
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 1929 PAGE FIVE MATTERS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN FASHIONS Letter To The Editor Beauty Hints bridge dress or an informat the procenti per part om. corriente torn citizen, and is entitled to the elsewhere.
of this the As cooling case as plunge ih the long would ed. Much Try this this Banana Sherbet young girl or To The Editor Sleeveless Day Sleeved Night Sir: In continuation shall present rican states is exceptional. Another held dietion of the union as in some Ame emigration; and he is liable to BY MRS. LOUIS ST. HILL in this instalment: feature exists as in the the case of obligations should he return at any to the performance of woh NATURALIZATION Ancon, C. BY FRANCIS PAGET. Porto Rico and the Philippine Is time, to the jurisdiction Phone 1691X of Naturalization is his native a process of lands, some of the inhabitants elect state. To the finality and complete wareness Women were contrary ever! municipal law by which an individual ing to retain their allegiance of nativeness of this process, therefore, and They have sleeveless days and effects Greetings Girls, Greeting!
change in his nationality.
with a view to the establishment of well sleeved nights.
character. Most states that recog. CONSEQUENCE OF NATURA a status which shall be recognized by With the succes of the sleeveless nize the sanction of International LIZATION toth states that in which citisen Longer hair is coming in again, Here are a few answers to questions day frock came the opportunity for Law claim and exercise the right of The following consequences of naship is acquired by naturalization, as said one of my patrons. m glad. sent in during the week: encouraging the long tightly fitted admitting foreigners to their al turalization are now generally sanc.
well as that in which it has been Perhaps it will be two or three Ques. Would you give me your sieeve for the dinner gown.
legiance, and of bestowing upon them tioned by the usage of nations. a)
renounced treaty stipulations years before opinion about using a hair softener? It is more than likely that the sue the privileges and responsibilities of The result of the process of natura ter cess bid for by this type of tailored, citizenship. Nearly all of them re tzation is to effect an entire change ste other than that of his nativity are necessary. e) An individual alG.
long hair aenee ter having been naturalized in Ans. As a hair softener, vinegar long sleeved metal dress last winter cognize the right on the part of in the national character of the in tally arrives rinses are very good, but should be when it was introduced will come to their subjects of renouncing their native allegiance and of acquiring a dividual. He is as fully vested with may renounce such citizenship, and as the accept used only by an expert one who it this year.
the rights of citizenship in the new new citizenship in a foreign state may renew his native allegiance, or It is seen at shows as a formal af.
of ed mode, but knows how to apply same.
state as if he were there a native may form a new tie of citizenship Ques. My hair is very oily: what ternoon those who are can do to prevent this. Mrs. dinner frock.
of essential parts: first formsame extra territorial protection.
al renounciation of the old allegià) The municipal laws of every keeping The chief characteristie Ans. Lemon rinses are good for ance. From the nature of the allegi(b) state, by exercising its right rights and privileges which may be state enumerate and define the up with the very oily hair. It is just as bad to dress, which has a personality shar.
ance it is obvious that an individual of naturalization in favor of an in have too much oil in the hair as to ed with no other type, is that it style or are in have too little.
never departs from strictly tailor can maintain that relation to but one dividual, cannot absolve him from any required by its naturalized citizens legal obligations due to his former In no case do such persons acquire advance of it. Ques. How can pet rid of Itchingni treatment. All the neat finish state at a time.
Second formal assumption of sovereignty at the time associated of his (Continued on Page of the scalp and scaly dandruff Joine and detail that are are, on seph.
with the cloth tailored frock are whole, wing their hair to grow borrowed for the tailored metal Ans. It all depends on the condi dress, and there its identity rests.
to shoulder length. Of course, with the warm ways now, those who still tion. Sometimes the case needs to METAL FROCKS have short hair are keeping it trim he handled by a medical doctor, but most of the time an intelligent hairThese dresses should be increasingmed.
dresser can handle your is important this coming season be With the return of long hair well come over, Joseph.
cause they coincide 80 completely firmly believe that those who can, with the promotion of metals, which will show intelligence by dressing as a is clearly on the fashion horizon those bobs that are allowed to grow.
