p. 8


AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1929 GOOD RACES. FEATURE EVENT Bomba La Chiquilla. Copi First Race Starts at p.
ADMISSION. Including Program. 25c Continued from page. all the privileges of nativeborn citizens. The most usual restrictions apply to the holding of Political and Military office, the highest graded of which, in most states, can only be filled by native born citizens. In the United States whose policy of natur alization is extremely liberal, the of fices of President, and Vice President can only be held by native born citi.
zens. 0) naturalized citizen who returns to his native country and takes up his residence there with the intent of remaining is presumed to have renounced his acquired ettisenship. His adopted country, in such an event, is justified in declining to extend its protection to a person who has ceased to perform the duties of citizenship and who declines to be bound by its obligation.
It is hoped that readers of this paper digest the literature given them from time to time by members of our community who make it an obligation to present such reading matter which will help in stimulating the young brain and at the same time direct then in their endeavours in life.
every In connection with my vibration to the communtiy rather than perin last week issue the following sonal gratification and the glad hand were unavoidably left off: of their witless disciples, so long Malicious insinuations are made will our organizations fail to acaganist this or that individual of complish anything of consequence, traced within the ranks of the presid abroad as sheep having no shepherd, ficer, not invariably, treason can be 80 long will our people be scattered ing officer cabinet, not that the individual is incompetent, no indeed, Bo long will the spirit of justifiable but rather that he does not suit the pride be lacking in congregation and fancy of the intelligencia, slowly he just so long will the entire communi is crucified, on the job, on the way ty of West Indians be a laughing to work, sipping the cooling suds stock and a joke to the other folks, betrayed and led astray by indifferevery place and any place is suitent leaders and left as a prey to the able spot to take up the refrain, We progressiveness of others who recogwill not have this man to rule over ut. surrounded by these thought nize the luscious prey within their reach and move forward to devour waves of hatred, met on every side by vibrations which are inharmonformation.
them in organized and well trained ious, foiled and baffled at Leaders, in being endowed with a move, this worthy individual unless higher mentality than the he be a mental giant or has advanegeneral ed to the paychological stage where run, you are likewise entrusted with. he is the stewardship is able to beat them at their own of your weaker brethren, upon the game, soon becomes, apathetic sagaeity with looses his interest misses meetings which you perform your tasks, will is then impeached and removed from rest the reward of dominion over office, for failure to manifest enough thousands of the get ye hence of reinterest in the movement or organiza proval, it is not too late to call a tion, this is done in each and every halt, it is not too late to start in case, by the few, as unfortunately the right direction.
the majority do not think or cannot To be or not to be, that is the think, and so fired by zeal at the question.
eoquent words on denunciation made by some oily tongued speaker, or We are pleased to announce, that with an eye to being in the good Mr. Frank Ethan Thompson, son of graces of timey they vote as they Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Thompson of think he would like them to. Muller building, Calidonia, has recently returned to the Isthmus from Hypocrites! unless our leaders can Barbados, where for the last two overcome this ittle feeling of years he has been a student at bigness, unless they are prepared to Harrison College. Young Prank in meet in conference, prepared to give looking the picture of good health and take, to enjoy the common weal and to state that his parents joy is and share the common woe, until boundless, would be to state a superthey can meet upon a mutual plat ficial fact.
form of respect and confidence, hay Mrs. Thompson, is the Lady Presiing ever in view, the subsequent good dent of Chapter 14.
PRRRRRRRRR DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner STEAM PRESSING DYEING LA MASCOTA INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET RRRRRR PHONE 250 COLON Triangular Contest Between Barbedos, Trinidad and Demerata PHONE453 PANAMA 16 STREET The by Annual Intercolonial Crick We Dye To Live PANAMA et Cup Contest between Barbados, Trinidad and Demerara, which is being played this year on the Bourda Grounds, British Guiana, has, according to a cable despatch received there during this week, resulted in defeat of the Barbados team at the hands of the Demerarians by the big margin of 891 runs.
