
PAGE FIVE MATTERS OF INTEREST. TO WOMEN Beauty Hints Greetings Girls, Greeting!
at me now.
proper. very TROTT The Cleaner at so Leaves for the Mount Carmen Lodge to have Letter to the Editor United States Picnic Nov. 4th BY MRS. LOUIS ST. HILL The picnic to be held by Mount Treatment of Aliens Among those sailing on Wednesday Carmen Lodge, No. 37, on Panama Ancon, C.
Phone 1691X last for New York on the Mon(BY N. and, in the form of indelible alleggolia was Miss Harris, of this Independence Day, at Old Panama To The Editor The Workman. iance, became part of the internal city. Prior to her departure her will be a distinet feature for ex Panama political policy of most European friends gathered at her home at No. cursionist who are looking for a jolly In continuation of last week I states. An individual, born sub16. Higinio Duran Street, San Mi. bunch with whom to spend a day of shall new deal with the subject ject, always retained that character.
Ofttimes we hear expressed by some core. Brushing is always an essen. her au revoir.
guel, on Monday night last to bid recreation.
aliens and domicile.
Such personal and property rights of our old, modern day folks, Oh, tial and in doing so, remember to Everything has been arranged for The term alien is applied to any as he was permitted to enjoy crew ve passed the age when there was wipe your brush clean in order to sing the mutual friendship which the excursion and reservations are state, at any time, who is not a citi. his native Sovereign, and were not Several toasts were made expres.
person within the territory of cut of the fact of his allegiance to need of my worrying about my hair remove the particles accummulating existed between them and the die being made daily. The committee in een or subject of that state, either by recognized beyond that sovereign and face. ve passed the worse on it. Don allow one who knows parting friend and wishing her whose hands all arrangements are birth or naturalization. These foreig. territory. The result was to make married, have children and so, no as much as you do to tryout on your prosperity in the land of her sojourn. given, are prepared to make this pic ners are susceptible to classification the lot of an one is looking head, especially where special treat Among those present were: alien particularly nie the talk of the Pacific side for into: ment is needed.
hard one in early times. So soon as The Misses Albertha Burgess, (a) Aliens or aliens Legall, Hadley. Dorris Hinds, many day, as the preparations for be passed the frontier, and entered That a grave the multitude that will go into the cluding those persons who are so the territory of another state, he QUESTIONS FROM OUR Wilhelmina Hunt, Doloretta George journing temporarily within the state all other exwas regarded mistake. without rights Albertha Hunt, Annie Jarrett, Estel country will exceed READERS la Williams, Elsie Swanston, Estella cursions.
of who are passing through its ter. Such privileges of residence and of ritory friends. Un Ques. What is a good remedy for Palmer, Maryan Bowen, Emeline Tickets are on sale and can be had cupation as he enjoyed were held kampit hair hair that is falling (b) Domiciled strangers, including upon sufferance only, and could be out in bala Anderson, Mesdames Adella Small, spots.
all persons who have acquired a withdrawn or cancelled at the pleaH. Francis, Nelson, Albertha from any member of the Mount Carand face tell Thomas Ans. Such scalp needs peeling Weeks. Masters. Jones, MarM. Couse, Henry, men Lodge and other lodges. The legal domicile at some place within sure of the sovereign in whose terHappy Land Orchestra will enteriis territorial jurisdiction.
ritory he was resident. If he died their own story with iodine a hot oil treatment once The peculiar view of allegiance in a foreign country, his property dif2 week. Apply a good pomade shall, John Hunt, Grant, Messers tain throughout the day. Buses wil! Coward, York, Sandi leave the Station at a.
which prevailed during the feudal both real and personal was forfeited salve daily; massage properly. Someperiod survived the down fall of the to the sovereign in accordance with ferent storytime physician should be consult. Tord, Smith, Reid. Allan for the grounds.
system in which it had originated Hinds, Alfonso Crick, Williams (Continued on page 7)
from yours: a ed, but there are times when a well. Prescott, Sealey, rough story. Few well thinking Mahon, trained hair specialist can handle women today care so little about your case to better advantage.
Victor Grant, Dixon, Richards, their personal appearance that Allen, Hunt, Cummings do not like to have a clean head, face, medy for an itching scalp? Interest.
Ques. Please tell me of a good re Small, Brown.
and clean nails. Everywhere one sees Miss Harris leaves to take up re DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON ed Reader.
beautifully groomed men and women sidence with her relatives, and Ans. See a trained, hair culturi PHONE453 PANAMA whose face, hair and nails are taken STBAM PRESSING the same time to pursue a course of care of by some trained beauty culQues. What is the purpose of an studies. While here she was a very 16 STREET turist.
egg shampoo. Some people beat an prominent member in fraternal DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA And yet that is not all. have then try to fight it out with hot egg and put it into the hair and Circles.
spoken of appearance only, but there is another aspect FEELINGS.
water and soap. Modern Girl. their social comminglings is like the There is a distinct pleasure in hav.
