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at which not th Garvey in jail or out of jail, the On Saturday last 28 ult. members members of the Panama Division of of Court Dawn No. 6, Order of Lethe and have banon Foresters, enjoyed a very liveREPORT ENGLISH STEAMERS expressed their willingness and de hand lig teresting. Wenins cout their PRODUCER UNMOVED BY FUhall, Calidonia Road, when four mem HAVE MANY VARIETIES OF shall have been redeemed.
bers were added to their roll.
RORE CREATED OVER HIS This was strongly manifested at After the regular business meetJIM CROW ing was their local Liberty Hall, 25th Street one through ACTION the members assembled in the banSunday last as speaker after speaker Catering to American dollars was ing in New York.
EDITOR NOTE. This news came forward and expressed their oquet room where the usual formalithe chief cause of the discrimination There will be no need for Am: sympathy and profound regret for ties in connection with the initiation BOX SUPPER AT LA item appeared in the Chicago De by London hotels against Robert Serican Negoes to go to London, if the sad incident which has befallen of candidates were carried out.
fender, a colored newspaper whose that condition obtains for they al their beloved Chieftain in the Island Bro. Jerome Conway of BOCA ATHENAEUM Abbott, of Chicago, according to a publisher is Mr. Robert Abbott, statement issued Monday to the ready know all about such thing of Jamaica the order acted in the capacity of who is said to be a millionaire and who, with his wife is now touring contributing editor of the Associat. without travelling overseas to learn The gathering was the largest that toastmaster of the evening, and Next Saturday, the 19th instant Europe. Mr. Paul Robeson is one of Afro Merican, by William Pickens them.
was ever witnessed since the in among those who were called on to contributing editor of the Associat Every American Negro has heard cpiency of the organization. The sive toasts were Brother Wason the La Boca Athenaeum will intro the greatest Negro actors in the ed Negro Prese.
Mr. Pickens has recently returned all space taken, very sorry, but dent Dr. Barton, while Mis the newly initiated, Bro. Morris, one believed to be entirely new to this over and over again the old lie about meeting was presided over by Presi. who toasted on behalf of the King duce to its guests a Box Supper world and is now playing in London.
Bro. Martin Edghill on behalf of a novelty entertainment which is from a tour of European countries. there is some mistake, ete. These Drayton presided at the organ.
LONDON, England, Sept. 23. Mr.
After the religious portion The text of the statement was as hackneyed lies fall very ungracefully of the newly initiated, was also call.
of the community. light lunch for two and Mrs. Robert Abbott were the ed on to speak.
will be prepared by each lady guest dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul follows: from the proud Britisher, who boaste programme was gone through, special for the Beloved Bro. Moore spoke on behalf of the and each male guest will contribute Robeson at the latter home. Later Abbott with the hotels of London to all things American. After all, it Leader. Among the many items on Bro. Rice of Court Diana, Bro. to cover the cost of the lunch. While Coliseum theater as the guests of The recent experiences of Robert of his superiority to Americans and prayers were offered on order, others who gave toasts were a nominal amount, probably amongh Mr. and Mrs. Abbot attended the were not unexpected.
seems, his lies are not better than the evening programme were address by Dr. Barton who Edwards, Bro. Day, Sis. Miri male and female guests may be Mr. Abbott and talked over the American Hes.
made the opening remarks and wel. am Hill, and Bro. Dodson of Court paired beforehand it will be highly George Dewey Washington, who is matter with some German friendde ENGLISH SHIPS comed the large gathering to improbable whether they will remain playing there.
in Berlin, where a black man is real. British ship officers are also meeting The President General LONDON, Sept. 28. Paul The recitation by Sister Edith that way for the dinner. most Robely free. Abbbott was staying at one of the finest hotels there.
practicing this same low diplomacy message, which was read by Bro. Niles was a novel item and brought unique and surprisingly agreeable son, leading actor of his Race, has of lies. They have switched colored Greely, was the next item; other im forth thunderous applause.
method will be used to locate the been given the role of Othello to The contrast between London and passengers cabin rooms, after the portant dommunications from the The ceremony was brought to lady with whom a gentleman will Shakespeare play, to be seen the Berlin was very great and even ship has left port and all were on parent body were also read.
close with prayer by the toastmaster dine and vice vers. After the din. spring ou stage and in film.
