
INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA THE CHIEF SCOUT upon ply. It is quite a the har being able to cater the responsibility Report of Railway present system of Crown Colony Gov. and submitted a plan of extension to can fair name CROWD OF 5, 000 CHEERS TRINIDAD SELF GOVERNMENT Montego Bay Water Supply and Coming Dry River 15, 000 LITTLE more than twenty flow women who remained found nine years ago a British cavalry of their scope of usefulness only limitSt. James Election Gren a diars Cheer for Capt Improvement ficer in the prime of life was comed by the capacity to perform the Cipriani mandant of the Town of Mafeking, many tasks before them. The small MONTEGO BAY, Sept. 19. The gradual removal of parochialism in Schme Approved by the which was at that time besieged by group of boys remainning in the town Five thousand persons from all electioneering campaign in St. James island politics.
Covernment the Boers. This commander of a offered a more difficult problem, but having started and residents in the It is safe to state that the attendver the island and representative small British force, and dictator in Col. Baden Powell not only directed country meum in respect to the deve apment toon hot the electors are now centred if the thinking population of Grena It has been officially stated that all civil and military matters in the their energies into useful channels, of the fruit industry it is expected Lowe and there is much questioning to the opening address of the Hon. proved of the in hon. member and Mr. da gathered at Queen Park to listen the Trinidad Government has ap titled known outside the army. He that they were tireless and came to beleaguered city, was at that time but so interested them in their work that the candidates coming forward is to Mr. Gabay determination to extension of the will be called at Montego Bay had won some reputation in India regard the siege a most fascinatcontest the seat in that he too is a Capt. Cipriani, Member of the scheme for the improvement of the to answer some knotty questions.
as a man of ability in many line ing experience.
member of the Producers Associa Legislative Council of Trinidad, and bed of the Dry River as a cost of There is is no gainsaying the fact The fact and unless there is a considerab!
and by the versatility of his genius, To seize upon the imagination of that the ratepayers here are not sat difference in policy whether he wou President of the Trinidad Working 15, 000.
He was an adept at pig sticking the boys and to develop in them isfied with the existing water sup find it advantageous to oppose Mr. men Association which is affiliatIt has also been decided by the played a fair game of polo, was an true that a larg Lowe, ed with the British Labour Party, Government to pay half of this amateur actor of fame, and ambi keenness for service was one of the Joan will increase the burdens of the From what could be gathered Mr. who launched the campaign here for amount 7, 500.
dextrous artist. bachelor, and most important achievements of this community but a safeguard against expenditure must bring satisfaction Gabay withdrawal from the contest West Indian Federation and selfReason for Extension, man noted for his keen powers of cavalry officers, who for 217 days enough for the hardships being enwill depend, it is learnt on a prom government.
The original scheme of improve perception and his knowledge of, and withstood every assault of the Boers.
inent gentleman entering the field.
Government Satisfactory.
To day Sir Robert Baden Powell sees Perhaps there is much in the sug Mr. Gabay would he prepared to ment did not include the mouth of interest in, wild life.
gestion of Mr. Lowe that he withdraw and support him otkerThe meeting was enthusiastie but the Dry River, and after the Govern To day few names are better known the work, which was in shadowed dehis brain in those would support a scheme whereby wise he will continue peeking the orderly and at its conclusion the fol ment had approved of the scheme, throughout the world than that of velopment the water rates would spread over support of the electors.
lowing resolution was carried with the City Council realised the inadvis Sir Robert Baden Powell, on whom Mafeking days, crowned in a manner larger area of the parish it being acclamation: Whereas in the opinion ability of carrying out improvements His Majesty has just conferred a that is some reward for the labour felt Montego Bay would be and the sacrifices he has made for of the inhabitants of Grenada the which did not extend to the mouth peerage. He not only conceived the loan both and germ of the idea of the Boy Scout the movement. Honoured by his Soing fund your Commission Heard ernment is unsatisfactory and not include the mouth.
movement, but it is due to his perse vereign, with the Heir to the Throne uite a number of persons are to be Favorable conducive to the welfare and best in The Government has already de verance, however hopeful that the present his initiative, his genius taking a keen personal interest in scheme of improvement being un.
