
People Think all Chauffeurs Destructive Sheiks, HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGLISH TWEEDS AND FLANNELS ALSO THE FINEST SELECTION STETSON HATS AND PACKARD SHOES TO SELECT FROM Packard SHOE It never rains, but it hails. Luck other song!
ily, it does not always snow. Somebody is peeved again. Somebody is This girl was very kind some time guilty of grossly misunderstanding to me, the real situation, and that wilfully. For me, at Throne of Grace she used To me, its a big joke. told her to plea; this, and she replied to me. what But now, because some other girls a joke to you is a poke to me. Now, are kind, did not mean to poke her. simply She mad with rage, and with disnarrated the facts in connection with gust she blind!
how the girls were falling for me and me for them. If that poked her, do not know, cannot tell the way can help it. If one looks for To soothe her passion, or her wild something it is liable to be found.
dismay; The truth is that she looked west It seems to me must give her a when she should look east. That is chance all her fault, though she does not to rant and rave, then make some admit. From the girls do not ex new advance!
pect admission. They don admit anything except it is forced upon Then shall place myself anew bethem, and of course, that admission Let no one ask who is Miss is not voluntary. It is not guarante. Because will not tell you; ed; but its the best they are will. know Miss and she knows me, irg to do. am not therefore in clined to force them against their Not knowing her won hurt you!
will. My plan, and it is an old one, is to try and convince them by moral Speaking about tantalizing makes suasion or something of the sort me remember a story. In a certain This method does not always keep village umpteen years ago, there them pleased with you, but it mini lived two room mates. Whether they mises their wrath, and nobody cares were room mates according to law to meet a girl in wrath.
or contrary to law, did not find out This one name is Miss The name of the male of the species That not her full name, but that was Fitz, and the female Jamima how call her. She so peeved that One day in the evening, Fitz came she comes right out and tells me so home from work. The water war am disappointed, she said, low, and Jamima was unable to find thought you would keep your word ingredients to make the Cukoo As a gentleman. told her that she which Fitz was very fond, and which was minus one thought that she had he was accustomed to get every the old saying that when evening before. Jamima herrell was in Rome, you must do as the Ro somewhat perturbed which fact she mans do that she expected me to exhibited by tossing things about the do what nobody else does that house, while she muttered something keeping one word is yet to be in which Fitz was unable to har. This troduced in these parts, and as it irritated Fitz, so he called to Jamina takes a license to make that in saying, Nigga woman, don you troduction, it will not be made by see me in de house? Jamima retort.
ed, deed don Not another sound was made except this. biff!
However, did not tantalize her. biff! right on top of Jamima loud To soothe her passion and wipe away speaker. These did not put the loud her tears, have composed this poem speaker altogether out of commiswhich dedicate to her: sion, so Jamima cooly said. not so And hug het Nightly as often did, Fitz, not so. Fitz replied. 30 yes.
While this to other fellows forbid! so. Be crois, of neder get me cuckoo, Amen!
an den you start to tantaloize ma ron de bargain. An is six six, you fore tantaloize my wid de mout. and oi girl who feels that she should me tentaloize you wid blows. adore; DEDICATED TO MISS Hear! all ye girls who doth possess Another of the girls is peeved at me a mate, That seems the way on life tempes. It is not right and mete to tantalize; tuous sea; Because ye might get biff! upon yer right, tis wrong, and wrong, tis pate, doubly wrong, And then yer neighbors ye will By Gosh! You re wrong! there is no scandalize!
LA MASCOTA MULLER Prop 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 forgotten Or me.
JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY The slogan that All chauffeurs are boneheads of the rabble, having only an eye for shiek suits, a ready dollar, a ride, and pretty gals, has taken root with the learned as well as the otherwise. In certain circles the chauffeur is the Solomon of the Tewentieth Century. He is to be watched with a telescope. If a girl names a boy friend to her parents, she is curtly asked: Do you mean that chauffeur boy?
Evidently, on us have been pinned a fuzzy reputation. Do we deserve it all? If not, why haven we refut.
ed it?
Well, the world has been rapidly changing with every new moment ever since the World War; and every old fogy heart is palpitating because old, unworkable social customs are being torn down and replaced by modern ones.
PPY SOCIETY We have, today, the Modern Girl, the Modern Man and the Flapper; against these are the Modern Lad the Modern Man and the Shiek. This doesn sound 80 well against the Sunday School, the Old Heaven and the Old Proposal Letter, but these modern groups will not stand being directed as in the days of yore. The modern girl and the modern man are going live their own lives lives to suit Modern Times and there is no question about that. It is the way of civilization: Somebody group breaks away from the old, unworkable customs and a new standard of civilization set up. Had not for this occasional breaking away, no advancement would come about, and we would be looked upon by future generations as a pack of morons who couldn add one jot to the advancement of the world. Yet, when an individual or group rebels against hasd customs and establishes something new and workable, which adds to the happiness of mankind, that individual or group is scorned and looked upon as dangerous to the well being of unhappy society.