Paris was found to be slightly in high sens, saying that the office had Other items of the evening were Bro. Conway.
ner there will be daneing at Maurice Browne, London producer fected, in spots at least, with the made some mistake, and that said addresses by Mr. Bennett, and the time it will be optional for guests of Journey End, signed the artist, American color poison. The Ameristateroom was already occunied. It acting secretary Groely, which HORSE RACES TOMORROW to rejoin their original partners. who, since his graduation in 1922 can dollar is the hypodermis needle is noticeable that such colored pen. dealt with the convention and stated Arrangements for the entertain from Rutgers college and Columbia that is injecting this poison.
ment are in the hands of a comittee Law school in America, has won There it again! The black and ple are always sent to room less among other things that, Mr.
It is pleasing to note that arrange. chairmaned by Mrs. Florence Smith honors in the various roles of bar.
desirable than the one about which Garvey did succeed with ments have been made for bringing and invitations for the occasion are rister, singer, composer and actor.
other dark races of the world fought the mistake was made.
the movement Jamaica, he doubt. morrow. Owing to a little unplea heing sent out.
on the side of England and against If such a lie was ever told by a ed very much it he would be able to off a very interestoing race meet toThis assignment marks the first time Germany during the World War.
make any headway in any of the santness last Sunday it had been a Colored actor has played a leading England had more colored troops ship steward on a French or German other West Indian Islands.
or Swedish ship. it has not come to clarinet solo by Bro. Gray en thought that there would be no His Majesty loyal subjets, and Shakespearean part in an all white than any other nation; now London at least is threatening to rank next our attention. Perhaps colored neotitled Nearer my God to thee and meetings for a little while but the which act is defined in law as con cast.
to the dear old United States in ple will find it better to spend their hymn by the audience added much the management has decided to klad news has been given out that TEMPT.
Mr. Browne, entirely unmoved by color discrimination barring only money on the ships of other nations, to the musical part of the pro adopt drastic measures in putting that, THE KING CAN DO NO when it first became known, agreed Now, it is a very ancient axion the furore his action seemed to cause that dirty little corner of the earth and let the British haul white folks If a consumer called South Africa. The two great gramme. The meeting was brought down all disorders and is determined! WRONG. And it logically follows with the prediction, that the artistie concentrates his to a close with the singing of the Anglo Saxon powers may fall in buying, he has a better chance to in benediction and the National anthem Franco are satisfied with the pub entative cannot also do wrong. This seemed very bright.
to see to it that patrons of Juan that those who are the King represfuture of talented Colored, actors common on this principle.
fluence service anyway. It may seem after which, prayers were offerer lication of this good news it is ex And strangely enough, next to that a great ship company will not for the Great Leader.
is common sense. Mr. Garvey knows, The producer secured an option on peeted that the program arranged and all others should know, that Robeson appearance in this county Britain it the war had lasted longer miss two hundred or three hundred The public is cordially invited to That is a mistake: for tomorrow will attract a large bumanly speaking, it is a more serfor America, the United States dollar fare.
a meeting tomorrow at 00 and in the film contracts before sailIn the rush crowd.
icus offence to be opprobrious to His would have been able to muster per everything is missed.
Majesty the King or to his honoring for New York. He did not dishaps the greatest force of colored season, June, July and August, they able cuss the matter of complications sur representatives, than to take the rounding Robeson suspension fighters against the Germans and may not seem to miss it, but in the Austrians.
other lean months of travel, when all name of Almighty God in vain. He knows that for this, there can be no sulting from a suit for breach of the Actor Equity association. And by the way, Viena, in Aus cabins, every dollar will be missed ships are carrying many empty excuse nor forgiveness. Why then, contract instituted last fall by Cartria is another place where there are And colored people, of different we wonder, did he, in the heat of a no color maniacs. It seems that cololine Dudley Regan to prevent his political speech allow his zeal to run appearing in the London produeored people are destined to be kickraces, are travelling all the time.
away with his discretion? for this is tion of Show Boat. She held that ed hardest by those whom they have JIM CROWED INDIANS By Elijah Hunter, Cristobal, what happened!
served most loyally and effectively.
he was signed to play in her New People from India and other Cable despatches from Kingston, storm. Oh, the pity of it all!
We wonder too, that Mr. Garvey York show.
