
he October thousand year old umn.
his the to to te the voice of God in which Lying Women Of Historic Value Aboard Carare since justice never sleepa who knows. rey on Men but that when the people the mulSays Judge THE STATUE OF LIBERTY Continued from last laue titudes of the Salvation Army around the world become sufficiently alive While on the tople of the late Gen to the abominable injustice done the Cherish tope for Ciinging ronze statue presented to the peolation that the family of the said arise to man and demand that The Statue of Liberty is a huge eral Dramwell Booth and the humilvery name of Booth that they will Be of the United States by the pro General has been subjected to, justice shall be done though the presple of France. The gift was design might add to the list of those present Heavena (welf created rulers) of New York. Magistrate Alexander dredth anniversary of American ed to commemorate the one hun. In the World Pocket viously referred to viz. The General the Salvation Army fall. Till then and high in the World Brouch who has listened to tales of dependence. It represents female wife and his eldest son, his last child domestie strife for six years, believes gure holding a torch gott, ard we would prescribe that leaving the that all women are liars.
and son, staff Captain Wyelitte present regime of the and Esteem.
Here are his conclusions: the highest statue in the world. It Booth whose appointment in the Women are liars. to their coming fate the peois the result of an impression made army has been changed since the They have no sense of law and to the United States, by the enge upon a Frenchman during a wayas aests of his father. It will surely Indies, South and Central America, ple of the Salvation Army in West urder.
MISTELI. THE JEWELER They have no consideration of fairwith which the immigrant tot be long before the late General the East Indies, Japan, in short tha crowded the decks for a firt fuur living daughters Miss Catherine Orient as a whole including AustrALL KINDS OF JE NELRY nes toward their husbands.
glimpse of the new land to wheh tre cast, a Commissioner in the lia and New Zealand, should arise QULITY GUARANTEED Trstead of being the prirsued, they they were coming with such hop the pursuers, often seeking a and confidence.
Calvation Army in charge of a very and shake off the usurped rule which etdding ring simply to avoid the When he went home, he propos 39 sphere of work in England, is bound to prove despotic and recus Locial stigma (among women) of appearing undersirable that a popular subscription shoudend had it boen thought wise that a the Booths and therefore the Salva The Garvey Magic Cuban Refuses to They marry a 25 a week man ad be opened in France to present to sean could or should have been aption Army from the clutehs of an yell because they can live on the people of the United St. tes a pointed General in place of the late put to Death His statue representing Liberiy.
archy. 60 a week scale.
The General the question of fitness and. money was contributed by Given 15 a week as the maximum people, and people in the Of course the writer is not writing HE CLAPPED HIS HANDS French Accomplice for the family budget, they will blow United justice would certainly have indicatan essay on the history and work States.
cd her, rather than our American the salvation nor more so on the 10 on a permanent wave.
And 12, 000 Followers Shook the The United States Congress, Feb. Dangilina.
HAVANA, Sept. 10. Cubans were WIVES HAVE NO history of the present trouble in the Streets of King Ston ruary 22, 1877, authoriz:d Prezi CONSIDERATION Colonel Mary Booth, the second Army.
startled to day by a surprise act in dent Hayes to set apart a site on a drama of law couris and the gar Thay are so lacking in santiment Bedloe Island which Frederick daugther at present Territorial ComThe latter phase of the subject legendary hero of ancient times dramatic refusal to put to death a Hote. The public executioner made at that they don remember their own Bartholdi, the sculptor, hnd suggest wander of the Army work in Germaso impartially marand sprang from the soil to do his bid condemned man on the grounds that rid three or four years ago. and the The statue was finished in 1883; 19, being acquainted with the needs dealt with in book form up before corner in of that country having done service mentioned by the well suited title himself had committed the crime that does them nicely.