BEAUTY QUESTIONS In bruction de Ques, have some Many hairdressers forget that with comparing the construction spots on my the dress with the tailored cloth, the longer hair more care should be given eyelids and in the corner under nomnaririon should have gone further to faded, streaked and ugly colored eyes. To me they seem to be black. namely, that the choice of the hair caused by undesirable pomades. heads, but they are about a quarter metal continues to emphasise neat These streaks show up much worse cf an inch in diameter and, under in long hair than in bob, so the the skin. My boy friends tease me matterns like tweed checks. One of much about them that sometimes the effect of a checked pattern with art of dressing long hair will come newest ideas tends to combine more to the foreground cry had not for the shame hair fad comes in.
of it. Lilian. mesh construction Ans. Dear Lilian, try not to cry stered gown at one or two of the The reappearance of the fur bor.
Then, too, the scalp needs treatTUTTO ment and the hair has to be well care before your boy friends, for they French houses makes it even more ſuch more attention is needed will tease you the more Boysare likely that the metal tailored dres than merely washing the head in a spots will be revived.
little water and then drying it.
large as you say they are, there Very often, really, this is not even is very little you can do. The skin done well. The hair should be kept either have to be peeled or the spots be the questions might prove themin good condition. There is nothing trented with the High Frequency selves in order: just stav your hasty to lose in keeping your hair in good machine; that is by electricity.
condition. It is the duty of every Ques. What kind of powder is best Horace Walpole said The world woman to see to it te use on my face?
is a comedy to those who think but om tragedy to those who feel. And that her hair is well attended to. Ans. Certainly not the same you.
With the application of an elect use on your skin, as there are manyman says to woman madam, feeling rical massage and the therepeutic grades or makes of powder. You man calls you to reason.
ELICIOUS tempting frozen desserts made lamp one can be put in possession of should be able to determine by look Let us see what can be gleaned a healthy scalp which means ing in your mirror, what color suita from the following story: In one of richer and smoother. They have that butter abundant growth of hair. The writer you best. Colored persons should not BAKER AND THORDIKE kinder: creamy flavor that is so much appreciated.
will be pleased to give free any in use white powder, especially when warten books the fable is told of St. Charles Evaporated Milk is always uniHere the Recipe!
or they.
form in quality, more than twice as rich as is seeking information concerning There are many colors of powder on in a lowly little house. One day the Peel and scrape six thoroughly her hair, scalp, or anything pertainthe ordinary milk and at the same time easier market, you can make very a while pursuing his regu.
fisherman ripe bananas. Throw away the to digest.
ing to beauty culture.
good match at Bruno place or at scraped part. Mash the bananas lar occupation caught a big fish an and press them through a coarse my own Benuty Parlor. At these unusually large one; immediately he Just keep a few tins handy, and you will HAIR CULTURE sieve Mix in thoroughly cups have a supply of pure, clean milk at all times Beginning this week, girls and places you can get a fine assortment exclaimed that the fish was so big of white sugar, add cups of St. Charles Evaporated Milk and available, ready, convenient and economical.
boys, will answer in these columns of creams, powdørs, lotions, eyebrow he would have to invite his friends cup of orange juice and stir all to feast with him, but the fish pleadquestions relating to beauty work. pencils, etc.
Don forget to save your St. Charles labels ed not to be killed, promising he well together. Cool in ice box for half hour to chill and then place for extra value in the form of premiums would grant any wish of the fisherin freezer. Use a freezing mixture given out by man, whereupon he was let loose and of one part salt to six parts of ice.
NESTLÉ S, Box 803 Panama City or the fisherman went home and relat. Box 300 Colon ed the story to his spouse.
The wife of course was enraged that her husband had not asked a BY: CESPEDES BURKE wish of the fish and insisted that he return and ask for a lovely cot.
tage; this he did and his request EVAPORATED Friend Alfred Bouget, Mayor of La nation, and looking over the vast was granted. Returning home he Boca having escaped the vigilient space of racial domination and na his wife in an outburst of joy.
