
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 12, 1920, INTERESTING ENTERTAINING INSTRUCTIVE ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION WEST INDIANS MAKING HISTORY Edited By LEACOCK Carribean Scouts who attended the Jamboree Fill Those Empty Sockets WITH EDISON MAZDA LAMP BULBS sure With overy purchaso of six Bulbs We give absolutely free a BEAUTIFUL PLAY HOUSE FOR THE CHILDREN a Keep a Supply of EDISON MAZDA BULBS Always on Hand Gonuino Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs are sold by Lyons Hardware Co. Cont Store, Millers Spoolalty Shop, Panam: Hardware (2 Stores) Wong Chang Co. Cardoze Lindo, Omphroy, Duque Co. In Panama, and by Colon Cyclo Co. Wilcox Co. In Colon or by any of our Employees Cia Panameña de Fuerza y Luz Ask for EDISON MAZDA and Refuse Substitutes them pass, Buy With Exide Confidence Music Jottings Gaiety Club Holds Unique Ball (BY This column being dedicated to the Fanned by gentle week end (Coninued from last issue) mittee for their hearty welcome and cause of music and especially music breeze which gave comfort and zest The Trinidad and Tobago boys from Mr. Firth, the Scoutmaster, al activities in and around this city to the invitees who attended the ball were having a then gave a rendering of the follow that they very it is very appropriate to mention this given by the members of the Gaiety Ing yell :full sight seeing programme, and week, the entertainment to be given Club on Saturday night last 5th inst by the Panama Symphony Orchestra R N D D.
he was of that their and Concert Party tomorrow evening ant, the hall of the division 17 We are Scouts from Tere, first impressions, if they came to be at the Excelsior Theatre and the the at street presentA Boom Lac, Boom Lac, recorded, would be exceedingly inter Musicale by the members of the Sted a scene hardly ever witnessed beHave you any doubts, esting to those who had happened to Paul Friendly Society at the Pafore on this specific occasion.
We are, We are, Trinidad Scouts. grow up in England. He welcomed nama Capital Hall (tomorrow evening There was youth and splendour in also. all its grandeur, and a peep into the Surely, this music does play hall at the faces of the guests, spoke great part in the social life of our community. While there may a language which is difficult to be other matters of primary and see enjoyable and fascinating as youth reiterate. Why? There is nothing so ondary importance, after a week of strenuous labor in the workshop forth at this function.
and there was plenty of it gushing or office, some sort of recreation is needed, and to enjoy an evening of The musie to which these lads and real high class musie is refreshing losses tripped the terpsichorean art to the mind, body and soul.
was provided by the famous Royal It makes you forget your troubles at the piano. Truly it was a story Flush Orchestra with Mr. Bennet and cares and fills you with renewed energy and inspiration to perform. story told in the arts music and another week work, then, there dancing.
should be some consideration for Will you dance with me was the those who work for a cause like this popular question of the evening. The to give entertainment to others.
party was dissolved at an early hour In many cases, it is lightly spoken with feelings of regret.
of, but many thinking persons argue THE CONTINGENT FROM BRITISH GUIANA is essentialThe HoAfter luncheon the combined party the party on behalf of the West In. nourable David Lloyd Georg plavica St. Paul Friendly Society were taken in two coaches to the hospitality. Sir Alfred Sherlock, the harp, and he was a politieinn of to Holld Musicale Zoological Gardens where they were whom they were glad to meet again Has music any relation to Politics. note. Now, here comes the question.
met by Mrs de Pass. Tea was provid that morning they regarded as an Don worry, questions like these can Members of the St. Paul friended in the grounds and a tired but old friend.
and will be answered, but only byly society will hold a grand Musicale delighted party returned to Earl He then called upon the boys to those who are capable of uldertak tomorrow evening at 30 in Court with happy recollections of render their Yell as an expression ing them.
the hall of the Panama Capital at day well spent.
of their gratitude.
The phases of the Etude Club 22nd street Guachapali.