June, 1886; the work of putting the for the army at the battlefronta in The Betrayal of Bramwell Booth ding. alone committeed the crime and Why, a woman was in court yesMarcus Garvey, provisional presi: alone should be the sufferer. the tridny wanting me to increase the 1886, and it was unveiled in statue together was begun in May, France during the World War, was that it is without hesitation that dent of Africa, commander in chief executioner said. He is Francisca bayments her husband was making 28, 1886.
assigned to the German Field.
of the Black Star Steamship Line, Pineda. The man condemned to die am here recommending that that he her suprort, said the judge. Height form base to torch, 151 ft. The two younger daugthers of read by all who are interested in the and secretary general of the Univer ver by the dreaded garrote is Zoilo Our social workers investigated, inch; foundation of pedestal to General and Mrs. Booth still hold Salvation Army work and what cansal Negro Improvement Association; driguez and found he coudn pay her any torch, 305 ft. inches; heel to top very minor ranks of office in the waved his hand twelve Both Pineda and Rodriguez were more. When denied her request, of head, 114ft. inches; head through not but hinder its progress unless delegates from all parts of the world. implicated in a murder committed in he got so angry she slapped her from ear to ear, 10ft; head from chin Salvation Army. No doubt the heir properly adjusted. The address of followed him through the streets of 1913. The victim was a sixty three husband right. there in court. What to cranium, 17tt. inches. The torch apparent to the Generalship in the Kingston, Jamaien, British the publishers op agents of the book West Irdies, in a public demonstration.
woman. Recently Rodriguez can you do to her? You can send a is 305 ft 11 inches above mean tide. army is Mr. Colonel) Bernard Booth.
follows: Reminiscent it was in color, if not was sentenced to die by the garrote. other to sail for contempt and let Forty persons can stand within the for which reason it seams evident This death dealing device consists of her children go without care. head, to which there is access by Jarrolds Publishers Ltd.
in numbers, of the monster Garvey metal ring which is placed about Another woman wanted more money stairs inside of the statue; a branch and a matter of sense to put him 34 Paternoster Row in where he can be watched without the London, England.
tions; there were uniformed bands, ring snaps the victim spinal colbolt slipped through a hole in the investigator knew she was.
arm. The torch is equipped with ability to frustrate the designs of Demerara, Trinidad, Grenada, and Oh, well, she admitted, knew powerful electric light, containing the usurpers.
uniformed ranks of. Garvey legion d get more money if you thought 15 lamps, 115 volts, 11. 000 watts Panama W. News Organs. TASTE OF THEIR OWN engineer corps, Black Cross nurser, ARRESTED IN AMERICA was dependent on each, or 15, 000 watts, and burns from MEDICINE Please copy.
and boy scouts.
Leading the marchers, in naval Pineda was appointed minister of And when threatened her with dark to daylight.
pro ecution for perjury she just There is a balcony around The voice of the people is said to BY PILORIM WILEINS uniform, was the man Gartey, whom executions as punishment for torch, but the public is not admitted Bishop Reverdy Ransom has term part in the affair. This position is laughed and said, don care.
ed the mightiest prophet who has always held by to it.
prisoner. Arrested WOMEN PULL TRICKS some time ago in the United States, TO WIN COURT in fifty years.
appeared among In the United States, the Garvey.
at Tampa, Fla. Rodriguez was. They ve all got old clothes wear in court. They all dress FOR organization was sued so often for brought back here for trial and was debt that no track can be kept of the sentenced to die.
look seedy when asking for money Al Brown is Back for court procedures. Garvey has been The minister of executions first Usually they accuse their hunband Bout with Baldock pursued by his first wife, who claims said that he would put to death his of going around with other women. he was not properly divorced. Gar former companion. To day, however, figure the absolute minimum for a yey headquarters in New York has he suffered change in heart. He man to live on alone for day.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Al Brown, and become the site of an Elk hall Gar. decided he would not perform the And when he is paying 15 to her vey, imprisoned five years for using execution. He told authorities of his out of 30 wages, there isn much bantamweight champion of the left for other women.
world, arrives here today on board the mails to defraud, was de decision. He explained that he and the Berengia for his battle with Ted Usually they try to say the husnot Rodriguez committed the crime ported in disgrace He was reported as penniless and and that the responsibility was sole band wages are much higher thandy Baldock, the English champion, see which is to be held in the New York they really are.
a prisoner in Jamaica; but soon there. ly his. They feel that the courts must Coliseum on Oct.
after, he toured England and France.
