
BARBADOS Linesman Killed Scorpion Scare Terrifies Majesty of the Law Cyril Buchten restauro me All British Air Service for the Law Abiding Residents West Indies Anonymous Letter Symbolical Draw The law has been vindicated in officers were soon on the neare and ing Sent to Notable Merchant of the Jamaica Public Service Co. Writing editorially under the above while working on pole on Lynd division grave.
manly ad.
drug to EN vey case, the Mail of the 1st. inst and broke his neck, Major Williams, says: of Half way. Tree and other police The Weekly Herald of the 14th Barbados 1, 000 removed the body to the mortuary alto. says: connection with the proceedings where Dr. Edwards. held We have received the following 15, 000 which came before the Supreme post mertenm yesterday morning Communique from the Colonial See From Imperial Government 15, 000 Court recently, and in which three and will in due course make his te retary Office.
Conan Doyle, the famous creator similarly inscribed was found in the parties were called upon to show port.
An all British Company, to be 20, 000 of Sherlock Holmes, made the great yard of the residence of one of the cause why they should not be com. The body was laid to rest yester know Atlantic Airways Limit It is suggested that the detective say on one occasion that firm senior employees.
mitted to prison for contempt of day afternoon at the May Pen Ce there was often but a single step Court. Last week Mr. Marcus Gar. meters in the presence of a large ted. has been registered in London subsidies be granted for period of leading from the bizarre to the tra TELEPHONE WARNING number of his friends, and emwith the object of developing five years although the Director vey was fined and committed to pri ployees and officers of the Jamaica system of air transport in the British feel that the Company should be selfgle.
And here, apparently the matterson as the result of a scurrilous at Public Service Co. Brigadier Charles West Indies and British Guiana.
This remark appears to be justi was to end, for nothing further tran tack which he made upon His Ma. Smith, of the Salvation Army, supporting before that time. The Company intends to estab6. Under the suggested scheme, fied by a eurious sequence of events spired for some days.
jesty Judges in the colony some e nducted the ceremony both at lish and operate air mail, passenger and allowing reasonable time for the involving a well known merchant of Then with dramatie suddenness three weeks ago. Mr. Hague, residence of the dead man and at the and goods services between the fol establishment of the services, the Port of Spain and one of his emtwo telephone calls came for this President of the Kingston ployees. Annoyed by anonymous subsidies would not be required be employee on August 19, and a voice of the A. was not punish Among the many floral tributes wing points: was a beautiful wreath placed by Mr. Georgetown and Kamakusa.
threats which at first seemed too for 1930.
on the wire told him in warning ed for the threat which he read at Georgetown and Kaisteer Falls fantastie to be worth troubling tones: Your time has come!
an auction sale which was arranged Campbell on behalf of the Pro7. The Board of Directors of the under an order of the Court, for the Georgetown and Port of SpainCompany is in course gressive Club.
about, they have witnessed a DOW of formation There was no means of knowing disposal of Liberty Hall in Upper Port of Spain and Barbados dramatie tum of affairs which has at the present moment and invitawho the person was that delivered King Street, to satisfy driven them to seek the protection this sinister telephone message. This debt. Mr. Lewis Ashenheim, judgment Cuban Jail Por of Spain and Maracaibo tions have been extended to several prom.
calling at La Guaira and Curacao.
of the constabulary.
voice was unfamiliar, perhaps dis. inent member of the legal profes.
sion, asumed full responsibility for Overcrowded The Trinidad Guardian is author guised. Estimates of the expenditure prominent men to collaborate. So far Mr. Hague conduction the occasion necessary to inaugurate and operate acceptances have been received from ised to offer a reward of one hun Feeling by this time sightly un referred to. This was a Sir Algernon Aspinall, WATER SHORTAGE ALSO BLAMthe above services have been careful dred dollars to anyone giving in easy, the employee went home after mission on Mr. Ashenheim part.
