
Fill Those Empty Sockets Barbados, if he might be pardoned New and Different for so saying. This oecasion was the forging of a very strong link in the chain of happy memories he was Paper taking with him of his visit to eland. The others at home would ENTERTAINED BY MRS. DE PASS Panama City, Peptember 25, 1920.
most pleased to hear of their tion by the West India Commit. ee recor To The Editor of The Workmah On Wednesday, August 21st, sixty that there were only about six Dear Sir: He also considered it a oeAs a sabecriber of your per, scouts from Jamaica, Barbados and number, casion for Jamaica, Trinidad and think it expedient that thould conTrinidad Tobago, who had come over When she discovered that they Barbados to meet together in th tribute something trom time to time for the Jamboree, were entertain numbered over fifty she decided that contre of West Indian interest even though my contribution may cà by Mrs. de Pass, wife of the the Zoo was the best place for them. England. They had met already in be in the manner herewith persentChairman of the West India Com. Ho wished Mrs. de Pass to know the realms of sport cricket and ed: mittee.
how much they appreciated her kind now their Scouts were meeting for The arrangements were in the ea thought of them.
the first time. He hoped that th Personally, do not how you, but to be truthful, way that rable hands of Mr. Osmond, Mr. de Pass interest in Jamaica next Jamboree would be attended by you have really given the puble.
Chief Clerk of the Committee, and was well known, and since Mrs. do West Indian Contingent rather new and different paper. Congratul the boys appeared to enjoy them Pass was a Jamaican it was proof than separate Colonial ones.
tions. Yours scrol selves thoroughly positive that he appreciated Jamaica Jamaica was a big place, and had O The Barbados contingent visited products.
sent a big Contingent which had just Madam Tussauds famous He could assure him that Jamaica made a big noise in the Yell they Waxwork HARRY WILLS VOOR ON appreciated the work that the West had given. He would call on s show, while the remainder were esFOUL IN MEXICO CITY the Tower of London, India Committee was doing under small contingent from the small bht which they throughly explored. his guidance.
very important Barbados to make a MEXICO CITY, Dept. 10. IndiceLatter all assembled for luncheon in He was sorry that Sir Algernon big or bigger noise in their Yell the West Indian Committee Board Aspinall, that great friend of tions were today that Harry Wills the which was them given.
Room at 14, Trinity Square.
American helvywelt und Andres West Indies and of former Jamaica Troop: We are! Leader: What?
Castano would meet the acond bout, Mr. de Pass, welcoming the Scouts, Contingents, was not present in perTroop: We are! Leader: What?
their short lived that at night said he was not going to divert their All: We are Scouts of Little son, but he was certain that he attention from the much more im proving no satisfactory.
England, The bout was awarded to Castano portant function of feeding for more must be present in the spirit. He than a minute or two. He thought it alse wished to thank that hard workBritain gem in the Caribbean Sea, op foul when will floored him Most east in the west with a left hook after the belt har Right among the best, sounded at the end of the first round.
We are Scouts of Little England.
BA A 0 WE ARE their last appearance being at tather THE WEST INDIAN BOY SCOUTS The above pictures are the three public on various occasions and have Carroll farewell programme which Entertained by Mrs. de Pass Junior MeLaines, children of Mr. always given a good account of them took place on Monday 80th. ult.
Responding on behalf of the Trin. and Mrs. Cyril McLaine of Muller selves.
where they reaped the enconlowme idrid and Tobago Contingent, Scout Building, Calidonia) who comprise It is expected that it will be not of a large and appreciative audience.
Roy Adolphus Joseph thanked Mrs. The little Tots orehestra which very long before they will come into Their efforts should be de Pass for her hospitality which which was organised 18 months ago. prominence as musicians of note; ed, wherever whenever praeti.
they appreciated very much. That The combination of the orchestra coming from a musical family they cable, as they have promising tu.
was an event that would always live consists of violin, piano, and drums. have the advantage of aspiring to ture before them. He is It source of their memories, because it was the Miss Enith the eldest of the three great heights in the art. pleasure, inspiration and piration first ocrasion on which the contia is the violinst, Miss Sylvia is the Some of the places in which they this weok column and this attitude to be able to have them featured in costs of the sister Colonies of Trin pinnist and Master Cyril is respon have appeared in public are the La idad and Tobago, Jamaica and Bar sible for the operation of the trap Boca Clubhouse, and the St. Vincent those who desire to strive for simiwill no doubt give an impetus to bados had met as one body. He felt drums. The trio have appeared in de Paul, Roman Catholic church, lar laurels.
that they were greatly indebted to Mrs. de Pass and the West India SCOUTS FROM TRINIDAD TOBAGO AND BARBADOS Committee for bringing about such a meeting. There were sixten scouts was a fine thing that so many young Osmond, who had done so much from Trinidnd and two from Tobago members of the British Community to make them happy.
who had come over as one contingent.