Pineda action furnished a prob give them everything they want. The date was approved by the Returning to Jamaica, he called lem for the government. There is a REID They know all about their rights, New York state athletic commission together his followers from the four possibility that Rodriguez will get a but they recognize no responsibili when Brown sent a radiogram to of the earth to dream with new trial on Pineda statements. ties.
Jess McMahon saying that he want.
him and plan for political and soHaving relieved himself of these ed to fight on that date so as to be No. 6, 19 Street and Central Aver eial freedom for the Negro, establish ment of a universal social code, for appointment of a commission to the views, Magistrate Brough expressed able to get to Mexico City in time some of his ideas of what he thinks to meet Bias Rodriguez there a short mation of a chain of Negro daily League of Nations Panama, papers around the world, raising a Garvey clapped his hands of the woman who does not get into time later, In his message the champion said fund of 600, 000, 000 in ten years, twelve thousand followers shook the court.
opening of Negro defense headquar earth as they marched through the He still likes to believe that they that he had a fine trip and had ters in the large cities of the world, streets of Kingston.
are ladies riding behind their knights trained every day on board the ship.
organization of a new steamship line. Yes, there is still magle in the on milk whi palfreys, eager to be He is returning from a special trip formulation of plans for a Negro re name of Garvey. The Baltimore rescued from dragons and grateful to Norway, whither he journeyed to if they are live up to a contract to fight Knud ligion and. Negro church, and the Afro American.
Larsen, European featherweight champion. This contract had been Race Films made before Brown won the championship POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM Making Hit If Brown defeats ldoek he will einch his claim to the title in every TAILORS HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 17. Negro English welterweight, who accompaland. According to Archie Sexton.
films will be the next type of pie nied Baldock here from England.
House 77 Room ture to bask in the spotlight of pub Brown will have no easy time of it lie interest, Monte Brice, Paramount with Teddy.
23ri Street Chorrillo supervisor, prophesied Sunday in an interview.
Sexton himself is regarded highly CATHEDRAL PLAZA with the show business has passed fight Eddie Frisco in Ridgewood The vague for pletures dealing among the fight fans who have seen him in training. He was matched to its peak, in my opinion, Brice declared. Public taste is a fickle Grove on Sept. 21, and it he and see the finest Assortment of thing and now believe it is going to of being an acelimatization bout, gets over this bout, which is by way fasten its attention on Negro picturGEO. BISHOP according to his manager, he meets It only remains for a few more Baby Joe Gans in the New Yorheet clever colored boys and girls to find ineum on Oct. 9, when Jimmy Me MODERN TAILOR their places on the screen for a veri Tarnin meets Sergt. Sammy Baker.
of every description also the Finest table deluge of Negro pictures to be Joe Morris, manager of the two House 40 made. Producers follow the de English boxers, is a promotor in Lon Selection of 3rd November Street mands of the public. Two years ago don. Joe says Tom Heeney once got none of them could have been per 35 for a 10 round bout in London.
Guachapali Panama City such That nothing; Benny Leonard once up money ARTIZAN TOOLS pietures.
got less than that. But why shouldn Negro films JUST RECEIVED be popular? The colored actor is naturally clever and happy.
This business of public taste in flappers and flaming youth. The next, Come in and Inspect the Stock pictures is an interesting thing. Brice it wants its movie women to be continued. sweet, girlish and old fashioned. Public taste cyele before Purchasing Elsewhere Sheik had his day, then gave way which is difficult to foresee. The to the college boy hero.
producer must give the public what Custom Tailor it wants. His indicator is box office BRANCH STORE receipts. It would be suicidal to English American Styles make war pictures when the public House Rent Receipt Books in Span125Central Avenue is interested in vamps.
NO. CALIDONIA The public is fickle. One season ish and English for sale at the it will crowd to the films of wild Workmas Printery.
Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good corners and Benjamin Barnett Son CALL AT THE Panama Hardware es.
TL OCKS suaded to tie in ott FLYNCH moves in

    EnglandFranceWorld War

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