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PRICE CENTS 800 CHINESE HAVE PERMITS SUSPENDED Panama Council at Hong Kong Colored Colon Woman Duped Out of Cabled to this Effect Yesterday Large Sum of Money American May Be Named For LAX CONDITION IN IMMIGRATION Liberian Commission DEPARTMENT LEADS TO STERN ACTION TO MAKE THOROUGH INVESTIHand Amount to Countryman to PurGATION OF ENFORCED LABOR chase Home in Jamaica Chinese Minlster Says He Will Support CONDITIONS IN LIBERIA als (Capital News Service)
Government An example of how some parish and had confidence WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. The. rogues operating in the in the people and in their Around 800 chinese are cablegram to this ef. troyed return at once. lection of an outstanding colored city play upon the creduli business ability. The result affected by an important fect was sent to the Pana Chinese minister American to represent the ty of some of the less in was that she drew 2229 of measure taken yesterday man consul in Hong Kong.
cooperating in the International Commission formed, was demonstrated her hard earned cash from morning by the Secretary Mr. Roberto Vallarino, de Colonel Jonyer Liao, to investigate Enforced Labor condi. by a matter reported to the the bank and gave it to this of Foreign Relations, in an claring: Great frauds have Chinese minister to Panama tions in Liberia was initiated by the police yesterday.
almost total stranger to attempt to straighten out been discovered in the im is reported to be in full coState Department recently, it was The facts are that a wo purchase a property for her the present deplorable con migration department. Ef operation with the foreign learned here Friday.
man, a native of St. Ann re in Luke Lane, and a few ditions existing in the for fective this date please ab office in their efforts to It is rumored that the position will turned from Colon in July days afterwards she returneign office with regards to stain from authorizing the clear up the dark history o9 be offered to Dr. Emmett Scott after being there for some ed to Colon.
the inmigration of chinese. embarkation of any Chinese chinese inmigration in Pa secretary treasurer of Howard Uni time. She had been very On arrival at Colon, she The orders cancel tem holding permits to return nama.
versity, who is not unfamiliar with thrifty during her sojourn suddenly had a suspicion abroad, and quite an appreporarily all permits held by to this country. Said perHe has steadily refused the country, having served as one of chinese now away from Pa mits are to be forwarded to to make any definite states the commissioners to Liberia which ciable bank account in one that she had not acted wiseus de of the local banks.
ly and returned to Kingnama which would entitle cision as to their validity.
ment on the matter to thc made an exhaustive survey of genAbout three ston at the earliest possible weeks ago them to return here within press, as he maintains that eral conditions in the Republic, in It is recalled that the head utter recrecy must be ad 1908.
she was walking along th opportunity. She arrived the period of three years. It of the inmigration dept. Mi hered to if all concerned are Whether Dr. Scott will accept the Spanish Town Road when here on Tuesday.
is known that inmigration Meyers resigned recently to be rounded up and punish position is a matter of grave doubt she was approached by She hired a motor car and nama allow them to obtain sent status of the inmigra the graft and bribery that firm or deny the rumor.
hawa faffecting hehinese interior from his post due to the pre ed. He admits knowing of however although the refuses toate strange man who asked her paid a visit to Claremont to direct in permits to absent them tion office. It is reported has taken place, thinks that appointment will made in Kingston. The woman den Parish with the hope of a period of three years, at and that Dr. Villalobos form Dr. Ricardo Morales is the selves from the country for that one other was fired the decisivel step taken that shortly, for necording to the present replied that she was practi finding this man who had (Continued on Page 8)
cally a stranger herself and gone with her money.
the end of which time they erly connected with the only way possible to brigh did not know the address Her efforts were, needcan return.
which he was seeking. The less to say, futile, and the From now onward, chinese his way to Havre to act as exists over the departmeni DEATH OF MRS. man asked her where she only information she could outside of Panama who hold Panama consul, was detain headed by Dr. Morales LILIAN LINDO was from and she told him obtain was that her quarry return permits must have ed by a cablegram despatchColon.
had said for Bocas del Toro them carefully examined by ed from headquarters here about the matter and main Dr. Liao seems quite calm He said he was from St. a few days ago.
the pxoper authorities in which reached him in Hava tains that he has not lost Lindo took place at her residence No. in Claremont. The credul to the police yesterday, and The sad death of Mrs. Lilian Ann and was doing business She reported the matter China and must then be re na, Cuba. He was ordered his sense of humor in spite 1: Street East on Wednesday last ous woman said she had or they are making investigaturned to Panama for final back home. translation of of the deplorable develop at 30. after a prolonged ill iginally hailed from that tions.
the cable reads Post des ments that have taken place.
The best medical skill was employ.