IN FRANKFOORT dark skined travellers are accorded widely diffused in local press the When a black man gets off the the same unfair treatment by Bri unwelcome information that Here is a man whose like has been did not recognize for the moment that publie attention, official and Since his initial Mr.
appearance in unmistakably devoted to the well unofficial, is centred on him that New York in Neill All God at the great railway station in tish ships and hotels. It looks ridi Marcus Garvey, founder and Presi being of the people of his race here the acting Inspector General of Po Chillun Got Wings and The EmFrankfort in Germany, he looks culous to see the steward maneuver.
across the great circling plaza ringing to get all the dark skins at the dent General of the Universal Ne is a man zealous, persistent, bold, Hee was not at his meeting out of peror Jones soon after his graduaed about by twenty or thirty hotels. same table often an aggregation of gro Improvement Association was corageous here is a man who has suf mere curiosity that his every step tion from college, Robeson played He simply picks out the one which people who have nothing in common imprisoned for three months without fered in Black Boy and then sailed for seems to fit his pocket book best except skin color. When pounds imprisonment in a foreign and every utterance was being scrutinized and recorded that it alwa Europe, where he made a successful and goes on in, registers, and goes eclored and white at the same table for contempt of His Majesty. Court: country for doing what was held to mistake to make remarks about concert tour.
om to bed. When a black man reaches in a British ship dining saloon the Before this publication was made of be unlawful in the course of his ac Courts and Judges, especially wher He is married and his wife and son, born last year, are with him.
London today, he telephones friend are of the same party and demanded previous conviction for a like of tivities in connection with the prose such.
and asks what hotel, if any, he may to be seated together, as often hap fence, for which he was fined twenty. cution of the task to which he had remarks can reasonably and being scurrilous legally be defined as apply at. It is somewhat like arriv. pens.
five pounds.
set himself yea, here is a man who. that he momentarily, did not reC. MOULTON RETURNS has been prosecuted by Governments, call. est modus in rebus. there This is bad news. There is and persecuted by his own people is a middle course in all things. Among the passengers who redoubt about it. Immediately after with unrelenting vigor over a period DIVISION 17 STARTS the close of the great convention of of years, and now, he is again imWe feel that it is a pity Mr. Gar. turned from Colombia on Monday Negro peoples of the world, for the prisoned in the land that gave him tenth plank from his political plat well known English Spanish Stenog vey did exclude that disastrous last the 23rd, was Mr. Moulton, form, for his exposition of that plat rapher, who went on two months AT GUACHAPALI came the sad news of his imprisonment. In his case, there was no in connection notwith this pointed aims incarceration for the space of thron Moulton looks in the pieture of good But let us notice the reported facts fcrm plank has been the cause of his business trip to that country. Mr.
Tomorrow (Sunday)
afternoon, It other President Louis Lindo will conway about. The gleaner reports of prisonment. Mr. Garvey was an as calendar months, and has made his health and reports favorably on the duet a sprightly mass meeting at By special request, representathe convention showed that all waspirant to Legislative honore in the aspiration for legislative honors. city of Barranquilla. He saya Division 19, Street, in connection to reiterate the statement made in devastating storm. This storm, ac tive of the workman has been asked then, after the calm a violent and Parliament of Jamaica. He was at denizen of limbus, for this period at health conditions of the country have least.
been much improved since his last with the extensive programme which last week issue concerning the cording to press reports, relentlessly words to persons interested in polit Cross Roads addressing political visit there.
was planned by the Convention in Sandino gange Truly, we deprecate this very unJamaica Mr. Moulton is now engaged in Our sympathy street to street in the Guachapali of America with which go from followed him from the United States ies. In the course of these words, fortunate incident.
fury fanned and and he used some that had reference to goes out to Mr. Garvey and to his getting off the press a bookleton Division 17 will start a drive for district stoning the houses and ten made furious by one Marks, Judges, which words were held to wife, and we sincerely hope that they Ancient Negro History entitled raising ita quota to the 600 million ants and creating a general nuisance through this solicitor Mr. Car be grossly opprobrious to His Ma might experience a happy issue out Ethiopia and Building on the River dollars to be raised by the and sepordising the peace of law gill. His first conviction for con jesty Courts and Judges, against of their affliction. One might well Nile. This volume promises to be for the purpose of starting Negro biding residents.
tempt grew directly out of the the Court the peace enterprises.
of His Majesty the King, indulge this seriptural, and we think, one of very interesting local liters It is hoped that this matter will proceedings in connection and againts His Crown and dignity applicable thought as a somewhat ture. Our readers can be on the lookThe public is cordially invited. Meet ities and that something will be done convieition and imprisonment came There will be a special programme arrest the attention of the author and it has been said that the second that such opprobrium was intend safe reminder. will put my law out for some thrilling revelations ed to foster and encourage discon in their inward parts, and write it which the contents of this volume nig begins at o clock.
to ensure permanent remedy.
entail in the tail end of the same unsubsided tent and disloyalty among others of in their hearts.
re Garvey Imprisonment Deplored train no not DRIVE TOMORROW GANG OF ROWDIES horeling populent how we haponible sota th the

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