
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 1929 PAGE THREE Interesting Jottings CHAUFFEURS COLUMN thing, of sending it We take an Orange apart neck, 1209 (BY PETERSEN)
Listen her friends! one of them plain english and bad manners. They that had fallen for me has given me become as wild as a deer if they In my last article drew your at the blow. At least, so she says suspect something that ddes not tention to the fitney rates. Today now. It is like this, she went on exist. That the way they are. shall try to make another point in a Vacation to the best country in am not worried she doesn mean our line of work, that is Service.
the world that country where one it. She had the same old loving Service is not only taking pa cvn find without searching for it. smile which she tried to suppress senger of passengers from one point tremendous quantity of the best under her purposely fieree counten.
to another. Service means much persons and things of every imagin ance. saw it. In my presence more than that. We should be fa able kind and elase. While there girls can suppress anything. One miliar with the different points of me. She wrote interest and the important businect me sweet words, and replied in the elance, and am st. see every both what places Fame kind. But one of those who shouldn. At any rate, my powi: what. what Our local trade should be taken wishes me to believe that he is my tion is my tion is safe. All my eggs are not in care of with courtesy and politeness friend sent her some Workman news Ane basket. When she gets cool, Strangers should be given the necespapers with my column in it. Inter: she will come back to me with joy sary information they crave so much esting Jottings, of course. Instead and glee, and will be the same to know plus courtesy. How poor of this fellow cutting it out, he com old papa. Then shall greet her is it on us to be asked questions moitted the blunder saying. boo! look a me and look about the country in which we live is The boob doesn know the girls the sun you!
and can only say don know.
though he has been dealing with The people whom we have to make them for so long. classify him with On twenty eight September, such answers to, think us very poor those persons who only look with Twa: nine o clock and after; with a little more interest in ou their eyes but do not see. The read boy brought me my paper, work, this could be avoided; this ing of my jottings by her got her Saying. sir, it is a corker!
does not really occur with everyose great heat, so she purchased a yard of Jask Ass Rope with intention to turned with some amazement, The vast amount of strangers that get an opportunity to hand it to me And glweed from top to basement; pass through this country look personally, and to cuss me. Here pictured some displacement, chauffeurs for a great deal of in is how she did it: For trembled with amusement.
formation, so you, see, we should sble to give them. know at times Here is one yard of Jack Ass Rope, We are asked some rather pacu ini That has become the latest dope; That cartoon was a corker, questions these should be expee et With which an old fool hangs him On the front page of the paper; is told dozens of times, that sony selt. Twas placed there by ss Holder of the best chauffeurs can be found After he placed upon the shelf. Who plays the Pianoler.
ght here in Panama. admit of have had a good feeling when You told me that you fell for me, She knows the situation, was told so. Let us continue to som Shortly before went to sea; She feels the aggravation; vel our customers to think of us But soon as went out of siglat, To accept incarceration, not only good chauffeur but You flew aloft just like a kite, With the felons of a Nation.
To make Orange Crush we actually take apart the Juice walking eneyelopedias in our lire o: richest tree ripened oranges picked in the wintertime work.
You spoke right out you squeeled So now, she seeks salvation.
when they are finest flavored and recombine them into Let us try to be more officiert and shout, By this little proclamation; There are a great many people That with you all the girls must From such amalgamation, this most delicious of beverages.
expeet results but who are not rensflirt; With objects of low station.
We squeeze out all the sun rich juice. Extract all the enable enough to work for them. Do And really, won stand for that not let this be so in our case. We Upon my word stand quite pat. She points us to the President, zestful flavor of their peel. Capture all the healthful are told repeatedly of poor service In place where he is resident; vitamins and mineral salts of the pulp.
being rendered by chauffeurs in So, here to you se ugly brute, She thinks he ll not be diffiderit, other countries. Let us avoid this Get out of here before shoot; Then, we add with expert care a taste of sugar. a dash To establish a new precedent.
being said of us. wish that rope drawn round your of pure food color. a jot of citrus acid for tang. and have heard times, without numWe cannot pay five dollars, sparkling water to make this cooling whole fruit bever ber, when people get into jitney Clonely enough to make it break! Without losing our collars; give the driver a destination and are age containing everything that makes oranges so deliMerey! to me she has been brutal Nor can we stand the hollars, taken to the wrong place. Think how quite brutal, but you see, she has From our sweethearts for bananas!
cious. Orange Crush is pure and wholesome as Cali cold that is how annoying it must used a woman sense the only fornia sunshine; more tempting than the fruit itself.
be to the parties involved. Ir some sense she could be expected to use, We like the registration, of these cases there is not enough for she is a woman. know all Minus not plus starvation; Drink it always for cool lingering refreshment these time left to get a jitney and make abont it. expected it. know my So we ask consideration, thirsty days. Here howthe desired point.
stuff, and know that the girls are of the Leader of the the Nation!