LESLIE HUNT AND ed during her illness, and at times Teacher AA Delightful she rallied to such marked improveSAMUEL COLLYMORE ment, that her many friends and ac to United States Parchment Program quaintances had the best hopes of her permanent recovery.
To Compete In Another During the last few weeks, she Delivers Stirring Address Under Auspices Of BarbaSinging Contest After Touring Europe Sang before Court had another painful attack which At La Boca Song Service dos Progressive Society confined her to the hospital for a Not being satisfied with the de. Shyal of St. James, England The song service held at the La short period and afterwards to her Under Auspices of Barbados Proeision handed down by the judges home where she lingered until the Boca on Sunday last under the gressive Society on the 12th instant at the Cristobal Roland Hayes is return characterized as the best known end came on Wednesday morning last auspices of the Athemaeum proved Clubhouse, Leslie Hunte (Mocho) ing from Europe in October member fo his race in any walk of to be a very interesting and educa 1929, at the Panama Capital Hall, On Sunday evening October 201h sending his rival Samuel Collymore in readiness for his sixth life. As a musician he holds a simme pesed Alinjaorad ays usys tional affair. Mrs. Walkes (chap. 12th October Street, Guachapali nt the age of 85 years.
another challenge.
lain of the society) was responsible commencing at 30 o clock sharp, tour of America, having ilar eminence, for no singer or vir The body was interred at This time, the Panama folks will spent the summer in Engtouso in the present world of music Herrera Cemetery after receiving for the arrangement which delightful Programme will be renhave the opportunity of hearing two land and France.
has nearly so large and so constant the burial rites at the St. Vincent faultlessly carried out.
dered under the auspices of the Isthmian songbirds vying for voca! The coming tour of the great Ne a public. Roland Hayes now holde de Paul Roman Catholic, Church of The programme consisted of many Barbadian Progressive Society. This honors. In addition to the indges gro tenor will consist of about sey.
the sole distinction of giving regular which she was a member and was valuable literary and musical items; pleasant Sunday Evening will give decision, the audience will be able to enty concerts, which is as many as ly each season three recitals in Car followed by one of the largest con among them being a vocal solo by the publie an opportunity to hear form their own opinion of these two can be undertaken in six months nogrie Hall, New York, and three in course of friends and well wishers Mrs. Olga King, elocutionary items some of the best local talent of the aspirants for vocal fame.
since the singer makes it a rule Symphony Hall, Boston. In these ever witnessed in this city.
by Mr. Thompson and Miss Lil aspiring race.
Enthusiasm is running high, and never to give two recitals on suc packed auditorium and stage is the The sympathy of the community ias Crawell, piano selections by The Silver Lily Choir under the some good things are expected from cessive days. In November, Decem invariable rule. That his singing is goes out to Mr. Lindo and his sons masters Walkes Thompson and direction of Profesor John Rock these birds. Let hear from them ber and January his itinerary is 80much sought by various universities and other relatives of the deceased Miss Eli, violin solo by Miss Jump will be in attendance. Among those as early as possible.
lidly booked for the cities of our may be seen by a list of those be who are left to mourn their loss. and a vocal solo by Miss Mne Parchwho will help to make the Program East and Middle West, extending as fore which he has appeared: Harvard, ment for which she received the a success are Mr. John Daniel Mass Meeting At Chapter 14 far north as Canada and westward to Yale, Cornell. Dartmouth, Vassar, ETHIOPIA AND BUILD. piaudits of the audience.
the noted tenor soloist, Miss HenMinnesota. In February, the singer Wellesley, Smith, and the state uniING ON THE RIVER Music and books the principle ry, elocutionist who enhances the The regular meeting of will visit many parts of his native versities of Michigan, Indiana, MinNILE address of the evening was delivered audience with her beautiful recitals Chapter 14 of the will South, where his return is always nesota, and California, likewise, Fisk by teacher Parchment who hand and melodious soprano voice: Don take place at the hall tomorrow at engerly swaited. The month of March University, his Alma Mater. Rolan The recently announced Booklet led the subject in a very masterly fail to hear her on the philosophy of 00 An excellent programme is solidly booked for the Pacific Hayes has also appeared as soloir (Continued on Page being prepared by the choir and Coast states, to be followed by with each of the principal Symphony in the press, entiled Ethiopia and manner, showing the value of both members of the organization. few eastern appearances before his Orchestras, and each seasoh gives Building on the River Nile. is reck music and books as educational meTIR phasized the remarks contained in cordial invitation is extended to the return to Europe later in the spring private recitals in New York, Wash oned to be in circulation within the diums.
next ten to fifteen days. Mr. The chairman Mr. King Mr. Parchment address, asking the public.
Roland Hayes has been rightly (Continued on page Continged on Page thanked the contributors and em audience to be guided acordingly.
Great Negro Tenor Returns the was mass


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