On Friday (23rd. the united con Oh. Demerara, Oh, Demer ra ra.
and the Little tots orchestra have The Society choir which consists already been covered, and if this of some of the best voice in the city tingents from Jamaica, Barbados, You better clear the way, let column is to be continued, new litera will render music for the occasion Trinidad and Tobago placed wreaths ture must be got.
and will be assisted by several wellon the Cenotaph at Whitehall.
For when you see Demerara with Anyway, venture to say that my known artistes. Among the musical On Tuesday, August 27th, over their royal blue and gold, musical friends will come to my numbers to be rendered are the fatwenty Scouts from British Guiana them pass, let them pass, rescue in case happen to fall by mous Hallelujah Chorus by Haydn were entertained by the West India Oh. Demer ra ra ra.
the way, but the column must be the Heavens are Tellings by Haydn Committee. After visiting the Tower Oh. Demer ra ra ra.
kept up anyway.
and many other works from the ole of London, they assembled for lunch E E A A.
The Xtmas season is fast approach masters.
eon at the Committee Rooms at 14, ing, therefore, It might not be ditMr. Henry Adamson is in charge Demerara.
Trinity Square, where they were ficults to have something to say of the choir and is doing everything Through the generosity of Sir Al under this heading, because will to ensure a successful evening. Solos met. by Lt. Col. Ivan Davson, o. fred Sherlock each scout was pres have to write to suit the occasion and Quartettes by individual memB. Deputy Chairman, and ented with a mounted photograph as Just a few weeks more and the old bers of the choir will augment the Sir Alfred Sherlock, Hon. Treasurer. reproduced on page.
man Santa Claus will be around the programme.
Colonel Davson, in the course of a few remarks, said that for most of Court, with Dr. Vinter as guide, The party then visited Hampton corner bringing presents for the little ones and news of good cheer.
the Scouts this was their first visit and an early return, was made to beautiful tanes which will be played He will come in time to hear the Panama Symphony Orchestra to the Mother Country. He had learnt enable the Scouts to attend at the dian Committee.
to Hold Classical Concert for the season. Then there will be Hotel Cecil, where they were Mr. Firth, responding on behalf guests the of the Contingent, thanked Colonel Diamond Fields of British Guiana, at dinner of the United music in the air.
Tomorrow Dayeon and the West India Com Ltd. West India Committee Circular.
The first entertainment since the Graceful And remodelling of the Excelsior Theatre Unusual Jewelry wil be held tomorrow at 00 under the auspices of the Panama Symphony Orchest and Concert Party, when, in connection with the unique programme, many new vocal and instrumental numbers will be rendered.
The Negro Spiritual Heaven to be sung by the concert party will be one of the evening attarctions.
Among the artistes contributing will be Mrs. Walker Headly, Miss We take a great deal of Doris Rodney and her brother and Mr. Davis.
pride in having our stock of jewelry represent all that is Wesleyan Choir will be an addition Mr. Daniel Cook of the Panama not only newest and best, to the party; his sturdy and grave Mrs. de Pass with the Jamaica Contingent but that also is different bass will be heard to advantage on from the common run. Every the stage. It is hoped that the enjewel loving woman should tire party and audience will keep visit our store and revel in their emotions in check when the the glorious display of Jew they must remember that there spiritual Heaven is being sung, for is elry and Precious Stones.
another heaven (a hereafter. Mr. Harris will act in the THE TAILOR capacity of chairman and a sucessful musical evening is anticipated.
122 Central Ave.
15 STREET WEST HOUSE NO. J. Small ETUDE CLUB TO MEET DENTIST Members of the Etude Club will MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm convene a meeting at their hall on. 30 to 30 pm Thursday night next 17th instant Sundays, by Special Appoinment when large attendance is expectMasonic Temple ifth St, ed. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Renewed interest is being taken in PHONE: OFFICE 1664 the club and all are looking forward PHYSICIAN to good things.
GET YOUR HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Job Printing If you have a Prescription to No. K STREET DONB AT THB be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Workman PANAMA CITY Plaza, where you will get cour Printery teous and obliging service Where starting and lighting efficiency in concerned, you can travel blithely on with out fear of trouble if your battery is an EXIDB mame known THE LONG LIFE to motoning millione.
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