should have the oportunity of seeing At the conclusion of his speech the Their numbers being small they the great City which formed the hub Jamaica boys rendered lustily their could not make as much noise as of the Empire. He hoped they would yen, which may be transcribed Jamaica in giving their yell. and see as much as possible of London Hold em down, Jamaica Rovers, he did not think they could produce during their short stay, and having Hold em down, ye Carib Kingti such sweet music as Barbados, but Empty Sockets in Your Home or Store are a Nuisance and an inconvenienco.
done so he was sure they would all Hold em down, Jamaica Rovers, in their humble way they would enMany Serious Accidents occur on Unlighted and Poorly Lighted Stains and in return home prouder than ever deavour to blend both volume and Dark Pawages.
belonging to so glorious an Empire.
Hold em down, ye Carib Kings.
He mentioned incidentally that it Hey, Zacazumba, zumba, zumba, had fallen the Boy Scouts of JA Hey, Zacakumba, zumba, zee, Musical Notes Keep Some Spare Bulbs maica to induct him into the Tower Hey, Začazumba, zumba, zumba, of London, for although bom in this lley, Zacazumba, zumba, zee, The Burning out of a Lamp Bulb, unless you have separe to replace City nearly 79 years ago, he had Wi ya, Huya huya kuya ya The Wifficulty 1, of course, that Hi ya, huya haya huya ya may be a serious matter in your home or store. Most Lamp Bulbo bure never before entered the Tower.
Mr. Noel Crosswell, the Assistant YaAmerica is more cosmopolitan than out after Electrical Stores are closed, therefore have some peres on Commissioner for Jamaica, on behalf SealScoutmasker Griffith, most other countries. The different hand always of his contingent thanked Mr. de who was in charge of the Barbados races in the country have not yet Pass for having accompanied them Contingent, also responding, said blended together into one singlea When the fusion is Always Use Bulbs on their visit to the Tower. For thit it was indeed a pleasure for him minded group.
such a busy man as they knew Mr. to thunik Mrs. de Pass and the West complete, then dur art productious de Pass to be to give them so much India Committee for the splendid en will take definite form and they, will Poor Lighting is Bad for the eyes and will affect your health.
of his time was a signal honour. tertainment they had been given. He express the peculidy genius of the to He understood that the invitation to considered it a privilege glaring light will cause eyestrain, Lamp Bulbs are now made in twelve group.
visit the Zoo came from Mrs. de be There is much discussion in musicin the Tooms of the different sizes and seven colors. Any good Electrician or Electrical Store Pass, who had at first wished to West India Committee, a body which al circles today about a employee will be glad to show you the correct size for your requiremonto.
have them to tea at home, thinking me done and was doing so much for idiom for America. In other words, er and splendid organsier, Mr. the West India Islands, especially critics are searching fok a type of music which is characteristically For Health Safety Conventence American. We have typical German music, typical Italian music ScandiINSIST ON GETTING ravian, etc. but as yet there has been to definite type of musię (which NEURALGINA can be assigned to America and callod characteristic.
Set When Dvorak came to this country to obtain musical material for his Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any New World Symphony, he was able AND GET to find but two sources of original neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work characteristie melody. These were More Light For Your Money the folk songs of the Indian and the NEURALGINA Negro. Using these songs for his Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs are sold, In Panama, by BunuoOo.
themes, he created that outstanding Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches masterpiece, the New World SymLyons Hardware Co, Cont Store, Millers Specialty Shop, Panum Wurdwa re (2 Stores) Wong Chang Company, Cardozo lindo, Ontpliroy.
and reduce the fever of children Some of the greatest forms in In Colon by Wilcox Co. Colon Cyolo Co. or by any de our employcos music, such as the symphony, the drama, and the oratorio are NEURALGINA based on simple folk songs, The Luz y theme of the song is used as the main th theme of the work, and then it is Panama At Your Service Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Coton developed and treated in various in.
teresting ways.
When this country does develop a characteristic music, the effect of the and individuals to collect and preFor sale both Wholesale and Retail Negro spiritual will dominate it, beserve these priceless gems of our cause the musical contributions of AT THE our group are stronger and more de race. We have yet to produce a Ne.
finite than those of any other single gro composer equal in genius to the AMERICAN PHARMACY group in this country. Steps have greatest of the other race. But, we Surgeon. Dentist already been taken by organizations are all looking to the future, and confidently hoping and expecting JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Drink Salada Tea the best for that some day one of our own will 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
the Tropics appear who shall take these simple songs and develop therefrom colossal Phone 1862. o. Box 1062 Ancon, power, Panama House Rent Receipt Books in Span structures of tone equal in form and beautly to the mighty Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works ish and English for sale at the works of the great masters.
Workman Printery. Pittsburg Courier Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment 0000000 h!
bs of the Correct size EDISON MAZDA LAMP BULBS phony.
Cia. Panameña de Fuerza Dr. Leo Pink


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