propriate music for the occasion.
ful to us.
this community, upon returning to ple Sunday night and notify me as The special address of the evening Jemmott both of Panama City, Bubbling Water was delivered by the Rev.
were united in the bonds of holy ma Trigo Then came a change, The Western their native lands have made marked to where and at what time should Wade of the Ramona Panama Wesleyan trimohy, the Rev. Nightengale, Auto Supply Company came into be and signal successes, in spite of the come to speak to them.
Third Race. Furlongs stagi ing, next came the Omphroy Bros. handicap which they had to overThe delegation thanked Major Ales Church, who in his usual manner being the celebrant.
the Zapo whose phenominal growth is but the come, as being strangers in their man for his courteous interview.
emphasized the necessity for spiritual fair crowd of spectators sur Palo Loco of outcome of business acumen and own country, who had to commence repeat, he continued, extend influence in fraternal work.
rounded the Church to witness the Rippling Water 110 and hard work of the genial and courte afresh, without influential conneeto all West and Creoles a cordial wel.
The closing address was made by ecclesiastical ceremony which was Diez y Seis 100 ous Caspar, our people began to tions or backing.
El Mister Ex Floren Mr.
It cannot he that we are not adapt. come to our demonstration Monday Bro. Sealy after which the en performed with great impress ve 128 branch out and dig in, homes are betire encampment, choir and guests ness. Tunney 120 ing bought along the Sabanas and able to the forward march of pro night, repaired to the banquetting room Among the guest present wers: Fourth Race. Furlongs give now comes the Famous Bruno Brend, gress, those of us who must labor where refreshments were served and The Misses Whittington, Dare Ocurrencia COURT DAWN TO MEET 106 woul delivered to the door with religious amongst the most progressive peothe closing remarks made.
ple of Dare, Prince, Weeks and Seeia 100 direc regularity and punctuality, this sucthe age, demonst rate this fact, Weeks, Mrs. Inniss, and Mesars Golondrina 108 had culent and tasty bread is all that by aptly grasping the intricacies of special meeting of Court Dawn Rent Receipt. Books in Spanish Luis, Marris, Jones, Cartagena 110 be desired, this is very systems and by the facility with and English for sale at the Work Austin, Wilson, Henry, Cantones 112 healthy and prosperous outlook, and which we conquer the various opera No. (Order of Lebanon Foresters)
we should not fail to continue sup tiens assigned to us in maintaining will be convened this evening at man Printery.
120 Whittington, and Clarke.
porting our own, your humble servFifth Race. Furlongs our end of the business assigned to their Lodge Hall No. 45 Calidonia Bolsheviki ant after tasting the Bigger, Bruno Road when the initiation of four into BUY FROM THE WORKMAN 105 Chiquilla 112 Bread, was moved to war poetie. It cannot be the climate, because the mysteries of the Order will take ADVERTISERS AND GET Drink Salada Tea the best for Kitty Gill and will here, by the kind permission we are to the climate born, and if place.
of Mr. Elijha Hunter, give you the we are able to manifest the very Bomba the Tropica Copi substance his effusious in verse.
highest qualities of mental ascendSixth Race Furlongs Pan Paloma is hard to beat ency in other lands where the climatLagrimita 120 Plait bread is nighty neat ie effect is approximately the same, Jackie Hot Cross Buns are on their feet why is it that we are unable to But Bruno bread, Oh dear, too duplicate in the aommunity where the Honey Dew the need is more pressing and 116 Cococha and that that.
110 Seventh Race Furlongs Weekly Joke: Have you ever heard Can it be that our leaders are the May 100 the one about molasses. It goes like undoing of their own cause, and it Mayara 120 this. colored family down south, so, is it inadvertently done, or is it Don Simon 106 after years of struggle on their farm, the outcome of a wilful, malicious, Infimo 109 achieved success, this family was and pernicious system. No sooner is Trigo 90 composed of Father, Mother and two the call sent out for any cause than Laughing Water 106 boys, the elder named Moses, the a spontaneous response is received, Palo Loco younger Joshua, success having come interested members of the communilate in life Mose was too far far advanZapo tyar e not lacking to listen Eight Race. Furlongs ced to be made a hand of but it was outlines of the plan, vigorous Scorpion 100 decided that Joshus should be tried sent is sent is given, speeches are Ramona 120 with, so Joshua was sent off to Col pledges of faithful adherence given ALSO Bubbling Water lege. After many years Josh return and received, soon the Officers are 112 Annie Laurie 112 ed, a full fleded college man, on the elected and more often than not, we reception breakfast, among other de note with surprise that the indiviliencies served were buck wheat cak dual dual who was responsible for the THE FINEST SELECTION Mass es. Now in the south Buck wheat formation of the idea, has been so cakes without molasses is a thing far overlooked as not to be included unheard of. So they sat down to in the roster of Officers, at all, this (Continued from Page breakfast, Mose with the healthy ap naturally brings a feeling of rancor followed by another address by Mr.
petite of a man raised on the farm to the one so slighted and to be Jeffen. The principle address started right in to business while the honext, he justified to a certain of the evening was delivered by the loving parents listened with rapt at extent, in feeling insulted, or mayacting Secretary Greely who tention to the priceless word of hep, some ancient worthy has not spoke of the vicissitudes of the or wisdom as enunciated by their som been considered for a particular ofAND ganisation and the disappoinments it has had during the past five years.
hed fice, immediately propaganda starts.
the ole Buck wheat cakes found that He also made reference to captain the molasses were too far away, so The following selections for toCockburn of the Black Star Line and in true southern style, Diorrow races are offered for the the failures of that company which Hand me dem Jasses, Oh Mose, said delectation of our many readers: he stated is regrettable.
his brother Josh, you should not say Ist. Race: Davy Lee; Dampwing.
Miss Drayton whose performance hand me dem lasses, you should say 2nd. Race: Bubbling Water; Annie on the organ was very ereditable. Pass me Molasses, wan said Laurie, did good work in her accompaniment.
Moel, you caint kid me, how kin Palo Loco, Rippling TO SELECT FROM The singing of the hymn The day say hand me molasses, aint had no Water.
thou gavest Lord is ended brought lasses yet. Joke, Joke.
4th. Race: Marcela; Golondrina.
the evenings, programme o. a close Here is another, Teacher: Willie, 5th. Race: Bolsheviki; Bomba; Chi The next meeting of the organiza what is known in literature as The quilla.
tion will take place tomorrow even Pilgrims Progress?
6th. Race: Lagrimita; Cococha.
LA MASCOTA ing at the hall The publie is cor Willie: As the Pilgrim Father 7th. Race: Palo Loco; Laughing dially invited MULLER progressed across the Atlantic in the Water.
Prop May Flower, they sent out daily bul 8th. Race: Bubbling Water; Annie 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 If you have a Prescription to leting by radio advising of their pro Laurie.
be made take it to the gress across the Atlantic, these were Take it or leave it National Pharmacy, Santa Ann Plan, where you will get coor tous les avion us.
110 115 126 sweet Tunney 118 100 cause more essential.
LA MASCOTA HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGLISH TWEEDS AND FLANNELS to the 90 128 asmade and STETSON HATS from college More having reached he called out PACKARD SHOES 3rd. Race:


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