
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 6, 1929 APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE SEEING THINGS. 60 NO MMAN my სოჭი Meille By LEACOCK THE WORKMAN beg to acknowledge receipt of nice booklet which is on our press four letter from The Carpenters, now. It will soon be off the press Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 Mason, and Mr. the and it is hot stuft and full of inCARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, painter all of whom appear to be formation.
boys of this city and have sound Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon ground for complaint against ignorRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION MILTON GARVEY ant and cruel general foreman. But ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
my reason for not commenting on Mr. Garvey has turned to lighter SIX MONTHS 20 those letters today is firstly, beplays and predict success in his THREE.
CAUSE must first have their conew move. He will make money and rcllaries or some other men of the a name on the literary side because ONE MONTH. 20 BNN gangs to confirm their complainte. Le has done the right thing by disRates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matMore Secondly, should not suggest arming rhetorio and muzzling syntax, ters of public interest invited.
taking steps to the public before the He is naturally sure packer of inWe do not undertake to return rejected correspondence. Big boss is given chance to teerating situations into his plays, decide on them; and do not want and this good point has served him The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS you or I, boys, to hurt any culprit well even if the Bls and the Shoe Pure Angle ha.
Det but the one that has been proven makers had to use their judgement guilty. complaint coming from as to the others.
a strongly organized body carries If the rain and the Clubhouse res.
more weight than am able to lift tritions only allow him to have a What the Fate of the Poor West up, but in the absence of such first night, he going to pack his a body we should put our shoulders houses with clinging audiences. At Indians together against any injustice, his Lovely Ladies m sure that Terly Sprch Neue give me a call so that we can get the boys and girls will clap corns those letters straight.
into their hands and stamp new holes into their shoe soles, for Gar.
Steeped in the bold resignation of friendliness and vey is now on his forte. He is an good will toward all, and longing to hear the results of CHARLIE MOULTON entertaining joker with plenty of the West Indian Committee meeting which was convenMr. Charlie Moulton, the insurprise thrown in to accelerate ed last Wednesday evening, we hurried to the office of domitable writer of Ethiopian and tempo.
and its President to learn of the answer to the Memorial When you want a fascinating hair dress, get a Workman and pick your style Egyptian history, sound poet firstrate English and Spanish stenowhich was presented to the President of this Republic irom any of the above captivating colored girls Then go to grapher, is back from Colombia. He BARBER SHOPS regarding the alien Registration Tax of 00 and FingMRS. ST. HILL BEAUTY PARLOUR arrived last week, and it must have er printing as was decreed by the local government.
Talking about my face being sour been the joy of seeing him and the all the time! If it were as sour as We met no fond shock when it was revealed that it 122 ANCON AVENUE hot exchange of views on Zimbabwe our barber shops d go broke all the East Afrien, that prevented.
this balance of my life.
had been officially communicated to the Committee that Evans, and have it done.
column from mentioning his return barber, can surely give you a good the Government finds it impossible to acceed to the relast week. The cursed thing was trim, and as a matter of fact, Todd quest of the Memorial which suggested that the tax be written but was misplaced between and Mobile are also good men on reduced from 00 to 00, and that the finger printdrinks; anyhow, made a whole the scissors and razor, but their ing except in criminal cases be eliminated.
of a speech at Division 17 last Sun friends and customers as they call day night. There was a tossup be. them are just as good on bumming It should be admitted that we regard the early get handicapped West Indian. Shall we continue to go with out civil right in every country of the world? Is it not tween he and me says. Milton Gar.
ting of this information as a signal of appreciation of a shave. Of course, shame left begobvious that the colored man in every corner of the earth vey who gives Louis Lindo the pie ging many years ago, but a begger our effort to assist in fostering comity amongst our comis being warned that the time is near at hand when he for being chairman.
ought to muster a little bit when munity, the natives and the other colonies of foreigners Truly, can see the fairness in he sees another customer in the domicile in this country; we also have a presentiment shall be forced to define his rights and position amongst the other peoples of the earth? We think it is high time that decision although don get chair! No, sir, those fellows walk to the effect that by getting this advance official news any practise, but if Garvey says so, right in, man handle the razor that THE WORKMAN is shown to be held in high regard to say now, that West Indians here should recognize the and George Roberts concurs, the is being used on you, and start coverweight seems to be on Lindo side ing their faces by the authorities concerned with the affairs of British dire necessity of maintaining a body of men whose duty with soap ladder if not on Moulton Of course, and you hear eroke, eroke, and ers here. Nevertheless, with us personally, the blud should be to look after their rights. There have been and are still today, many West Indians who have willingly their faces are finished just in King lost the time of his life begeon of estrangement once more signals its warning cause he absented himself from that time to beat Evans to your face tothat, no land is so free as the land in which you live and given of their time and ability along similar lines, but never forget that that time and ability were robbed Sunday night affair, and it serve Sidwel. What a friendly lot of boys!