GLAD HAND OF HYPOCRISY It is a peculiar trait of mankind to stomach all the hardships imposed by accial precedent even when his gall burns with discontent and unhappiness. He will fight with all his might any other precedent or custom which affects his well being, but when it comes to courtship, marriage, the rearing of his children, ete, he is willing to lay down like a dog to be patted on the back by his neighbor and be given the glad hand of hypocrisy and an invitation to tea. Happily, the modern woman and, the modern man are different. They are too busy absorbing new ideas and making new moves than to wait for the pat on the back or the hipoeritical glad hand. Moreover, they are capable of working and buying their own tea.
MODERN WOMEN Once upon time women were thought of as being fitted only to sweep houses and care babies; today they are hollering for equal rights and holding down any job their brothers once held. Who, therefore, would want to direct her ir the way she should spend her love, affection and money? And it she has walked out of the position where one is commanded like a child, why then should myon poet the dern to eling still to the child posltion?
CHAUFFEUR HAS VIRTUES The chauffeur is a modern man like any other, only, he may be more light hearted and that not had sign today. If he, as a man should be blamed for the evils of a chautfeur, then by all meang credit him with these virtues: a light heartedness that spreads its joy to the modern girl, and, keeping the com.
munity in line with modern styles But the chauffeur of today will not be content with such a lined off position in the scheme of things to (Continued on Page LIVE TOPIOS Have You Tried Chivers. of am and equitable position for our good in his country, feel honored in asBY PILGRIM WILKINS sociating my humble contribution of thanks with theirs, together with my Our Colon City Representative Cristobal, promise that having seriously, but with profound pleasure, closely scrutinized the good things the good MaORGANIZATION DETERMINATION jor has said and promised US, Of course it was not my intention and deportment as well is the fear shall at any and all times, whether at the outset to write under my Or. less mien of Major Alfred Aleman, in my sojourn in his native land conganization and Determination cap reminds a student of holy writ tinue or terminate, always bear tion this week; but as meant to in great minds like Cyrus, Darius such expressions of goodwill, in clude my impressions on Major Ale Xerxes, who in an hour of adversity mind; and whenever should think man valued gesture and fearless wherein the safety of God chosen or feel have an opportunity to say expressions and promise to at all the treachery of the enemies of those clevation of such a gentle or gentile people was at stake as a result of good word for the praiseworthy times to befriend as, British West In people, the Almighty so contraverted Panamanian, in ways or connections dians, who are desirous of living in those schemes as to have manifestly that might place him in his country peace, concord and mutual Goodwill made the wroth of man to praise. service directly in contact with of: as are very necessary essentials Who knows but that Almighty ficial or ambassadorial positions unamong civilined peoples in order that the country or community of said God has been attentive to the cry of der the Union Jack, shall add my peoples domicile might profit there such oppressed souls, in our hour little say thereto, etc.
of adversity and want in this counly. Especially are such essentials at this moment lost in necessary at this time in the history that men like Major Aleman should comes to my mind while try try an to have purposely designed thought on several things, which of the good. Major country.
be entrusted with powers which here express myself. My heart, thie ing a brotherly expressions in my article comment on the Majorat a time when in God ordering and sible for a really well trained son or it is in accordance with his will daughter of this Land of Promise, had to curtail suid comment then.
which began last week, and having that Anglo Saxon understanding to be among such as would dare to consider it in place to continue un shall become something more than conclude that Britain counts any of der the said caption and particular merely proverbial? Despite the An the Millions comprising and composly direct my thoughts, to a desery glo Saxon tongue, one the ing her national children such ing account, this week, of the said thington responsible for Latin appre deserve the epithet of Undesirables gentleman attitide toward us as a road and or the offscouring of humanity debody of people resident in the coun broad hearts and minds like the serving only of abuse and humillahonorable Alfred Aleman. Esquire, tion and oppression.
Under caption LIVE TOPICS le responsible for his nation further advancement and progress and will therefore, will now proceed in an be used be used to draw more closely the humble attempt to representatively bonds of deep the La as well as from my own personaltion nations by the Anglo1. BOX 649 ANCON, feelings of gratitude find among Saxon, and at such times that West Panama official rentry, such a Indians, who have contributed to the broad minded and farsinghed gentle best in Panama achievement con Cirilo Sandford man whose likes are such that make will instead of being reckoned for the wine and discreet stateman. among the undersirables, will reAttorney at Law ship that is of paramount importanca ceive their desserts among the real in this day in which we live to work constructors of Panama republican OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 1834 for international comity, rather the commonwealth.
the hairbrained propagandist whose MAJOR ALEMAN ATTITUDE activities spell destruction on the Among those have heard make statutes of equity necessary for felic expressions of gratitude for the at.
city among rational beings.
titude taken by Mr. Alfred Aleman Drink Salada Tes the best for fine spirit evident in the person in what we believe to be his honest the Tropica Chivers Jams and Old English Marmalade are world famous to RS FOR SALE AT Antonio Fong Co.
Kito Chen and George See OPPOSITE PUBLIC MARKET try.
among AND The Colon Products COLON ESCOFFERY Agent

    World War

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