Scout No. during the past week tional achievements, analitically, we ance but that joy only lasted we have decided to rise and express find that ignorance and inactivity for the spouse now insisted on ingly we touch upon the momentous culture and activity the key to sucturned to the fish at the bidding of issue: cess.
y his wife. The castle also was grantWHAT SHALL WE DO WITH Accordingly, the will urges on, and this only for a day, and the next ed but the wife was satisfied with OUR WOMEN man steps forward to the helm where Plodding on through the temptes he must steer himself safely through from his rest bright and early the the duties of citizenship in a new morning her husband was roused of racial oppression, urged by the rugged pathways of life and battle fro for his existence and the man unsatisfied woman wanted to be made of motivating impulses of racial proqueen of all the land and this was oath of allegiance. period of re state. This is usually effected by an gress, mingled with the dark clouds color finds his battle for life, a battle again imponderable odds.
also granted. But she still wanted of continuing serfdom; almost inex tricably involved into the complicat. He has the inclination to rise, and after being made queen of all the tion precedent to naturalization.
more, she was just happy for an hour sidence is also required as a condi.
ing machinery of worldwide politi rise he must, for the WILL urges land she wanted now power to make COLLECTIVE NATURALIZATION cal intrigue, we are absorbed into him on. But comes the thought, the sun and noon rise and set at While the process of naturalizathe overwhelming mist that sur No race can rise higher than its her will.
tion is usually applied to the cases rounds, and as we see ourselves he women, and says man to himself, The poor foolish man was again of individuals, collective naturalisieged on all sides by the influences this is the riddle of the Sphinx, and commanded off to the fish he went zation of all the inhabitants is ef. of oppression and the hands of sub ere an Oedipus shall come to solve with this unreasonable wish of hie fected when a country or province jugation, etc. we feel ourselves the might conundrum, many shall wife and said the fish to him Go to becomes incorporated in another enshrouded with hopelessness at our fall by the wayside.
delima, and would lay down to rest your little old house, remain there country; as by annexation, conquest, Now comes the inexplicable philoand be content.
or by cession in accordance with ad infinitum. sophy, and upon this truism rests an Now after we have digested the treaty stipulation. In this manner, Where starting and But suddenly comes the onward issue that holds with the same baste foregoing fable our reason is again the people brought within the jurisurge, if we rest we rust and the rigidity as the mighty pillars of the challenged with the question What lighting efficiency in hope that beyond each dark cloud universe.
shall we do with our women? etc.
concerned, you can there is a silver lining urges us ons What shall we do with our woetc. Of course, let us be careful that Thus moved by the will. The ex.
Let us pause to pender! Are drawn the proper oper line of demarkation be travel blithely on with and Mrs. Adella Stephens that not profusedly out foer of trouble if purpose. and a character extent do they in istie of the proginy of Ethiopia the moulding of man destiny? Do men among those against whom Fashionable your battery is an moved by the philosophy of the day, these questions not seem most pen of venom should be directed. We EXIDB me known the call to emulate the fundamental. knavish and preposterous. especial.
are dismissing from the issue, for Dressmaker THE LONG LIFE ism of perpetual motion, the basic ly when it is admitted that we fall the sake of convenience, those women to motoning millions BATTERY and Williner moves, on which all cosmological maternity and live with an undying nation of those beautiful qualities principles upon which the world at the font, worship at the shrine of who are the embodinent of virtue nobility and honesty, the personifi Distributors for Panama variations are fanalogously and love for them, remembering always that are characteristic of the ideal House No. 13 Street PANAZONB GARAGE COMPANY, Panama City synchronously harmonized, we rise that women are the very vine from THB BLBCTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia, again into the realms of our imagi. whence we have sprung? But may.
San Miguel (Continued on Page Stage MUGWUMPISMS ST. CHARE.
ST. CHARLES MILK found a There Cream in every Drop Buy With Exide Confidence pression of the souls intellectual women at necesaria para compartimentos arkt unethically catorigine all wo We do not Exide almost


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