move about as a citizen. To be the son of such a soil is from some other calling it was the leavings, given to and Jingles quite right for keeping wish they would let us have a away.
to be sheltered from the missiles of humiliation aye the major cause, but today, every West Indian should decent barber shop that would be wrapped in the declaration of a constitution which could stand ready to build a monument of representation Getting back to Mr. Moulton, he grand friendship, eh?
has done good work since he was protect you from the burden of a foreigner.
political and otherwise.
away from here. That work is, CHAIR BACKS All foreigners were affected by the decree as it Sure, Jingles! Those native chair.
stood in the original. It is therefore an idelible line in backs are an awful lot. I could the history of Panama when all foreigners must rise design a chairback d ask those to protest the humiliating procedure of being forced by blacksmiths where did they get their law to take the criminal brand of fingerprints, especialchairology certainly, not fotom ly in these times when all statesmen, diplomats, politi Bas.
cians, editors and public spirited men of the world are advancing all their efforts toward the security of conPARENTS PROPERTY tinued peace. We are manifestly sorry that the GovernThere are many mothers and fament did not see its way to acceed to even this impunity.
INCORPORATED 1860 thers who estimate their children as But the fact that an amendment to the decree exempted their property for life. These children constitute so many tons of Live Chinese from the levy, and because the protest of The Head Office: Montreal, Canada Stock. No sooner than a boy can Panama American brought to bear treaty agreements shing shoes than these parents stop that protect American citizens and foreigners, that are working and brag about his income employed by the American Government on the Panama of course, this is more often the Canal, from the same levy, we are left to wonder what PANAMA COLON mother than the father.
She has will be the fate of the poor West Indians, who, because Santa Ana Plana time to so this. She stops you and Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets brags majestically about her son of inadequate wages and the law that restricts them to while you wonder 25 percent of the labor of the country as against 75 perwhat the difference between him in your mind cent, which goes to natives, is evidently made unable to and torn flag, without a country.
pay the tax. If the law is not put in force we shall be Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 There are other parents, whoexceedingly glad. Much trouble and suffering will be upon their girl turninga tune on saved a colony of about 80. 000 West Indians. But whether her mouth organ. goes great; and inforced or not, our hearts will be figuratively in our well the girl future is blighted: hands until some definite action is taken. Every West She goes to work to return and find Indian should now ponder what enfranchisement means.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including her mums sleeping, and if that girl ever gets spunky and frills her lips There should be needed no other cloud to force ustu the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank for elbowroom, she hotly told conclude that we alone shall have to seek our own rights.
is in a position to render the best possible service.
beginning to get ungrateful alThe men who know of their rights are the first to seek them, and, once they have found them they are the most fitted persons to guard them.
Antigun Dominica Montserrat idea of having children if you re not square enough to work and prepare The earth is so vast and mankind is becoming so enBahamas Grenada them to fight for themselves?
terprising that there a papers not a filament of hope to Barbados Sam Manning should have find at some distant era all divisions of the human famJamaica (2)
St. Lucia me, for that matter!
seen ily grouned upon their own vine and grave lot, but this British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique thought has struck softly, and it rests only on one point of the pentagram. Central, South, and North America, Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
Europe and Africa are called into account; and on that point of the pentagram the early nomad seems to be stationed. But history is continually repeating itself and all thoughtful men must wonder who will be the nomad HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST of tomorrow How is the nomad of today being trained? To what action shall he be driven in some distant PAID ON DEPOSITS era? We all might be dead, but our children? Ye gods!
Shall the nomad of today in his power then take it as his privilege to shatter the civilization of these long centuA General Banking Business Transacted.
BUY FROM THE WORKMAN ries and ask a price in the world coin?
ADVERTISERS AND GET Let us repeat: What will be the fate of the poor, VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
ta The Royal Bank of Canada to prendere had all the trouble wid yo, and ya ready?
would like to know what is the St. Kitts GET YOUR Job Printing Workman Printery DONE AT THB


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