ED FOR CONDITIONS AT ly prepared and these have been formation which leads to the arrest, work that evening and told his fami The same solicitor was involved in SANTIAGO Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Davson, checked by the Chief Technical Adand conviction of the person or per iy about it. Hardly had he done so three sets of proceedings for con0. late Air viser, Civil Aviation Department of sons responsible for the wieked act when his attention was attracted by tempt of Court. The first was that HAVANA, Sept. 13. dispatch Commodore Weir, described below.
a sound as of someone moving be to addressed a letter to an officer of tu El Mundo from Santiago de Cuba the Air Ministry and approved by The Company is now making development in this hind the hedge at the rear of the Trustee in Bankruptey and Adminis. overcrowded by 600 inmates and that er, Director of Civil Aviation the Court, Mr. Nethersole, to day said the jail of that city was Air Vice Marshall Sir Sefton BrankThe latest formal application through the Colseries of unusual happening has house.
trator General, on behalf of his sanitary conditions demanded in The estimates show that a cash onal Office and the Air Ministry for been the throwing of a dangerous ATTACK IN THE DARK client bankrupt. The second of mediate remedies. The most serious capital of E120, 000 is necessary for the necessary concesions to operate chemical into the face of the mer.
fence was that he sought to intimi jail problem was caused by the the Company programme and that and for the subsidies referred to He went out, suspecting no harm, date the Ballift of the Court to water shortage which has eripled chant employee by some unknown to investigate.
prevent the sale of Liberty Hal, Santiago for three months.
an annual expenditure of 82, 849 herein.
person. The effect of this chemical and the third motion was based on Information has subsequently As he reached the hedge an was to cause temporary blindness seen hand stretched out in the dark unA Sanitation Department report will be incurred to cover administrathe document which Mt. Hague, read said numerous cases of enterocolitie tive and operating costs. Against been received from Messrs Atlantic The victim happily recovered his at the auction sale.
vision after an hour, but is still suf. and threw blinding chemical into ed Mr. Lewis Ashenheim to pay two news from the shelter of the bushes Judges of the Supreme Court order more prisoners who are crowded nito estimated at 67, 808 thereby leaving secured all the capital required for Yesterday the had been found among the 600 or this, the revenue is conservatively Airways Limited that they have now fering from painful inflamation of mall spaces hardly large enough his face.
the eyes caused by the corrosive fines aggregating three hundred for hall that number. The Federal deficit of 85. 546 which it is hop inaugurating and operating the e vices subject to the concessions Unable to see and puffering in. pounds for the first two offences Sanitation Department indicated that ed would be covered by subsidies in tense agony, the victim of this out and to pay the cost in connection an immediate investigation would be following proportions: operate and the subsidies being rage staggered back to the house heim was ably defended by the Hon.
with the third matter. Mr. Ashen made.
From British Guiana up to forthcoming.
DRAMATIC TURN OF EVENTS 19, 000 Colonial Secretary Office, and was assisted into bed. By the Smith. Towards the close PORT OP SPAIN, Aug. 30 NevTrinidad 5, 000 9th September, 1929.
e before in the history of Trinidad, er of the chemical had made pooded Chief Justice paid time an alarm was raised the throw of the hearing last Friday, the learnwarm tribute perhaps, has such an extraordinary his escape.
to the manner in which Mr. Smith DENTIST HOWELL The Governor for constructive criticism.
chain of events affecting a small group of law abiding individuals tales will recall that scorpione were ties, which were imposed upon an Readers of Sax Rohmer weird had handled his cases. The penalBarbados can certainly not claim House No. 912 La Boca And Criticism immunity from criticism, been brought to light.
astute solicitor of thirty five years used as a symbol of Oriental re standing, so to show that no indi.
