p. 8


Chauffeurs Column DEATH AT SILVER CITY with our man to regulate their 90 120.
Activities (Continued from Page 5)
ciety must ultimately fall.
The first song service to be held What shall we do with our men. under the auspices of the La Boca There are seven Athenaeum for the current half year particularly our young who have races listed for will take place in the Clubhouse toapparently thrown aside all other tomorrow offering at Juan Franco.
morrow (Sunday) afternoon, begin.
thought of aspiration enrobed in the The card is made up of mostly na ning at o clock. The principal armor of inflexibility lend an ear tive bred ponies and it is certain speaker will be Mr. Parch of deafness to all other views of ment of Gamboa; that taking into consideration the Music and Books. The balance of life but the conquering bayonet pedigree of many of these hoofers the proram will consist of vocal and charging proelivity? Rome, onee instrumental selections their showing should not fall short tionary items. Several outstanding and elocunighty: historians tell us that as of seasoned imported horses at prethou increased in power thou intalent will contribute, including Mrs.
creased in immorality and consequent sent performing out at the pony Olga King, vocalist; and Miss Lilias ly was your own undoing!
track. Of the seven races only one Cragwell, elocutionist Admission Whether it is that present day event is listed for imported horses will be free and the public is cordially invited.
and even at that, Royal Eagle, a nayoung men are fed too lavishly with The tive bred, makes up the event of six society for Saturday night the 19th novelty supper planned by the FEATURE EVENT the inviting hand of Eve and her beentries.
guiling serpent like trickeries is for of this month, is being looked forMarcela Last Sunday meet while not ward to by dozens of invited guests.
Cantones Colondrina us to reason. It is evident, neverpulled off to the satisfaction of the This entertainment promises to be an theless that young men of the day regular turfites, was indeed a great supper prepared by as innovation. After an enjoyable light First Race Starts at p.
are moving too fast. We require a many lady check and that will not come unti)
improvement ono past meets and there were many expressions of apguests as will be present, dancing women begin to think more highly will feature the balance of the propreciation on the change. It is to be 25c of themselves and demand higher gram.
hoped that tomorrow meet will The judges report of the Junior ethical inter relations from their opstill be a further improvement on Essay Contest held during the past posites.
the previous Sunday.
half year has been received by the And then, when the question comes The following is the program: society, and the findings will be ando finally to us. What shall we lat Race Furlongs Neext Tuesday will be Juniors The Passing of the 110 Night, when, it is understood, El Medico say, Davey Lee junior members of the society will women and let the man follow or ul(Continued from Page conduct mock court. Continued from Page Miss Alicec Prentice Palssed Away timately we shall be forced to adopt Huerfano Miss Leanor Jump and Mr. who is at present employed at the not a chauffeur position. His qualicial. He wants a man position After Five Months Illness Dampwing the social platform of the orientals.
110 Sewell have been appointed leaders British Legation, Panama City, be ties, mentality and worth, not the To wit: Let them be the conquering Darlen 100 in a debate come oft during the ing called up on phone and told of name of his occupation, should deter William Prentice of House 6035, Sil prey to their bloody bayonets on Mrs. Alicee Prentice, wife of Mr.
lattr part of this month.
general possessors of all who fall and Race Furlongs The Athenaeum has accepted an his father illness, immediately took mine his status.
Colombia 118 invitation from the La Boca District the first train, having arrived at Ca ver City, died in the Gorgas Hospi. the equation of their financial and Bubbling Water 120 of the Panama Canal West Indianlon, he immediately summoneda Neither his group or any other tal on Thursday, October would physical possibilities. This Annie Laurio 110 Employes Association to promote deetor, who advised him to take him heaval which the world is now un. sometime, but depending on the man first concern would then be group sat and planned the social up The deceased had been ailing for change the order of things and 117 joint program. The date, it is un to hospital immediately which he dergoing. Men might have planned strong constitution she possessed Palo Loco derstood, has been fixed for the 29th did; he was taken to the Panama the World War but they had not the she tried to brave it through. The stantial, financially and rd Racee Fuurlongs of the present month.
the acquisition of something subCanal Hospital where he remained slightest idea that the social outcome stubbornness of the ailment, howLa Loma physically Zapo 122 for three days, and was transferred would be as it is. But what? It is ever, compelled her to go to the hosChurch Services before launching out to conquer.
100 Laughing Water to Panama Hospital where it was and as he seeks more worlds he 118 nearer for his son to visit him daily plain that mankind had a simmering pital.
Mayara of a social reform idea pent up in would of necessity he forced to as Don Simon 105 St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca but he breathed his last within a his mind. The last war ripened it She went to the Colon Hospital pire for more physical and financial Trigo.
on the morning of September wealth, and only then may their con At 11 a. Mr. Palmer, quarter of an hour afterwards. De and created the avenue for its gush where she was admitted. Tho doe duct be in harmony with the fundaIntimo Lay Reader, will conduct Matins, ceased was born on the 15th day of ond deliver an address, as the Rector August, 1861. He had not long en ing out. This goes to show that the tors, seeing that she was seriously ments of the social order.