Ans. An egg shampoo is used to jarry effects of an earthquake shaking the scalp and hair healthy and soften hair and is generally given for ing and renting assunder the pillars clean. It is an absolute essential in over bleached or dyed hair or hair of social ethics.
the foundation of all hair work.
that is too dry or brittle. An ege To know how to care for the scalp shampoo, rightly applied, can be Whether we weigh the subject it is necessary to be able to recognize given with good results to the hair with the eye of a casual observer scalp conditions and to know the in other cases.
or with the analytical consciousness proper method of treating them. Ques. What is a good remedy for of serious and seasoned judgement Perhaps the most common conditions, perspiring hands.
we cannot logically escape the in today, among those of average Ans. The use of alcohol occasional evitable querry to whither are our health, are the over oily scalp, the ly will benefit the condition of dry scalp and the tired scalp. perspiring hands.
young men headed. For the first condition use Ques. What is good for rough Ever since the Almighty conceiv.
medicated astringent. The hands. Hard Worker.
ed the idea, decided upon, and did scalp needs to be properly mas Ans. Most women have to do their make woman, she has become saged (electrically. to bring the own laundry and dish washing and seriously and intricately interwoven blood to the surface to stimulate the may not be so positioned as to be into every phase of mans existence circulation and to feed the roote of able to use non alkali soap the hair. Also brush the hair with powders, and so the hands get rough discuss the one without the other.
or that not even in discussion could we good firm brush. For dry scalp, and shiny after washing. Use plain from which dandruff often develops, vaseline on your hands, from elbow We therefore see the myriads of a good, vigorous scalp massage with down, rubbing in upwards.
degenerating women on the one hand an oily tonic will aid largely in im Ques. What do you suggest for a and the imponderable number of men proving the condition. Remember not thin sprawny neck. Worried. on the other all seem headed in the to wear too light hat, for this Ans. Neck exercises and tissue same direction, riding on the train helps very much to aggrevate that building cream will help you much of intemperance and immorality particular type of scalp. Then there worried.
headed straight to hell.
is the tired scalp, which is generally caused by nervousness or illness. It We listen on one hand, and we is HOW TO GET THE WORKMAN necessary to give this scalp scienhear the voices of men, like comtific care. Such a scalp is undulv All those persons who complani of not seeing The Workman in the plaining brooks placing upon the sensitive and needs a firm but gentle shoulders of their women the remassage, using a tonic or pomade to street, may be glad to know that it make the hair grow, meanwhile can be had at 122 Ancon Avenue sponsibilities for their failures in life. And on the other hand we hear restoring to health the scalp. In ear downstairs at the shoeshop or upstairs at Mrs. St. Hill Beauty the moamings and groanings of the ing for the hair the scalp is improv.
OU look, feel and do your best when your weight is right. The real beauty secret is to eat wisely. Sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks and ed, but it, too, must have individual Parlor.
women with the same theory in the the high spirits of youth are the result of proper food and exercise.
vise versa. And then the question Safeguard your health. Be sure the milk you drink and cook your comes, on whom should the onus be SORRRRRR foods with, is pure, clean and safe. Use St. Charles Evaporated Milk.
placed. It is selected fresh cow milk, from which 61 of the water has been The men in their search for more removed. It is always uniform in quality and more than twice as rich worlds to conquer have been like as ordinary milk. It is preserved by sterilization, which means that a mercenary band; warlike; indisit is free from harmful germs. It is easier to digest because it is BY: CESPEDES BURKE creet traveling with their fixed homogenized. It is always available, convenient, economical and safe.
bayonets but also finding that Last week, in this little corner We WITH OUR MEN. Of course in their EVES with mature judgement made an attempt to essay the sub entering upon this subject we re etc. are outdoing them in eunning ject WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH verently bow in acceptation of the and warlike tenacity and encountering financial handicaps in their wag.
OUR WOMEN? It is admitted saying that the female of the that much more could have been said species are deadlier than the male. ings of War they have seemingly We seem to feel an air of perfect decided upon the line of least rein defense of the ideal women and that additional tons of venom could freedom when we assail this subject, sistence, and thus we find many of the little EVAS falling innocent have been heaped upon those women as, being male ourselves, there seems these who constitute the unwholesomely hardly any necomity for immaginary prey to the machinations of social bull dogs; these war heroes lexurious class of ultra moderns. If restraint of language in the premise Of course, it should also be anwhose bayonets must be dipped in was also evident that we failed to blood. And thus we have arrived have said even a word in apprecia derstood, that the females, the ma.
at the first step on the ladder of sotion for those few reticent, modestles, when we enter upon this subeet cial degeneration, which magnifies it should be divided into at least two young ladies who have been as the importance of the querry WHAT were obscured by the exptivating general classes, e, the ideal man SHALL WE DO WITH OUR MEN?
meritricious fascinations of the pun as distinguished from the voluptuarRiding upon a train of constructive derous number of young women ies who in the theatres of their fethought unbounded, we would call whose thoughts in their pursuit of minine operations are always seekMrs. Ada Stevens for the preservation of social ethics life and happiness (1) swing upon ing more worlds to conquer. but viewing the road to unwholeSurgeon Dentist the hinges of a lascivous concept of Fashionable It is this type of man young, mid some luxury to which we are headed, the aphorism Variety in the spice dle aged and old with whom we are the cognizance assails us that un Dressmaker 23 Central Avenue Panama City, of lite.
at this time concerned. It is this This weeck, to the extent that this type of men who constitute the group of, and proper disposition of the subless we are prepared for discussion and Milliner Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, and space will permit (and in nees of male degenerat who are ser. ject What shall we do with Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works cordance with previous announce idusly threatening with destruction House No. 13. Stroot ment) we shall set ourselves to the the sacred altars of prudence, moral men the true ethical problem and the prized conventionalities of 30San Miguel Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment pen task WHAT SHALL WE DO ity and justice; whose conductin (Continued on Page ooo 0000000000 My BEAUTY SECRET is Good Health You ΣΥΣ MUGWUMPISMS SCHARE ST. CHARLES MILK There Cream in every Drop Dr. Leo Pink our


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