terests of the colony: Be it resolved cided to pay a third of the cost of for organizing and his imagination, the camp at which Scouts in their dertaken by the Parochial Board of that a petition be forwarded to His the scheme, but inasmuch as the im that the acorn planted twenty one tens of thousands from more than St. James will be successful. The ef From what can be gathered, the Majesty Principal Secretary of provements over the extended area years ago has grown to its present sixty different countries of the world are assembled; graced by a visit of fort is to augment Retirement or to report of the Railway Commission State for the Colonies praying for will be carried out on lands belong. proportions.
collect water from other sources to which recently concluded its investi the immediate grant of self governing to the Government, they While at Mafeking the task of the the Duke will of Connaught and with be stored for the supply of the gations into the work and remuneratown.
tion of the men of the Locomotivement to the colony.
pay half the cost intead of one third. Commandant was two fold. He not praises of the movement echoing far Mr. Lightbody has expressed his Department and was forwarded for beyond the shores of Britain, GenUnanimous Demand.
In consequence of this decision of only had to repel the persistent ateral Baden Powell look back fears that the risk is a great one the attention of His Excellency the The Government Band was in atthe Government, it is stated that tacks of a force numerically stronger and that if the project failed great Governor about fortuight ago, is wndance. Among the speakers who the work will be begun as soon as than his own and equipped with with thankfulness while the world responsibility would be thrown on considered favourable to the submis.
the Parochial Board, sions made by the delegates of the supported Captain Cipriani were: possible as weather conditions per modern artillery, but he had to main. renders homage with gratitude. He Mr. Steele, Chairman of the mit.
tain the morale of the townspeople will cherish the high honours conferNow that the hon. member and employees Mr. Lowe will contest the St. James It is also understood that a mat. District Board, Hons, Mar.
as well as that of the garrison. Hered by His Majesty, but even more than this, he will remember in the seat in the Lgislative Council their ter which probably received the con tyshow and Elmore Edwards, Mr driven by sinister advice to do some found little difficulty in all otting letter years of a life, filled with seattitude in respect to the Montego sideration of the Commissioners was Richards, Mr. haphazard thing that may sully the tasks to the civilian men, while the tivity, the shouts of enthusiasm that Bay water supply or an account of the promise made to the men of the Bain.
of Grenada and cast a their previous effort in this diree Department by the Director of the rose to greet him at Arrowe Park tion will interest the electors at Mon Railway on the occasion when they Captain Cipriani in the course of blot on the fairer name of Great So as to make a ridiculous mani from thousands of boyish throats, tego Bay immensely.
waited on him on the 3rd May. his address spoke on labour condi. Britain.
313 festation of strength and authority and the silent messages of deep Mr. Leo Gabay who is also conThe men during the past months tions in the West Indies and stated Without taking the advice of Ex in the long run, he has brought about hearted thankfulness that spring totesting the St. James seat has exsince they restarted their agitation a state approaching to martial law day from thousands of mothers and pressed his intention of starting his for better consideration restoration that he had no doubt that His Maecutive Council, the Aeting Governor has suffered himself to be led by in Grenada.
fathers all over the civilized world.
campaign at an early date and quite of wages to what they were before jesty Government would grant the bloodthirty people into a course of likely at Reading. It was at this the drastic cut in 1922 on the recomHis Excellency the Aeting Go. Montreal Star.
honour made his first announceemnt mission, have been hard at work ed the demand was made unanimous trophie but for the good sense and certainly proved his unfitness to foplace the candidate for Legislative mendation of the Regrading Com, West Indies self government provide action which might have been catas vernor, tested in a time of crisis, has of standing mentioning that he stood turning out the rolling stock and ly or backed by a substantial major law abiding nature of the people of vern. We do not mind saying that for co operation support doing general repairs necessary, and ity of the people.
Grenada te has proved himself a great danger of the Jamaica Producers Associa although a departure was made some Labour Party hymns were sung Whether through fear, fright, cow to the peace of our Sovereign Lord, Kirton tion.
months ago from the usual practice the Band accompanying the massed ardice, nervousness, or what not, the King, His Crown and Dignity, What is indeed throwing some in of allowing extra work (over time)
gathering terest in the electioneering campaign the task of assembling the new enHis Excellency the Aeting Governor as well as to the peace of this comOther meetings in the campaign bowed to the Police who went on munity.