Canal Zone The whole thing began when a venge. And Hanoi Chan, the noble vidual is above the law not, even His Excelleney the Governor, Sir would be the last to withhold from William Robertson delivered himself. Governor because of his high posiwell known and notable city mer man of Siam, who became a ruth solicitor whose desire is to everthis OPPOSITE RESTAURANT dians at the opening of the Aleman. But looking back upon Sir William of the following criticism of Barbe. tion, the right to his own opinion.
chant received an anonymous letter, less and cunning criminal is said to ability and enthusiasm to secure childish and even trifling in conhave used scorpions for the purpose vetdiets for his clients. The law dePHONE 1941. BALBOA dra Girls School: struetion, but containing hint of of inflicting torture and death upon mands respect from all persons. Men serious and sinister purpose. It was of influence are not immune from suppose that would not be is certainly remarkable that there his victims.
punishment when they overstep the Specialises in all Branches of wrong in saying that we in Barbados, has been so little criticism either in the following terms: Is there a league of evil doors in bounds of propriety. Public confiDentistry are perhaps more distinguished for constructive or destructive, No ColDon touch me, for am going Trinidad whose emblem is the soorp dence in the administration of Justhe excellence of our powers to find onial Governor could wish for a more to sting or bite you. My name ion and who have been led away tice and the purity of our Law Cour fault than for great skill in construe tolerant attitude on the part of his Mr. Scorpion or Mrs. Centipe, to imitate the doings of the evil and has been strengthened by the result ALL WORK GUARANTEED tive enterprise. In fact we are more subjects than the present Governor Kt. Eng. From powerful Hanoi Chan and his band of the sensational proceedings referRESIDENCE588 Mr. House Lizard, LL. of followers. red to above.
distinguished for destructive than of Barbados has enjoyed.
Sir William remark does howB. Sc. Esq.
The drawing and the anonymous ever, serve to remind us that the Absolutely no notice was taken of letters have been placed in the hands duty of criticism, of unfailing and this absurd offusion. It was feit of the police, and the entire staft that someone was playing a silly of the firm has requested police unremitting watchfulness, is one that should never be forgotten. Bar practical joke. But a few days later protection.
another anonymous, letter with hadians are inclined to take things STOL DRUG IN THE WATER too easy, much 36 that an oe more menacing tone was received.
It ran as follows: 2019 But this is not all. An amazing casional flutter of protest becomes Of New York phenomenon. The present adminisThe Scorpion is nearly ready story has been told to the constabutration, we think, deserves a great to bite. Look out for yourselves. lary by the man who was tempor HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York deal more criticism the has yet Its venom has no cure. It stings arily blinded. He has also had this from every angle.
story written down and has swom received, and Barbadians of every to its truth before a Notary.
clas and opinion will be wanting in Sa ki ped ped.
He stated that he was recently their duty if they keep their mounths approached by an individual who shut, Sir William Robertson critiA QUEER DRAWING sought his aid in placing a powerful TAST TOOXS 21 Dollars Cy.
The initials at the end of this mis drug into the water cooler at the sive and the strange hyphenated firm office. This drug, he was Men Clothes word which followed the conveyed told, was a secret preparation Africa or India and when taken into nothing to the recipients. They continued to feel merely that some misthe body would cause violent din Europe and America resounds with ruided individual was trying to be eruptions which no medical or sur gical skill could eure.
denunciations of the foolishness of funny at their expense.
Needless to say he indignantly men clothing. The site collars, Shortly afterwards a erade symrefused to do as he was requested.
heavy clothing, and long sleeves of bolical drawing was sent to the mermen are contrasted with the tree and chant by an anonymous artist. It was to West Indian Residents of the Isthmus unrestricted limb movement which executed apparently in Chinese Ink more sensible women demand of with a Chinese brush, and represent Kirton ed man head with tears falling from the eyes.
formed in London in which men The head was surrounded by a Modern Tailor hangman noose and close by was a pledged themselves to wear Shorts PANAMA COLON scorpion with menaging claws upand open shes during the summer.
No 57 raised.
AT FRONT STREET But the efforts of these hardy This letter was sent to the head of Calldonia Road pioneers came to naught under the the firm and on the same day a card pile of ridicule which was heaped (Cente pero and we Robertson sojourn amongst es it and on The National City Bank a Total Assets more than Two Thousand Million olama aotwithstanding ot SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies 25 Years of Service For three months every JORT The National Tity Bank of New York their dress designers few weeks ago a society was


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