These little happenings, as some both unreasonable and Jealous, Amen!
of us term them, are rather unpleasant and we should try to avoid them, for, this is not good service. The chauffeur who is willing to give good service will always be sought know for that some people do not care to go around with BY PILGRIM WILKINS any other than a particular chauf.
feur. Why this particular chaufOur Colon City Representative Cristobal, Leur? Because he knows the places of interest or the places to which they would like to go and because, ORGANIZATION DETERMINATION moreover, they like the way he driver er mayhap, he is courteous; in other That organization without determi tries and Government industries, words, he has given service. We can nation or determined understanding have been told to advise the workers all be good and effielent in our line, has proven one of the greatest con to contribute to the activities of the among my people and others willing at least let us all try to be. Good tributing factors to the failure of the country out of which they must service in any line of business, must numerous associations, which are receive deserving benefits, to consolbring good results.
constantly coming into being in our late their social. economic and like communities on the isthmus, to accomplish what every sane and intel activities to make one acceptable or ligent person believes to be vital to ganization to merit or demand respect Graceful And our most ordinary existence, is con by representation. Even the judges stantly thrown into our faces by and advocates of the realm, ask them Unusual Jewelry those in authority and who have what the best method of proceeding to obtain such civic and domestic power to help along said lines, The writer cannot but be in abao benefits necessary to a law abiding and respectable domicile in the lute agreement with those who conPearls E E clude as above indicated.
reply will be to regulate and consolidate divided and wasted confuse Orange Crush with pop Take the leading newspaper agen effort and thereby exemplify or merely orange flavored drinks. CRUSLY cies or editors for example, ask them ability to promote the economic and Above all, never confuse any other what to be done next, in our scram industrial welfare of our own com.
Orange Crush contains the juice blefas it were at accomplishing munities.
something lasting to the wellbeing of our community) and you will be Speaking of Executive advice, told to consolidate your undertak. have been a few days goias have never been more impressed than We take a great deal of inge, organize your method and ventured to somewhat Intrude means, and your activities are then the very valuable moments of a very AVENIDA PERU (Exposition Grounds)
pride in having our stock of bound to demand respect and supjewelry represent all that is worthy chief, with view of en port.
deavoring to to form som some impression Panama 2060 TELEPHONBS Colon 480 not only newest and best. That is about the sum total of of how where relief might be but that also is different what have been told in most found to ameliorate the living confrom the common run. Every emphatie terms during the past few ditions which newsorgan, and other jewel loving woman should days as have been considering agencies have been very whether anything can come out of outspoken in charging map to the sevisit our store and revel in the glorious display of Jewdattempt to accord the count of too poor pay, too limited other fellow in his, suggest remecourtesy demanded of me by me living space and general poverty dy: Supposing say we should make ARTURO PERIGAULT elry and Precious Stones proper representatives of the news among the poorer classes in the come little sacrifice in the trial or organ wherein these comments will country, where or among the rankstest as to whether the indicated aid FULLER THE TAILOR be found, should commit. my present of whom disease has been constant will be forthoaming along the lines impressions to writing for publica ly doing its most deadly work. have of more and better housing and even 22 Central Ave.
been frankly told that until our peo say, truck farming facilities about bendron have been endeavoring to decide ple can satisfy local constituted the country where lands are reserv15 STREET WEST on what faney can do the most authority that the needs complained ed for no particular purpose or use HOUSE NO. aeg Smal good and less harm to the cause of of are extensive and so much felt as DENTIST my poor people here. Firstly, have to warrant making a bid for means and were it possible for another means Chief executive like President HardMASONIC TEMPLE interviewed potential executives to bring the manifest or proven re ing to pass this way again would recognizable organisations that will Office Hours:8, am to 12 whow can have repeatedly found lief by properly organized represen again chance taking be taken notice of some more 30 to 30 pm to listen to inquiries as re Nation, very little might be expected of the military reservation of the BOX 649 ANCON, AN EXOBLLENT GESTURE OF Sundays, by Special Appoinment gond what consideration might be We have inquired at newspaper of Canal Zone for Mosonic Temple ith St, BROTHERLINESS for the industrial wellriven in those directions for granting Manizean debrecenbenom told bohinta of being of my people. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL There is no more time or space Cirilo Sandford of representation is to bele things this week for it but in your next isPIONE: OFFICE 1664 cumstances where it might be proper bring deserving newspaper support to deny ourselves of, such as too much Attorney at Law sue Mr. editors, shall gladly ly abown that such relieti isesential the ends and objects desired.
gambling, boble no doubt, court exexpress myself on the noble and lex House Rent Receipt Books, in Spanfor the veriest survival of the con TRIAL, CONSOLIDATED penses with what the lawyers get, OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE, PRONE 1834 cellent gesture of friendship and tributing forces of operations mak.
TEST ish and English for sale at the and join up wholeheartedly with brotherliness made by Major Alfreing for the functioning of the coun might, in my way, and some Workman Printery, those existing and coming into being do Aleman to us.
for. We LIVE TOPIOS fact Orange Crush how here country, and the red the Pan American Orange Crush Co. on and trank of one more willing are we mnat


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