Modern Tailor is the possible introduction of a new gines in particular have been taken feature. politicians from other par op whole heartedly and matters have are heing held all over the island.
strike, accepted their terms, and If he is not recalled to Great Brihes coming over to St. James to lend been so expedited that the second of promised to satisfy their demands. tain, shortly, then who can blame the No 67 weight to the candidate of their the two engines will soon be on the And then, having given serious Grenada people if they got to feel choice. It is not known whether the been satisfactorily put together and Trouble In Calldonla Road promise, having got someone views to that Mr. Ferguson is being kept gentlemen will go very far with th tried out on the Bog Walk and Monpersuade the men to remume work electorate and may only indicate the tego Bay weations of the line.
Police Force here for the special purpose of prohe cooly goes back on his ord when voking Grenadians feeling that immediate danger had for some reason which, at present, ADVERTISERS to disloyaly, BUY FROM THE WORKMAN passed.
AND GET Acting Governor Parading His passeth understanding?
Untitness to Govern Gruelling Battle Between Monsters of Under the above captions, the the Deep West Indian of the 24th ulto, says: Readers shold keep and preserve their copies of the West Indian of Hungry Shark and Killer Whale in Desporate Fight the 18th and 19th inst. in which apOf New York The West Indian of reeent date where the receding tide left it flow in the Police Force.
peared matter concerning the trouble saya: undering with its head in the water HEAD OFFICE. 55 Wall Street, New York One of the stern realities of the and its tail on the shore. Five boatThey should especially keep and deep where, as in all Nature, the law men named Wilson St. John, Ed preserve the copy in which was reof the survival of the fittest applies ward Woodruff, Jeared Christopher, produced letter from Mr. Marry.
Total Assets more than Two Thousand Million with all its grimness, was on Sunday Franklin McIntyre and Ladrid Bruno show to the Acting Governor, and portrayed in a fight between a teapectively, who witnessed the the disgraceful reply to that letter.
Dollars Cy.
Much more will be heard of the hungry shark, ten feet long, and a fight and chase, at once down and matter.
young grampus or killer whale, pulled the shark ashore where, helpabout eight feet long and weighing less except for the lashing of its We are still of the mind to offer about, 850 lbs. The fight took place powerful tail, it was killed.
no comment just now on the present oft Palm Beach. The shark, in all In the meanwhile, Ned Isane situation. Mr. Marryshow has adits ferocity, was the aggressor and another man on the beach, had comdressed a further letter to the Actthe grampus, handicapped by its bulkmunicated by phone with Sgt. De ing Governor which will be reproducstarted shorewards in flight after Coteau of the Police Headquarters. ed in these columns in due course.
the shark had bitten a huge piece De Counteau rushed to the scene We do not mind saying in advance 25 Years of out of its flank. This piece, recover with a loaded rifle and went that His Excellency the Acting Goed from inside the shark, after the pursuit of the now tired grampug in vernor, Ferguson, E, has to West Indian Residents of thé Isthmus fray, by some boatmen who killed it, a boat sculled by Cpl. Prescott and given convincing proofs of his un weighed over four pounds. The wound Frank.
fitness to govern. Week, coward, was about 86 inches in eireumfer.
The grampus dived then, after the frightened, vacillating, he may be ence. The grampus, its sides streammanner of its kind came up again ing blod, made for the shore with te breathe. DeCotean plugged it the shark in full pursuit. As it struck twice in the head with as many great girth. Its weight was estimatPANAMA the shore the grampus wheeled and shots and it rolled in the surf dead. ed at 350 lbs. great deal of oil COLON the pursurer, in its eagerness and On bringing it to the shore it is reported obtained from the 33 CENTRAL AVE.
AT FRONT STREET impetus of attack, shot on the beach measured over eight feet, being of ned a bus and GRENADA The National City Bank SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Drafts sold on all points in the West Indies Service in The National Tity Bank of New Pork cances,


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