The Barbados team was comprised of the following: Tarilton, Capt. Pickwick. Bartlett (Spartan. Browne (Spartan. Byer (Constabulary. Cumberbatch (Spartan. Greaves E. Head (Picwiek. Hutchison (Pickwick. de Inniss (Harrison College) Kidney (Piekwiek. Martindale (Empire. ALSO Sealy (Combermere. L The neweomers are Byer, THE FINEST SELECTION Cumberbatch and Martindale.
Ward and Hutchison weres elected on a past Barbados side but did not play.
HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGLISH TWEEDS AND FLANNELS eves (Plewick. Ward (Spartan. the aspiring and moderate of means Mugwumpisms and can only be condoned to the merciless thwartings of the finan(Continued from Page 5)
cially opulent. They are the kinds But, on the other hand, we woul that hold their opposite sex underraise the pen of venom against those balance in the scale of mental and women who are the conniving, tricky social ascendency, confining them develiably immoral, insatisbly sens to the everlasting dugouts of the ual, domineeringly intellorable, etc. stand still and the degenerating etc. who even when taken from They look for ever with envy upon obscurity and crowned, will always real women and grage them. They remain bullyingly distasteful and grow up from youth to old age with unsatisfied.
out being honored with marriage bewhen taken from obscurity and cause even in their early youth they crowned, will always remain bullying elected and misapplied the saying variety distasteful and unsatisfied.
is the spice ly of life.
These are the kinds before whom And as the thought comes no race feeling man falls a prey to tragedy can rise higher then its women we but to them an eternal comedy are astounded, perplexed and we They are contretempts in the machi wonder how high shall a race rise nery of progress. Irrespective of the with an ever increasing influx of hand of the with which they gentility ultra modern women.
are nursed they will sooner or later1 The question grows more and more redoil into and recline upon the invoking, and we will always ask of their degrading morass the Oedipus of the day to come and might well be placated as the forth and answer this mighty ques omnium gatherum or ultra modern. tion of the day. What shall we do istie type and like the wife of the with our women?
proverbial fisherman they can (Next week we shall deal with WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR Is it not a fact that the farther MAN. into obscurity they are sought and brought into prominence the more If you have a Prescription to extraordinary are their demands. Surely the omniumgatherum type of be made up take it to the women are only a luxury and National Pharmacy, Santa Ana mighty unwholesome luxury at that. Plaza, where you will get cour Too unwholesomely luxurious for teous and obliging service.
STETSON HATS BRITISH CONSULATE NOTICE AND The British Consulate General at Panama would like to know of the whereabouts of Mrs. Muriel Weeks, a native of Barbados, who has been resident in Panama for the seventeen years. Her maiden name was Muriel Brathwaite and she was married to Edward Da Costa Weeles also PACKARD SHOES TO SELECT FROM slimy beds Parkering stand success ANNUAL HARVEST a Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN Members and friends of St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca are notified LA MASCOTA through this mediun that the annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service MULLER Prop are booked for Sunday, November 17, 1929. The services and prachers 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 will be as follows: Choral celebration of the Holy Communion, a. The Rector.
Matins, 10. 45 The Rector.
Holy Eucharist and Sermon, 11. 80. Celebrant and Preacher The PANAMA WESLEYAN when the President of the Society subject, among them being Paul the Bishop. ACTIVITIES the Rev. Wade presided as apostle from whose life illustrations Flower Service, p. Preachchairman.
were drawn.
er The Rev. Major Wood, The evenings, lesson was read by Consideration Meeting.
The subject of the evening WAS Choral Evensong 30 The The monthly consecration meeting Ideals worth living fop which Is Miss Ivy Wright and the meeting Rector; Preacher The Very Rev.
Endeavour Society took place on age. Many biblical references were singing of the Mispah.
Special Psalms and Anthems will Wednesday night last in Geddes Hall brought up in connection with the sang og mua quomoduuure jepu be rendered at all the services, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY of the Panama Wesleyan Christian very unique and appropriate in this was brought to close with the Death Wephenchend


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