4th Race Furlongs goes to St. Barthalomew s, Las Cas. tered his both year but did not ap. unrest of man soul cannot be tied ill, took no chances in detaining her Cococha pear to have been as old as that. He down forever by custom. Man should there, but sent her to the Gorgas IMPORTANT NOTICE Church School will convene at Jackie 126 make rules, rules shouldn make Don Florentino Hospital.
123 promptly, under the super. leaves to mourn their loss, a wife man! So, it seems best for all to get vision of the Lay Render.
and seven children, and five grand in line and help rid the world of the She remained there for a time in Persons holding tickets for the Tunney 100 Commencing at 30, precisely, the children. Mrs. Howell, the same condition. Later, however, dance to be given by Chapter 14 of Lagrimita 106 the Rector will conduct Evensong wite, at Barbados, His chil. many unhappy lives that die with she commenced to show signs of the LA. at their Hall on SaturHoney Dew 105 and preach. most cordial invitaout in tion to all dren being Rev. Garfield Howell improvement, and those who saw day, 19th inst. are hereby advised 5th Race Furlongs the divorce courts. Mankind has her were of the opinion that she that the Royal Flush Orchestra Mulcare, Vicar of St. Barnabas Church, the beautiful tendency of keeping his would soon recover.
will furnish the music and not the Socia 105 Rector. Brooklyn, Miss Alice Glencora private business to himself, and it Maroela 126 Howell, Miss Clarissa Carlotta, Miss is a cruel social device which forces Things are not always what they Rochester Boys as indicated on Cantones 116 St. Bartholomew s, Las Cascadas Millicent Claudine, Mrs. Blanche seem, however, and after a few days the tickets.
At 10. 45, a. The Litany will be also of Brooklyn, New York, and him to broadcast it to the world.
Colondrina 100 of this hopeful condition, a message said, after which the Holy Com.
So after all, the evolution of Cartagena 102 munion will be celebrated and an ad. James Cuthbert.
things is a sufficient refutation for sent to the relatives, stating In Commemoration Royal Eagle 90 dress delivered by the Priest inthat was the chauffeur and the modern girl latives rushed to the hospital and 6th Race Furlongs Charge.
PANAMA WESLEYAN Church School and Confirmation (Contiued from Page 1)
position. The chauffeur is not the after seeing her, thought that the Don Simon 105 Class will be held at 80, by cause of our social upheaval, he is recitation was then rendered message was only a false alarm, for Miss Dennis entitled The Flag. An Zapo 122 the Lay Reader, Mr. Jos. Brathwaite. Christian Endeavor Society the product of it.
she seemed well to have been on the address by Mr. Jeffers was folMay 100 Mulcare, The weekly programme in conTrigo 105 Priest in Charge.
lowed by an organ selection by Miss road to recovery.
nection with the Panama Wesleyan NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Rippling Water 115 took place week to date, another message Brereton. Mr. Flemming deliver Wesleyan ed Bubbling Water 95 St. Simon Mission, Gamboa, right last 9th instant when musical Our New Providence correspond was sent, stating that she was dying od the principle address of the even ing his subject being Religion and Matins and address, 11. and literary contributions from the ent writes that quite a large num Again the relatives went to the hos Polítics. vocal solo by Miss Finn 7th Race 1 Furlongs Mr. E. McCarthy, Lay Reader. members made a very interesting ber of West Indians availed them. pial, this time only to see her followed by the closing hymn The Jackie Church and evening.
selves of the invitation extended breathe her last day thou gavest Lord is ended and Cocochs 100 Class, 30, Following are the contributors: them to the manifestation held Her mortal remains were laid to the Benediction terminated the even.
Tunney 107 Mulcare, Monday night the 80th ult. in honor Priest in Charge. Miss Ivy Myers reading.
120 Don Florentino of President Harmodio Arosemena, rest at the Mount Hope Cemetery on ing program, Meeting will be held tomorrow at Miss Louise Dawkin reading.
and journeyed over to Panama and Saturday last. large number of 00 when the public is cordialLagrimita 108 107 Honey Dew Job Printing Miss Brownie vocal Solo. took part in the big demonstration sympathisers followed the cortege ly invited.
Miss Odle Piano Selection.
which, it is claimed was the biggest She is survived by a husband and DONB AT THE Misses Stevens and Searlett ever witnessed for any similar mani.
five children one son and four If you have a Prescription to BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Workman Vocal Duet.
festation in Panama City.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana ADVERTISERS AND GET Rev. Wade reading.
Miss Stevensons reading.
Drink Salada Ten the best for We hereby offer the bereaved re Plaza, where you will get cour VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
Printery The Mizpah brought the programthe Tropica latives our sincere condolence, teous and obliging service me to a close 118 105 123 102. cadas, on 126

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